View Full Version : The Ten Worst States To Drive Across [Road Trips]

09-28-2009, 03:30 PM
09-28-2009 01:00 PM

http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/12/2009/09/500x_Worst_Road_State_Trips.jpg (http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/jalopnik/2009/09/Worst_Road_State_Trips.jpg)We've already covered ten great states to drive across (http://jalopnik.com/5340281/ten-great-states-to-drive-across/gallery/), but now with your help (http://jalopnik.com/5333485/whats-the-worst-state-to-drive-across), we've isolated the ten cross-state trips you won't want to take.

Click "next" to take a journey through some of the worst cross-state trips in America and note we're talking about individual routes, not states as a whole. Also note how many of them involve I-80.

Photo Credit: PAUL J.RICHARDS/AFP/Getty Images

http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/12/2009/09/500x_Worst_State_NM_40.jpg (http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/jalopnik/2009/09/Worst_State_NM_40.jpg)State: New Mexico
Route: I-40
Suggested By: [/URL]
Reason: "Remember those old video games where the scenery way off in the distance never changes? That's it. Nothing but flat, empty desert and the occasional hill or something way out there that you can never approach. The exits along the road are some very shady and very pathetic looking corrugated-steel sheds selling "native American-made" or "Mexican-made" "authentic Indian charms" and other touristy things. Add to that the desert sun and heat, and you're in a world of incredibly boring, sweaty and depressing windshield miles."Â*

Photo Credit: Vision63 (http://jalopnik.com/people/pinkshinyalan/)

http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/12/2009/09/500x_Worst_State_KS_70.jpg (http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/jalopnik/2009/09/Worst_State_KS_70.jpg)State: Kansas
Route: I-70
Suggested By: Sbydrb8 (http://jalopnik.com/people/spydrb8/)
Reason: "I-70 across Kansas is by far the worst. Flat as a board, nothing to look at but sunflowers or corn, and the road has an extremely gentle curve over most of the state. It's just enough to make you question your car's alignment for 400 miles."Â*

Photo Credit: zyzzyva (http://www.flickr.com/photos/zyzzyva/2764427866/)

http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/12/2009/09/500x_Worst_State_OH_80.jpg (http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/jalopnik/2009/09/Worst_State_OH_80.jpg)State: Ohio
Route: I-80
Suggested By: Kotobuki (http://jalopnik.com/people/Kotobuki/)
Reason: "As a Michigander, I am going to most wholeheartedly agree that Ohio is certainly the worst state to drive through. Added to all the speed traps on the side of the road, and the planes/helicopters watching you from the air, when you get on and off the tollway you're timestamped. So even if there's no cops out there to catch you, they'll get you at the exit plaza when you finally get where you're going."

Photo Credit: Base10 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/base10/334313596/)

http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/12/2009/09/500x_Worst_State_GA_16.jpg (http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/jalopnik/2009/09/Worst_State_GA_16.jpg)State: Georgia
Route: I-16
Suggested By: GoPadge (http://jalopnik.com/people/GoPadge/)
Reason: "I think I'm fairly well traveled, I've driven through ever state east of the Mississippi and a fair portion of the SouthWest. But I still say that I-16, which only runs 167 miles between Savannah and Macon, Georgia, is the most desolate and god-forsaken stretch of road I've ever driven. The few exits that exist, only serve as a reminder that the trip is NOT finished yet, but thank you for visiting hell."Â*

Photo Credit: Supertruckergirly (http://www.flickr.com/photos/ryanandkristen/3605464691/)

http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/12/2009/09/500x_Worst_State_IL_80.jpg (http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/jalopnik/2009/09/Worst_State_IL_80.jpg)State: Illinois
Route: I-80
Suggested By: Popsnicker (http://jalopnik.com/people/popsnicker/)
Reason: "Illinois is my personal worst state to drive though. It is the only time I was solicited for a bribe by the officer who pulled me over for ‘speeding'. When I was pulled over said I can pay a $75 cash fine now and make it all go away or he would have to issue a ticket where it would be settled in court. He had me on the gun at 68 in a 65 and wrote a ticket for 77 in a 65 when I didn't have the cash to pay upfront. Then he threatened to take me to jail for questioning him. Miserable corrupt scum sucking state…"Â*

