View Full Version : Work Stories

09-29-2009, 05:47 PM
Simple title simple concept, post up your zomg/wtf/rofl stories from work.

So I work as a parking ticket writer for my university, shitty job but whatever.

So this girl gets a ticket, I didnt give it to her but I heard about it. Her roommates mom gets all pissed about it and calls my boss to tell her to remove the ticket(which the girl rightfully got btw), my boss tells her she isnt going to remove it, so the lady calls another boss of ours. She tells her the same thing and adds that since its not her daughters ticket she can't legally discuss it with her.

So the next day the lady calls my original boss back again, demanding the same thing. She goes on and one about how badly Georgia Southern University treats their students. The next day the lady's daughter calls and goes through the same rounds with my bosses. Finally the head of the department finds out and steps in, and shuts it all down, saying it won't be taken off the girls record. The girl and the mother are so upset and pissed that she is going to withdraw from school the next semester, due to a $35 ticket THAT WASN'T HERS.

One day while walking the parking lot, a marine guy stops me and asks me about my job(he thoughts it was funny that people actually got tickets) while talking to him, he asks how much are ticket prices are now. I mention that the most common one is now $35.

A guy two spaces down who I had just given a ticket too over hears and says "this fucking ticket is 35 dollars?!!" I look him at him and say yes, he then says "I parked in 30 min how did I get a ticket!?" I told him he didnt park in 30 min and he thens says "Well there was no there min spaces open" (...call me crazy, but is that not a direct contradiction to what he just said?)

He keeps arguing and saying how there are no spaces open. I look at him and say yes there are, he asks where. I point to the spaces right behind his car about 10ft away, and show him how there are about 6 open spaces. As I look at him I see the realization of his own stupidity washing over. He then re-affirms the obvious and calls himself an idiot before leaving.

09-29-2009, 07:23 PM
this was probably 10 years ago. i used to work at Super Savers Cinemas in Seal Beach. we played 2nd run movies for $2 and had $1 popcorn and sodas, they had smoke machines and more neon lights than you could think of.

one night we were playing Half Baked and the theatre was pretty packed. i was taking tickets and a customer came up and told me there was a kid smoking weed in the theatre. so i go up to the office and tell the manager Dave about this and we proceed to the theatre. we both enter the theatre and can smell weed, so we look around and see a cloud off smoke over 3 kids. we walk down to where the kids are and ask one of them to come with us.outside of the theatre Dave tells the kid that we saw him smoking and he had to leave. the kid said "no, my friends are in there." Dave told him he needed to get his friends and leave or we were calling the cops. the kid said "you gotta do, what you gotta do". we return to the office, and call the cops.

the cops show up and we tell them what had happened and they just laugh. the cops go into the theatre and grab the kid we talked to and brings him out to the lobby with a backpack and 2 other kids. they find out the kids are only 17, have an ouce of weed, open bottle of Jack Daniels and a bong. they went to jail that night.

we also found a loaded .38 in one of theatres that ended up being an off duty police officers gun that he misplaced/lost in the theatre. i found it sitting next to a kids toy. so many bad thoughts went through my mind when finding that. some kid could have killed himself or someone else so easily. i dont even think the cop got in trouble.

09-29-2009, 08:26 PM
I had a story passed down by my supervisors, that one of the prior supervisors hated his position so much he left his feces on his desk the day he resigned his position.

09-30-2009, 11:49 AM
I work in Auto Finance...
I once had this girl call in wondering what this bill she received was about. So I ask her for her info, pull up her account, and ask her what's she's concerned about.
This chick was wondering why we were charging her for a car she doesnt own and a loan she never applied for. So I explain to her we have her application and contract here, and she owes X amount... She says "That's not possible. I only gave the dealer $1000 so I can borrow a car for a week."
HA! What an idiot.

10-01-2009, 02:06 AM
holy shit.

man that girl needs to reproduce HELLA.

so i can rent cars to her and all her offspring for a grand a week.

10-01-2009, 06:46 AM
I worked at Carl's Jr 10 years ago and they stole my Steak Breakfast Burrito idea!!! I used to make that shit for my breakfast every Saturday morning!!!

Also, used to work as a Lifeguard at a city pool. We used to drop milky way or snicker chocolate bars into the pool to shut the pool down when we dont wanna work.

10-01-2009, 08:13 AM
I worked as a manager of a theatre back at home, currently now attending a university.

