View Full Version : Couped_up'd

09-15-2009, 08:27 PM
Just throwing this up there as a warning to any future buyers of this man.

I got in contact with him about a set of JIC coilovers i wanted, he said he still has them and we worked out a price. I sent him a pay pal of the price we agreed on, and then got a reply saying he got the pay pal, later that afternoon (the day i sent the pay pal, and the day he said he would ship them) he said his dad worked for FEDEX nights and would ship them out, next morning i text him asking for a tracking number, he claims his dad forgot to ship them and he will get them out that day

That night rolls around, he stated that he shipped the coilovers out.

I ask him for a tracking number and he said he has not gotten it yet.....

from then till today i have texted him once a day asking for a tracking number....no reply...

Finally today-7 days (6 business days) later, i see no package at my door so i call him twice, and then text him and said that it has been 6 business days, no package, no tracking number and that it should not take more then 6 business days to ship from Oklahoma to Georgia.

He finally texted back saying that they were too much to ship and that he would give me a refund of the money i sent him........after he had already told me he shipped them out (part in bold). So he lied.

I then filed a pay pal dispute, due to the $480 being owed.

He then continues to state that he cannot resolve the dispute due to not having the money in his pay pal account, but instead in another account.

I call BS.

So I personally call pay pal and ask them, will a dispute prevent a seller from transfering money into a pay pal account, regardless if the person has a negative amount in the pay pal acount.

AS I thought, Pay pal help desk on the phone stated back that "No, a Dispute has no affect on accessing any account, it just prevents him from further sending a pay pal untill the dispute is resolved, and that I SHOULD NO CANCEL THE DISPUTE AND HE IS TRYING TO STEAL MY MONEY, IMMEDIATELY FILE A CLAIM!" stated the pay pal rep.

Soooo, Dispute was filed, he continues to persue to call me a retard, and said that he did not want to ship the coilovers out because

"I bugged him 24/7 about a tracking number, and that he was tired of dealing with my ass"

I Have proof that I asked him 6 times for a tracking number, in the 7 days that were inbetween his stating that he shipped them, and tonight.. Was i over reacting? NO. It is not $3. Of coarse i am going to bug you for a tracking number when were dealing with over $400 here... do you think im dumb?

Just letting ya'll no that he did this so if anyone tried to buy anything from him that its out there and i highly encurage you to avoid internet sales with him, let alone any business, because persoanlly, i do not think he wants to make any money calling his customers retarded and stating that he doesnt want to deal with there ass...... veryyyy professional :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Cliff notes: Man recieves pay pal, staled a day to ship part out, then states the next day that they are shipped, 7 days of non-communication go bye, i bitch, find out he lied and never shipped, awaiting refund, file dispute, he comes up with excuses to steal money, get the truth about a dispute from pay pal themself..... dont buy from him.


09-15-2009, 09:04 PM
did u get ur money bakk?

09-15-2009, 10:22 PM
Nope. Right before i posted this he said if you are being a dumbass retard and wont cancel the dispute, then you can wait untill pay pal gets your money for you..

I don't car if he is being honest or not that he will send the money if i cancel the dispute, im not risking it, nor am i going to do sometihng for him...when he owes me money, or coilovers.... I mean i may have over reacted with the whole dispute thing, but I dont like getting ignored with +$400 on the line, or being lied to.. ya know?

09-15-2009, 10:29 PM
Yea fuck that shady bastard. Either ship it or not. Its that easy, shouldnt take a week to decide.

09-15-2009, 10:54 PM
that's fucked up.

Shady people suck ass.

09-15-2009, 11:04 PM
Dang man, sorry to hear about that. that's pretty shitty
Anyways, i would keep the claim active. don't let him rob you!

09-15-2009, 11:41 PM
Oh, I am going to keep it active, I already talked to someone on the pay pal help line and he told me exactly what to do. I just dont want to see anyone else on here get fucked over.

09-15-2009, 11:45 PM
I just dont want to see anyone else on here get fucked over.

