View Full Version : Computers, who builds/mods etc?

09-24-2009, 03:31 PM
I have been recently building mine up.

Here is what I started with POS (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883103134)

After having this POS for a year, my roommate and I decided that were going to build up our PC's. He made a rule where he had to keep his stock case, and being cheap I followed that one too.

So now it has

An Acer Phenom 9500 2.2 Ghz proccesr OC to 2.4 (Yea I know shitty, but hey I have to eat)
Vista 32, waiting on Windows 7 64 bit
Asrock A780MGH motherboard (Asrock may suck for intel but its tits for AMD)
Corsair 650HX PSU (modular is the shit)
8gb's of Gskill OC to 1066
HIS Radeon 4850
Lots of fans, thermaltake, vantec blah
Asus 23.6 Vh24 Monitor
Acer 19 monitor


So what is yall's setups.

Sidenote: Keep that MAC VS PC bullshit out of here.

09-24-2009, 04:02 PM
Ive had this case since 01, been thru a few different motherboard setups
When i first watercooled it, pretty crud setup
Come home find a leak or puddle of water sitting on the video card every so often back in the day
General idea of the current cooling setup, radiator on top
Over the years you learn to put better parts in your watercool setup and is now it is leak proof.


My hardware is starting to age
DFI Bloodiron + E6700 @ 3.7
DangerDen TDX block , Bonneville core, MCP355 water pump
BFG 8800GT mcw60/ 1.3volt modded/820 mhz core
4gb ddr2 800
2X Seagate 320hd 7200.10 Raid 0
Creative X-fi Xtreme Music
Logitec X-530 5.1 surround system
Ultra 500w PSU
Windows 7 64bit beta

09-24-2009, 04:37 PM
let the overclocking pc nerd-fest begin!

09-24-2009, 04:50 PM
AMD Athlon 64X2 4400+
Biostar T-Series mobo
XFX 6800 OC
2gb ram
Antec Sonata II case (was quiet before i took the side off for ventilation)
...who cares, right. it was a budget build in 2006.
4x 750gb WD Greens
1x 200gb Barracuda
24" Sceptre

blah dee blah, shit's starting to show its age. i'm planning on getting a 28", so i'll probably wind up upgrading it a bit before '10


09-24-2009, 04:55 PM
Ive had this case since 01, been thru a few different motherboard setups

My hardware is starting to age
DFI Bloodiron + E6700 @ 3.7
DangerDen TDX block , Bonneville core, MCP355 water pump
BFG 8800GT mcw60/ 1.3volt modded/820 mhz core
4gb ddr2 800
2X Seagate 320hd 7200.10 Raid 0
Creative X-fi Xtreme Music
Logitec X-530 5.1 surround system
Ultra 500w PSU
Windows 7 64bit beta

That tower is fuckin huge. I have a mini tower. I don't have enough room to water cool and make it look good.

09-24-2009, 07:27 PM

nice lill old school tuner + baby speaker setup there... is that an old-school marantz or yamaha setup....? or a modern day bullshit throw-back system that just looks old? i'll assume that its a high quality setup, considering you have a turntable.

looks well organized. list the stereo specs

09-24-2009, 07:55 PM
AMD Athlon 64X2 4400+
Biostar T-Series mobo
XFX 6800 OC
2gb ram
Antec Sonata II case (was quiet before i took the side off for ventilation)
...who cares, right. it was a budget build in 2006.
4x 750gb WD Greens
1x 200gb Barracuda
24" Sceptre

blah dee blah, shit's starting to show its age. i'm planning on getting a 28", so i'll probably wind up upgrading it a bit before '10


I say that is a solid PC now, 2006 it must have been an absolute beast.

Right now I want a Phenom 940,955,965 processor, whichever I get a good deal on. Oh and a Western Digital Caviar Black to throw in Raid 2(might be 1 forget which it is called sometimes)

After that I will be done with this one, except for maybe a more powerful GPU, I don't want to hack up my case in order to cool it more.

