View Full Version : Shadow Complex (XBox Arcade)

09-18-2009, 09:16 AM
I admit, I get pretty excited about some games. It's usually just one or two a year now because as cool as some look I know I just don't have time for all the good games out there. So a couple games of the year I'm just really geeked over.

During E3 this game called Shadow Complex was announced and it was boasting that it was just like a "Super Metroid". They weren't even trying to bill it as something more. No, it was completely stealing the formula and using todays graphics and BAM, Shadow Complex. This was not lame to me, I was EXCITED. Super Metroid is probably in my top 5 video games of all time. And at the time of it's release was considered THE BEST video game of all time. If you were around my age when this game came out you know why. Or maybe your younger and have done yourself a favor and enjoyed this game.

Once things went 3D Side Scrolling action went to by the wayside. Even Metroid itself went 3D and that transition went darn well.

But some of us longed for a real Metroid side scrolling sequel with todays HD graphics.

No luck with the Metroid franchise*, but Shadow Complex IS THAT GAME. It's Super Metroid but with a different main character and set on Earth. Everything else about it is classic Super Metroid greatness. The hidden areas, areas blocked by a door or rock that needs a certain gun to access, the backtracking, the upgrading of your weapons. It really is a glorious formula and Epic games hit the nail on the head.

I actually woke up early today JUST to continue playing. I can tell you honestly that I have NEVER done that before in my 25 or so years of gaming.

Bottom line is if you were a fan of Super Metroid and want to play basically an updated version this is the game you've been waiting for all these years.

*I made a thread about a game called Metroid Other M that was announced at E3 also. After playing this game and watching the video again, it now seems to me that Other M will be a side scrolling game. What was throwing me off from that trailer is that you can see Samus shooting into the foreground and background at enemies. You can do this in Shadow Complex so I'm convinced that is what is going on in the Other trailer. AWESOME!


09-18-2009, 09:24 AM
Yea my friend Nick downloaded that game a while back, iunno a few weeks. I had a really hard time following the whole thing. Its like a puzzle game.

09-18-2009, 09:27 AM
Yea my friend Nick downloaded that game a while back, iunno a few weeks. I had a really hard time following the whole thing. Its like a puzzle game.

Yeah it came out a few weeks ago. I finally got my 360 fixed just so I could play this game.

Really you had a hard time with it? Huh. Maybe becuase I grew up on that style of game. I dunno.

Did you play Super Metroid back in the day?

09-18-2009, 11:51 AM
looks good, post some youtube vids, thats what i ususally check out as deciding factors on which games are cool.

09-18-2009, 12:09 PM
Shadow complex is a great game, lots to do since the achievements require running through it multiple times, the aiming takes a short while to get used to however this game has some of the best graphics of the arcade games. Looks amazing, the story is wild as well, has an ending you wouldnt know was coming. Great gameplay, I also love super metroid.

I highly recommend the game, learn to read the map and the game will be a lot easier, LOTS of secrets

09-18-2009, 12:21 PM
yeah a friend told me about this a while back. i dled the demo and i keep forgetting to go buy some live points to get the full game. definitely a must have on the ole 'BoX

09-18-2009, 01:05 PM
Shadow complex is a great game, lots to do since the achievements require running through it multiple times, the aiming takes a short while to get used to however this game has some of the best graphics of the arcade games. Looks amazing, the story is wild as well, has an ending you wouldnt know was coming. Great gameplay, I also love super metroid.

I highly recommend the game, learn to read the map and the game will be a lot easier, LOTS of secrets

Again, maybe it's because I'm accustom to this kinda game but the map is about as straight forward as you get.

I love all the secrets. That's one of my favorite parts.

09-18-2009, 01:12 PM
If you're just doing one run through its pretty quick, but it has plenty of secrets to keep you going back and finding everything else. Excellent game.

09-18-2009, 01:34 PM
looks good, post some youtube vids, thats what i ususally check out as deciding factors on which games are cool.

Here's IGN's review of it. Shows a lot of the gameplay.

YouTube - Shadow Complex Review (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZwfpmH0Bs8)

09-18-2009, 07:34 PM
Game is awesome, graphics and gameplay are totally not on par with the price. It should've been more expensive LOL.

