View Full Version : The Kid Sitting Next To Me

09-30-2009, 11:28 AM
In Astronomy is listening to what sounds like the soundtrack to a Super Nintendo game just loud enough for me to hear while he has been browsing mail-order Russian brides for the past hour or so.

I love Community College.

kouki fanatic
09-30-2009, 11:56 AM
roflmao wow

09-30-2009, 11:58 AM
Twitter anyone lol

Ben G
09-30-2009, 12:03 PM
oh shit sorry let me turn that down

09-30-2009, 12:04 PM
one day i'll grow up to be like that guy!

09-30-2009, 12:04 PM
what the hell lol...

09-30-2009, 12:10 PM
thats better than kid who smells like shit himself

09-30-2009, 02:44 PM
one day i'll grow up to be like that guy!
Isn't that the truth lol

09-30-2009, 02:51 PM
The kid next to me is beating me at pocket pool.

09-30-2009, 02:59 PM
He sounds like a super awesome guy

09-30-2009, 03:01 PM
oh shit sorry let me turn that down
lol win


09-30-2009, 03:27 PM
is a fucking loser.

09-30-2009, 03:59 PM
OverClocked ReMix - Video Game Music Community (http://www.ocremix.org/)

Some really cool super nintendo music there

09-30-2009, 04:52 PM
yea dude Comunity college is hilarious. i sorta made a thread like this about a year ago lol.


09-30-2009, 06:15 PM
Don't blame the guy.
I rarely listened to lectures but still did ok at CC.

Browsing 'mail-order brides' is no more productive than Zilvia, lol.
Guy could have been running a scam/legit enterprise from class.

Now if he was listening to 'Crystal Castles',
then he ought have a well-deserved a kick to the face.

09-30-2009, 06:43 PM
He looks like he hasn't been outside in a couple years. Smells like a wet asshole, and probably plays magic in the Cafeteria.

09-30-2009, 06:46 PM
He looks like he hasn't been outside in a couple years. Smells like a wet asshole, and probably plays magic in the Cafeteria.

:yum: ahahahahahah

09-30-2009, 06:59 PM
That's great, I just heard on the news about how some parents were struggling to pay for their kids college tuition..

09-30-2009, 07:03 PM
It's like 35 bucks a unit. If you can't afford that, I don't know what to tell you.

09-30-2009, 07:07 PM
ugh its 26 a unit down here in san diego

also cc isn't the same price everywhere. out in the mid west and east coast its upwords of 500 - 1000 a unit... which is cheaper than the bigger colleges. SDSU is something like 3500 a unit.

He looks like he hasn't been outside in a couple years. Smells like a wet asshole, and probably plays Legend of the Five Rings in the Cafeteria.

No one plays magic anymore

09-30-2009, 07:08 PM
dude i ran into a similar guy today. i was late to my psyc lecture class and i had to sit on the floor. a couple minutes later, some dude comes in and sits next to me and starts browsing the internet for dungeons & dragons stuff.

later on he tries flirting out loud during the lecture with this asian girl sitting next to us then asks her if he could borrow headphones. she lends it to him after saying yes with a reluctant tone then the guy starts listening to music while moving his arms like he was drumming while bobbing his head and telling the girl he loves irish music. on top of that he smelled like he didnt take a shower :(

i was cringing for 50 minutes. dude distracted me and it was an exam review day. >: |

09-30-2009, 07:12 PM
The worst part was, he was bookmarking the fat brunettes, even the ones with kids.

I just sat there in amazement watching it all unfold with this girl who sits next to me.

No one plays magic anymore

Whatever it is they are playing there are about 20 of them and the majority of them wear capes. They have hoods though, so maybe they prefer cloak?


09-30-2009, 07:20 PM
ugh its 26 a unit down here in san diego

also cc isn't the same price everywhere. out in the mid west and east coast its upwords of 500 - 1000 a unit... which is cheaper than the bigger colleges. SDSU is something like 3500 a unit.