Temps wise I am still learning so perhaps so of yall could tell me whats up. Right now my temps usually read around (right now pc has only been on for like 15 mins)

HDD 0: 37-41C
HDD 1:34-38C
Core: 30-34
System: 35-38

09-24-2009, 09:04 PM
I say that is a solid PC now, 2006 it must have been an absolute beast.

the graphics card is lacking, and it's a 939 processor so i can't upgrade without replacing the mobo :/ but yeah, it ran Quake 4 pretty well (which is why i built it, too bad q4 SUCKS in comparison to q3a)

nice lill old school tuner + baby speaker setup there... is that an old-school marantz or yamaha setup....? or a modern day bullshit throw-back system that just looks old? i'll assume that its a high quality setup, considering you have a turntable.

looks well organized. list the stereo specs

nah it's all vintage, no vintage appearance crap. it's a Technics SA-7300x receiver and a Technics SL-Q300 turntable. the speakers are Advent "new Advent" loudspeakers, and then some cheap Sony bookshelf speakers for low volume use.

....there's also an Altec Lansing 2.1 system so i can listen to the computer and a different source through the receiver, although the computer also goes through the receiver.

09-24-2009, 09:10 PM
damn, i miss messin with computers. so much easier than cars. LOL.

used to do a lot of shit with computers.

i installed my OS when i was 11.
put together a shitty junk computer when i was 12.

then once i turned 14, i focused on my DL's and cars more.

really nice computers you guys got here though,
i eventually decided not to build one and i got a Dell. heh,

09-24-2009, 09:31 PM
I have probably assembled thousands of computers when I was putting myself through college. Most of them were just basic setups for Internet use and word processing.

I've noticed that within the past 10 years or so, the price for bottom shelf components remain about the same. I can get better performance, but for price-sensitive consumers, the cheapest PC I can crank out remains about $200-250 with no software. It cost about the same as it did since the early 2000s.

You guys have some neat setups. I generally don't build many hardcore gaming machines so I don't get to see these components much.

09-24-2009, 09:37 PM
I built mine just for the experience... my sister continues to destroy it slowly with all the shit she does on the internet. It's pretty hardcore but I haven't really had time to do any gaming. The only thing I would change is getting a bigger monitor, I thought my 22" was huge when I got it, now I think I could go for a 24 or 28

09-24-2009, 10:27 PM
I was in to computers from birth until about 18 when I got into cars hard, I wish I'd just stayed current with computers and never messed with cars. I still am current on most stuff, but hardware and OS changes aren't fresh in my mind like they used to be.

Back in the day I had a dangerden water setup with a 240(iirc)watt Peltier element - this was back in AMD XP2600 days before more than the most hardcore were even watercooling. First computer I built was back when the Tbird processors had just come out and black label delta fans were the shit.

Right now I'm running an old build
FX2 4600+
2GB Ram

I've recently been looking into replacing it with a very small and quiet setup that I can just sit right on my desk. They have nice mobos out now that are small form factor and fit in small cases that are designed to be just big enough to fit a nice video card or two.

I was never the showy person with computers (no LEDs, cold cathodes, windows cut, casemods, etc)... funny enough I'm the same way with cars. :rofl:

09-24-2009, 11:13 PM
I've built 3 computers in the past few years. They all have UV clear cases with the most LEDs you'll ever see. I like them. They look really cool and work great. Intel & nVidia like it should be done.

09-24-2009, 11:58 PM
I've built probably a hundred computers, paid off my first car with money made during high school ~ I was pulling like $10k/yr owning "eQuality Computers" with one employee lol. 4 doctor's offices + $50-$100/hr (if I had to leave class, rate doubled) FTW.

Most exciting system built recently is a photo workstation for my dad, cost $2300 with the monitor:
*Intel Core i7 920 @ mild overclock on air, <3GHz
*Xigmatech Red Scorpion cooler (good quiet air cooler)
*MSI x58M
*6GB Patriot 7-7-7-20 1333MHz DDR3 kit, 2GB x3
*ATI Radeon 4870 x2 1GB - was the fastest single card at the time
*4 1TB WD Greens (7200RPM) @ RAID 5 for storage
*1 Intel X25M 80GB SSD for system and 10GB Photoshop swap (unbelievably fast, btw)
*Antec 300 case
*OCZ OC 600W modular PS, barely enough power lol
*Dell 24" S-IPS screen - displays like 104% of the Adobe color gamut, awesome screen for a graphic/print workstation, horrible for games (~30ms lag on IPS screens)
*Vista x64 with loader