Photo Credit: CurtisPerry (http://www.flickr.com/photos/curtisperry/56816313/)

http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/12/2009/09/500x_Worst_State_TX_10.jpg (http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/jalopnik/2009/09/Worst_State_TX_10.jpg)State: Texas
Route: I-10
Suggested By: Sportwagons, haulin' stuff (http://jalopnik.com/people/whspecialist/)
Reason: "Hands down: Texas. It's takes half of the 3 day trip from GA to CA just to cross effing Texas. And once when I was making that drive and a summer shower passed over I tried to turn on the windshield wipers but they didn't budge...because they were melted to the windshield!"Â*

Photo Credit: DPH1110 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/dph1110/3460882920/)

http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/12/2009/09/500x_Worst_State_NB_80.jpg (http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/jalopnik/2009/09/Worst_State_NB_80.jpg)State: Nebraska
Route: I-80
Suggested By: NJ Hoon (http://jalopnik.com/people/nj_hoon/)
Reason: "Mind numbing boredom. When I drove through it my crappy little Dodge Colt would only do 75. Down hill and there ain't no hills there."

Photo Credit: mfajardo (http://www.flickr.com/photos/mfajardo/3774477612/)

http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/12/2009/09/500x_Worst_State_CT_84.jpg (http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/jalopnik/2009/09/Worst_State_CT_84.jpg)State: Connecticut
Route: I-84
Suggested By: PotbellyJoe (http://jalopnik.com/people/PotbellyJoe/)
Reason: "Connecticut sucks because the roads are narrow, counter banked, and full of Connecticut drivers...Â*Seriously, the left lane is for passing.Â*After driving between NJ and MA for years, I have observed a new mental deficiency, it's PLLES, Perceived Left Lane Entitlement Syndrome.Â*They camp out. and then jam their brakes to go through turns, up hills, or under overpasses.Â*Then you have the Massholes and NYers that rip through at 100+ mph.Â*I have driven in 40 of 50 states and of them the only one I get angry in is CT…"Â*

Photo Credit: Hi-Fi (http://www.flickr.com/photos/hi-phi/3028813560/)

http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/12/2009/09/500x_Worst_State_NJ_GSP.jpg (http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/jalopnik/2009/09/Worst_State_NJ_GSP.jpg)State: New Jersey
Route: Garden State Parkway
Suggested By:
Reason: "New Jersey. The last time my family drove through there, our Xterra suffered a tire blowout and we had to wait over 2 hours for an AAA van to come fix it for us (our spare tire was missing). In 90 degree July weather with garbage lining the shoulders. And there's nothing to see except factories, overpasses, and kids in a-frame t-shirts and gold chains swerving in and out of traffic in their parent's BMWs. Â*It's ‘The Armpit of America' for a reason."Â*

Photo Credit: [URL="http://www.flickr.com/photos/mattcrowne/3839848011/"]Matthew Crone (http://jalopnik.com/)

http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/12/2009/09/500x_Worst_State_WV_81.jpg (http://cache.gawker.com/assets/images/jalopnik/2009/09/Worst_State_WV_81.jpg)State: West Virginia
Route: I-81
Suggested By: FlatheadSmith (http://jalopnik.com/people/flatheadsmith/)
Reason: "Several years ago my family was on a road trip to attend my sister's marriage in New York City, she is the black sheep of the family you see, and as we were driving north up through a beautiful part of Virginia the road suddenly went all to hell. The road went from smooth pavement to something sort of between asphalt and gravel with potholes added for fun. There were run down trailer houses, ramshackle shacks, completely rusted cars on blocks and trash everywhere one looked. We saw one house sitting on a hill, where it could be clearly seen that trash had been thrown directly out the back doors for tens of years, and the trash pit had migrated its way to the bottom of the hill. This was a white trash mecca that was as poverty stricken as any place I had ever seen; it was third world in nature. This went on for about ten miles and then a sign up ahead said you are now entering Maryland. Wham, the road was smooth, the houses and yard were nice, and we were in Suburbia again. My wife looked closely at the map and determined that we had driven a very short distance through a small corner of West Virginia."Â*
Photo Credit: CMerlo441 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/cmerlo441/2358261248/)

