View Full Version : Got screwed on a car deal, what should i do?

09-16-2009, 08:27 AM
Was looking for a car for my girlfriend, found an 06 Civic EX from a private seller here in VA.. Atleast the seller claimed it was an EX.

So we bought it last night, and while purchasing insurance and entering the VIN the car came up as a DX model, so i bluebooked it and came up with a $2000 difference in what we paid for the car and the actual value of an EX model.

It was a private sale and the seller removed all listings, what do i do- suck it up?

09-16-2009, 08:48 AM
suck it up .... especially if the car is sold "AS-IS" on the bill of sale

you are the one that didnt check the vin or look into the detail when you paid

09-16-2009, 08:53 AM
You have no evidence to indicate the seller said it was an EX?

If you do have evidence, take them to court, $2000 is a lot of money.

09-16-2009, 08:56 AM
carfax is your friend. especially when you can get it done for free here .:o

09-16-2009, 08:58 AM
couldnt you tell difference when you bought it ?

small claim is best bet i think...

09-16-2009, 08:58 AM
Do you have any emails?

You can contact for example "craigslist" and see if they can get you a copy of the original posting.

09-16-2009, 09:06 AM
Listen Bro, I know you guys have a discussion going on here and I'mmma let you finish but....

I just save a bunch of money on my car insurance by switching to GEICO

*gives back the thread to people on the computer talking about the getting screwed on a car deal*

***Takes back thread****

A Bunch OF MONEY!!!!

*gives it back again*


09-16-2009, 09:07 AM
Jesus don't sue the guy in small claims court. you're the one who made the mistake. Now grow a pair and suck it up. If you don't understand or realize what your buying then understand that you paid $2000 to learn the difference between a dx and a ex. It's a hard lesson. and WTF is blue book got anything to do with it. You saw the civic. You had your 6 grand or whatever in your hand. You handed that 6 grand for said civic and thought you had a fair trade of cash for car. Just cause some arbitrary book says there's better deals out there doesn't mean you didn't get what you thought at the time was a good deal. I don't think you got screwed. You just were foolish with your money.

09-16-2009, 09:47 AM
And let me get this straight.

You paid $2000 more than KBB for an EX? When you thought it was an EX? Then it turns out its not even an EX, and you couldn't tell, but are bitching now.

You are the dumbass here. Get real.

09-16-2009, 09:49 AM
Jesus don't sue the guy in small claims court. you're the one who made the mistake. Now grow a pair and suck it up. If you don't understand or realize what your buying then understand that you paid $2000 to learn the difference between a dx and a ex. It's a hard lesson. and WTF is blue book got anything to do with it. You saw the civic. You had your 6 grand or whatever in your hand. You handed that 6 grand for said civic and thought you had a fair trade of cash for car. Just cause some arbitrary book says there's better deals out there doesn't mean you didn't get what you thought at the time was a good deal. I don't think you got screwed. You just were foolish with your money.

very well put i was going to post something similar to reading his post as well. and isnt it your girls money not your own(unless you bought said civic lol) and girls wont know the difference anyways :keke:

09-16-2009, 09:51 AM
lol what can you do? you have the car already, PAID for it, its a DONE DEAL.

09-16-2009, 10:00 AM
suck it up .... especially if the car is sold "AS-IS" on the bill of sale

you are the one that didnt check the vin or look into the detail when you paid

and that pretty much ends the thread...

09-16-2009, 10:01 AM
Arbitrary? Lol Jesus Christ man....seriously?

There are LOTS of people out there that know NOTHING about cars, and depend on the ethics of PROPER business in order for them to make a decision/purchase. What your saying is just as retarded as the OP decision to buy the car. If your buying a used car, one of the only things that the seller Is pretty much required to tell you is the year and the make of the car. I mean its bad enough that your taking the risk of buying a lemon, now all of a sudden its okay to rip someone off by lieing about makes and models too?