+1 thanks for the heads up man

Hopefully you get this all sorted out, and that guy gets what he deserves. Have a good one bro

09-16-2009, 12:48 AM
whatever you do keep that dispute open!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

09-16-2009, 01:50 AM
hell yeah man 4 bills is alot and 7 days man fukk that guy ,,

09-16-2009, 06:20 AM
Thanks for posting this.

I'm an admin on his local forum (nismokc.com) and we'll look into it over here.

Thanks again,

09-16-2009, 08:09 AM
Please do not post in your own review thread.
Make the situation right and the buyer will update the thread.

09-16-2009, 08:34 AM
Philip, would you mind sending me a PM with what he said? Thanks.

And no problem guys, like I said, Just looking out for the community.

09-16-2009, 02:03 PM
Yes definitly a shady guy... i know him and i know he has screwed several people around okc and 1 is a friend that he did some terrible body work for then sold him some tein coilovers that were suppose to be in "good" working condition but were blown and the front right coil was cut... O and those coils are still prob on his car cuz he never even put them for sale on a local forum as stated above (nismokc)

09-16-2009, 04:03 PM
why do people have to be so shady
pay for item
send out item
everyones happy

09-17-2009, 08:41 AM
Idk guys, people are just shady for some reason.

I got a text from him, saying thanks for the review, that was not cool, i replied in the review, and i will be resolving the dispute on friday when i get my pay check.

Sooo im assuming he either talked to pay pal and figured out how to resolve a dispute, orrrr....... he realized im not a fucking moron and will not let him steal $400+ from me.

09-17-2009, 06:01 PM
I saw some people talking shit on a good guy, so I thought I would say some GOOD stuff about him. I have bought 2 car from him, a couple sets of wheels, and a few other things. and I even had him paint my car. he is a good guy, does good work, and has never in his life tried to rip anybody off.

the other thread about how he sold some coil overs, then got frustrated when the buyer, and decided to sell them to something else WAS bad business, but wasn't "shady" as a couple people have said. he doesn't sell parts online for any type on income, just to get rid of stuff he no longer needs. if he dosn't like doing business with somebody, he has every right to deny them business. which includes changing his mind about selling something to some duchbag that texts him all day while he is working.

I have had nothing but good experience with Shane (Couped_up'd), he does great body work FOR THE PRICE and has giving alot of people great deals on body work and paint. the work he did on my car for instance wasn't as good as if I had taken it to a shop with a paint booth, but I also paid 1/4th of my cheapest quote.

09-17-2009, 06:19 PM
you have 1 post man which equals no credit. i wouldn't doubt it if you are this couped_up'd guy

09-17-2009, 06:22 PM
you have 1 post man which equals no credit. i wouldn't doubt it if you are this couped_up'd guy

Hes not Couped_up'd, that fellow posts on local fourms also. I cant vouch for couped_up'd good or bad myself though dont personally know him.

09-17-2009, 07:26 PM
Hes not Couped_up'd, that fellow posts on local fourms also. I cant vouch for couped_up'd good or bad myself though dont personally know him.

See, I have better information, see here:


Now, if you pardon me for a moment, couped up'd will be pinked for 2 months and his alter ego will be banned permanently.

09-17-2009, 08:13 PM
hahahahaha.... shady shane.... there is no way on earth is it ever ok to deny somebody business AFTER they sent money and then try to get them close a dispute over the issue... period

P.S. i heard from a couple different source that the front coils are blown and they are still on his car

09-17-2009, 09:38 PM

See, I have better information, see here:


Now, if you pardon me for a moment, couped up'd will be pinked for 2 months and his alter ego will be banned permanently.
Yeah because its hard for best friends to post on the same computer. Go check our local fourms if you think they are the same. Mark and shane are buddys so why would that surprise you if they are probably in the same room when that was posted.

09-17-2009, 09:48 PM
^^^^ yes, everyone uses mark's ( thenismojunky's ) computer when they are at his place, his computer is a whore!

Yes im aware this being my first post has no credit what so ever but anywho.