My system was put together about a year before that one, so it's a little lame in comparison:
*Intel Core 2 Quad 2.5GHz
*Thermaltake Duo Orb
*MSI P35 Platinum Combo
*4GB OCZ 7-7-7-20 1333MHz DDR3
*ATI Radeon 4850 512mb (OC'd with Scorpion's dual 80mm fan cooler - quiet :))
*WD Velociraptor 150GB system drive
*Seagate 750GB Movie Drive
*2x WD Caviar 250GB SATA-2 @ RAID 0 "other" drive
*Old school Super Micro full tower case, a few super-quiet 80mm fans
*PC Power and Cooling 550W? power supply, from like 1998 lol
*2x LG L226W 22" TN screens, great for games, can't hold a candle to the Dell on color accuracy even when calibrated
*Logitech G15 keyboard, G9 mouse, Momo wheel/pedals
*Klipshe Promedia v2 400 speakers, from back in the day, and Speedlink Medusa 5.1 headphones for "getting serious" (-ly nerdy on vent)
*Windows 7 x64 RTM with SLIC 2.2 bios mod

I've noticed that within the past 10 years or so, the price for bottom shelf components remain about the same. I can get better performance, but for price-sensitive consumers, the cheapest PC I can crank out remains about $200-250 with no software. It cost about the same as it did since the early 2000s.

I've noticed that too! Bottom-end performance is what's come way up since the "sub $500 computers" first came out almost 10 yrs ago.

OK, I'm off to play NFS:Shift @ 1680x1050 with 4xAA @ 60fps. Kthxbye!

09-24-2009, 11:59 PM
I was never the showy person with computers (no LEDs, cold cathodes, windows cut, casemods, etc)... funny enough I'm the same way with cars. :rofl:

I have the same power supply as you do. Just like I do with cars, I like a little show, but nothing outrageous.

09-25-2009, 12:30 AM
I have the same power supply as you do. Just like I do with cars, I like a little show, but nothing outrageous.

That's not my current computer... well I should say not pictures of my actual box. I have the same case in black and PSU sitting in boxes waiting for my mobo/ram/cpu/videocard to come from Newegg on Monday though.

09-25-2009, 12:45 AM
Built mine in February 2008, for around $500

-AMD PhenomX4 9500
-Corsair XMS2 4GB RAM (DDR 800)
-Asus M2A-VM
-WDC Caviar blue 500GB hdd
-MEGA-piece of shit Logisys PSU (550W) bearings turned to rocks or something, fan is hella loud during startup
-your typical Samsung DVD+/- RW drive
-Logitech X-240 2.1 sound system
-Thermaltake LANBOX lite
-BenQ T221W 22inch monitor
-purple cold cathodes and other unnecessary shit

damn...these days $500 gets you ALOT more.

I also built a mini-ITX NES computer for a friend. I'll go dig up the pictures tommorow. The thing ran off Ubuntu 9.04.

09-25-2009, 01:24 AM
Hi guys, Im new here and would like to share my comp specs as well

CPU - Intel i7 965 XE
Mobo - ASUS P6T Deluxe
GPU - GTX 295
RAM - 3 x 2GB Corsair Dominator 1600
PSU - Corsair HX1000
HD - 2 x 300GB VelociRaptor
Soud card - X-Fi Extreme gamer
Speakers - Logitech Z-5500
Headset - Sony MD-RF6000 wireless surround
PC Case - Silverstone TJ-07
Monitor - Vizio 26" glass
Keyboard - Logitech G15
Mouse - Logitech G9
Mouse pad - Func industries

Water Cooling

CPU - Apogee GTZ
GPU - EK-FC295 GTX GPU block
Pump - Swiftech MCP655
Radiator - 240mm Feser X-Changer Xtreme
Radiator - 240mm Black Ice Extreme 2
Reservoire - EK-Multioption RES 250 Rev 2
Fittings - Bitspower compressed/angled fittings



http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/7339/1922900210l.jpg (http://img132.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1922900210l.jpg)

And this is my old one with intel Q9650 and Ati Radeon HD4870x2 set up with similar water cooling stuff

http://img35.imageshack.us/img35/3473/1508012504l.jpg (http://img35.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1508012504l.jpg)

http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/784/1118088732l.jpg (http://img132.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1118088732l.jpg)

http://img34.imageshack.us/img34/9518/1171257150l.jpg (http://img34.imageshack.us/my.php?image=1171257150l.jpg)

09-25-2009, 03:50 AM
lol my system is pretty solid till this day... back in 05/06 top of the line beast.

asus crossfire motherboard I forget the exact name but mvp series.
amd x2 4200
ocz pc3200 4gb (i don't know timings or speed as I don't overclock my pc's.)
ati x1900xt 512mb cache
western digital raptor 36gig x2 in raid 0 as my hard drive (YES two raptors in raid 0 have not failed and are RARELY OFF for 3 years now.)
western digital caviar 16mb cache 250gig drive
Creative Labs Fatality X-Fi (waste of money)

I think the motherboard is on it's way out... usb ports all think they're 1.1 now.

don't judge me, I need to dust and I am using a temporary desk, hence why this shit is on a del taco box.