No one plays magic anymore

It's also $26/unit here in Santa Monica CC (los angeles).
Plus it's around $50-300/class on rip-off textbooks, parking, misc fees.
It's not cheap if you're a working adult struggling with the bills.
I spend around $700 for 2 classes/10 units this semester alone.

I recall 15 yrs ago, when I was paying around 10-13/unit in Diablo Valley CC (norcal, pleasant hill).
That was leisurely.

Regardless, cheap or not, it's no excuse for bad manners.
I would usually just move away from the more obnoxious students,
(and take opportunity sit next to someone who less of an eyesore).

I've seen kids play these "World Of Warcraft" cards.
Nerds will always find something irredeemably nerd-like to do.

09-30-2009, 07:22 PM
me and the milfs in my class make fun of all the skanky chicks who dress supper slutty to goto a 6 am class... its like fuck girl... you spent 300 bucks on that outfit and 2 hours on makeup and hair to look like that at 6am....

ronmcdon: why dont you apply for the pell grant and bog? or did you use it up the first time around?

09-30-2009, 07:27 PM
Regardless, cheap or not, it's no excuse for bad manners.
I would usually just move away from the more obnoxious students,
(and take opportunity sit next to someone who less of an eyesore)

When you get to class late you don't get that leisure, and the seat next to him and his kind are usually the empty ones.

09-30-2009, 07:29 PM
Hmmm.. I think that music is called 8bit or something.. It's kinda cool in a nostalgic kinda way I guess. Lol

09-30-2009, 07:32 PM
this is why i make sure i sit in front of the class, though i don't get to flirt with the hot chicks because of this. but flirting with the hot foreign chicks who barely speak english is good enough.

09-30-2009, 07:33 PM
It's like 35 bucks a unit. If you can't afford that, I don't know what to tell you.

Touché, but I know there are plenty of kids that are indeed pissing away larger amounts of set-aside college money. Speaking from our experience, my wife is currently attending a "community college" (but is linked to a major university) for nursing, and neither of us appreciate the little fuckers that show up to class to fuck around. It's wasting not only their ( no doubt parents) money but our money as well by not being prepared then they waste the everyone's time having to catch them up or answering their stupid questions.. $35?? yeah, we are paying ALOT more than that and she sees the same dumb shit in class..

Touge Noob S13
09-30-2009, 07:37 PM
Luckly I dont sit next to and have many of those kids in my CC classes. Although I do see them all over campus with their "messenger bags" and such.

09-30-2009, 07:39 PM
Only my Astronomy class is full weirdos.

Human Sexuality and World Religions are full of people I can talk to and hot girls.

We'll see what Math has in store. Probably mom's and unibomber dude's.

09-30-2009, 07:43 PM
me and the milfs in my class make fun of all the skanky chicks who dress supper slutty to goto a 6 am class... its like fuck girl... you spent 300 bucks on that outfit and 2 hours on makeup and hair to look like that at 6am....

ronmcdon: why dont you apply for the pell grant and bog? or did you use it up the first time around?

I wish there were more skanks in the evening classes I go to.
Would not hurt to have a little eye-candy.
Night classes 'usually' have more serious students & old farts like myself.

You're right, I ought to get financial aid.
I'm just more lazy, than I am cheap.
In Santa Monica, it got hiked from $20, to $26 this fall.
I'll ask about aid for winter session (if it takes place).

09-30-2009, 07:45 PM
yeah it jumped from 11 to 26 here, get the process started now it takes like seriously no more than a half hour of your time

09-30-2009, 07:45 PM
When you get to class late you don't get that leisure, and the seat next to him and his kind are usually the empty ones.

If it were me, i"d just pull a chair & bring up front discreetly.
Say you have trouble seeing the board or something.
I do that a lot.

Otherwise, I guess that's incentive to get to class on time.

09-30-2009, 07:53 PM
Getting to school by 9:30 is rough.


09-30-2009, 08:17 PM
I once sat next to this guy in my bio class at cc and he smelled like tortillas, and dirty socks, the weirdest thing is that he showed up to class every morning with his hair wet like he just took a shower, but he still reeked of b.o and tortillas and dirty socks. I had to get up and move to the back of the room.