I don’t know the difference between a DL LE EX or any type of Honda and I personally don’t really care because I have never owned or will own a civic…

Flat out, the OP was negligent and irresponsible during the purchase of the vehicle. What the seller did, still is not right. Even if the add stated the car was sold “AS IS” the model doesn’t change…its registered as a specific model…so that should always stay the same…

To the OP:

Contact CL and see if you can get a copy of the posting like another person said, gather all of your carfax information, compare blue book values from the model you HAVE and the model that you purchased. Contact the seller, and if to no avail, I would recommend going to small claims court. And next time check your carfax or do some research, this could have been very easily avoided…

09-16-2009, 10:19 AM
Jesus don't sue the guy in small claims court. you're the one who made the mistake. Now grow a pair and suck it up. If you don't understand or realize what your buying then understand that you paid $2000 to learn the difference between a dx and a ex. It's a hard lesson. and WTF is blue book got anything to do with it. You saw the civic. You had your 6 grand or whatever in your hand. You handed that 6 grand for said civic and thought you had a fair trade of cash for car. Just cause some arbitrary book says there's better deals out there doesn't mean you didn't get what you thought at the time was a good deal. I don't think you got screwed. You just were foolish with your money.

where that amount of 6grand come from ?
if he paid $6k for 06 CIVIC, i would say just forget it regardless it is DX or EX or GTST !!! lol

09-16-2009, 10:22 AM
There are LOTS of people out there that know NOTHING about cars, and depend on the ethics of PROPER business in order for them to make a decision/purchase. What your saying is just as retarded as the OP decision to buy the car. If your buying a used car, one of the only things that the seller Is pretty much required to tell you is the year and the make of the car. I mean its bad enough that your taking the risk of buying a lemon, now all of a sudden its okay to rip someone off by lieing about makes and models too?

I don’t know the difference between a DL LE EX or any type of Honda and I personally don’t really care because I have never owned or will own a civic…

Flat out, the OP was negligent and irresponsible during the purchase of the vehicle. What the seller did, still is not right. Even if the add stated the car was sold “AS IS” the model doesn’t change…its registered as a specific model…so that should always stay the same…

To the OP:

Contact CL and see if you can get a copy of the posting like another person said, gather all of your carfax information, compare blue book values from the model you HAVE and the model that you purchased. Contact the seller, and if to no avail, I would recommend going to small claims court. And next time check your carfax or do some research, this could have been very easily avoided…

When people trying purchase car, usually they do research.
you might not know what the differences between DX and EX because you have no interests buying it.

he should have known better... i say it is his fault.

09-16-2009, 10:49 AM
If it said in the CL ad that it is an EX, and he told you it was an EX, when he knew it was a DX, and you can prove it by preponderance of evidence, then you have a cut and dried small claims case, and you can get that money back. If it was an honest mistake by both parties, you're SOL.

09-16-2009, 10:58 AM
should of done work before buying it.

carfax is your friend. especially when you can get it done for free here .:o

haha not really, i never got mine done =[
and car fax doesnt even show the correct info bout my car.

And let me get this straight.

You paid $2000 more than KBB for an EX? When you thought it was an EX? Then it turns out its not even an EX, and you couldn't tell, but are bitching now.

You are the dumbass here. Get real.

QFT, dude EX's have vtec, if you looked at the engine it should of said vtec on it lol,
and im guessing the guy took off the rear badge that says EX also, so you fucked yourself over on that one.

lol what can you do? you have the car already, PAID for it, its a DONE DEAL.

yeah man you paid AS-IS, or you can also scare the guy and say wtf mang
you sold me a car that wasn't even the right model and yeah go one from there about you can sue his ass for false claim when selling the car,

09-16-2009, 11:02 AM
Suck it up, my girlfreind some how bought a cobalt(her dad was with her not me) and came home and it said 8999.99 on the sticker but she some how ended up paying 13999.99 for it :eek:, just gotta suck it up, its your own fault for gettin screwed, just gotta deal with it man...

09-16-2009, 11:07 AM
When people trying purchase car, usually they do research.
you might not know what the differences between DX and EX because you have no interests buying it.

he should have known better... i say it is his fault.

Agreed 150%

09-16-2009, 11:24 AM
If it said in the CL ad that it is an EX, and he told you it was an EX, when he knew it was a DX, and you can prove it by preponderance of evidence, then you have a cut and dried small claims case, and you can get that money back. If it was an honest mistake by both parties, you're SOL.

