View Full Version : House being police raided atm.

09-27-2009, 03:40 AM
im sitting here hammered drunk, my house is being pilfered by rosevilles finest. has anyone else had their house raided by the popo while they are drunk? i think its kinda funny, yet kinda sad. input?

09-27-2009, 03:45 AM
wtf? why are they raiding your house and you are just kicking it on the computer?

09-27-2009, 03:56 AM
DELETE ALL YOUR KIDDIE PRON NOW!!! Wait, thats not the reason you're getting raided right?

09-27-2009, 03:59 AM
pics or it did not happen

09-27-2009, 04:18 AM
Philly Cheese Steak Crack Rock w/ Grits In the Morning?

09-27-2009, 04:20 AM
dude wtf is with cops tonight? my friend got a noise violation for listening to music ON HIS LAPTOP, then my room mate got kicked, tazered, and arrested for talking shit to the cops for writing such a bullshit ticket. then the cops tried to search my house without a warrant.

good luck with that raid shit. hope they don't pull any bullshit on you.

09-27-2009, 04:36 AM
haha im buzzzn off FOUR LOKO!

09-27-2009, 06:18 AM
Sorry man, tell us a story ~ why are they there? What's the warrant for?

DELETE ALL YOUR KIDDIE PRON NOW!!! Wait, thats not the reason you're getting raided right?

pics or it did not happen

LOL I love this place.

09-27-2009, 07:01 AM
Lol seriously, pics or ban. Wtf man.

09-27-2009, 08:47 AM
nite nite, keep your butthole tite

09-27-2009, 01:37 PM
happend to my house to but i was like 8
have fun cleaning

09-27-2009, 05:34 PM
long story short we have a problem roomate who decided that he wanted to take up the fine art of doing Meth. he is all cracked out, we gave him his 30 days so he is trying to make our lives hell. he is convinced one of us took his shitty 1992 laptop and will make our lives hell until he finds it. the cops were very cool, they have had problems with him before so they kinda knew to not really mess with us cause they know we didnt do anything. they just went into his room to search for contraband. didnt find anything, but still was kinda weird sitting on our patio having some drinks when 3 cops come around the corner. lol

09-27-2009, 05:50 PM
That's meth heads for you, all paranoid and shit.

I'd be more worried about them taking your stuff.

09-27-2009, 06:04 PM
i was at my local hang out and their was an undercover cop sitting in parking lot
everyone gets spooked and all left
i was completly trashed and was not gonna try to drive so i just sat in my car and ate chinese food and listened to music
after everyone left 6 cop cars came flying in and boxed me in they all got out and was going around the area with flashlights looking for evidence of drug use
they asked me why i diddnt leave and i told em i diddnt have anything to hide or was doing anything wrong so i diddnt feel the need to leave as i continued to eat
they saw i was doing no harm continued with what they were doing and left
i fell asleep before they left
fun night

09-27-2009, 06:24 PM

did he at least keep the house clean? jk
that sucks tho man. at least he wont be there for much longer

09-27-2009, 06:41 PM
good luck mang tell the police s14_kouki said fuck them ahahahahahah

09-27-2009, 06:47 PM
this thread was funnies

Drift N Dragg
09-27-2009, 06:49 PM
Damn That Sucks....

My House Got Broke into when I got out of the Military and came home.... Call the Victorville's Slowest and they came 3 hours later... NO SHIT 30 Days Later My house got broken into AGAIN!!!! This time they got what they couldn't get last time..

So This time when the PoPo came.. they started asking my all kinds of Questions and the asked me to stand outside and then proceeded to rumage thru my house... then asked me if I would come down to the station and get Fingered Printed..

I was like WTF!?!?!?!?!

They were seeing if my fingerprints were in the house, one cop told me, .. I said NO SHIT THEY ARE! I live there...

Long Story Short.. They ended up catching the Guys that had been breaking in homes andthe Cops did did all that extra Rumaging and made the Mess 5 times worse.. How they caught them is beyond me.. I couldn't tell what the Cops did Verse's the Robbers

Cops are a Different Breed, no?

09-27-2009, 07:06 PM
^maybe they wanted your fingerprints so they could determine if some of the prints didnt belong to you

Drift N Dragg
09-27-2009, 07:08 PM
haha! True... would have been nice if they would have just said it, instead of trashing my house first and giving me a First CLass, Backseat, ride to the Police Station..

09-27-2009, 08:15 PM
good luck mang tell the police s14_kouki said fuck them ahahahahahah

thats pretty good but, nwa's was the best of alltime

then asked me if I would come down to the station and get Fingered Printed..I was like WTF!?!?!?!?!

open and shut case, johnson!

09-27-2009, 10:24 PM
yea... no pics. not real!