http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/jalopnik/full?d=H0mrP-F8Qgo (http://feeds.gawker.com/~ff/jalopnik/full?a=4jWrXpCPGkM:HNvVtRtvPF0:H0mrP-F8Qgo) http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/jalopnik/full?d=yIl2AUoC8zA (http://feeds.gawker.com/~ff/jalopnik/full?a=4jWrXpCPGkM:HNvVtRtvPF0:yIl2AUoC8zA) http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/jalopnik/full?i=4jWrXpCPGkM:HNvVtRtvPF0:D7DqB2pKExk (http://feeds.gawker.com/~ff/jalopnik/full?a=4jWrXpCPGkM:HNvVtRtvPF0:D7DqB2pKExk) http://feeds.feedburner.com/~ff/jalopnik/full?i=4jWrXpCPGkM:HNvVtRtvPF0:V_sGLiPBpWU (http://feeds.gawker.com/~ff/jalopnik/full?a=4jWrXpCPGkM:HNvVtRtvPF0:V_sGLiPBpWU)

More... (http://feeds.gawker.com/~r/jalopnik/full/~3/4jWrXpCPGkM/)

09-28-2009, 05:53 PM
West Virginia is beyond 3rd world.
The dialect of 'English' they speak there is pure comedy.
Depressing, but entertaining all the same.

09-28-2009, 05:59 PM
PA blows, I80 i think.
nothing but narrow shitty roads with a wall of rock on one side, a cliff on the other, and tractor trailers blowing past you at 90
at night its horrible

09-28-2009, 06:22 PM

Alligator Alley here in FL that takes you from East-2-West coast is painfully boring. Granted its only an hour and a half or 2 hours if ur a slow driver but it's driving through the Everglades which is nothing but trees and grass. If ur lucky you might see a gator on the road and get the chance to run it over if you have a big enough car or truck but I saw an accident where a Corolla tried to run it over and the gator was so big it ended up makin the car flip and roll like 4 times. And it costs like 6 or 8 bucks to make the trip on it.

09-28-2009, 06:57 PM
yea fuck alligator alley...i can vouch for there and kansas...worst state to drive through ever

09-28-2009, 07:26 PM
anybody else notice west virginia is on both the worst and best lists?

09-28-2009, 10:41 PM
Haha, Kansas is definitely terrible. Wish it would just go away, so Missouri can be right next to Colorado.
And every time I drive on Illinois highways, I see someone pulled over every couple of miles. There are seriously state troppers/sheriffs hiding everywhere.

09-29-2009, 12:00 AM
Haha Texas is terrible, if you don't take I-35, it's just long patches of nothing with random butt-clenching dips thrown in for fun.

09-29-2009, 01:28 AM
i hate driving in every state

09-29-2009, 01:59 AM
anybody else notice west virginia is on both the worst and best lists?

just means it has some of the best roads & some of the worst roads.
every state has some degree of inconsistency.

09-29-2009, 08:02 PM
If i can out in some input about Canada then i would say that the worst province to drive through is Saskatchewan(North of eastern Montana). Its alot like New Mexico highways supposedly. Its Flat , boring , the road is straight as an arrow and nothing to look at except prairies all the way to the horizon. on top of that .. it stinks like shit .. for miles and when it stops , your in the clear for a few miles and then bam , another shit storm.

09-29-2009, 09:49 PM
PA blows when you've taken the PA turnpike the whole way and get off it, only to owe the state $30.

09-30-2009, 08:46 AM
Illinois sucks on every highway, either because it's boring, or there's tons of cops, or there's potholes, or all of the above (I88 and I80).

Missouri is boring, but tolerable for some reason.

