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09-11-2009, 01:55 AM

It was a good morning on September 11, 2001. My alarm clock radio woke me up at 6:30am and my radio station was on and they were talking about some plane that hit one of the World Trade Center towers. I turned on the TV and no later than 5 minutes later, the 2nd plane hit the other tower, like something straight out of a movie. I was in disbelief. Is this really happening? I get ready for school (I was a sophomore in HS) and when I get there, all the TV’s are tuned into the news. A couple minutes later, the first tower comes crashing down. Total and utter disbelief. 30 minutes later, the 2nd tower comes down. Wow. Is this real or am I still in my dream? I shed a couple tears, and I’m not even going to lie about that.

Most people, when they hear of 9/11/01, all they can think about is the WTC towers. what they fail to remember are the 2 other plane crashes, in Pennysylvania and one at The Pentagon. Let’s not forget the lives lost those as well.

I will never forget that day. It’s fresh in my mind as if it happened yesterday. I said a prayer to those people and their families who lost their life that day, to the rescue workers trying to save those people, and even the soldiers who lost their lives in the war that came about after this cowardly act.

September 11, 2001: I Will Never Forget

09-11-2009, 02:04 AM
yea man i was 12 in 7th grade..dad wakes me up to get ready for school, i walk in the living room and my mom had tha news on and theres was a building burning, next thing u kno a plane hits tha building next to it..i was trippin out..got ready as fast as i could for school so i can keep watching..news said it was an attack..next thing u kno towers come dwn.. i get to school and 2nd came dwn..i had no idea wat was goin on or wat to expect..i had a friend who lost an uncle there..shit really sucked

09-11-2009, 02:30 AM
Dang... Can't believe its already been 8 years. Still seems too recent. Wonder what community volunteering services they have going on in my town. Turns out they're making 9/11 an official "Community Service" day.

09-11-2009, 02:56 AM
fuck i was 11 back then. remember watching the news and having to wake my parents up.... my mother started to cry and i was just generally confused. after what happened was better explained to me i felt sorry for the people.

8 years later i think top my self, sure Bush fucked up on alot of things, but people need to realize why we started the war in the first place and not judge him on that

09-11-2009, 04:00 AM
i was 10 back then and me being in the west coast i had no idea what had happened. no one in our elementary school new. it was like nothing happened. i do remember that this chute chubby white girl which was my age at the time her bday was september 11. lol

but yea i got home and saw the news but i was young so i turned on my ps1 and played away

09-11-2009, 04:09 AM
I was in the Air Force when it happened. Was in close to a year, in NJ and was actually working as an Air Traffic Controller in the air space just south of NYC.

Today, I was a part of Kadena Air Base's 9/11 Memorial Ceremony. Shit will always get to you when you see the flag at half staff, taps playing and remembering why you are there.

09-11-2009, 04:48 AM
<3 to all those that suffer. never forget.

09-11-2009, 07:39 AM
as a life long new yorker, this hit me hard. i would visit the towers often to skate a spot right in the loby of the towers. it was a 9 step set i think (its been so long). we would get kicked out most of the time, but being so close to something that big was beautiful. looking up at the towers from ground level really was a sight to see.

god bless the lives that were lost and the men and women who risked everything

09-11-2009, 07:52 AM
being in NY about it rough, especially today's weather here. gloomy, rainy, cold. i was in highschool seeing students crying, but i didn't know why. i had an english teacher, that made us draw how we felt, again i had no idea why, but shit it was a free period so i just went with it. i remember my school was like that for the next few days, we didn't learn anything, just talked about how we felt and such.

09-11-2009, 07:55 AM
it was my first year in college when it happened.. i was taking a bus with my bro that connects to the train that comes from the city and people were just silent..crying and in disbelief..

enkei: yeah its been raining in nyc.. i think last year it was raining too.. do you remember the smell throughout the city after the attacks?

09-11-2009, 08:06 AM
I was on Semester at Sea, and it was the middle of the night (we were eastbound in the Pacific about 14 hours from Japan). The administrators/crew woke us all up and said "The Pentagon and WTC have been destroyed and the US is under attack. We have no other information."

We had no other details for like 4 hours, so we thought that some other nation (i.e. Russia or China) had actually attacked the United States.

I'm from DC and my family all lives there, so for several hours I thought that the city had been leveled, so I was pretty flipped out.

09-11-2009, 08:07 AM
it was my first year in college when it happened.. i was taking a bus with my bro that connects to the train that comes from the city and people were just silent..crying and in disbelief..

enkei: yeah its been raining in nyc.. i think last year it was raining too.. do you remember the smell throughout the city after the attacks?

i remember walking around the city weeks after and everything still covered in ash still.... it smelled sooo weird.... everything had a grey tint to it cuz of the ash everywhere... it was so sad....

09-11-2009, 08:07 AM
Damn I was 14 a freshman in high school. I was getting dropped off when I heard what happened on the radio I was listening to big boy in the morning that day and once I arrived at school that all everyone talked about I still remember sitting in my 1st period class watch the footage of the crashes. I was just like no way is this shit really happening

09-11-2009, 09:00 AM
I remember it exactly as the OP described it... Same year in HS and everything.

