View Full Version : should i go through insurance?

09-20-2009, 03:40 PM
Alright, so last night i was involved in an accident. My coupe jumped a curb and now the whole front assembly is fucked up. This probably could have been easily prevented if i hadn't got so pissed off.

Before i continue on, let it be known there are two ways to my home. one way which i don't go anymore because i've already been egged coming home this way twice. so i use the back way now.

at around 11 last night, i was driving home to bring my mom food from a party i had just got back from (asian parties are the shit). I'm about to turn into my neighborhood when two trucks one black one white on the opposing lane shut off their lights, i'm thinking oh fuck me i'm about to get "tupac'd" right now so i'm keeping my cool. and i see 3 eggs launch out their window, 1 hits my car two miss. at this point they're peeling out. i flip'd a bitch and started chasing them to get a license plate. They're running stops and all kinds of shit, i have chaser strobes in my headlights for events and stuff. so i turned those on for shiggles. (probably not the best idea though) anyways my ka finally catches up to them and i'm following behind them probably going 50 in a 30. and the truck in front of me intentionally slams on his brakes i had to swerve out of the way to avoid hitting him, it was either i hit him, swerve into oncoming traffic or swerve into a busloop on the side of an elementary school. i swerve into the busloop and hit a patch of water, my front wheels lock up and i'm probably still going about 40 and bam my car jumps the curb completely. all the impact on the drivers side front tire. at this point im on the curb the black truck is still there and rolls his window down and yells "fuck you!" and peels off. i got out of my car pissed off and grabbed a rock off the ground and chucked it at his truck. it hit his tailgait but i dont think they noticed. at this point my cars still running so i try and see if its okay im able to drive it off the curb untill the front assembly locks up. and my car starts to bog out. so i shut if off and call my friends. someone a few houses over came out and checked if i was okay, it turns out they also got egged while driving the following weekend and that they also got hit by a white truck. so i call the cops, and they were unable to find anyone driving around that matched the description. tow truck shows up minutes after and at this point he presents me with the shittiest news ever. i guess they don't cover or touch lowered cars or cars with kits on them. i just lowered my car 2 days ago, so i'm just shit out of luck. the cop leaves and i had to slip the guy 50 bucks to tow it to my house. (literally just down the street) but the car itself wouldn't roll so we had to put it on blocks of wood and drag it on the bed. i'm alright, though. the impact of the harnesses was pretty bad and i have bruises on my neck but i'll be fine. i just have a question to ask all of you, is this something i should try and get fixed through insurance? my deductable is only like $500 and my insurance only covers third party, and cars i hit. so should i even tell my insurance company? or should i go through my own pocket?

Damage: as of right now, the lower control arm is snapped. the tensioner arm is snapped, and my rim is bent. the rear driver rim slapped against the curb and i dont think is bad, frame is straight no leaking fluids. car starts and runs, but the whole assembly is just dangling there.

i'll get pics up and see what else is messed up.

Also if anyone has any spare stock S13 front suspension parts they could donate to me or either sell me, that would help alot. I have a thread in the WTB section that i will update as soon as i take everything apart.

09-20-2009, 04:13 PM
Don't bother with insurance for that, and don't tell them.

I went through insurance with my S14 when it got hit a few weeks after I bought it - ended up coming out a grand ahead (ie. I got $1000 more back than I paid for the car, even with a $1k deductible) and got to keep the car, albeit with a salvage title. I am driving with a fucked quarter panel though.

09-20-2009, 05:05 PM
Calling an insurance claim on your curb surfing would give you a salvage title being as how s13's are worthless.

09-22-2009, 07:22 PM
Okay, update. went to my local shop, they said i need some minor frame straitening and i need to replace a rim, a lower control arm, and a strut rod or whatever its called (is silicone filled, someone correct me?)

And they want $750 to get it all sorted out, this is with brand new parts. so i said hey if i can find the parts used can you still put it on, the price was reduced to $450 for labor. and unfortunately being on a student budget, that's still too much.

So do you think, i could replace the lower control arm and strut rod myself? I have no mechanical knowledge on fixing cars, but i can if i have some basic instructions. I would much rather do this myself, than pay that pretty penny. after the car can actually drive, i'll pay to get it professionally aligned. but as far as the labor for replacing the parts, is this something that someone like myself can do?

