View Full Version : If your child was the passanger in a car accident and died would you...

09-21-2009, 12:42 AM
with his friend/ boyfriend/ girlfriend driving.

would you sue the drivers family? plus the other party involved. personally i think its fuckingstupid. I mean if the funeral and everything was allready paid for by either your medical insurance or the drivers insurance why cause more drama for everyone. money isn't going to bring your kid back to life. right?

i wouldnt personally. specially since its not like the driver did it on purpose to fuck alot of people over.

why do i bring this up you ask? theres like 2 or 3 local cases here involving teenagers involved in accidents with deaths. and the families are suing eachother. i think everyone should leave it alone and rest and mourn the passing away instead of brining in shady lawyers and shady judges to get shady insurance companies to give useless cash when its not gonna cover medical expenses since theyre passed away. or property damage since the insurance allready handled everything. idk im just lucky that i never killed anyone involuntary.

09-21-2009, 12:44 AM
Fuck no. That is bullshit.

09-21-2009, 12:50 AM
im getting sued right now by one of my better friends cuz of an auto accident and no one even died!!!thats more effed up if you ask me

09-21-2009, 12:54 AM
Suing in a situation such as this only makes the family look greedy. The money will not bring their child back. Taking advantage of a tragedy for financial gain makes them terrible people, and they should be told that.

09-21-2009, 01:16 AM
it definitely does make the family look greedy, but i think its done out of anger...they want someone to pay for wat happened, and this case would be the parents, i dont see how the family would win unless the driver was drunk. but even then how are the parents accountable?

09-21-2009, 01:19 AM
it definitely does make the family look greedy, but i think its done out of anger...they want someone to pay for wat happened, and this case would be the parents, i dont see how the family would win unless the driver was drunk. but even then how are the parents accountable?

youd be surpirsed. if the kid is say 16 (the kid that is driving not the one that passed away)

and he had a speeding ticket before. the other family can say that just because of that he is an unsafe driver and his parents knew therefore the parents are now at fault too. or if the car is registered to the parents (which is true since a minor cant sign a contract of anykind) then the parents are also at fault in that case,

sometimes i want to say :fawkd: to the fucking default laws.

they should go by what is morally right or wrong sometimes. :spank:

09-21-2009, 01:21 AM
yea thats actually a good scenario

09-21-2009, 03:15 AM
It's probably done for the sake of retribution.
In cases where criminal charges can't be pressed,
the next best LEGAL option would be to press civil charges.
It's a lot easier to win, (or at least settle) for a civil case vs a criminal case.
Financial hits hurt everyone.

I'd consider it, depending on the circumstances.
I would probably do so for payback, not so much the $$$.
I would probably donate the money afterward.

No doubt most ppl are also opportunists who don't mind making an extra buck.
The civil court system is set up in a way that encourages this sort of thing.
I'm reluctant to call it frivolous.
Usually having a love one die is far from frivolous.