09-11-2009, 09:43 AM
Sophmore in HS, all i remember about that day was, there was no breakfast break, no lunch brake, no one outside playing, every single class just gauking at the T.V. with all the info that was coming.

I remember this specifically because around 3rd period, something in my head snapped, Rose...she's my cuzin from my fathers aunts side...the second that clicked in i rememeber running to the main office, got tackled by security for not stoping and me yelling my cuzin migh be dead, i need to call home...

thankfully, when i called, my father informed me that she was transfered to another airline...

to think you almost lost family was beyond words, but knowing u lost someone after...when they didnt have anything to do with it...that...i dont know how they could feel...

fucking horrible day

09-11-2009, 09:45 AM
I was in 5th grade. We were sent home early from school. Of course rumors were going around the school, but they never told anyone what had happened except for the teachers.


09-11-2009, 10:04 AM
this is one day i will never forget. rip to all the lost ones.

09-11-2009, 10:12 AM
i remember hearing the new in class back in like 7th grade.

8 years already!

i wish i would have went to ny before it happened not after =/


09-11-2009, 10:18 AM
I was on leave, staying at my in-laws in Pa.

My wife and I slept in that morning, no kids yet. I remember her rolling over that morning and giving me hug, squeezing really hard.
"Tell me everything's okay."
"Of course it's okay honey. What are you talking about?"
"I just got this really weird feeling, like something bad happened. Just tell me it's okay. Tell me you're not gonna deploy somewhere or something."
"Babe, what are you talking about? We're not even at war. The spots where we do have people, I won't be going to anyway. Relax."

About 10 mins later, I dropped to my knees in the livingroom, as I had turned on the news just in time to watch the second plane collide into the towers.

I was on the phone with my command off and on for the rest of the day, trying to figure out if I needed to haul tail back to North Carolina and get my gear packed.

Let's just say, I don't just "shrug it off" anymore when my wife tells me she has a bad feeling about things.

09-11-2009, 10:25 AM
Wow Barry... That's some crazy shit.

09-11-2009, 10:29 AM
Such a crazy event in our history.
I didn't know what to think when I was watching it on the news before school. It freaked me out.

I got to visit NYC after that and see the pit that remained. All the surrounding buildings were still burned. It was unreal.

09-11-2009, 10:31 AM
man, its so crazy. i honestly didnt realize it was 9/11, until i seen this thread, (im sorry).( i honestly think that it was a conspiracy, by our government, but im not going to get into that, but i think its so stupid that they would just kill all of theses inocent people, either way).
i remember, i was in 6th grade, and seen it on the news before school, and my friends mom made him stay home from school, alone, cause she thought that something would happen, at our elementary school, in buena park, of all places.
anyways, im so sorry to all of you that lost someone to '9/11,' i couldnt imagine the feeling of knowing that one of my loved ones was killed, that way, being completely inoccent, it's so disgusting, and im so sorry if any of you had to go through that.
very sad day.

09-11-2009, 10:39 AM
RIP to those lost in this tragic moment in our lives. We will never forget 9/11

nismo 240sx
09-11-2009, 10:40 AM
Crazy i was in 8th grade...it feels like it was not that long ago..

09-11-2009, 10:46 AM
my dad actually was flying on an american airlines flight that day. luckly his flight left early and he was safe. My mother was on the the GW bridge when the second plan hit. such a scary day.

09-11-2009, 11:04 AM
8 years later i think top my self, sure Bush fucked up on alot of things, but people need to realize why we started the war in the first place and not judge him on that

Uhhh... he started two "wars"...

Two separate incidents. People always seem to somehow link 9/11 to Iraq.

But ya, I remember missing class in junior high to watch the towers fall. Sad day.

I will never forget.

09-11-2009, 11:06 AM
I was in highschool...
I think it happened like.. 10 pm local time in Korea..

shocking... my uncle worked near there... so I was worried...
he said he never seen chaos like that...

do you guys remember that DVD? some guy who tried to find truth of 9/11 ???
wonder what really happened

drift freaq
09-11-2009, 11:13 AM
I remember that morning well because I was listening to KCRW and they were talking about a plane hitting the World trade center and I was like huh what. I turned on the news and saw it. I walked around in somewhat of a daze for the next couple of days. Thinking seriously about the fact that the innocence was officially gone. The U.S. had been attacked on its own soil. Everything I had grown up accustomed to and just taken for granted disappeared that morning.

Terrorist actions like that happened in other countries not here. Ya most Americans felt that way. You can't blame us, we had the most advanced defense system in the world and basically we saw no reason for anyone to attack us like this.

It gets me everytime I look at pics of New York and the World Trade is there in the pic, its gets me when I see new pics and the its not. Its hard to watch the video of the towers going done.

