View Full Version : Ncis

09-21-2009, 09:35 AM

seriously...i think its a great show... im just wondering who else here watches it...

favorite episodes has to be when Kate dies due to a sniper round thru her skull...

what do you guys think

09-21-2009, 10:04 AM
Never seen it and they compare it to JAG or well it was going to be a " two part episode " and I never watched JAG ether. I have never even seen this show advertised on TV

09-21-2009, 10:07 AM
its an old show...semi old...started in 2002 i think...has like 7 or so seasons...

i forget what T.V. station air it ATM...damn...

09-21-2009, 12:10 PM
uhhh.... It airs on USA iirc. I like it, its a good show with plenty of twists.

09-21-2009, 12:46 PM
uhhh.... It airs on USA iirc. I like it, its a good show with plenty of twists.

ahh thanks i was going to say FX...lol
all i know is Mark Harmon as Gibbs = pure win...

09-21-2009, 12:58 PM
i enjoy the show. i just got into it earlier this year.

NCIS branched off JAG and NCIS:LA is going to be branching off NCIS, lol.

Aside from USA, it airs on CBS I believe.

09-21-2009, 08:04 PM
i have seen every episode up till this season i think. i like it, but it gets way too cheesy at times.