View Full Version : GT3076R or HKS GT3037S full boost at how much rpm??

09-25-2009, 12:26 PM

i want informations about how fast the spool is at the GT3076R or similar HKS GT3037S. So mine makes full boost at 5K. But is it correct?? At how much rpm your is on full boost?


09-25-2009, 03:06 PM
The hks will spool faster there is something wrong if it spools at 5k should be around 4k

09-25-2009, 05:44 PM
Should spool the same as they are the same turbo. I just ordered a Garrett 3076 and it came with a 3037S tag on the CHRA.

However, from memory, the HKS version of the 3076 can also be spec'd with a 52 trim comp wheel (unlike the 3076) ...so in this guise the smaller trim wheel will logically spool faster.

And yes something is wrong if your hitting full boost at 5000...should be somewhere btn 4000 and 4500.

09-25-2009, 09:26 PM
The GT3037 Pro S still uses the 56mm exhaust wheel IIRC. the Garrett 3076 has a 60mm exhaust wheel.

5k is wrong.

mine makes peak torque at 4800, full boost at 4200.

09-25-2009, 10:21 PM
ok thanks for the informations! so i have seen that my flange which we have self made and fit between the tubby and manifold the inside diameter of the hole is to small. i think there is the problem. we will make the hole bigger now with milling machine. I have calculated the hole at the moment and it has only 75% of the normally hole from tubby and manifold T25 flange. So there the engine lost 25% of engine gas. That is the prob???

the flange i had made because at my GTI-R and the OEM manifold the tubby is to near at the engine. with the 200SX manifold i could fit them but i must fit a flange with external wastegate.

09-26-2009, 08:12 AM
ive got the GT3076R here and a HKS GT3037 here

both are the exact same
both share the same exact wheel trim
the only difference is the exhaust housing
the HKS has different housing options compared to the garrett 3076

09-26-2009, 09:32 AM
The HKS GT3037S has a T25 flange (mine has .87 a/r) and the GT3076R a T3 (.82 & 1.01 a/r not .87 a/r)!!

09-26-2009, 06:07 PM
The HKS GT3037S has a T25 flange (mine has .87 a/r) and the GT3076R a T3 (.82 & 1.01 a/r not .87 a/r)!!

Correct.....only ex housings are different everything else is the same. Should still spool better than 5000....I've seen the biggest HKS a/r spool at 5000 on a 2 litre SR.

09-27-2009, 03:13 AM
How much power are people making with a 3076 on there SR20??

09-27-2009, 03:15 AM
513 PS and 629 NM in my GTIR...

09-27-2009, 07:36 AM
also interested in this info. its funny i finally got the 2871r tuned but now i have the op to buy a used(1500 miles+/-) gt3076r on the low haaaar

09-27-2009, 08:05 AM
Shit, my GT3582R is full spooled at 5k.

11-14-2009, 12:55 AM
The GT3037 Pro S still uses the 56mm exhaust wheel IIRC. the Garrett 3076 has a 60mm exhaust wheel.

5k is wrong.

mine makes peak torque at 4800, full boost at 4200.

Which a/r do you have at exhaust housing? So at the moment i have the .87 a/a fitted but i want to change it through .61 a/r.

11-14-2009, 06:56 AM
have you had any machine work done on the motor?(decked head or block)?ifso this could be throwing your cams out of degree.maybe if the problem persist you should try to have your cams degreed...

11-14-2009, 07:07 AM
The head is ok. At the block we had checked the compression and these are much lower than OEM. We have measure arround 8 bar at all cylinders (cold). Some people here told me that my cams (Kent Sport´s R 281°/272°) could make reduce is about the overlap. Is it correct or wrong?

11-14-2009, 09:18 PM
theres also a pretty big difference between the 3037S and the 3037 Pro S

08-28-2010, 11:07 AM
Now i have fit a GT3082R (with HKS T25 exhaust housing 0.87 a/r) on my GTI-R with new head (full head work, 271°/282° cams and Mahle pistons 9.1:1). The full boost comes @ 5000 rpm. Is it possible that i can make faster boost about the timing???

08-28-2010, 11:39 AM
Now i have fit a GT3082R (with HKS T25 exhaust housing 0.87 a/r) on my GTI-R with new head (full head work, 271°/282° cams and Mahle pistons 9.1:1). The full boost comes @ 5000 rpm. Is it possible that i can make faster boost about the timing???

Those cams are huge... that's not helping your spool.

Why are you running a T25 flange/housing on such a large turbo? T3 for GT30xx and up.

08-28-2010, 11:43 AM
Yes i know but i must change the manifold to T3. At the moment i have the old T25 fitted. The T3 a/r .87 i have here for the GT3082R. Did you mean with T3 it makes a little faster boost?

last year i had the HKS 264° cams at the GT3076R but they made the same spool at the Kent´s i have fitted now.

08-28-2010, 08:12 PM
The smaller T2 flange is choking the airflow into the turbo. Helping it breath out better should help it a bit.

08-28-2010, 10:34 PM
Bigger cams make more power and spool later. Fact.

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