I'll be replacing the hard drives in october when windows 7 shows up. I really don't play computer games anymore so no reason to upgrade my card until I can afford a 30 inch monitor.

09-25-2009, 04:00 AM
i used to have that same Fatal1ty X-Fi board. i've since sold it and use the mobo audio out... just unnecessary, like you said.

09-25-2009, 04:06 AM
i used to have that same Fatal1ty X-Fi board. i've since sold it and use the mobo audio out... just unnecessary, like you said.

it made battlefield two more awesome... but that is the only game that utilized it. I doubt I'll build another pc from the ground up, this proc will never die. NEVAR!!!

09-25-2009, 04:12 AM
yeah, i've got the same series (4400+), and it's rad... i think i might try a newer video card and 4 gigs of ram and see if this box still has life left in it.

09-25-2009, 04:36 AM
shit, you can stuff 8 gigs of ram in a computer now... I'm sooo tempted lol.

09-25-2009, 05:01 AM
holy shit such awesome nerdyness. haha.

that water cooling led shit is just crazy. looks so cool. wish i didnt dump all the money into the car now. im just starting to get into some major internet gaming

09-25-2009, 06:20 AM
has anyone built a mineral oil submerged computer? or how about a liquid cooled with an a/c cooled case?

09-25-2009, 06:51 AM

+1 for cool vintage audio.

There's a guy on eBay who rebuilds old receivers, makes sure everything works, etc. A friend of mine has a Yamaha that he did and it's amazing, looks like new.

I'm trying to put together an analog desk headphone rig for my office at present.

09-25-2009, 11:06 AM
shit, you can stuff 8 gigs of ram in a computer now... I'm sooo tempted lol.

that's how much have. Gskill OC to 1066. Sucks Vista 32 won't read it past 4.

Ben G
09-25-2009, 12:08 PM
my friends liquid cooled sprung a leak and ruined everything im afraid to go liquid cooled ever since then i have been just running and as for vista is anyone else running any form of Linux here?

09-25-2009, 12:13 PM
I am trying to become more of a computer minimalist when I'm able to, i.e. using my atom core netbook instead of my macbook pro. I currently have a C2D desktop that I use for grad school research, mostly number crunching and hope to be buying a 24 core 64 GB of RAM workstation soon.

I'm greatly interested in beagle boards - BeagleBoard.org - default (http://beagleboard.org/) which uses an ARM processor instead of an x86 type cpu. If I had more time/money, I'd probably buy one to play with.

^^^^^ I run Debian 5.0.3 on my research work station and have used Ubuntu, Fedora, TinyCoreLinux, some Gentoo, OpenSUSE, among other distros in the past. I've messed around with netBSD and openBSD but nothing major. I actually work within walking distance from the Red Hat headquarters.

09-25-2009, 12:14 PM
my friends liquid cooled sprung a leak and ruined everything im afraid to go liquid cooled ever since then i have been just running and as for vista is anyone else running any form of Linux here?

Run a liquid that doesn't conduct electricity, i.e. mineral oil. Also, run some sort of UV dye or food coloring that is obvious so that if a small leak does form you can catch it before it grows.

09-25-2009, 12:18 PM
has anyone built a mineral oil submerged computer? or how about a liquid cooled with an a/c cooled case?

Why not use a mini-fridge as a case? It'd take some custom fabbing but your components would stay cool.

09-25-2009, 12:22 PM
i recently built myself a desktop to replace my p4 2.4ghz.

very basic build
q9400 oc'd to 3.2ghz
gigabyte EP45T-UD3P
4GB DDR3 1333 generic kingston
9800 GTX+
some antec power supply
not pretty but it gets the job done

09-25-2009, 12:27 PM
has anyone built a mineral oil submerged computer? or how about a liquid cooled with an a/c cooled case?
Yeah, I built one when the Tbred cores had just come out using the Johnson and Johnson baby oil (which is mineral oil).