Kansas is the most godforsaken boring state in the union.

New Mexico isn't too bad to drive through at night, and the mountain roads make it worth it. Not to mention the roads are nice and smooth.

I just drove from IL to AZ a few weeks ago, so I'm very familiar with these roads, lol.

09-30-2009, 08:49 AM
its kansas, when you see a road sign that says fifty miles to the next exit you know your fucked

10-02-2009, 03:05 PM
jersey turnpike is horrible. i80 in PA is eh. it has its areas. kinda nice to drive through in the winter when the snow is on the rocks and 476 in PA is eh too. they mix clay with the tarmac so the roads are red and its kinda strange to see for 100miles on my way to the poconos.

10-02-2009, 04:38 PM
I'll add another vote for Ohio. Anywhere in the state. No one knows how to:
1) Use a turnsignal.
2) Drive greater than or equal to the speedlimit.
3) Not slow down to equal speed as the car they are trying to pass.
4) Get the fuck out of the left lane.

I hate my life.

10-02-2009, 05:59 PM
Oklahoma has to be in the top 5 just because the roads are shitty as hell, nobody knows or obeys any traffic laws, police are either to lazy to do anything or trip about everything. I've had five officers pull me over for having illegal neon lights on my car and try to charge me with impersontating an officer. I've also ran through a red light at 55 mph running a cop car off of the road in the process and had him tell me to keep going because he didn't want to get out of his car and right a ticket.

If all our Idiot drivers don't kill you or destroy your car one of our legendary pot holes big enough to bathe a saint bernard or our f'in 200 year old unmaintained bridges most certainly will. I work in a body shop and have come to realize that if somebody hits your car you can get out and flip a coin to see if they have insurance or not.

I've had three wheels and tires shattered in the last 18 months by pot holes.
I gotta get the hell outta here
Won't miss these shitty roads or drivers at all


10-06-2009, 02:34 AM
Ohio drivers don't use turn signals, they also love their left lane.
The cops are pricks and there IS a speed trap like every mile and a half. and EFF the I-90 trnpk i spent 6 hrs crossing it in a freak ice storm on my way back from MI (it took me 2 to get there).

West Va is kinda scary if you're not on the Turnpike. but the mountains are fun if you drive something with balls or 4wd/Awd

The state of Florida generally sucks to drive in. unless you can take a short trip on a coastal road. Flat and plain for cross state trips, and the city traffic is usually no good.

Va drivers are by FAR some of the worst i've dealt with, they don't signal, everywhere i go it seems like everyone wants to do like 7 under the speed limit and there are more of those little cut out hidey places for 5-0 than any other state i've ever been in... and 1 outta 3 are occupied.

Oh yeah NC puts empty cop cars in the median to scare you, and they leave them there for like a week or two then move the damn thing a mile away.

10-06-2009, 11:38 AM
Illinois sucks... period.

Nebraska and Kansas are the same.

Missouri is nice tho :p

10-06-2009, 12:44 PM
Ct is on there
big surprise

10-13-2009, 05:31 PM
I drove from Chicago to LA, 3 times and the most boring is by far Nebraska, but the cops & roads in Illinois suck asshole. Nevada sucks to drive thru too but at least you have Vegas!!

10-14-2009, 12:41 PM
nj is good if your not in the northern parts...

10-14-2009, 03:26 PM
Virginia is so so, but Virginia Beach is fucking terrible, cops will pull you for anything

10-15-2009, 08:13 AM
I'm relatively surprised that Michigan isn't on here. I'm not going to lie to you, I really believe that we have the worst roads in the United States. Pot holes cover most of the roads here, and it is nearly impossible to drive anything that is lowered more than 1.5".

- Josh @ Auto Addictions

10-15-2009, 09:39 AM
I agree Ohio is rediculous. Driving I71 or the turnpike their is a cop every turnaround, and the drivers don't understand the concept of the passing lane.

I cannot believe michigan is not on the list though. I fear for my life everytime I go to the Detroit area. People drive like maniacs and they do 80 mph in any type of weather plus tailgating is only way they know how to follow. I swear there are no cops in michigan either.

