View Full Version : Life. (I dont know what school to go to)

09-14-2009, 07:27 PM
Hey zilvia im Carlos F, I just graduated high school and now I'm stuck in a jar of pickles. I dont know what school to go to. I know everyone has this problem but i was wondering if you sweet guys and handful of girls can help me pick a good school. I really want to become a pro driver like a GT racer or a Formula 1 driver or anything of the sort. I also want to be a bomb mechanic and I was wondering what schools our out there specifically for racing and performance mechanics, cause I dont want to waste time learning how to fix Hondas and Camry's and mommy van's I want to fix racing cars or any kind of performance vehicle. I heard Uti is okay and Wyotech and all these schools that ive seen on the speed channel but I have no idea which is best for what i want to do.
So please Zilvia can you give me so advice.
And thank you for taking your time and reading this.

Please excuse me if you think that this is a waste of thread.
{Flame suit is ON}

09-14-2009, 07:29 PM
Woah, you just graduated HS and have a RB powered 240z.... holy shit!!!

wrong forum btw.... try Off Topic

09-14-2009, 07:31 PM
Naw i have a s14 sr powered silvia coupe.
This is my friends account.

09-14-2009, 07:43 PM
sounds like a high school thing to say.

here, i got this one.
Let me google that for you (http://tinyurl.com/omny6b):squintd:

09-14-2009, 07:46 PM
sounds like a high school thing to say.

here, i got this one.
Let me google that for you (http://tinyurl.com/omny6b):squintd:

Sounds like a jerk thing so say???

09-14-2009, 07:52 PM
You're a jerk.

09-14-2009, 07:55 PM
This is my friends account.
Care to explain this before I ban this account?

09-14-2009, 08:04 PM
OHH Snapp

If you"re not banned already i was In a similar surcumstance when I graduated and looked in to all of those schools. By listening to what you said you should probobly take a hard look at UTi they have a power and performance class that sounds like it is exactly what you are looking for and to be afraid to ask to meet with one of thier reps.. You can meet them and talk to someone personally about exactly what you are looking for and he will let you know exactly what they can offer you. If you think that you don't like you'll at least get a free dinner out of it.

09-14-2009, 10:49 PM
just jerk just jerk jerk jerk YOUZ A JERK jerk

09-14-2009, 10:55 PM
Let me explain this to you...
You're never (one in a million chance you will) going to be a big time racer without either:
a. Being started by family at a very young age
b. Unnatural talent and the luck to be spotted by someone in the right position who knows what they are seeing
c. A lot of financial backing

Also, as far as being a mechanic. It sucks doing it every day - day in, day out - it's cool now but it won't be when you are 30. If you still want to do it, get in at a performance shop around you - sweep the floors if you have to, just get in and show a willingness to learn - the rest will follow.

Sorry to shoot you down, but most of the time the right thing is to struggle through school and get a decent paying job so you can afford to do the things you like outside of work.

If you are bored, you can google around for a guy that posted his rise and fall being a pit member for the ALiCE MotoGP team on BARF (Bay Area Riders Forum). It's a very cool story.

Yeah, I'm bitter.

09-14-2009, 11:03 PM
They dont have F1 in the states so good luck with that. I went to Wyotech like 2 years ago it was a really good school but a BIG waste of money there are NO jobs at all look into something else take my word. Wyotech is a good school like I said but to much money I did learn alot of stuff but its not worth it.

09-14-2009, 11:04 PM
And BTW im paying $800 a month just on the school payments :( :( :(

09-15-2009, 03:33 AM
Damn thanks for all that it was very helpful.

but im not going to quit, im going to try and try to become a driver no matter if i fail.

im just wondering if there is a school where i can go to become one or anything of the sort?

09-15-2009, 04:28 AM

09-15-2009, 07:14 AM
man, i was hoping this was going to be about picking a real school. im in that predicament. after this year at a community college, i need to transfer to a university. i've been talking about oakland university (here in MI, its 20 minutes from my house), but a damn professor put michigan state into my head last night. and that shit is like $10k a year.. i hate school, but if i could have a degree in business management, or supply chain management from MSU, i'd be so set.

every time i see this license plate:

its on a P car or an escalade or something.

sorry OP, i dont mean to completely jack your thread. but i used to think about being a race car driver and such. but the fact of the matter is that i've never set foot on a race track. not one time. its almost as though people are destined to fail unless they were born in a shifter cart. as cool as it would be, sometimes you just need to put your feet back on the ground. it would be wise to think of a backup plan, and one you can live with. not like, "if it doesnt work out, i'll just keep working at the grocery store." nah man, you need to get a plan together. i didnt go to college after highschool. instead, i spent 6 years working bullshit jobs. i just started my 2nd year at college though, because i want a real job. and as much fun as it would be to drive cars for a living, it's not very realistic. thats like planning on being in the NBA or MLB when you "grow up".

09-15-2009, 08:29 AM
Let me explain this to you...
You're never (one in a million chance you will) going to be a big time racer without either:
a. Being started by family at a very young age
b. Unnatural talent and the luck to be spotted by someone in the right position who knows what they are seeing
c. A lot of financial backing

Also, as far as being a mechanic. It sucks doing it every day - day in, day out - it's cool now but it won't be when you are 30. If you still want to do it, get in at a performance shop around you - sweep the floors if you have to, just get in and show a willingness to learn - the rest will follow.

Sorry to shoot you down, but most of the time the right thing is to struggle through school and get a decent paying job so you can afford to do the things you like outside of work.

If you are bored, you can google around for a guy that posted his rise and fall being a pit member for the ALiCE MotoGP team on BARF (Bay Area Riders Forum). It's a very cool story.

Yeah, I'm bitter.

Right on the money.

Next time, use google.