09-25-2009, 01:21 PM
Why not use a mini-fridge as a case? It'd take some custom fabbing but your components would stay cool.

I would imagine condensation would be a problem.

09-25-2009, 02:34 PM
I would imagine condensation would be a problem.

This is true. My Peltier cooled computer built up frost on the block between the element and CPU, it was completely sealed with dielectric grease and silicone but still eventually managed to die from the water that resulted after it was turned off.

09-25-2009, 04:03 PM
Yea I just found out that my OC proccessor is actually faster when OC'ed to 2.3 instead of 2.4. I kept trying to burn a disc and it kept crashing, after realizing that when it crashed it looked like it did when I tried the 2.5 OC, I turned the OC down and presto, shit works.

Curious though as to why the computer is faster overall at 2.3 than 2.4. Boot time, program opening, all that shit is faster.

And who gone answer my question about my temps?

09-25-2009, 08:49 PM
Om1kron, where did you get those stickers with the FINI and CROTCH GRAB etc?

And the pics I was talking about earlier:



-Atom 330 (dual core)
-1GB ram from Kingston
-Hitachi 320GB hdd (2.5 inch)
-120W Pico PSU
-4CM ish fan to draw hot air out, where the slot vents are on the top of case
-wired the power & reset buttons to work, and power LED

We had space for a slimline DVD drive, but we have no need for one.

09-25-2009, 09:45 PM
I'm SO down to build a BeagleBoard Carputer! Next year I'll take a peek, but 1200 MIPS, HD video, RS232 is awesome for $150. Add ~$200 for a really nice touchscreen, that's a dope little computer.

has anyone built a mineral oil submerged computer? or how about a liquid cooled with an a/c cooled case?

A company called Hardcore PC built their 'Reactor' computer with basically fully customized components for the mineral oil submersion. There are problems dunking normal components in it, but yeah, it's badass. If I felt like sourcing special heat sinks and all to maximize the cooling effects, I'd be down.

Exclusive: Oil Immersion Cooling Goes Mainstream with Hardcore PC's Reactor | Maximum PC (http://www.maximumpc.com/article/features/hardcorepc_reactor)

I would imagine condensation would be a problem.

YES! This is why you have to be careful with refrigeration ~ any time you get some parts considerably lower temp than others, you're going to get condensation, and it's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad.

09-25-2009, 11:46 PM
oil computers look pretty cool

09-26-2009, 12:33 AM
the NES pc is rad as shit. i've been wanting to make an NES media center for a long time. optical drive popping out of the cartridge door and stuff.

09-26-2009, 12:42 AM
that oil computer is the biggest waste of shit ever

09-26-2009, 01:03 AM
the NES pc is rad as shit. i've been wanting to make an NES media center for a long time. optical drive popping out of the cartridge door and stuff.


If you do, make sure you get the mother board as low as possible. I let it sit half the height of the grey part and i got like 2 mm clearance from the CPU fan if I put an optical dirve in there.

09-26-2009, 03:36 AM
that oil computer is the biggest waste of shit ever

This is true, and forget ever using that hardware in a normal computer again. :wan:

09-26-2009, 04:03 AM
Man. This brings me back.

In Highschool, I always built computers for friends and crap.

Now i'm broke. No joke!

I wish i had money to build a custom setup again...

My LAST custom comp was fucking OLD. Old ASUS CVU board, Intel Celeron 1ghz, Kingston 512mb ram, PNY GeForce4 MX. OLD shit.

09-26-2009, 04:15 AM
Man. This brings me back.

In Highschool, I always built computers for friends and crap.

Now i'm broke. No joke!

I wish i had money to build a custom setup again...

My LAST custom comp was fucking OLD. Old ASUS CVU board, Intel Celeron 1ghz, Kingston 512mb ram, PNY GeForce4 MX. OLD shit.

:rofl: My file server is an old dual CPU Pentium 3.

Ugh, I think I am about to fold and buy a 13" unibody Macbook Pro refurb tomorrow - I've got a netbook (Win7/OSX), a desktop(WinXP), and a file/development server(NetBSD) but I think it's time to consolidate. Useful laptop and a htpc/dev box/gaming/etc box.... the one nice thing about my new apartment is that elec/cable internet/tv/water/sewer/etc are included in the rent for an extra $175/mo so I don't really mind having 1500 watts of shit running all the time.