10-15-2009, 10:12 AM
I agree Ohio is rediculous. Driving I71 or the turnpike their is a cop every turnaround, and the drivers don't understand the concept of the passing lane.

I cannot believe michigan is not on the list though. I fear for my life everytime I go to the Detroit area. People drive like maniacs and they do 80 mph in any type of weather plus tailgating is only way they know how to follow. I swear there are no cops in michigan either.

haha, there are cops, just not on the highways most of the time... for some reason. And yeah, it pisses me off how EVERYONE has to tailgate. Even if I'm doing 80mph, there is someone ALWAYS on my ass. :bash:

10-15-2009, 12:27 PM
yea I agree with the IL part.. thats for sure

04-01-2013, 01:57 PM
Dam had no clue

LB 180SX
04-02-2013, 11:43 AM
kansas and wyoming are by far the most boring highways!..texas is extremely boring as well but mainly because it takes at least a full day to cross it..never driven in the east coast. but some roads dont seem fun by what people say

04-02-2013, 05:49 PM
Of all the states I've been to PA has the worst roads and NJ has the worst drivers. You'll notice the difference in road quality on I78 from PA to NJ and then you'll begin to see all the skid marks on the road from accidents.

04-06-2013, 09:01 AM
^^^^^ Agreed dude I live in pittston and the roads are trash hell 81 up here you can't even drive the speed limit becasue its so pothole filled because all the do is patch this and that. and its gets worse every year.

04-06-2013, 10:19 PM
+1 on PA hwy sucking, VA is not that far behind, specially Virginia Beach!!! Most desolate, I agree with Texas. The whole wipers stuck on your windshield cuz it was hot is true but for me, my E46 BMW lost the fucking decal sticker on the hood because it was 128 degrees out when I drove thru East Texas.

The Dude
04-07-2013, 12:50 AM
Nebraska on I-80. I've never been so bored driving.

04-09-2013, 07:42 AM
Of all the states I've been to PA has the worst roads and NJ has the worst drivers. You'll notice the difference in road quality on I78 from PA to NJ and then you'll begin to see all the skid marks on the road from accidents.

As much as i would like to disagree with you I just cant haha.

04-11-2013, 04:03 PM
Nebraska on I-80. I've never been so bored driving.

Nebraska is by far the worst other than 88 cent Mcgriddles. That was the only thing that wasn't God awful about the drive through Nebraska

04-11-2013, 04:15 PM
The majority of our roads suck the largest camel dick any man has ever seen. A select few counties stay on top of the up-keep on their roads, to the point that you can tell when you've crossed a county line by the drastic change in the road surface. We do however have some hellaciously fun mountain roads.

04-12-2013, 11:31 AM
God dang thats ridiculous

04-15-2013, 12:05 AM

04-22-2013, 08:17 PM
Being from WV the roads aren't to bad if you stay on the few main roads the state seems to care about. Those being 77, 64 and maybe 79. Other than that they will patch a hole and the patch seems to make it worse half the time. As for the run down houses we do have a lot of that it seems beside our interstates for whatever reason. But I would rather drive in WV with the scenery of mountains and forests that line 95% of our roads than most other places.

My vote for worst states to drive through are for Ohio and Virginia. Their police being the main reason.

04-22-2013, 11:38 PM
When I say the roads here are getting worse im not lying. Lets just say everyone who drives I81 near me will be GREAT autocross drivers but then end of the year. For like 15 miles its nothing but shit and potholes and all they keep doing is patching shit which makes it worse.

05-03-2013, 01:48 AM
What about Los Angeles and traffic lol....

05-05-2013, 10:04 AM
Any part of Oklahoma - Blinding fog in the winter - tire ripping heat in the summer 119F OKC. noooooooooo and never drive the panhandel of OK land cuz you get dropped off in a town call Dumas, smells like crap for 40miles.