09-11-2009, 11:14 AM
It was truely a sad day, and frankly it still is just thinking about. To be honest I feel bad for the people who were too young to actually go to NYC and visit the towers. They were an amazing peice of architecture, and stood tall in the skyline. I mean sure there are pictures of the skyline and of the towers but actually seeing them in real life is something to be in awe of. Its absolutely a day I will never forget. And the thing is it doesn't matter who was where, on that day we were all together as one.

drift freaq
09-11-2009, 11:15 AM
man, its so crazy. i honestly didnt realize it was 9/11, until i seen this thread, (im sorry).( i honestly think that it was a conspiracy, by our government, but im not going to get into that, but i think its so stupid that they would just kill all of theses inocent people, either way).
i remember, i was in 6th grade, and seen it on the news before school, and my friends mom made him stay home from school, alone, cause she thought that something would happen, at our elementary school, in buena park, of all places.
anyways, im so sorry to all of you that lost someone to '9/11,' i couldnt imagine the feeling of knowing that one of my loved ones was killed, that way, being completely inoccent, it's so disgusting, and im so sorry if any of you had to go through that.
very sad day.

Dude that conspiracy bullshit is just bullshit. All this conspiracy bullshit on the internet is pure conjecture by non scientists and non civil engineers. The man that ran one of the Construction companies that built those towers lived in the same luxury complex my dad lives in. The way those towers came down is because of being hit by a plane full of fuel. Which ignited Super heating the Metal frame and making it go molten. Seriously every fucking idiot that believes the conspiracy theories that I have talked to has no real education in Sciences, Metallurgy, construction, etc... Plus(conspiracy fans) most of them have been stoners or not very bright to begin with.

Oh and your comments and beliefs do a disservice to the memories of the people who died and the real reasons as to why it happened. I suggest you go back to school and get a real lesson in World Politics and the Middle East before allowing yourself to get so misguided by internet bullshit.

Our Government would not sacrifice the lives of 2-3 thousand civilians just to get us into a War in Afghanistan. Yes War in Afghanistan. We were attacked by a group that was based there and supported by their Government.

Your very comment about conspiracy really shows that you know nothing about all the previous signs that this was going to happen that the Clinton administration ignored.

Bush was and is a idiot and Cheney and Rumsfeld are fucked up people, though the did not set this kinda of thing up. If you truly believe that you are even more of a moron than George Bush was.

09-11-2009, 11:18 AM
do you guys remember that DVD? some guy who tried to find truth of 9/11 ???
wonder what really happened
Loose Change.

I was watching something on History the other night that had that guy and a couple of other theorists talking about what could have happened. I really don't know, and I doubt we will ever know.

09-11-2009, 11:23 AM
man, its so crazy. i honestly didnt realize it was 9/11, until i seen this thread, (im sorry).( i honestly think that it was a conspiracy, by our government, but im not going to get into that, but i think its so stupid that they would just kill all of theses inocent people, either way).
i remember, i was in 6th grade, and seen it on the news before school, and my friends mom made him stay home from school, alone, cause she thought that something would happen, at our elementary school, in buena park, of all places.
anyways, im so sorry to all of you that lost someone to '9/11,' i couldnt imagine the feeling of knowing that one of my loved ones was killed, that way, being completely inoccent, it's so disgusting, and im so sorry if any of you had to go through that.
very sad day.

If it was a conspiracy does that change the fact that THOUSANDS of people died? Does it change the fact that THOUSANDS of soldiers died? No! There is no point dwelling on who done what, thats not the point, the point is to remember and be remorseful. To be honest I think alot of people stayed home because it showed that something like this can happen ANYWHERE, it hit home.

09-11-2009, 11:33 AM
Yes I dont think at all it was a conspiracy too many ppl died and there was too many ppl involved to keep it a secret. I remm I was in 9th grade in art class when it happen a very very sad day.

09-11-2009, 11:38 AM
Bush was and is a idiot and Cheney and Rumsfeld are fucked up people,


09-11-2009, 11:51 AM
gotta love you dave

keeping zilvia kids in check since 2001 :bowrofl:

09-11-2009, 12:03 PM
I remember this, I was getting dropped off senior year for my 'A' period. Heard it on the radio and I was shocked. Then after that, the class I was going to coincidentally was 'US history'. So the whole time my teacher for that class was pissed off, so we ended up watching the news for the whole class time. Some students didn't bother going to class that day. For me, it didn't matter I still went to class.

09-11-2009, 12:12 PM
it was my first year in college when it happened.. i was taking a bus with my bro that connects to the train that comes from the city and people were just silent..crying and in disbelief..

enkei: yeah its been raining in nyc.. i think last year it was raining too.. do you remember the smell throughout the city after the attacks?

damn that sounds crazy..remembering tha smell of something like that

Touge Noob S13
09-11-2009, 12:14 PM
I was in 5th grade at the time this happened. I was just coming into class and the early kids were watching the news with the teacher. None of us really understood what was going on. I didnt get a full grasp of the situation until a few days later. Do you guys remember how everyone had an American flag? Every house on in my neighborhood had one in front.