09-30-2009, 09:34 PM
comm, psych, and those classes that are known to be the "easiest" pre-req's to pass always have the hottest chicks in them

09-30-2009, 09:35 PM
Yep. I was tired of having classes with She Beasts and Grendel's Mother.

09-30-2009, 11:14 PM
me and the milfs in my class make fun of all the skanky chicks who dress supper slutty to goto a 6 am class... its like fuck girl... you spent 300 bucks on that outfit and 2 hours on makeup and hair to look like that at 6am....

What school is that? I've been to SDCC in downtown and southwestern in chula vist.

Yep. I was tired of having classes with She Beasts and Grendel's Mother.

Dude She Beasts are everywhere and they all look the same.

09-30-2009, 11:19 PM
he has been browsing mail-order Russian brides for the past hour or so.

How long does it take?

09-30-2009, 11:21 PM
How long does it take?

Each one was like a for sale thread, he would look at it top to bottom then go on to the next one. He must have clicked through about 50-60 of them.

He also bookmarked a few of the husky brunettes.


09-30-2009, 11:21 PM
community colleges == full of wierd people! i'm gonna take a picture of this guy i happen to sit next to today.

09-30-2009, 11:27 PM
Each one was like a for sale thread, he would look at it top to bottom then go on to the next one. He must have clicked through about 50-60 of them.

He also bookmarked a few of the husky brunettes.


I guess I have a lot to learn about the Russian mail-order bride business.

10-01-2009, 06:13 AM
I have a guy sitting near me in my astronomy class that acts like a late night talk show sidekick. Every point the teacher makes, and I mean every point, he has to say some bs like "THAT'S RIGHT!" or "OH WOW!"

One time the teacher looked, gave him a long dramatic pause then said "Of coarse that's right, I just told you."

Last time during the break I was talking to a few other students and we all agreed some one needs to punch Mr. I-Mosh-for-Jesus in the junk.

10-01-2009, 07:43 AM
its costs i think, just over $70 per credit hour here, and i learned quickly NOT to buy the book until a couple weeks in, and i was sure i needed it. taking 4 classes right now, i only have 1 book.

in my "family and marriage" class, i have one of those guys that sits next to me. "yup, yup, thats right!" then behind me, is a foreign guy that i cant understand all that well, but somehow i always end up pairing with him. i dont mind, he seems to be nice and not a total schmuck. just really really hard to understand. i think he said he was russian...i think.

one class, i swear im going to lose it one of these days. one of those super nerdy kids sits in the front row in anthropology (fill in class :D), and he sits next to this girl that is less than attractive. anyhow, it would seem that there are 2 people in the class, and the teacher/prof. because all they do is talk and talk and talk and talk, like they're the only mother fuckers in the class. its SO fucking annoying. that class also sucks because the teacher gets off on talking about monkeys and people that write in caves and shit.. serves me right for registering for classes super late.. i also have to travel to the most liberal/hipster town in the entire fucking state.. i took that marriage and family class because i was late in registering, and i figured it'd be filled with wimmenz....its not. not the good kind anyhow.

but shit, i have a relatively easy semester, and my grades should get raised up above a 3.0 after this one is done. do i fiished the few classes i need to get an associates? or do i just transfer to a university and get started on the real shit?? im not sure what to do. planning on going to MSU here (michigan state uni). i dunno what im gonna do.. its like $10,500 per year. then i'll have to find housing and shit. mother eff!

10-01-2009, 08:56 AM
Can you guys talk more about the quality of women in your community college classes?

10-01-2009, 09:18 AM
i wish there were hot women in my classes..... i pay 7500 for 4 classes a quarter. im poor.

10-01-2009, 09:19 AM
This thread is total win. I am cracking up reading it.

10-01-2009, 12:25 PM
one class, i swear im going to lose it one of these days. one of those super nerdy kids sits in the front row in anthropology (fill in class :D), and he sits next to this girl that is less than attractive. anyhow, it would seem that there are 2 people in the class, and the teacher/prof.