Texas - yes that is a long drive through there but on certain spots its 85mph legal so you can get from Elpaso to SAn Antonio in a very good time but night time strictly follow the speed limit and watch out for deer.

Ohio - speed limit and 5 under it.

Meat Beaterson
05-10-2013, 10:00 AM
Oklahoma should be on this list

05-12-2013, 01:12 AM
East coast... Jersey & Ny roads are pure ass

05-12-2013, 09:27 AM
You know that you're in Kansas when you drive through it. No exits in sight, nothing on the radio but gospel stations, and the scenery starts looking like something out of an average quality model railroad kit.

05-13-2013, 11:53 PM
What about Los Angeles and traffic lol....

its not that baa actually it fucking sucks.

THe main freeways you should stay away from are 5..405..605..101....110 pretty much every single one.
Not only is there traffic you have dumbass drivers. going 50 in in the fast lane, merging last second without using a blinker, slamming on brakes in a open lane. here in LA we have to deal with kim kardashian type girls and FOB's who took the driving test 100 times before they finally passed.

yea it sucks

Lovetoslide... hye es?

05-14-2013, 12:01 AM
i will drive around the state of mississippi if need be, just to avoid that armpit of the country...

05-18-2013, 10:57 AM
Arkansas, it has to be on this list. I've personally known 4 people hit pot holes in the little rock area that have dented oil pans. One of which caused engine failure. Most coilover unfriendly state I've ever driven in.... But I am from Florida so I'm accustom to buttery smooth roads.

05-19-2013, 11:55 PM
31W in KY aka the Dixie Dieway. Many deaths, country ass rednecks and too many 5-0 litter this road and shit is boring to drive! Pothole friendly and pretty much every business entrance has massive grades to straddle lol when going up and down them. I feel like idiot when people see me doing that. People dont ride low around here for a reason unless its on hydraulics or bags. :wtc:

05-29-2013, 02:50 AM
its not that baa actually it fucking sucks.

THe main freeways you should stay away from are 5..405..605..101....110 pretty much every single one.
Not only is there traffic you have dumbass drivers. going 50 in in the fast lane, merging last second without using a blinker, slamming on brakes in a open lane. here in LA we have to deal with kim kardashian type girls and FOB's who took the driving test 100 times before they finally passed.

yea it sucks

Lovetoslide... hye es?

No I am not Armenian lol

10-17-2013, 12:21 AM
nyc and central nj have the WORST roads to drive a lowered car on. feel like I'm playing frogger with potholes an oncoming traffic the entire time

06-12-2014, 01:32 AM
The Texas boring would be okay if you could enjoy the long stretches and fifth gear but law enforcement is heavy in all the small towns those roads wind through.

06-12-2014, 10:14 PM
Texas is not that bad. 80 mph speed limit, everyone goes 90. Not to mention, home made authentic mexican food at some of the gas stations. Just travel with some TP or napkins.

Michigan, by far the worst roads ever going into Detroit. It sucks for full size trucks, don't even think about normal cars. Only time I've ever popped a tire. I'd rather drive in Afghanistan.

Kansas is boring as fuck.

Nebraska just smells like straight cow shit, depending on the time of year.

Iowa sucks. Nothing there. Saw a high speed chase once, was cool for 30 seconds. Watch out for speed cameras in the guard rails on the highway.

North Dakota sucks. Only time I've came close to running out of gas, not to mention windy as fucking hell. You are constantly readjusting. Although its funny watching the tumble weeds. Or dodging them. Oh yea and pheasants like to hang out literally on the shoulder of the road. They look cool.

Montana is cool but has its boring parts. Rim rock view at billings is cool. Great falls has some nice scenery spots along the way.

Wyoming is ok. Mountains etc.

South dakota is pretty boring has good scenery in some spots. Endless miles of Wall Drug signs lol.

Illinois is a joke.

I don't remember indiana and ohio to much.

Louisiana is ok I guess. New Orleans is a joke. Streets are way to narrow and LOTS of blind corners, not to mention parking is a bitch.