Any who, this is how the story goes. A man and a woman walk into the theatre. They both decided to go into the restroom together. As soon as one of the employee's saw that the "man" had entered the woman's restroom, it caused a rattle amongst management. Approximately four managers including me were standing outside the woman's restroom that the "man" had entered.

We send in the only female manager on duty in there to check what the "man" was doing in there. She goes in there and ask the girl that was accompanying the "man" into the restroom what they were doing. The girl replies, "Ooh I'm waiting for my sister to come out". She comes out laughing, we we're all confused about what happened in the restroom.

Soon enough, after the "man" and the girl come out.

We realized that the "man" was really a girl....a really manly girl.....

10-01-2009, 09:38 AM
ice tea with no ice please.................


ice water no ice..........:tweak:

10-01-2009, 12:43 PM
ice tea with no ice please.................


ice water no ice..........:tweak:
That shit was always funny, people ordering cheeseburger with no cheese, no bitch it's called a hamburger.

10-01-2009, 01:13 PM
I work at a go-kart place and right before they go out we tell them to put their visor's down and flip up the switch (so the kart would go forward). Multiple times there have been customers that don't move and they jam on the gas, throw up their arms, and get all pissy. Only to realize that they didn't put up their switch in their karts once we tell them again.

10-01-2009, 01:24 PM
I am an event/wedding coordinator for the local municipality.

Just a little back story before the real story.

We had an African American couple decide to rent out my location for the entire day. Between the two of them they have thirteen kids. Five between them, groom had four, and the bride had four. The groom is in and out of jail on a regular basis. Does not stay with his bride, she pays his bills, and the rent on his apartment. With that said...

My co-workers and I bent over backwards for them. Added a catering company to the list. Provided many things for them that we don't usually do. Mainly because they somehow funded this operation.

When it came down to close to the ceremony time. It was supposed to happen at 1:15pm. At 1:00pm, the groom decides he want some pot. He grabs the best man, and the rest of the group. They disappear into the limo. Multiple calls to them, no answer, turns out all of the phones are in the grooms' get ready room. We're stuck with nothing to do, but to talk to the bride.

Three hours later...

The groom shows up with every one, emerging from a "fog" filled limo. The story from the limo driver went along the lines of, they went by one drug house. No pot, that dealer hopped in, and that happened until a fifth dealer had pot. Now the total nine guys wanted Popeye's Chicken. Once the chicken was had, the driver had to drop each dealer off. Then he finally came back to my location.

The bride and groom argued for thirty minutes, then they got married.

10-01-2009, 01:32 PM
I had a guy whose hatch shocks went bad on his Z33.
he said it was our fault and it would lead to a child being killed one day.
He threatened to call every news station to tell them our company made parts that were going to lead to people being injured/killed.

That was cool.

10-01-2009, 02:12 PM

I have all sorts of stories, but I'd rather not go into them.

A lot of disgusting ones.

One I just can't get out of my mind.

While I was a cashier at Sam's Club, basic routine was to keep your register clean.

Some kid spilled a drink on the belt. I turn off the belt, close up my line, clean it up, then go off to the restroom to wash my hands.

Immediately after walking in, there was a HORRID smell. My first thought was someone had obviously taken a shit and let it sit or something.

Had to take a leak. The urinals were out of order that day for some reason. So, I walk into one of the three stalls.

Right after walking in, I look over at the ground. Little chunks of shit on the ground.

Now I'm thinking "man, that's fucking disgusting. Sucks to be the janitor right now".

I finish up, wash my hands, and turn around to leave.

Curiosity got the best of me and I wanted to see what the janitor was in for.

It was one of those "MOTHER OF FUCKING GOD" moments where you jump back in complete disbelief.

It seemed as if someone had thrown a shit bomb in there and let it explode.

Shit all over the wall, covered 90% of the toilet, and all over the floor. Some of it on the walls separating the stalls too.

I had a picture of it on my old phone, but it's long gone.

After calling the janitor over to show her the horror, she replied "they don't pay me enough for this shit".


10-01-2009, 02:28 PM
Once back during the Burger King days, I was cleaning the womens bathrooms, I am mopping the floor when I step into the stall to clean in there. No sooner than the door closes behind me I hear someone walk in. I freeze in place not knowing what the hell to do.