09-11-2009, 12:17 PM
i remember getting up as usual for work. made coffee then flipped on the tv just to see what jillian barberie was wearing. lol. but that was not what was on tv. instead, i turned it on to the first tower already ablaze. i thought damn that pilot was probably drunk! then as soon as that thought crossed my mind i see the 2nd plane hit the 2nd tower.

now i'm freaking out. i contemplate not going to work but then decided to anyway. i used to listen to howard stern in the mornings on my drive to work and he was still on the air but not up to his usual antics. all they were talking about was the towers being attacked. this was the same for all the other morning radio shows.

i made it to the office in a hurry to find my entire accounting dept huddled around the one tv in the conference room. we had no cable and the crappy antenna could only pick up some mexican channel. we watched in shock and awe as people were hurling themselves off the buildings rather than suffer death by burning. i still vividly remember a couple who held hands as they jumped, the man's tie trailing upwards in the breeze as if acting, in vain, like a parachute. shortly after i got to work, the buildings fell and an eerie silence filled the conference room. a couple of the older ladies in my dept were so distraught they had to go home.

at the time, i was working at the pacificare building off katella & valley view in cypress. for the remainder of the day, i sat in my cubicle staring out the 5th floor window towards the small air force runway watching fighter jets practice touch-n'-go's.

i will never forget.

09-11-2009, 12:27 PM
my dad told me as i was heading out the door for school (junior in HS) and i remember thinking, "plane crash, well, that sucks"...until i showed up for my first period is when i learned more and started feeling the magnitude of the situation...watching the news in my spanish class in utter disbelief...surreal day that i think all of us will be haunted by...

09-11-2009, 12:49 PM
When I first saw it on the news, they thought it was a bomb that exploded.

I think I turned on the TV when they just fist started showing the first tower smoking and whatnot.

Dirty Habit
09-11-2009, 01:56 PM
Sophmore college. Room mates woke me up to ask if my dad still worked at the Pentagon. Then then pulled me into the living room. I tried to call my dad. I got nothing. The phone lines were full in dc. My mom instant messaged me that my dad was ok. She called me later.

My father didnt come back home for almost 2 and a half weeks. My mom would meet him at work to bring him uniforms, underwear and etc. He lost some good friends there. I still have never really asked him about it.


09-11-2009, 02:08 PM
I was in a science class, can't remember which one. it was whatever that old douche with the goatee ran. we weren't doing anything cool, then somebody got a text about it, then we're watching it on tv, and goatee douche is KIND OF trying to get people to pay attention, but he eventually gives up. then for whatever reason we have a fire drill and everybody's flipping out outside, and people start leaving, and parents are picking up freshmen and shit, but i stayed all day and watched the news in every class except lit, where the old bag told us it was time to learn or something and made us read.

and then like a few months later i put an American flag on the 240's rear glass, but i put it on upside down (signal of distress lol) and every time teachers saw me park they were like "YO DAWG THAT AINT COOL" and i thought i was billy badass of lutheran high school.

09-11-2009, 03:39 PM
If it was a conspiracy does that change the fact that THOUSANDS of people died? Does it change the fact that THOUSANDS of soldiers died? No! There is no point dwelling on who done what, thats not the point, the point is to remember and be remorseful. To be honest I think alot of people stayed home because it showed that something like this can happen ANYWHERE, it hit home.

I completely, agree with you, 100%. And, Im not "dwelling on who done what", as i said, Im not going to go into the whole "who done it" argument. I just said that, I, honestly think it was our government, not that it would change the fact that thousands of innocent people were killed either way. I really didnt want to discuss this, which is why i said , "im not gonna go into this". I know there were thousands of innocent people killed, but I also believe that our government would be willing to sacrifice those lives, ( not that I think it's okay, in any way) and say it was terrorists, so they could have a "legit" reason to invade on them. Its just my opinion, and im not forcing it down your throats in any way, and i really dont think it matters what majority believes, because it wont change a thing, imo. And I am truely sorry if Ive offended any one of you, as I certainly did NOT mean to, I was just stating my OPINION on the matter, just like everyone else.

09-11-2009, 04:07 PM
I remember I was in school, language class really. I was doing my work when our counselor walked in and turned on the tv. He said something, I can't remember what, and walked out to the next class. I remember watching the second plane hit, and going "holy shit what the fuck just happened." My dad was in the AF at the time, stationed at Whiteman. I remember that day, all the B2's were gone, and my dad was at work for like 48 hours strait.

Such a sad day. So many people lost their lives, and it changed the course of history.

09-11-2009, 04:09 PM
Dude that conspiracy bullshit is just bullshit. All this conspiracy bullshit on the internet is pure conjecture by non scientists and non civil engineers. The man that ran one of the Construction companies that built those towers lived in the same luxury complex my dad lives in. The way those towers came down is because of being hit by a plane full of fuel. Which ignited Super heating the Metal frame and making it go molten. Seriously every fucking idiot that believes the conspiracy theories that I have talked to has no real education in Sciences, Metallurgy, construction, etc... Plus(conspiracy fans) most of them have been stoners or not very bright to begin with.