Mississippi i don't remember much but passing a nissan plant. It's like a small town lol water tower and all. Also, the gas stations sell BBQ. Ever tried eating a full rack of ribs driving down the highway? Yea don't try it. Bring napkins and a moist towelette.

Arkansas is meh. Cotton fields can look cool if its that time of year.

Tennessee...only been on western side. Bearable I guess.

Missouri is ok. Very green forest's and hills. Home state, so it just feels like your getting close to home. Not to mention, seems like we have cheap ass gas.

06-13-2014, 05:12 PM
The Texas boring would be okay if you could enjoy the long stretches and fifth gear but law enforcement is heavy in all the small towns those roads wind through.Texas cops don't hassle you if you don't drive like an asshat. How fast are you trying to go on public roads? Speed limit is 70 in most cities here and higher inbetween... At least you don't get ref tickets here for shit like modded exhausts or anything else, really...

06-13-2014, 08:54 PM
To be fair, I earned every ticket I got in Texas. It's just all the little towns that can destroy the fun of an otherwise boring stretch by forcing you not just to slow down, but to do 25 on a four-lane street in the near middle of nowhere. But, it offers a good excuse to stop at Dairy Queen.

Highway Riding
06-16-2014, 12:33 PM
nj is good if your not in the northern parts...

Ding but enter the northern zone and there are craters that will swallow whole wheels! This year is by far the worst eva

06-17-2014, 08:12 AM
Massachusetts has absolutely HORRENDOUS roads. I cringe every time I cross the border. Right at the "Welcome to Massachusetts" sign, you can see the quality of the road completely change. I love our New Hampshire roads. Nice, tight, curvy, windy roads. Ahhhhh I need to get out of work and drive...

07-08-2014, 11:21 PM
Texas is fine, rarely any potholes. The only downside is they're ALWAYS RE-DOING ROADS & POPO

07-10-2014, 09:22 AM
I'll vote for CT. Was literally there for 48 hours, and i can attest to everything written about it. Roads were garbage. I even bottomed out my wife's car (2007 Camry With Trd Springs) on the highway. Shit roads and shit drivers.

07-10-2014, 02:33 PM
make your way up to Minnesota my god the pot holes suck. if you are driving straight and not avoiding pot holes id probably think you were drunk driving lol

07-10-2014, 04:29 PM
Since I live in Savannah, and my family is in Warner Robins (just south of Macon) I am an I-16 veteran.

Yes, it is desolate. Nothing but pine trees and dead deer during hunting season. However...

You can usually run 80+mph. For some reason, the cops on 16 are all on the same schedule. They're either all out there, or they're taking the day off. Now that they're finally repairing a large 40 mile stretch of it going both ways, it's not in nearly the rough shape it used to be in. The exits usually show up ever 20 miles or so.

07-16-2014, 03:20 AM
Sometimes think it is very dangerous, driving a car is becoming more and more people's attention more and more concentration, frequent accidents. I'd rather stay at home and play with remote control car (http://www.rctophobby.com/rc-cars.html), don't want to drive out.

08-26-2014, 02:48 AM
lol @ new mexico...ive made that trek almost 6 times driving oklahoma to california.

it is so boring...

09-25-2015, 09:22 AM
I405 from Torrance to Santa Monica, you're looking at the back bumper of a Prius infront for 2 straight fockin hours.

08-23-2016, 07:07 PM
NM also sucks for the amount of cops on that road. youd be lucky to get out w/o a ticket

08-23-2016, 08:17 PM
West Virginia is the worst state I've driven across. I-10 through north Florida is pretty horrible too. No matter how much energy you have when you start the drive, you're guaranteed to be fighting sleep by the end of it. Just absolutely nothing between major cities hours apart, exits that are far apart, and miles and miles of no gas stations.

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01-08-2017, 09:22 PM
Utah,Wyoming,New Mexico ,arizona suck nothing but boringness even when I was driving 100 mph plus passing everyone lol

01-09-2017, 01:23 AM
Texas, California

01-27-2017, 03:43 AM
There a varying response here. Some people are concerned about nothing ness , and some people are concerned about too much traffic. I'd say from my perspective a slammed car in San Francisco bay area is not worth it. Too many people too many vehicles, too many times you get on and off your clutch. There's pot holes everywhere to damage a slammed car.