09-26-2009, 04:17 AM
LOL @ Apple Gaming.

09-26-2009, 04:22 AM
LOL @ Apple Gaming.

Indeed, that is why I will always have a Windows box around. I went through the pain of running games under Wine/WineX back when I only ran linux boxen. Fuck that.

09-26-2009, 04:26 AM
Haha. I'm waiting for Lucid Lynx to come out. It looks amazing.

I love reusing my old setups in Linux. It makes shit feel SUPERFUCKING FAST.

Computer of the Future fast.

09-26-2009, 05:17 AM
SSD's make any decently fast computer seem "computer of the future" fast - seriously, you guys have GOT to see that shit.

Windows 7 loading from POST screen (last post screen is RAID) to no-hourglass like 3 seconds? YES, YES, yesssssss~

Load Photoshop CS4 in like 2 seconds? YES.

It's the shit. I hope they don't all, like, die together in a couple months or something.

09-26-2009, 06:04 AM
SSD = Longer lifespan compared to standard enclosed HDs

09-26-2009, 06:44 AM
the oil is a cheap alt for serious overclockers.

also less dangerous chemicals invoved.

09-26-2009, 10:47 AM
SSD = Longer lifespan compared to standard enclosed HDs

SSD=A hell of a lot more money than standard enclosed HDs.

09-26-2009, 12:42 PM
SSD=A hell of a lot more money than standard enclosed HDs.

Hi, I'm BillyMays!

Are you tired of hearing that old dated HD running and whirling? Are your transfer speeds feeling a bit dated? I'm Here to introduce to you, THE FUTURE OF COMPUTING!

Longevity, Reliability, and Speed all come included in your SDD package!

If you buy today, I'll include, free of charge, 2 MORE orders of GLOATING FREE!


09-26-2009, 01:37 PM
SSD = Longer lifespan compared to standard enclosed HDs

This isn't true if you use a journaled file system (ie ext3) in Linux. I know that at least for USB drives and such there are limited numbers of guaranteed read/writes before they start having issues.

09-26-2009, 01:56 PM
the oil is a cheap alt for serious overclockers.

also less dangerous chemicals invoved.

Heatsoak's a bitch.

09-26-2009, 02:09 PM
Heatsoak's a bitch.

What are considered high temps?

09-26-2009, 05:22 PM
Hi, I'm BillyMays!

Are you tired of hearing that old dated HD running and whirling? Are your transfer speeds feeling a bit dated? I'm Here to introduce to you, THE FUTURE OF COMPUTING!

Longevity, Reliability, and Speed all come included in your SDD package!

If you buy today, I'll include, free of charge, 2 MORE orders of GLOATING FREE!


I think you forgot something...


Haven't built a gaming PC since 05/06. Its just too pricey to keep up these days especially with the lack of GREAT games out right now IMO. I've been sticking to Console as of lately and hate wondering how X game will run on this X processor with X amount of ram, ect.... $299 and a hdtv to play on = done! I'd stay on PC for MMO's and FPS tho. I still rock L4D and CS:Source! ARMA2 @ Medium settings? forget it! not on my pc!

09-26-2009, 06:02 PM
What have I done?

09-26-2009, 06:06 PM
you've failed us.

09-26-2009, 06:07 PM
:rofl: Building the desktop with the parts that come tomorrow. I went Intel I5 and Asus mobo on it.

09-26-2009, 06:09 PM
whatever you say, Lando Calrissian circa Empire Strikes Back.


09-26-2009, 06:11 PM

09-26-2009, 06:11 PM
This isn't true if you use a journaled file system (ie ext3) in Linux. I know that at least for USB drives and such there are limited numbers of guaranteed read/writes before they start having issues.

There's actually a fairly large debate going on right now with a related problem ~ because of differences in how LBA file systems like FAT32 and NTFS (to an extent) delete stuff, and how NAND flash memory deletes (basically have to delete all the pages in a block, or blocks on a page, I forget), the SSD fills up way too fast, and starts to get 'slower'!

Windows 7 is rumored to have a SSD-cleaning tool that will eliminate this problem, which was actually a big part of my deciding to switch to it.

