09-26-2009, 09:39 PM
http://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q239/XavierWRX/Cometic.jpghttp://i137.photobucket.com/albums/q239/XavierWRX/blox.jpgsup ppls. its used it was torqed down on but the car never started as to the reason im selling this. my motor has low compression and i need to get some rings. luckily i saved my stock sr hg from my nissan gasket kit. so technically this is like new just mounted i guess u would say. if i had a job i wouldnt sell the gasket but gotta do what i gotta do. looking for $75 OBO. any question please feel free to ask. 813-464-0754 or 813-9603509 xavier thnx. i also have a blox blue vacuum block, $40 bnib never installed. help me get my car running.i will have pics tomorrow. thnx