How do you plan on proving he KNEW it was an EX? TBH I don't see ANYWAY of you getting any money back out of the situation. Taking him to small claims case is a waste of time. Based on your logic I can sell somebody some knock off side skirts claim they are name brand and you can take me to court because your a dumbass? I didn't know the law catered to stupid people. Not to mention hes basing everything off of a KBB number, which to best of my knowledge is nothing concrete in the court of law. You pay for a car what you BELIEVE its worth regardless of whether its a Geo Metro or a Corvette. If the only reason OP wants his money back is because he thinks he got scammed, he thought the car was worth the initial amount (which I am assuming he looked at) when he checked it out. If the only reason he wants money back is because KBB says its worth ->less<- good luck with that.

09-16-2009, 11:39 AM
QFT, dude EX's have vtec, if you looked at the engine it should of said vtec on it lol,
and im guessing the guy took off the rear badge that says EX also, so you fucked yourself over

all the 06 Civics have vtec.

09-16-2009, 11:42 AM
looks down at keyboard.. E and D are right next to each other.... hmmmmmmm lol

whats it say on bill of sale?

09-16-2009, 11:50 AM
all the 06 Civics have vtec.

Really?!?!?!? Vtec ??

ohhhhhhhh !! so ~ fast...

09-16-2009, 11:52 AM
Does it really matter whether it's a dx, ex, fx, gx, or whatever the eff ( )x it is, when you couldnt tell the difference in the first place anyways???? The only way you could tell the difference was when you registered it, so why does it matter?? If you thought it was worth how ever much you paid for it, then thats how much it is worth to you. Im not saying it was right for the dude to lie about it, but, kbb has nothing to do with it. the kbb on my old car, that I sold for $3800, was probably more like 900 or so. And I didnt lie about anything. Kbb doesnt know everything, your car's worth is only as much as you make it.

09-16-2009, 11:55 AM
sell it and screw someone else.

09-16-2009, 11:55 AM
Really?!?!?!? Vtec ??

ohhhhhhhh !! so ~ fast...

yeah, you wouldnt believe it.

09-16-2009, 12:07 PM
buying her a civic was your first mistake

09-16-2009, 12:13 PM
buying her a civic was your first mistake

yeah, instead he should have bought her a 20 year old POS 240sx. for a daily driver a Civic is perfect.

09-16-2009, 12:14 PM
buying her a civic was your first mistake

why is that?

Because her car wont break down as much as your 240 and saves more gas?

oh yeah, what a fuck up.

09-16-2009, 12:16 PM
You didn't notice the car had like NO options?

09-16-2009, 12:35 PM
buying her a civic was your first mistake

you are mistake...

09-16-2009, 12:36 PM
doesn't the DX get better gas millage anyway?

you can always just kill the gentleman if all else fails.

09-16-2009, 12:43 PM
You didn't notice the car had like NO options?

This is what i'm talking about! An EX will have power windows and a Moon roof. Dx does not.

09-16-2009, 12:53 PM
Seems to me the OP is just a little slow. I'm still curious as to WHY you would BUY your girlfriend a 6k car?? Unless you two are married I would suggest you run, or if shes that hot that shes worth being with i demand pictures.

09-16-2009, 01:28 PM
doesn't the DX get better gas millage anyway?

you can always just kill the gentleman if all else fails.


Looks same.. according to HONDA.COM

09-16-2009, 02:12 PM
blah blah blah as-is blah blah blah

"as-is" doesn't cover affirmative representations (aka straight up lies), because that's called fraud.

If it said in the CL ad that it is an EX, and he told you it was an EX, when he knew it was a DX, and you can prove it by preponderance of evidence, then you have a cut and dried small claims case, and you can get that money back. If it was an honest mistake by both parties, you're SOL.

this is correct

09-16-2009, 03:23 PM
was it on craigslist? you can contact craigslist and they can more than likely help you get the listing, at least.

what's this "we bought" shit, though. she's your girlfriend, not your wife, yo. hope you didn't waste your money on that skank with no ring on her finger brah.

09-16-2009, 03:34 PM
i have an 06 ex sedan. nice daily and the aftermarket options are huge once i got "the itch".

that said, off the top of my head the ex has moonroof, painted mirrors and door handles, 16" rims, rear disc brakes, a/c, steering wheel mounted audio controls, cruise controls, 60/40 folding rear seat.

other than that there's not much else u can see to differentiate it from the dx...

painted door handles/mirrors ftw!!!

09-16-2009, 03:37 PM
all the 06 Civics have vtec.

This is what i'm talking about! An EX will have power windows and a Moon roof. Dx does not.

haha, i never knew that.