I'm having trouble finding the most informative article that I read, it was before I started reading everything on my Kindle lol... damn my brain for not being searchable!

Heatsoak's a bitch.

It takes an enormously large amount of heat to appreciably warm that much mineral oil to anywhere near normal operating temps for IC's (50*C) - with any circulation/radiator setup, no matter how crude, I can't imagine any heat problems.

09-26-2009, 06:13 PM
It takes an enormously large amount of heat to appreciably warm that much mineral oil to anywhere near normal operating temps for IC's (50*C) - with any circulation/radiator setup, no matter how crude, I can't imagine any heat problems.

You run the mineral oil through a large radiator anyway. A decent sized radiator with two 120mm fans running low RPMs is enough.

09-26-2009, 06:46 PM
Well, I've got 20 minutes on this thing. It's not bad at all - I like the touchpad a lot more than anything else and the battery seems to last right around 6 hours - for reference my Hp Mini1000 was only getting 2:30 out of a battery.

My one gripe is that it gets hot as fuck and the whole chassis heats up because it's aluminum.

09-26-2009, 07:08 PM
What have I done?


My next plan for the PC is actually to have a W7 Mac Os dual boot.

09-26-2009, 07:13 PM
Well, I've got 20 minutes on this thing. It's not bad at all - I like the touchpad a lot more than anything else and the battery seems to last right around 6 hours - for reference my Hp Mini1000 was only getting 2:30 out of a battery.

My one gripe is that it gets hot as fuck and the whole chassis heats up because it's aluminum.

Keep us posted with the battery life stuff. My Macbook 13" (from right when the Macbooks came out in 2006) got about 5hrs if I turned everything off (Wifi, bluetooth) and ran the screen pretty low. I'd be very surprised if your Pro lasted longer than that... 6hrs is netbook territory.

My next plan for the PC is actually to have a W7 Mac Os dual boot.

I'd assume you'd BIOS-mod for the Mac OS install, which causes problems because there's limited space to BIOS-mod for SLIC 2.2 (win7 activation hack). That would be a serious problem for me, at least.

09-26-2009, 07:16 PM
Keep us posted with the battery life stuff. My Macbook 13" (from right when the Macbooks came out in 2006) got about 5hrs if I turned everything off (Wifi, bluetooth) and ran the screen pretty low. I'd be very surprised if your Pro lasted longer than that... 6hrs is netbook territory.

Yeah, it's looking to be more like 5hr 10min with wifi on and the screen set at midlevel. Either way, it's better than my netbook so I'm happy - I think the netbook is being passed to my girlfriend and she's selling her 15" 2ghz macbook pro because she already has a 24" iMac.

09-26-2009, 07:53 PM
My next plan for the PC is actually to have a W7 Mac Os dual boot.

let me know how this works out for you I'm looking to do the same with my next pc build.

09-26-2009, 08:25 PM
I'd assume you'd BIOS-mod for the Mac OS install, which causes problems because there's limited space to BIOS-mod for SLIC 2.2 (win7 activation hack). That would be a serious problem for me, at least.

Nope: http://www.efi-x.com/

09-26-2009, 08:57 PM
Enjoy running Linux on your MBP if you so choose to. It makes it so hot that you could probably cook an egg on it.

I regret buying my MBP, should've just purchased a netbook.

09-26-2009, 11:17 PM
I've been building PC's since the Cyrix PR166+ days, and was doing pretty good building and selling systems for people all through highschool. Actually, that kinda picked up again recently, and I've been dealing more and more with people who want to play pc games but don't know wtf to buy/build. Its what let me pay for the system I'm posting this on.

Dell 24in and 2x Dell 20in monitors
Core i7 920 @ 3.8ghz
6gb G.Skill DDR3
EVGA 285GTX & 8800GT (runs the two 20in monitors and does physx or w/e)
Coolermaster HAF940 case
Thermaltake 1200w PSU


09-27-2009, 12:50 AM
Nope: http://www.efi-x.com/

Super interesting! Thanks for the link.

I've been building PC's since the Cyrix PR166+ days, and was doing pretty good building and selling systems for people all through highschool. Actually, that kinda picked up again recently, and I've been dealing more and more with people who want to play pc games but don't know wtf to buy/build. Its what let me pay for the system I'm posting this on.