Also, any help or threads explaining on how to remove the assembly would help me out alot. thanks

09-22-2009, 07:31 PM
u can do it yourself..just get some friends or someone in the area that knos wassup

09-22-2009, 07:40 PM
u can do it yourself..just get some friends or someone in the area that knos wassup

Alright, sounds good. i'll do some research on some diy's and see if i can pull it off.

09-22-2009, 08:11 PM
replacing the arms and stuff should be do-able for you but i'm not sure it's a good idea to drive around before you get your frame straightened...

Did you only go to that one shop for a quote? try some other shops and see if you have any friends that know of shops that might be able to give you a good deal..

but remember, good work is never cheap. cheap work is never good.

09-22-2009, 08:15 PM
don't do it. s13's are worth more in scrap metal.

09-22-2009, 09:36 PM
replacing the arms and stuff should be do-able for you but i'm not sure it's a good idea to drive around before you get your frame straightened...

Did you only go to that one shop for a quote? try some other shops and see if you have any friends that know of shops that might be able to give you a good deal..

but remember, good work is never cheap. cheap work is never good.

i will have the frame straigtened by the same shop, i will install the parts myself and bring it back for a professional alignment. if this will save me a hundred bucks or more that would help out alot.

this is that shop that i have a hookup with, nissan specialists and good friends with my dad.

i understand the concept on having it professionally done, i would just like to save as much as i can.

thanks for all the info guys, i'll be fixing it myself sometime this week. will post pics and updates.

09-22-2009, 09:42 PM
i would find these guys and fuck some shit up if i were u...

09-22-2009, 10:08 PM
i would find these guys and fuck some shit up if i were u...

I was so pissed when it happend, honestly this could have easily been avoided if i just brushed it off. but wow, i hate how people do this shit.. my car is everything to me, even if it is just an egg. no one fucks with my car, ever.. regardless of how much its worth. i got my dream car as a first car, and i value it alot. Thanks everyone for all the help

09-22-2009, 10:31 PM
Depends on what part of the 'frame' isn't straight. Chances are it isn't off enough to cause a problem or for you to even notice.

09-22-2009, 10:45 PM
yea bro a crash like shouldnt do much frame damage at all..if its the rails dont wrry about it

09-22-2009, 11:11 PM
if $450 is to much for you... you should probably stop right now and buy a nice pair of nikes, so your feet won't get sore while your walking to class thinking about how stupid it is to chase idiots down the road running stop signs..

next time concealed carry.... probably after you fix your car...

09-22-2009, 11:23 PM

just get rid of the 240

and get another car lol

09-22-2009, 11:35 PM
Don't tell insurance.

Okay, update. went to my local shop, they said i need some minor frame straitening and i need to replace a rim, a lower control arm, and a strut rod or whatever its called (is silicone filled, someone correct me?)


So do you think, i could replace the lower control arm and strut rod myself? I have no mechanical knowledge on fixing cars, but i can if i have some basic instructions. I would much rather do this myself, than pay that pretty penny. after the car can actually drive, i'll pay to get it professionally aligned. but as far as the labor for replacing the parts, is this something that someone like myself can do?

Also, any help or threads explaining on how to remove the assembly would help me out alot. thanks

The "strut rod" is the strut, the actual shock absorber (filled with nitrogen and shock oil). New OEM suspension is virtually free (I've gotten multiple sets of stock shocks in decent shape for free). The lower control arm and tie rod won't be free, but should be cheap enough (look for used OEM stuff on here, and put up a WTB ad).

To replace all this stuff, you'd just need hand tools. Having someone that's done it all before helps, and some of those nuts will not want to come off (thinking of the ball joint to the knuckle, and the tie rod ball joint)... again, look for someone on here in your area that's done it and has the tools, and pay them rather than a shop.

I wouldn't worry about the frame damage too much, you can always get it pulled later.

You'll need an alignment after all this, that's gonna run you another $80 or so.

next time concealed carry....

Coming from someone who has had a CC permit, that's the worst thing for that situation. You'd have to prove that not only was your life in danger, but when you actually brandish the weapon (and potentially use it), they had intent to kill... not exactly the case if you're popping off a few rounds into their back window as they drive off.

09-23-2009, 12:16 AM
if $450 is to much for you... you should probably stop right now and buy a nice pair of nikes, so your feet won't get sore while your walking to class thinking about how stupid it is to chase idiots down the road running stop signs..

next time concealed carry.... probably after you fix your car...