Oh and your comments and beliefs do a disservice to the memories of the people who died and the real reasons as to why it happened. I suggest you go back to school and get a real lesson in World Politics and the Middle East before allowing yourself to get so misguided by internet bullshit.

Our Government would not sacrifice the lives of 2-3 thousand civilians just to get us into a War in Afghanistan. Yes War in Afghanistan. We were attacked by a group that was based there and supported by their Government.

Your very comment about conspiracy really shows that you know nothing about all the previous signs that this was going to happen that the Clinton administration ignored.

Bush was and is a idiot and Cheney and Rumsfeld are fucked up people, though the did not set this kinda of thing up. If you truly believe that you are even more of a moron than George Bush was.

Wow, okay. I am sorry I said anything now, but I respect your oppinion, and inturn, am not going to call you names over our dissagreement.
The main point of my comment, was to say how truely sorry I am to all of those who have lost a loved one to 9/11, (how is that a "disservice"????) I said that I didnt want to get into the whole "who done it " disscusion, (if you re-read my post). Thank you for your suggestion, that I should, "go back to school and get a real lesson in World Politics and the Middle East", but frankly, I really am not interested in learning more on these subjects.

"Our Government would not sacrifice the lives of 2-3 thousand civilians just to get us into a War in Afghanistan."
Okay, this sounds very reasonable. But I do dissagree. Majority would agree with you, which is why I believe the government would pull it, ( knowing that most would say, "no way, bush wouldnt do that." ).

"Your very comment about conspiracy really shows that you know nothing about all the previous signs that this was going to happen that the Clinton administration ignored."
Fair enough, Im no scholar in this area, nor do I claim to be, nor aspire to be. But I do belive that our government noticed this, as you did, and decided to do something about it. But they couldnt just invade Afghanistan, with no community support. But, if they could get the
majority of americans to believ that Afghanistan did this to us, ( 9/11 ), then, the government would have our support, in invading Afghanistan.
By the way, I completely agree that Bush is an idiot, and also believe that he was a puppet, this wasnt his idea.
I just think that the government saw it like this, ( ' If we sacrifice a couple thousand civilians, we can overcome Afghanistan, yes we will take a loss, but that will also make our country hate them even more. And we will recooperate, and come out on top in the long run ').
Again, Im not saying I agree with them, in any way, shape, or form, but I do believe they are behind this.
Remember, this is only my opinion. You can call me names all you want, but in the end, does it really matter?

09-11-2009, 04:12 PM
This really isnt the thread to discuss who did what. Keep that out of here guys, thanks. 9/11 is still a very touchy subject for many people, myself included. So if you could please leave it out of the general off topic area,

09-11-2009, 04:17 PM
i saw the phrase "Loose Change" somewhere while scrolling through this. please tell me none of you are retarded enough to buy into that shit.

09-11-2009, 04:27 PM
I guess many of us were in schools back in 2001

09-11-2009, 04:38 PM
Was a very surreal day, no doubt.
it was hard to acknowledge something that outrageous had actually happened.
think everyone was shocked & numb to some extent.
all of the streets and freeways were more or less empty in los angeles.

I think it was the most horrific tragedy next to the Vietnam War in recent history.

09-11-2009, 04:39 PM
This really isnt the thread to discuss who did what. Keep that out of here guys, thanks. 9/11 is still a very touchy subject for many people, myself included. So if you could please leave it out of the general off topic area,

Thank you, I really didn't want to disscuss this anyways, as i said in my first post. but they had to bring it up and talk crap on me anyways. Im sorry for saying anything, but i felt the need to defend myself.
\And again, I am truely sorry if ive offended anyone, in any way, as i did not mean to. And I am truely sorry if any of you lost a loved one to 9/11, I couldnt imagine the pain you feel.

drift freaq
09-11-2009, 04:40 PM
i saw the phrase "Loose Change" somewhere while scrolling through this. please tell me none of you are retarded enough to buy into that shit.

Well I guess we see eye on at least one thing. Seriously any person here who believes the Government would do this kind of thing, to give us legitimate reason to go after theTaliban and Al Queda? Face it they are mental morons themselves.

I will only say this and nothing more. Bin Laden already had the U.S. in his sights, there had already been terrorist attacks on the U.S. Embassy in Lebanon and on the U.S.S. Cole. The whole policy our government had before the attacks was ignore them. They are only going to attack stuff in the middle east. Regardless of the intel. that had already been collected.

If you think our Government needed to create to an excuse to mess with Aghanistan a country we had no interest in at all?
Well then you fail at Geopolitical understanding and Modern History 101. Oh and Gee Bush the fool went into Iraq unprovoked. He made up excuses to go in in a prememptive strike. Cheney was ready to do the same thing at the end of their term with Iran.

So the argument they needed an excuse fails miserably and shows complete lack of understanding of how the previous administration operated in their fucked up ways.

In other words either start using your brain, or go back to school, or do both.

I apologize to anyone that is bothered by the fact that 2_slow_40 had to spout his bullshit and be corrected.

Oh and if you really did not want to discuss it? You should have never opened your mouth in the first place. Its on you my friend.