I can vouch that shane ( coupedupd ) was going to refund you your money, he was at work with no internet access or he would have done it that morning.

09-17-2009, 09:57 PM
Even if that guy is his friend and not Couped_up'd this line still bothers me

if he dosn't like doing business with somebody, he has every right to deny them business. which includes changing his mind about selling something to some duchbag that texts him all day while he is working.

He's pretty much saying if he changes his mind about doing business with someone he screws them over, the same way he did to this guy

Oh, he sent me $400 but I dont want to do business with him I'll just pocket this money and have myself a jolly day, what a douche

09-17-2009, 11:51 PM
i can also vouch for shane couped up' mark the nismo junkey and tuquick thats joe!
when i first met them i couldnt remember who was who!

I Sold shane the JIC magic coilovers dez they do leak a little, but are still fully functional i had them on my car and drifted with them almost everyday. if you look at the retail price of the model coilovers they are, the price is pretty steep and what you guys agreed on was a reasonable price even if they were needing repair..

oh and not to mention, when i bought a ca18det engine from couped up' we were both thinking that the head only had 1 bent valve..cool shane sayd if i pull the head gasket he will PAY to get the valve or valves put in..whatevever it takes to make the head right, well when i took it to the head shop they said the whole head needed to be rebuilt..i let shane know and he PAYS to get my WHOLE head redone with valves,seals, all that shit man it was like 300 bucks. just some more good shit about couped up'

leaving it at that, i invite everyone on here to check out NISMOKC.COM

09-17-2009, 11:58 PM
i can also vouch for shane couped up' mark the nismo junkey and tuquick thats joe!
when i first met them i couldnt remember who was who!

I Sold shane the JIC magic coilovers dez they do leak a little, but are still fully functional i had them on my car and drifted with them almost everyday. if you look at the retail price of the model coilovers they are, the price is pretty steep and what you guys agreed on was a reasonable price even if they were needing repair..

leaving it at that, i invite everyone on here to check out NISMOKC.COM

didnt he sell you that CA that supposely had only a bent valve but ended up having a cracked cylinder or something like that

09-18-2009, 12:06 AM
didnt he sell you that CA that supposely had only a bent valve but ended up having a cracked cylinder or something like that

yes, well sorta..its not cracked just a scratch and he has also offered, to re ring, hone, and assemble my engine fo free sucka!

i got a pic if anyone wants to see it lol?

09-18-2009, 12:23 AM
lol... ok thats kool let him put it back together and see how long it stays together... now if mark does it thats another story... and he prob asked you to post on here too

09-18-2009, 12:32 AM
lol... ok thats kool let him put it back together and see how long it stays together... now if mark does it thats another story... and he prob asked you to post on here too

either way, him and mark will be putting it together at the same place..they will both be there, so its just like marks doing it...Riiiight?
why wouldnt i post on here? he hasnt fucked me over

09-18-2009, 12:48 AM
he clearly fucked this guy over but your defending him

09-18-2009, 01:47 AM
if he dosn't like doing business with somebody, he has every right to deny them business. which includes changing his mind about selling something to some duchbag that texts him all day while he is working.

Are you kidding me? When u agree to sell an item to someone for a considerable amount of money, a good seller would have it packaged and ship immediate.

Theres no backing out because you feel the buyer is bugging you for a tracking number. It his dayam right to get a tracking number right when it ship. Especially when the seller said he shipped it. Common sense would tell anyone with half a brain that maybe the buyer would want the tracking number and I, the seller, should have the number for the buyer.

Its quite obvious these retards with single digit post counts that are defending your lame ass are you butt buddies. Especially when they know you by name and whos your roommate and the people who uses your computer.

Do the world a favor and keep your lame ass, non-business like actions away.

09-18-2009, 05:49 AM
so i heard you got refunded jacob?

09-18-2009, 06:06 AM
I got a PM from Couped_up'd on the local forum that has a screenshot of the refund. If you can please verify that everything is cool Cullen, we can go on down the road.


09-18-2009, 06:19 AM

See, I have better information, see here:


Now, if you pardon me for a moment, couped up'd will be pinked for 2 months and his alter ego will be banned permanently.