03-05-2017, 07:24 PM
indiana was terrible

03-21-2017, 03:54 PM
Eh Jersey and NY (probably the worst place I've driven)... the cops such ass but the potholes will destroy you esp in the boroughs of NY.

03-29-2017, 03:12 PM
new york roads are pretty rough.

Trap Star
04-02-2017, 12:23 AM
I don't think there's anywhere worse than Atlanta as far as systemic traffic problems are concerned. A city of 6 million people shouldn't have traffic problems as severe as ATL but they just keep building fucking lanes instead of building a real mass transit system. Literally spending billions of dollars building more and more lanes because the state mandates they spend like 95% of the DOT's budget on road construction instead of some fucking trains.

I used to work as a valet at a hotel in midtown Atlanta. We were on West Peachtree Street all day and night 24/7, 365, and I saw people driving the wrong way up W Ptree so many times that we actually got used to waving people down to keep them from head on collisions down the road. The streets in the city are horribly marked, not marked, or just make random 90 degree turns and dump you out on a one way street where you can see the sign post that USED to say which way to go but now its gone. So good luck, you got a 50/50 shot, watch out for headlights. There are also plenty of roads you can accidentally turn down and end up in a place where you feel naked without a Kevlar vest.

Oh and all of I-85 has to get torn down due to apparently the antics of crackheads.


Highway Riding
04-17-2017, 11:46 AM
New Jersey clearly is taking the cake. We have pot holes the size of over grown water melons and just getting worse with no end in sight. Has cost me 2 OEM wheels in the past year and half.

Trap Star
04-18-2017, 11:42 PM
Just to reiterate my point. In the last week or two we've had:
Truckload of foam Braves Thomahawks blocking a 10 lane highway

I-20 decided to randomly elevate a large section like 15feet

Another bridge fire

An overturned 18wheeler leaking toxic chemicals that shut down all ~20 lanes of 75/85 in downtown

A sink hole

Continued massive construction projects along 75.

And more. Here's a recent traffic map for a good portion of the metro area:

What you don't see is the 20+miles of sprawl past 285 (the ring), that's full of people headed towards town. He'll I used to hit traffic about 30 miles out on the NE side of town in the mornings

Really the only good thing all of this has caused is that there's been a 20% increase in Marta ridership already. There's also hints the suburban counties might finally get over their unfounded racial bias' and support an expansion. Still going to be hell for quite awhile.

05-18-2017, 02:44 PM
I am a long haul truck driver, i can say PA is probably my least favorite state to drive thru the roads are terrible and there is always construction.

06-21-2017, 03:04 PM
Interesting read! This would help when planning out a long road trip!

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07-21-2017, 02:16 PM
What I wouldn't give for a change of scenery. Can anywhere be worse to drive, than California? Law enforcement camping at every corner. Cameras everywhere. EPA, CA DMV.. Road quality is decent, but I would trade it all for less regulations.

01-18-2018, 04:18 PM
New york is the worst state drive in the pothole are horrible avoid my state

02-15-2018, 11:41 AM
What I wouldn't give for a change of scenery. Can anywhere be worse to drive, than California? Law enforcement camping at every corner. Cameras everywhere. EPA, CA DMV.. Road quality is decent, but I would trade it all for less regulations.

Amen to that. And I lived in the bay area for the last 13 years! From San Jose to San Francisco, all of those points seem worse here.

04-24-2018, 03:12 PM
Minnesota roads are complete trash, plows just rip the pavement up.
The road construction is unreal sometimes. Imagine cramming 12 months of paving into a 5 month window. LOL

But damn you can do anything you want modification wise, lol ZERO inspection.

Cant you CA people find a hook up to "pass" smog tests?

05-17-2019, 04:19 AM
Hmmm, running at that speed? I'll probably think again. Sorry for replying to this old thread though.

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