$450 is actually alot of money, i'm a highschool student. i'm unemployed and am new at cars. so don't even give me that..

and just so you know i collect shoes actually, and probably know more about them than you. so chill out before you bash on me with that

09-23-2009, 12:53 AM
and just so you know i collect shoes actually

Sell your shoe collection and fix your car then
or get a part time job and get the $450 and fix it,
its not so hard to make money unless your lazy

09-23-2009, 10:03 AM
Coming from someone who has had a CC permit, that's the worst thing for that situation. not exactly the case if you're popping off a few rounds into their back window as they drive off.

I guess it's a state by state basis. There is no retreat law in florida. Someone drives at you. That's intent to do harm with the vehicle as his weapon. Open season and court proven. Also I wouldn't be aiming for back glass, kids with blown out tires and shots in the tailgate are easier to find later. You want to fend off the attack for a later day not stop a pickup with a hand cannon and engage all occupants with your concealed carry. I mean unless your cc is a 45 and you keep multiple clips on your person. I guess everyone has their own personal tactic though.

I'm not making a crack at your shoe collection. I don't even care that you collect shoes. I'm being realistic. If you don't know how to change a lower control arm and tension rod, then you don't know what frame damage looks like and if you attempt the repair yourself you can bolt good parts on but you won't know anything obvious like that bracket is supposed to be 2" to the left or not so obvious is bent. Let alone bleeding the brakes after this is done. The definition of repair is the act of putting something in working order again . I don't know if you have the knowledge to do that. You can replace parts but if they'll put the car in working order again is a totally different question. I would also closely inspect the rack. Would not be surprising to find it has come loose. This is either a great time to learn alot about your car, buy some tools, some parts and attempt to tackle it yourself knowing that at the end you could end up having to send it to a local shop and being even more in the hole or you could fix it and come out ahead but just FYI, the advice given earlier that just bolting on parts, may not fix what you have. It would be important to check your brake lines and sway bar endlink on that side as well. Probably the best thing you could do is put the front on jack stands and take both front wheels off and compare the left side with the right side for differences. Look carefully at chassis attachment points etc. then make your decision if you feel you can make one side look like the other.

The fact you were a highschool student with strobe lights in your headlights doing this on wet roads, going 20mph over the speed limit in front of an elementarty school proves that you were a hot head or a ricer and weren't thinking about anyone but yourself or the guys in front of you. You forget you're piloting a 2800lb cruise missle and next time there might not be a bus loop to turn into but a busload of kids, or someones house. Let alone anyone else that maybe traveling the road. Next time don't get so rattled over an egg. It's just one egg. You could have just kept going home, cleaned it off and been ok instead of all this drama and car repair which is self inflicted. Finally, Did you have a plan for what if you rear ended him instead and him and 5 crack pipe hittin friends step out and beat you to a pulp then kill you for hitting their truck?

09-23-2009, 11:30 AM
^^^^^^^:werd: I think you hit the nail on the head with that one.
listen to the wolf.

09-23-2009, 11:44 AM
yeah not worth it over an egg and immature kids.. especially when its raining. you are still young and have lots to learn, but your outburst could have lead to a shortened life, as well as other innocent bystanders. next time, let it go because your life, as well as others are not worth it for such a silly situation. if you are still mad, find the kids and talk to them.

09-23-2009, 11:46 AM
Also if anyone has any spare stock S13 front suspension parts they could donate to me or either sell me, that would help alot. I have a thread in the WTB section that i will update as soon as i take everything apart.

hit up this gent

he got hit on the pass...his driver side stuff should be good...good luck

and just so you know i collect shoes actually, and probably know more about them than you. so chill out before you bash on me with that

explains why ur broke and cant fix ur car...way to be mature...

09-23-2009, 12:09 PM
All this headache because of an egg. Lucky OP's ass didn't get shot.

Ben G
09-23-2009, 12:35 PM
^^^^ in Temecula? ya right... im sick of all those fucking bro mother fucks driving around in there trucks there daddy's fucking bought for them thinking there the shit around here its ridiculous they all still act like they are 12 behind the wheel.

09-24-2009, 02:19 PM
^^^ above posts made alot of sense, this morning i made the decision to get it professionally fixed. Dropped off the parts this morning and will be getting it done the right way, thanks for all the useful posts. Thanks for givin me an honest opinion also, i appreciate that.

thanks guys

09-27-2009, 10:32 PM
Issue resolved, Mods please close this.

09-27-2009, 10:39 PM
All this headache because of an egg.

my thoughts exactly...