Here's the information from our board too.
I think they all live together or at the least use the same computer.


"Mark300ZXTurbo" and "TheNismoJunky" are the same person on our forum and yours.
I've met both Shane ("Coupd_up'd") and Mark in person, and they are two different people that I guess use the same computer. And they are friends too which is why they are sticking up for each other.

Just wanted to share the information. It's up to you what you do with it.

09-18-2009, 08:49 AM
Even if they are seperate people, they are posting from the same computer, and only signed up to defend this situation. You should see the reasoning for a Ban in that.

09-18-2009, 09:33 AM
I'm not defending them and I can see the reasoning.
Just wanted to give you guys more information that's all.

It's your decision to make in the end.

09-20-2009, 01:15 PM
I dont care who knows how, or what who has done in the past. You guys are little children and dont understand the fact that you dont tell someone you will sell them something, receive money...STATE THAT THEY ARE SHIPPED OUT..(i think all you nutt swingers are forgetting that part) and then 7 days later when I ask him he said they were to much to shipp out, then lied again and said "ohh im tired of dealing with your ass" If he would have fucking shipped the coilovers out, when he said they were shipped out....and gave me a tracking number that he would have gotten...if he shipped the coilovers out....then i would not have texted him every day.. yall are dumb as hell. He is in the wrong here, not me for texting daily...he is. Shane/Couped_up'd or what ever you want to call him...He fucked up, and did shady business....stop licking his balls trying to keep this from being his fault.

09-20-2009, 01:19 PM
That post was in return to a post on the first page.

I have herd from shane or w/e his name is sayin that the refund was sent, but i have not checked it yet. When I do check and confirm it. I will post up here saying that i received it.

09-23-2009, 10:19 AM
Payment was Received... but not cleared.

09-29-2009, 09:34 PM
Payment recieved, and cleared. Thank you for the refund.

10-12-2010, 12:57 AM
Issue resolved. I apologize for my impatiences as well. Thanks.

10-12-2010, 01:07 AM
Issue resolved.

10-12-2010, 04:51 PM
refunded:issue resolved. I apologize for my impatiences as well. Thanks.

10-15-2010, 11:49 PM
Issue resolved. I apologize for my impatiences as well. Thanks.

02-19-2011, 04:42 AM
I had similar problems recently with this guy. :-(

02-19-2011, 09:27 AM
*Admin Edit*

Apparently, I am not too bright...
See, I have had posts deleted, one new account banned and this one pinked once in the course of this thread, yet it still escapes me that the rules of this section dictate that I DO NOT POST in threads in which I am being reviewed, for good or bad.
If I had read the rules, I might not come off as such, but what do I know?
The onus of correcting my (not so, apparently) good name lies in making things right with those who speak ill of me, thus putting them in position to SAY that I have made things right. Not in chiming in to big up myself or argue with their perception of the negatives of our dealings, or even offering to trade positive trader ratings...
If I post in this thread again, I will be pinked again.

02-19-2011, 12:36 PM
couped up'd has been nothing but helpful to me. ive bought nearly every piece of my rb swap off of him ive always gotten a tracking number when asked for it. also i always receive my ordered parts within the same or following week all in the condition he has stated and shown in pictures. this dudes reliable nuff said.

02-19-2011, 09:09 PM
He's a very good guy,willing to work out with you.
Easy and fast shipping. Bought some parts but in the end he did not have one of the parts that was on the deal. I had already sent my paypal money for the items but since he didn't have it,he refunded my money quickly for that part.
Wouldn't hesitate to buy from this guy again.

02-19-2011, 11:13 PM
I've had good dealings with him as well, nothing bad to say, sorry that other's are having/had problems with him.

02-20-2011, 05:39 PM
Sry to clarify he gave me back my money after 11 days of slow communication and some misleading stuff but in the end he fessed up to the problem and resolved the issue.

I would probably deal with him again

02-20-2011, 08:24 PM
Yup legit guy bought my RB swap off of him.