I hear her sit down in the stall next to the one I was cleaning, I see her belt buckle as her pants hits the floor and she starts peeing. Meanwhile I am frozen mid mop afraid to move. I think she was ragging too cuz she was there for a bit doing something.

10-01-2009, 02:32 PM
I work at a go-kart place and right before they go out we tell them to put their visor's down and flip up the switch (so the kart would go forward). Multiple times there have been customers that don't move and they jam on the gas, throw up their arms, and get all pissy. Only to realize that they didn't put up their switch in their karts once we tell them again.
Pole Position right?
i remembered when i worked at the location in corona and it was a company picnic sorta thing i think it was lexus that came by and all the drivers were cool cept one i slowed his Kart down to cause less damage. after the race he started to cuss my out in his native language (some middle eastern language im assuming) and i said "sir i put the signs that said no bumping, put your visor down, and i threw a passing flag" and that fool got real crazy. so My co workers ,who were obviously bigger than me,rushed over and the guy soon changed his tone of voice and left :ddog:

i had to put up people like day while they were under the influence im glad i left that job

10-01-2009, 07:01 PM
So I work as a parking ticket writer for my university,

At UNF these people are major assholes. I don't think I could have a clean conscience and do this job. Students rake on these people all the time. Fistfights ensue. I'd look for different work, one day someone's gonna flip and run you over.

10-01-2009, 08:06 PM
Used to work in the hard rock casino here in las Vegas. I was a bus person in the steak house. So one night our manager told us that some bought the restaurant for one night $25,000. So we are thinking maybe is going to be a company party wrong 8pm come and still nobody 9pm a skinny guy show up by himself he's name was bill gates. The funny thing he told us, you know what guys I don't want to eat alone why don't you guys join me. So the cooks,dishwasher,servers,bus persons. We all having dinner with the riches man alive. He gave $20,000 tip that night I when home with a $1,500 tip

10-02-2009, 05:00 AM
Used to work in the hard rock casino here in las Vegas. I was a bus person in the steak house. So one night our manager told us that some bought the restaurant for one night $25,000. So we are thinking maybe is going to be a company party wrong 8pm come and still nobody 9pm a skinny guy show up by himself he's name was bill gates. The funny thing he told us, you know what guys I don't want to eat alone why don't you guys join me. So the cooks,dishwasher,servers,bus persons. We all having dinner with the riches man alive. He gave $20,000 tip that night I when home with a $1,500 tip

holy shit.

best story so far.

10-02-2009, 07:03 AM
At UNF these people are major assholes. I don't think I could have a clean conscience and do this job. Students rake on these people all the time. Fistfights ensue. I'd look for different work, one day someone's gonna flip and run you over.

At Georgia Southern we have on major asshole. If someone had the balls to fight us let them. Whether they won or not, they are going to jail and getting kicked out of school, most of them are not willing to risk that over some ticket. Besides if someone comes us and asks can they park I let them, shits not that important to me.

They are paving a soon to be parking lot for the dorm's here. Well they sprayed down 2100 gallons of a oil, disiel and other shit mix to prepare for paving, well in true Georgia fashion, a hard ass rain came out of now where and washed that shit all over the road and into the ditches.

So natural people freak.


Girl in first pic is co-worker


10-02-2009, 08:12 AM
my boss decides to come to work sick one day since she's so dedicated. in the middle of a phone call, she pukes. 2 co workers run up to her to cover her up/clean her up, etc whatever. after she finishes vomiting she continues on the conversation on the phone like nothing happened. all the while, i was 2 feet away from her and didn't even get out of my seat to help, but i was sure as hell cracking up on the inside.

then, a few days later, as i was getting something from a bottom drawer, a stack of books decides to tumble on top of me. the boss just ignored me even though she was inches away. karma's a bitch.

10-02-2009, 09:30 AM
I work in construction, in the begining of really big jobs usually we have intertwined trailers that become offices...

at this particular site, someone decided to eat my coworkers burrito, in retaliation, he ask me to go outside with him to have a cig...this is what insued

Me: what up B
B: yo, do you know what sunavabitch ate my burrito
Me: your what
B: my fucken lunch!
Me: Nah man
B: well im damn fucken sure you didnt, you not stupid, but these fuckers...well i got a surprise for them

we walk over to the ventallation system for the A/C (mind you this was summer time...06 if im not mistaken) we go to the intake section...bare ass he decides to bend over and i kid you not release a 10 second bomb on everyone in the office. no more than 10 seconds after the first couple of victims come running coughing there lungs out...1 poor basterd throws up... one of the workers requested to check if somethings had just died in the system...all the meanwhile me and my coworker were outside...smokin a cig