09-11-2009, 04:47 PM
junior in college. i was sleeping at home. friend called me and told me a plane crashed into the WTC. i told him to stfu. he told me to turn on the tv. so i did. couldn't believe it. went out to my balcony since i can see lower manhattan from where i live. that's when i saw the 2nd plane hit.

09-11-2009, 04:53 PM
for those who think a conspiracy is complete bs

YouTube - Zeitgeist: The 9/11 Myth (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyyRXfROhrc)

god bless the victims and families involved

09-11-2009, 05:01 PM
It is a National Tragedy and it really is and was very horrific for the people who's family's were affected by this. It was also a very traumatic and dramatic way to see so many people die, and obviously the nation is then obligated to flex nuts a little and go beat some ass.

However, ~25,000 children die daily around the world. That's roughly 6 times as many human beings as were killed in the World Trade Center attack and the ensuing and ongoing conflict in Afghanistan combined.

Just something to think about.

Also, all this conspiracy bullshit. Zeitgeist, Loose Change, and whatever other whack job "anti-propganda" you fuck wits can pull out of the trenches of retardation have no credible proof. It's all speculation and if it was true the government did it, and you think they did it, and it was all such a big deal... why aren't you rioting in the streets right now?

09-11-2009, 05:02 PM
Okay drift freaq, lets drop it, and say you win, because i honestly do not care. I was simply stating my opinions on the matter. I stated, IN MY FIRST POST, that I dont want to get into this argument, but you had to draw it out anyway. And you dont need to appologize on my behalf, as I have done so numerous times already. I understand that you find it amusing to put me down, in anything that I say, but it is really uncalled for. Nobody wants to hear anymore of this, and it has been dragged on too far already, so lets just drop it and say you win. I didnt ask anyone to believe it with me, nor did I bash on anyone else's opinions, beacause I believe everyone is entitled to their own, which is why I didn't want to converse about this in the first place. Honestly, if I would've known that you were going to bring this up, and spark a completely unnessesary argument, I wouldnt have post anything on this thread at all. And I am sorry to all of you who had to endure this pointless conversation, please forgive me. Thank you.

09-11-2009, 05:02 PM
for those who think a conspiracy is complete bs

YouTube - Zeitgeist: The 9/11 Myth (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YyyRXfROhrc)

right, Zeitgeist is another example of internet nonsense.


Zeitgeist, the movie Debunked - Part Two - Zeitgeist Exposed - Conspiracy Science - Conspiracies and Myths Refuted, Debunked, and Explained (http://www.conspiracyscience.com/articles/zeitgeist/part-two/)

drift freaq
09-11-2009, 05:10 PM
Okay drift freaq, lets drop it, and say you win, because i honestly do not care. I was simply stating my opinions on the matter. I stated, IN MY FIRST POST, that I dont want to get into this argument, but you had to draw it out anyway. And you dont need to appologize on my behalf, as I have done so numerous times already. I understand that you find it amusing to put me down, in anything that I say, but it is really uncalled for. Nobody wants to hear anymore of this, and it has been dragged on too far already, so lets just drop it and say you win. I didnt ask anyone to believe it with me, nor did I bash on anyone else's opinions, beacause I believe everyone is entitled to their own, which is why I didn't want to converse about this in the first place. Honestly, if I would've known that you were going to bring this up, and spark a completely unnessesary argument, I wouldnt have post anything on this thread at all. And I am sorry to all of you who had to endure this pointless conversation, please forgive me. Thank you.

You know what you stupid little kid? Its not amusing to me to have to correct the stupid ass nonsense you spout.
Its hassle because all of dumb asses that believe that crap. You could have dropped it but you had to post another comment to me.

Like I said before if you did not want to converse you should never have opened your mouth.

Apologizing after the fact with what you wrote above proves your an idiot and a hypocrite. You brought it up to begin with and you can't even take responsibility for that.
Oh but you try and hide by saying shit you know will cause comment but then say you don't want to start an argument. By that very comment, you knew it would cause an argument.

You could have thought for a second and edited your opinion out. You didn't. That's offensive plain and simple.

Its not about winning! Its about correcting pure and utter bullshit. You're an ignorant fool if you believe that crap and have a lot to learn about life.

I suggest you just take the cotton out of your ears and stuff it in your mouth.

09-11-2009, 05:12 PM
I remeber sitting in french class in HS watching the first tower burning and being confuse on how a plane would hit. We I saw the second town get hit I horrible chill and knew this was on purpose... such a sick feeling that I still get thinking about it

09-11-2009, 05:33 PM
All you shut the fuck up about the fucking conspiracies and shit. No one in this fucking thread gives a
flying fuck about what you fucking have to say about that matter. This thread is about that day which
forever changed our lives, and our world, and not about fucking conspiracy theories and other bullFUCKINGshit.

...and drift freaq, holy fuck, you always have to come into most threads and act like you're the fucking
know-it-all. It's fucking annoying and you know no one is fucking reading your fucking essays on
what you think is the fucking right answer. Fuck. Oh yeah, and when the other person drops
the argument already and is passed it, you come back in again and write another fucking essay
on why that particular person is a fucking retard. Get the fuck off your fucking high horse.