I beat it, and got 99% of the items, I don't know where anything else could be so I'm pretty pissed. I didn't get the achievement :(

09-18-2009, 09:12 PM
looks fun, kinda reminds me of Flashback *oldschool* with teh futuristic stuff

09-19-2009, 06:21 AM
looks fun, kinda reminds me of Flashback *oldschool* with teh futuristic stuff

Damn I forgot about that game. IIRC that game had some of the best animation at the time.

I just got two pieces to the suit. This game is getting better and better.

09-19-2009, 02:09 PM
I just tried Flashback. I reminds me how much games babysit you now. You could play Flashback for quite a while before figuring out what the heck you are supposed to be doing.

09-23-2009, 10:07 AM
This is the first game in YEARS that I've played every day since I got it.

I just love it and hope they are making a sequel soon. Not too soon that it's rushed and not as good, but soon enough.

I just got the double jump boost boots last night. So I'm in the process of collecting the final pieces of the suit.

So far I've been able to get at a lot of the secrets. There's only been one that I found but couldn't figure out how to get at it. It's down at the bottom of the map where you can ride that coal cart for a ways. There's a blue box that needs to be speed boost ran through. Just can't figure out how to run into it so high up there.

I'm looking forward to playing it over on Hard. I think it's a little too easy on Normal. Even though I've died countless times.

09-24-2009, 12:28 AM
This is the first game in YEARS that I've played every day since I got it.

I just love it and hope they are making a sequel soon. Not too soon that it's rushed and not as good, but soon enough.

I just got the double jump boost boots last night. So I'm in the process of collecting the final pieces of the suit.

So far I've been able to get at a lot of the secrets. There's only been one that I found but couldn't figure out how to get at it. It's down at the bottom of the map where you can ride that coal cart for a ways. There's a blue box that needs to be speed boost ran through. Just can't figure out how to run into it so high up there.

I'm looking forward to playing it over on Hard. I think it's a little too easy on Normal. Even though I've died countless times.

You gotta run on the roof dawg.

09-24-2009, 08:55 AM
You gotta run on the roof dawg.

Damn, don't you have to run on the ground and then up a wall then to the ceiling? I'll have to take another look at it.

09-24-2009, 09:40 AM
Damn, don't you have to run on the ground and then up a wall then to the ceiling? I'll have to take another look at it.

You might have to go through another door or something, and don't have the ability to break down the door yet.

I didn't get everywhere/thing until I had the hardware to do so.

09-24-2009, 09:52 AM
You might have to go through another door or something, and don't have the ability to break down the door yet.

I didn't get everywhere/thing until I had the hardware to do so.

I'm at the final boss now. So I have all everything. I decided to go back and try and get everything I can without using a guide.

09-28-2009, 11:09 AM
I beat the game the other day.

This game has the easiest final boss in video game history. But it didn't matter one bit to me. In fact i think I preferred it being easy. I finished it with 81% of the items/secrets. I'm going for 100% now.

I started the game over as soon as the credits were done rolling. I haven't done that since Wind Waker. So it's been 6 years since I was totally in love with a game.

I'm playing it on hardcore this time and it is quit a bit more difficult. Which is also good. I got level 20 experience now too so now I have the whole map and where all the items are.

09-28-2009, 07:09 PM
How many points is this game?

09-28-2009, 07:35 PM
It's 1200.

You should add me as a friend.

09-28-2009, 10:14 PM
I'm short on cash to buy it but I played the demo and loved it.

09-28-2009, 10:23 PM
Mel, I have this game, and have had it. LOL.

09-29-2009, 12:18 AM
I bought this game a couple days ago, I like it a lot.

09-29-2009, 07:59 AM
Mel, I have this game, and have had it. LOL.

Well shame on you for not making a thread then.

I would have bought it sooner but i was trying to get my 360 fixed. The day I got it back I bought it.

09-29-2009, 04:49 PM
Well shame on you for not making a thread then.

I would have bought it sooner but i was trying to get my 360 fixed. The day I got it back I bought it.

I was directing that at the OTHER Mel, but it works for you too I guess. ;P

Should I do HC mode?!

09-30-2009, 07:45 AM
I was directing that at the OTHER Mel, but it works for you too I guess. ;P

Should I do HC mode?!

I'm doing it now. Go for it. It's definitely way harder. There will just be random ED-209 robots and shit everywhere.

10-01-2009, 09:05 AM
Yeah on hardcore...the game is hardcore. I'm having trouble progressing through the game at the speed I went through the first time. Challenging but fun.