10-02-2009, 10:45 AM
i work at a nissan dealership, in the parts department and almost everyday i bring in two bottles of gatoraid with me i drink one in the morning and put the other one in the break room fridge for lunch. well one week for like 3 days someone was drinking the one i put in the fridge so finally on the fouth day i took the one in the fridge poured half of it out filled it the rest of the way with my piss and put it in the fridge. well sure enough when i went to the breakroom for lunch it was gone so i just sat and ate my lunch periodically laughing to my self after lunch i went to my car to grab my smokes and on the way i see the sob sitting in the detail department with my bottle of gatoraid sitting next to him on towel shelf and it was almost gone....i cant believe he drank the whole bottle and never noticed that it tasted weird.

justice served!

10-02-2009, 11:53 AM
^^ lol that fuckin sick but funny lol

10-02-2009, 12:09 PM
i work at a nissan dealership, in the parts department and almost everyday i bring in two bottles of gatoraid with me i drink one in the morning and put the other one in the break room fridge for lunch. well one week for like 3 days someone was drinking the one i put in the fridge so finally on the fouth day i took the one in the fridge poured half of it out filled it the rest of the way with my piss and put it in the fridge. well sure enough when i went to the breakroom for lunch it was gone so i just sat and ate my lunch periodically laughing to my self after lunch i went to my car to grab my smokes and on the way i see the sob sitting in the detail department with my bottle of gatoraid sitting next to him on towel shelf and it was almost gone....i cant believe he drank the whole bottle and never noticed that it tasted weird.

justice served!

Since I'm local, which Nissan dealership do you work at?

10-02-2009, 12:11 PM
Since I'm local, which Nissan dealership do you work at?

why did you steal my gatoraid?

if not then dont worry about it!

10-02-2009, 12:21 PM
I dont have any crazy work stories like that personally, but I know people that sure do. Back in high school an acquaintance of mine used to work at a Maggie Moos which is similar to Cold Stones. He was the type to get mad easily but he would always hook me up with free ice cream. Anyway he told me one day when I came in that this old man was giving him such a hard time before I came in about making an ice cream cake but the old man still put in the order. Pickup was the next day so he goes to the bathroom, busts a nut in a small cup, and spreads it on the cake like it was frosting and put it in the freezer. After he told me that I never went there again! Who knows what other kind of crazy shit he would do.

10-02-2009, 06:11 PM
one of my buddies works at U-haul,
and once he had a customer that wanted a 14 inch truck. Lol.

Person: 'how much is your 14in truck?'

Friend: 'you mean our 14foot truck?'

Person: 'no. your 14in truck'

Friend: 'wtf. LOL'

10-02-2009, 06:42 PM
When I was in high school I worked at a KFC and I'm not the type to usually mess with people's even thought coworkers did to people who were assholes. This is my only time "messing" with someones food.

Anyway I was the only cook on duty that night and all of a sudden my manager comes back pacing in the kitchen all pissed off. I asked her what's up and she told me that the guy in the lobby was screaming that he wanted a white kid to go back back into the kitchen and make him something that wasn't cooked by a n****r (fyi I'm black). needless to say i was pissed and she didn't really know what to do about it, she had already asked him to leave and offered him a refund but he refused.

So I told her to send a friend of mine back with his food and she did and we gave him the WAITING special.

Chicken off of the floor
loogie in the mashed potatoes
Ass wiped biscuit
Dish water basted buttered corn
And topped it off with a mushroom stamp of my black johnson in his cole slaw, I watched him eat every bite.

"Don't fuck with the people who handle your food" - qoute of the day

el ocho
10-02-2009, 07:48 PM
I was workin on a rock crusher. I was on the night shift so i come to work the one night and cant get into the place where we were working and none of us had got a call from our foreman. So a couple days later I found out that some dude during the day shift went underneath the belt for some reason(they think he might have been going under there to smoke a joint, fuckin idiot) and got caught up and by the time they got him out his arm was shatter and half of his rib cage was trashed and a bunch of skin had been ripped off. They said the only other time something like that had happened, by the time they noticed the guy he was a inch thick.Fucked up.

10-03-2009, 07:22 PM
^^^ dayum!