I expect a 200+ page novel from you when you read this. :fawk2:

09-11-2009, 05:37 PM
^thats pretty much zilvia since i've joined

very well said

romeo for mod :bowdown:

09-11-2009, 05:37 PM
You know what you stupid little kid? Its not amusing to me to have to correct the stupid ass nonsense you spout.
Its hassle because all of dumb asses that believe that crap. You could have dropped it but you had to post another comment to me.

Like I said before if you did not want to converse you should never have opened your mouth.

Apologizing after the fact with what you wrote above proves your an idiot and a hypocrite. You brought it up to begin with and you can't even take responsibility for that.
Oh but you try and hide by saying shit you know will cause comment but then say you don't want to start an argument. By that very comment, you knew it would cause an argument.

You could have thought for a second and edited your opinion out. You didn't. That's offensive plain and simple.

Its not about winning! Its about correcting pure and utter bullshit. You're an ignorant fool if you believe that crap and have a lot to learn about life.

I suggest you just take the cotton out of your ears and stuff it in your mouth.

Ok, now you're just taking this too far. Nobody said that you had to "correct" anything that I said. And I didnt apologize for my opinion, nor say that I changed my mind in any way at all as far as my beliefs go in this event. I only apologized for STATING my oppinion. So, therefore, I am not a "hypocrite", as you say I am, and as for me being an "idiot", I respect your opinion. Im not trying to argue with you, if I come off that way, I do appologize. Im just trying to help you to understand that I am not a "stupid little kid", as you say. Im only defending myself, as Im sure you would be too, if in my shoes. You didn't absolutely have to quote my first post, where I stated that I didnt want to get into this discusion, did you? We could have avoided this whole arguement, but we are both responsible for continuing in it. So lets just forget about it.

09-11-2009, 05:42 PM
All you shut the fuck up about the fucking conspiracies and shit. No one in this fucking thread gives a
flying fuck about what you fucking have to say about that matter. This thread is about that day which
forever changed our lives, and our world, and not about fucking conspiracy theories and other bullFUCKINGshit.

...and drift freaq, holy fuck, you always have to come into most threads and act like you're the fucking
know-it-all. It's fucking annoying and you know no one is fucking reading your fucking essays on
what you think is the fucking right answer. Fuck. Oh yeah, and when the other person drops
the argument already and is passed it, you come back in again and write another fucking essay
on why that particular person is a fucking retard. Get the fuck off your fucking high horse.

I expect a 200+ page novel from you when you read this. :fawk2:

I apologize, for this argument between drift freaq and me, and I will edit out all of my previous posts on this thread if you would like me to.
Just say the word, and it's done.
Once again, I am sorry.

drift freaq
09-11-2009, 05:42 PM
All you shut the fuck up about the fucking conspiracies and shit. No one in this fucking thread gives a
flying fuck about what you fucking have to say about that matter. This thread is about that day which
forever changed our lives, and our world, and not about fucking conspiracy theories and other bullFUCKINGshit.

...and drift freaq, holy fuck, you always have to come into most threads and act like you're the fucking
know-it-all. It's fucking annoying and you know no one is fucking reading your fucking essays on
what you think is the fucking right answer. Fuck. Oh yeah, and when the other person drops
the argument already and is passed it, you come back in again and write another fucking essay
on why that particular person is a fucking retard. Get the fuck off your fucking high horse.

I expect a 200+ page novel from you when you read this. :fawk2:

You know what Simoun, I do not portend to know everything. You don't even own a 240 anymore and when you did you knew short to nothing about them.

Yes I am finally saying that to your face, its time someone did.

I speak when I have knowledge and I correct wrong information.

You are the one that has a problem with that, because you don't know anything. I have contributed a lot of useful information to this forum all I see you doing is talking about fashion.

Get over it Simoun.

You want to be a dick in public about it like above go right ahead.

09-11-2009, 05:45 PM
you guys need to wash the sand outta your vaginas

IN OTHER NEWS....i have a belly button

09-11-2009, 05:51 PM
You know what Simoun, I do not portend to know everything. You don't even own a 240 anymore and when you did you know short to nothing about them.

Yes I am finally saying that to your face its time someone did.

I speak when I have knowledge and I correct wrong information.

You are the one that has a problem with that, because you don't know anything. I have contributed a lot of useful information to this forum all I see you doing is talking about fashion.

Get over it Simoun.

You want to be a dick in public about it like above go right ahead.
Now you act all holy and shit. Get the fuck over yourself dude. Oh, I'm sorry, I don't own a 240sx anymore,
looks like I can't join the Zilvia uber exclusive fanboy club. By the way, I never said you didn't contribute,
you just seem to come off as the "my way or the highway type" and I'm not the only one who sees it.