Dell 24in and 2x Dell 20in monitors
Core i7 920 @ 3.8ghz
6gb G.Skill DDR3
EVGA 285GTX & 8800GT (runs the two 20in monitors and does physx or w/e)
Coolermaster HAF940 case
Thermaltake 1200w PSU

Looks beast. Is that the Thermaltake Ultra 120? That came out right after I bought my last cooler, I'm all about big and quiet... thought about buying one.

09-27-2009, 07:40 AM

i take it that powersupply does not generate a lot of heat.

09-27-2009, 10:54 AM
Ah the benefits of a bigger case, my lil mini tower is cram full, still lookin to put one more fan right under the HDDs, and perhaps a fan controller where my now defunt card reader is now

09-27-2009, 12:24 PM
What have I done?

what a GREAT cost cutting initiative on apples behalf

they're using the shitty plain-white motherboard boxes to fit their product into, and just stamp some basic apple info on the front.. great!

thats like mr pizza on fairfax blvd, theyve managed to stay in business forever by saving pennies by doing things like buying pizza boxes from close-out sales when a pizza company is going under. every time i order a pizza for take-out, it has some OTHER company's info on the box.

09-27-2009, 01:15 PM

I can see why people like Macs, it's the little touches and the plain quality. One thing that did manage to piss me off a little is that the icon for a Windows computer on the network is a monitor with a blue screen and some white writing that would obviously be intended to look like a blue screen of death.

09-27-2009, 10:36 PM
i take it that powersupply does not generate a lot of heat.

The fan is on the bottom of the powersupply, and the case has openings on the bottom for it to draw air from.

09-27-2009, 11:33 PM
The fan is on the bottom of the powersupply, and the case has openings on the bottom for it to draw air from.


From the looks of it, there seems to be a gratuitous amount of airflow going thru the bottom.

Mr. H
09-28-2009, 06:14 PM
Just wondering but what do you all do with your computers. there are some sweat set ups here, are they just gaming computers or do you need the power for work or something.

09-28-2009, 06:19 PM
Just wondering but what do you all do with your computers. there are some sweat set ups here, are they just gaming computers or do you need the power for work or something.

i'm sure most of them are purpose-built for gaming, but power is power. build your computer bigger now and it'll be much longer before you inevitably have to do it again.

09-28-2009, 06:21 PM
My computer is really fast. Who wants to race?

09-28-2009, 06:26 PM
i knew i'd be able to justify putting hazards on my tower at some point. meet me in the aqueduct at midnight.

09-28-2009, 10:05 PM
Just wondering but what do you all do with your computers. there are some sweat set ups here, are they just gaming computers or do you need the power for work or something.

Mine is gaming and daily computing/ word interwebs etc.

09-28-2009, 11:14 PM
Just wondering but what do you all do with your computers. there are some sweat set ups here, are they just gaming computers or do you need the power for work or something.

I'm a genetics grad student interested in a lot of bioinformatics/evolution topics so my hardware is mostly used for that. The little bit of gaming I do can run on probably 6 or 7 year hardware without too many issues. :fruit:

09-28-2009, 11:42 PM
Just wondering but what do you all do with your computers. there are some sweat set ups here, are they just gaming computers or do you need the power for work or something.


Thats it.

09-29-2009, 02:19 AM

Thats it.

LOTS of it though, streaming multiple genres at the same time, etc.

Takes mad cpu power bro.

09-29-2009, 02:29 AM
Just wondering but what do you all do with your computers. there are some sweat set ups here, are they just gaming computers or do you need the power for work or something.

.torrents + Porn + Usenet.

09-29-2009, 08:04 AM
Post some more pics of y'all setups!

10-05-2009, 09:55 PM
I want this


Newegg.com - HIS H587F1GDG Radeon HD 5870 (Cypress XT) 1GB 256-bit GDDR5 PCI Express 2.0 x16 HDCP Ready CrossFire Supported Video Card w/ATI Eyefinity - Desktop Graphics / Video Cards (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814161301)

10-22-2009, 06:53 AM
Windows 7 comes out today, who is installing it over vista?

10-22-2009, 10:14 AM
i just got my comp running...i'm gonna try to grab a ultim w7, today.

$600 setup
phenom II 955
asus 790x mobo
ati 4870 1gb
4gb of 1600 ddr3 freshness
displayed on my new nice Lg 32" 1080p 120hz tv... is also $600 w/ free shipping.
the rest are old reused stuff
like custom beatdown case.