09-28-2009, 06:03 AM
so he finally came home tonight. told me that the cops rounded him up walkin to the store at like midnight, he had some pics of some weed and him holding a shotgun. he's on probation so they detained him, confiscated his phone, and apparently checked his room in the house for any guns or weapons. we only got 4 more days with this loser. thank fucking god.

09-28-2009, 09:12 AM
long story short we have a problem roomate who decided that he wanted to take up the fine art of doing Meth. he is all cracked out, we gave him his 30 days so he is trying to make our lives hell. he is convinced one of us took his shitty 1992 laptop and will make our lives hell until he finds it. the cops were very cool, they have had problems with him before so they kinda knew to not really mess with us cause they know we didnt do anything. they just went into his room to search for contraband. didnt find anything, but still was kinda weird sitting on our patio having some drinks when 3 cops come around the corner. lol

Since when do you need to give a drug user/ cooker a 30 days eviction notice? I believe all you need to do is tell the landlord whats going on, and give the roommate time to collect his stuff. You could probably just throw all his stuff out on the curb.

09-28-2009, 09:15 AM
thats pretty good but, nwa's was the best of alltime

open and shut case, johnson!

No, no paperwork.... Just sprinkle some crack on em

09-28-2009, 10:06 AM
just hope he doesnt get out of jail one day, smoke up and murder you all.......

touge monster
09-28-2009, 10:16 AM
so he finally came home tonight. told me that the cops rounded him up walkin to the store at like midnight, he had some pics of some weed and him holding a shotgun. he's on probation so they detained him, confiscated his phone, and apparently checked his room in the house for any guns or weapons. we only got 4 more days with this loser. thank fucking god.

hes going back to jail right?

09-28-2009, 11:06 AM
yeah im pretty sure he will be going back to jail. and we didnt straight kick him out because we tried to help him. we drove him to NA meetings and we actually had him sober for a few weeks, then his old habits took over, he started hangin out with his lowlife friends again and he just fell back into addiction. it's sad, he's a great guy when he's not all spun.

09-28-2009, 12:19 PM

That is all

09-28-2009, 12:24 PM

That is all

thanks for reading the thread before posting something idiotic.

im assuming by ftc you are saying fuck the cops? read the whole thread kid.:rolleyes:

09-28-2009, 12:37 PM
that's a difficult situation to be in.
might be awkward to kick a friend out before the 30 days.
probably best just to keep all the valuables secure.

09-28-2009, 12:41 PM
thanks for reading the thread before posting something idiotic.

im assuming by ftc you are saying fuck the cops? read the whole thread kid.:rolleyes:

I did read the whole thread. in this situation the cops were cool however, givin the reputation of cops, i will not change my mind on cops because of one persons ok experience with them. i try to cooperate and be helpful but it never works for me or any of my buddies for that matter

now as i was saying,
that is all

09-28-2009, 01:06 PM
Everybody says fuck the cops until something happens and they're like "where's the cops to help us"!! 911 biiiiaaatch!!..lol Will you guys still say fuck the cops when your house gets broken into and the cops get the guys and return your stuff to you? Or when your friend gets shot and they catch the guy who did it?? You gonna tell them fuck the cops instead of thank you?!?! Grow up idiots!

There are some crooked ass cops in this world but you have to give it up to the good ones, they have a tough job and have to deal with people on a daily basis that I wouldnt want to associate with EVER.

BTW, I'm not a cop and honestly dont like many(ok, most) of them BUT I do appreciate what they do and dont take them for granted.

09-28-2009, 01:53 PM
Everybody says fuck the cops until something happens and they're like "where's the cops to help us"!! 911 biiiiaaatch!!..lol Will you guys still say fuck the cops when your house gets broken into and the cops get the guys and return your stuff to you? Or when your friend gets shot and they catch the guy who did it?? You gonna tell them fuck the cops instead of thank you?!?! Grow up idiots!

There are some crooked ass cops in this world but you have to give it up to the good ones, they have a tough job and have to deal with people on a daily basis that I wouldnt want to associate with EVER.

BTW, I'm not a cop and honestly dont like many(ok, most) of them BUT I do appreciate what they do and dont take them for granted.

I;m not saying all cops are crooked, i understand cops have a tough job. It really depends on the situation as to how cops handle them selves with people. MOST of the time, from my own experience they tend to concider themselves kings among men. They do deserve respect but it gets a little difficult when they assume you are a criminal and treat you as such, even when you are a victom. It is my belief that if you give respect you should get it in return. Police GENERALLY dont share that thought process. Sorry if u dont agree but i have been a victom numerous times of racial profiling and gets annoying after a while especially when my mother is a Pediatric nurse and my dad is a dentist. I have no reason to involve myself with crime but because im black such things are assumed.