At least you don't have some gay kid talking about his sexual exploits and really shitty shows on MTV the whole period to a girl that looks like she ate Lauren Conrad. In Human Sexuality...

In World Religions there was another kid who ALWAYS asked questions after just about every section of the lecture and he would just restructure the point of the lesson into a question. Shit was ridiculous. We told him he needed to stop.

10-01-2009, 12:45 PM
In World Religions there was another kid who ALWAYS asked questions after just about every section of the lecture and he would just restructure the point of the lesson into a question. Shit was ridiculous. We told him he needed to stop.

this is a slacker technique, by doing this you make an impression on the teacher that you are really interested and are trying hard and they tend to grade you a lot better on essays n such even if you fill it with fluff.

10-01-2009, 12:50 PM
this is a slacker technique, by doing this you make an impression on the teacher that you are really interested and are trying hard and they tend to grade you a lot better on essays n such even if you fill it with fluff.

The professor hates it I think. He always answers his "questions" with a certain tinge of disgust in his voice and a "here we go again" demeanor haha.

10-01-2009, 12:57 PM
Crystal Castles is the sexiness,
Russian chicks are hott and slutty

10-01-2009, 01:00 PM
Crystal Castles is the sexiness,
Russian chicks are hott and slutty

Middle aged porridge slingers aren't though.

10-01-2009, 01:15 PM
only if you like porridge in a kinky way....

10-01-2009, 07:18 PM
its costs i think, just over $70 per credit hour here, and i learned quickly NOT to buy the book until a couple weeks in, and i was sure i needed it. taking 4 classes right now, i only have 1 book.

in my "family and marriage" class, i have one of those guys that sits next to me. "yup, yup, thats right!" then behind me, is a foreign guy that i cant understand all that well, but somehow i always end up pairing with him. i dont mind, he seems to be nice and not a total schmuck. just really really hard to understand. i think he said he was russian...i think.

one class, i swear im going to lose it one of these days. one of those super nerdy kids sits in the front row in anthropology (fill in class :D), and he sits next to this girl that is less than attractive. anyhow, it would seem that there are 2 people in the class, and the teacher/prof. because all they do is talk and talk and talk and talk, like they're the only mother fuckers in the class. its SO fucking annoying. that class also sucks because the teacher gets off on talking about monkeys and people that write in caves and shit.. serves me right for registering for classes super late.. i also have to travel to the most liberal/hipster town in the entire fucking state.. i took that marriage and family class because i was late in registering, and i figured it'd be filled with wimmenz....its not. not the good kind anyhow.

but shit, i have a relatively easy semester, and my grades should get raised up above a 3.0 after this one is done. do i fiished the few classes i need to get an associates? or do i just transfer to a university and get started on the real shit?? im not sure what to do. planning on going to MSU here (michigan state uni). i dunno what im gonna do.. its like $10,500 per year. then i'll have to find housing and shit. mother eff!

imo, don't waste your time and money on an 'associate's degree',
esp if you plan on getting a bachelor's anyway.
During all my years of applying for work,
never had I read a job ad that asked for an AA.

Employers either request a HS degree, or Bachelor's (or higher depending).
You also get employers who prefer more specialized Bachelor's degree.
Good luck if you have a B.A. in say Sociology or some other liberal arts field.

10-01-2009, 08:52 PM
This kid sits in front of me everyday in my astronomy


10-01-2009, 08:56 PM
Hair jumpsuit.................so hott right now.

10-01-2009, 08:56 PM
This kid sits in front of me everyday in my astronomy

Sasquatch, Chewy, Bigfoot....

10-01-2009, 09:07 PM
imo, don't waste your time and money on an 'associate's degree',
esp if you plan on getting a bachelor's anyway.
During all my years of applying for work,
never had I read a job ad that asked for an AA.

Employers either request a HS degree, or Bachelor's (or higher depending).
You also get employers who prefer more specialized Bachelor's degree.
Good luck if you have a B.A. in say Sociology or some other liberal arts field.

good advice. im planning on getting my BA in supply chain management specifically.