Anyways. I'm done. 9/11/01... yeah. 8 years ago.

drift freaq
09-11-2009, 05:59 PM
Now you act all holy and shit. Get the fuck over yourself dude. Oh, I'm sorry, I don't own a 240sx anymore,
looks like I can't join the Zilvia uber exclusive fanboy club. By the way, I never said you didn't contribute,
you just seem to come off as the "my way or the highway type" and I'm not the only one who sees it.

Anyways. I'm done. 9/11/01... yeah. 8 years ago.

Oh so your the spokesperson?LOL Dude its your issue. You are the one that has the problem with it. Otherwise you would not speak up.

You never knew me or even tried to get to know me. You are ignorant of me.

Yet you love to criticize me because I speak with knowlegde, something a lot of people resent.

Its not my way or the highway and if you think that you are truly ignorant.

You are the one that came out of the gate cussing not I.

I have strong feelings about 9/11 It changed my life as well as others.

I get offended when punks try to spout conspiracy crap about something that really happened and was done by terrorists.

maybe you should get over yourself?

09-11-2009, 06:04 PM

09-11-2009, 06:05 PM

09-11-2009, 06:12 PM
Too much swearing....

09-11-2009, 06:19 PM
Sweet Jesus, this isnt the place for arguement.

8 years ago thousands of American citizens died for 1 thing only: They were Americans. Here we are, still watching baseball and football, still worshipping the way we want to, and still flipping the bird to those people who don't like us. All arguements aside, we can all agree to be proud Americans, and while we still have our disagreements, I don't know one person who would rather live in Saudi Arabia, or Nicuagua, or even most European countries than right here.

So I am going to start a thread in the LOUD NOISES section to argue about who or what perpetrated the attacks on Washington DC, New York, and a field in Pennsylvania. Lets please try to keep it over there, k?

09-11-2009, 08:15 PM
i was a sophomore in HS too.

i will never ever forget watching all the people jumping out of the building just so they wouldn't burn.... that day was horrible... may they all rest in peace.

09-11-2009, 08:22 PM
i was a sophomore in HS too.

i will never ever forget watching all the people jumping out of the building just so they wouldn't burn.... that day was horrible... may they all rest in peace.

Which HS? I went to CI all 4 years.

09-11-2009, 08:30 PM
today at work, some ppl didnt even know that today was this significant day.. and im on a military base....

09-11-2009, 11:42 PM
I realized this morning again, like I have for all 7 years before, the sad reality that is this date.

I remember it like it was yesterday. I was actually in elementary school, we had been waiting in the hall for computer class for much longer than normal. So were all of the other classes. All of us were just talking as to what had happened, nobody knowing, just all speculating innocent things. Finally, my teacher opened the door with a look of utter shock on her face and said something to the effect of "get into the room children, the trade center buildings have been attacked by what may be terrorist". We sit down at our desk, and stare at the TV, where a building is on fire and a man is talking. Then, about 5 minutes later, another plane flies into the picture, and my stomach just drops.

I have always been a tad bit ahead of most people my age, and even as young as I was, I realized America had been breached, and nothing would ever be the same again. I realized what the little 'pieces of paper' on TV falling out of the buildings actually was, and realized we were viewing the last few seconds of alot of people's lives. The worse part about it is we did nothing to deserve it. They did nothing to deserve it. All was not right with the world any longer.

Many people got picked up from school, I stayed the whole day. We had family members who had worked at the Pentagon, so when news of more attacks surfaced, my family was very unnerved.

I think however, the situation brought out the best we have ever seen in America. I will never forget the day after, the year after, when everybody was so close. When Red, White and Blue decorated about everything, and when it was fashionable and politcally correct to have "God Bless America" on every sign you saw. It was the best year I have ever lived, and as an American, it was a year of pride to know such brutality had made everybody closer than it ever has been.

I will never forget this day, ever. 9/11/01 lives with me everyday I wake up, and everyday I breathe a breath of air from this beautiful country. I will never forget the "let's roll" that came before flight 93 was brought down, and I will never forget the flag being lifted in the middle of the scrap metal left from the World Trade Center hit. I will never forget.

09-12-2009, 10:40 AM
funny to see everyone get worked up about this stuff

i didnt bother posting because personally, this thread should remain being a show of respect, dedicated to the folks that died during the attack... and furthermore, to those that have died in the war. our soldiers, and the innocent on the other side. the way i see it, war is war.. and theres no good reason for it.

with that all said, there always has and always will be a MAJOR lifestyle gap between the rich who run the country and are involved in the government, and the remainder of us who are working, paying heavy taxes, and have zero effect in the government.

ive got my beliefs when it comes to conspiracy theories, and i dont agree with dave (driftfreaq).. but i dont think that matters. in the end, the ones responsible for all these atrocities are the ones who have to pay for them (ie: not me).

real depressing thread, i dunno why anyone would start a thread about this when YOU KNOW where its going to end up............

.........in the shitter.

09-16-2009, 05:46 PM
I remember I woke up to the radio announcing it.

Turned on the tube, and bam. There it was.

I am still left wondering what made the building seem to implode/crumble demolition style as opposed to "large chunks of shit" falling.

Any Explosion Physics experts?