09-16-2009, 04:06 PM
rear disc brakes

this implies that honda makes a car with rear drum brakes. what the fuck?

09-16-2009, 04:06 PM
haha, i never knew that.

uh. dude any car that is not a base model will have options. uh duh

09-16-2009, 04:07 PM
this is why you always print out the add and a car fax of the car when you buy a used car from a private seller. Oh well now you know what to do for the future. DONT TELL THE GIRLFRIEND. ;p

and yes a lot of companies have cars with drum brakes still.....

09-16-2009, 05:52 PM
this implies that honda makes a car with rear drum brakes. what the fuck?

yeah so does Nissan. base model Cube's and Sentra's have rear drums

09-16-2009, 06:05 PM
sell it and screw someone else.

fuck off ya scumbag.

That makes you worse than the person that robbed you.

09-17-2009, 01:03 PM
wait, you bought a car for your girlfriend.....

09-17-2009, 01:43 PM
Was looking for a car for my girlfriend, found an 06 Civic EX from a private seller here in VA.. Atleast the seller claimed it was an EX.

So we bought it last night, and while purchasing insurance and entering the VIN the car came up as a DX model, so i bluebooked it and came up with a $2000 difference in what we paid for the car and the actual value of an EX model.

It was a private sale and the seller removed all listings, what do i do- suck it up?

sell it and just get a S chasis :duh:... j/k just suck it up and deal with it.

09-17-2009, 03:36 PM
How do you plan on proving he KNEW it was an EX? TBH I don't see ANYWAY of you getting any money back out of the situation. Taking him to small claims case is a waste of time.

I guess you don't understand the term "preponderance of the evidence." If he was the original owner, that would likely be enough evidence, as he is likely to know what he bought from the dealership. As long as you can show the CL ad and any other correspondence where he says it was a EX, that should suffice.

09-18-2009, 06:44 PM
And let me get this straight.

You paid $2000 more than KBB for an EX? When you thought it was an EX? Then it turns out its not even an EX, and you couldn't tell, but are bitching now.

You are the dumbass here. Get real.

Next time i see you in person i'm gunna slug you in the tum-tum for bein a jerk.

Sorry I've been unresponsive, the seller claimed EX, Geico's listin said DX, and when we went to register it, DMV said it was an EX.

It has full options and vtec, so it is consistent with an EX.... and yes I know nothing about honda civics anyways, nor did I do much research.

But all is well thanks for your replies.

09-18-2009, 07:16 PM
So then it is an EX.


Mi Beardo es Loco
09-18-2009, 09:49 PM
What the seller did was illegal.

Even if it wasn't on the listing if the seller told you it was a EX and ends up being a DX it's the same as the listing. Take your case to the selling party and tell them that if they don't refund part of your money that you would take them to small claims. They probably won't give you anything. Take them to small claims and explain your story, if you can get the listing then it's better. You also have the price as your proof. If you pain 2k more than it's worth then there's something def wrong there. You should let the law decide.

What he did wasn't only wrong it was illegal.

09-18-2009, 11:49 PM
What the seller did was illegal.

Even if it wasn't on the listing if the seller told you it was a EX and ends up being a DX it's the same as the listing. Take your case to the selling party and tell them that if they don't refund part of your money that you would take them to small claims. They probably won't give you anything. Take them to small claims and explain your story, if you can get the listing then it's better. You also have the price as your proof. If you pain 2k more than it's worth then there's something def wrong there. You should let the law decide.

What he did wasn't only wrong it was illegal.

:duh: LOL i bet you felt like an idiot typing this after he allready explained the story

09-19-2009, 12:00 AM
I guess you don't understand the term "preponderance of the evidence." If he was the original owner, that would likely be enough evidence, as he is likely to know what he bought from the dealership. As long as you can show the CL ad and any other correspondence where he says it was a EX, that should suffice.

I suppose my confusion comes in with the fact that there is LEGAL paperwork involved with transferring a vehicle into the new owners name. On top of that he gets the title which clearly states whether the vehicle was a DX, LX, or EX. I don't see how anything on CL could possibly hold up in the court of law since its a private sale that YOU signed papers agreeing too. Regardless of what was spoken the Title/Registration is a binding contract between both parties.

09-19-2009, 02:44 PM
That would be like suing someone because they sold you a hamster and told you it was a magical unicorn.