View Full Version : So hears a sad story

09-06-2009, 05:51 AM
... its Saturday, I'm enjoying my day. One of my good friends just got married today (yay!) havin a good time. I leave with the intentions of meeting back up with the party. There was an afterparty to be had at the hotel they were stayin at.

As I'm on my way back (SoCal peoples know what I'm talkin about) I'm driving down the 22 and on the interchange for the 5 frwy. I COMPLETELY forgot about this NASTY fuckin turn at the overpass from the 22 E to the 5 Northand I'm doing maybe 85 at that point. I hit the turn and feel the back kickin out. Now I have no high speed drifting experience so my stupid ass stomps on the break and completely lock up and BAM!

Not only did I kiss the guard rail. I pretty much fucked the thing until it begged me to stop. So the front of my car is now tore up... thankfully theres alot salvagable (the care ACTUALLY runs just fine). But I cannot drive her no more. looks like I'll have a FS thread coming up within the next couple of days :(

The only thing I'm wondering about... is if the city is gonna try to tag me for damaging a guard rail? I put a pretty nice ding in that bad boy hah. Anyone ever had an experience like this? Or heard of someone who had to pay the city for damages?

I wish this wasnt my daily... lol and to top it off. I'm jobless!! hahah talk about FML. Oh wells.. This'll be an interesting lesson to learn from driving too fast. But hey, to my defense I was tryin to get where the drunk womens was at!!

09-06-2009, 06:15 AM
that's unfortunate.
try and be more careful in the future

09-06-2009, 06:16 AM
... its Saturday, I'm enjoying my day. One of my good friends just got married today (yay!) havin a good time. I leave with the intentions of meeting back up with the party. There was an afterparty to be had at the hotel they were stayin at.

As I'm on my way back (SoCal peoples know what I'm talkin about) I'm driving down the 22 and on the interchange for the 5 frwy. I COMPLETELY forgot about this NASTY fuckin turn at the overpass from the 22 E to the 5 Northand I'm doing maybe 85 at that point. I hit the turn and feel the back kickin out. Now I have no high speed drifting experience so my stupid ass stomps on the break and completely lock up and BAM!

Not only did I kiss the guard rail. I pretty much fucked the thing until it begged me to stop. So the front of my car is now tore up... thankfully theres alot salvagable (the care ACTUALLY runs just fine). But I cannot drive her no more. looks like I'll have a FS thread coming up within the next couple of days :(

The only thing I'm wondering about... is if the city is gonna try to tag me for damaging a guard rail? I put a pretty nice ding in that bad boy hah. Anyone ever had an experience like this? Or heard of someone who had to pay the city for damages?

I wish this wasnt my daily... lol and to top it off. I'm jobless!! hahah talk about FML. Oh wells.. This'll be an interesting lesson to learn from driving too fast. But hey, to my defense I was tryin to get where the drunk womens was at!!
that sucks... it sucks when you panic and just slam the break when just the opposite could save you.. i did the same thing i just didnt hit anything.. hopefully you can score enough from the partout to buy another daily.. evin if its some pos at least you can get around and get yo hustle on lol... oh.. and... drunk womens ftw

09-06-2009, 06:56 AM
I'm quite familiar with that turn. 85 is way too fast. The concrete isn't very even/consistent either. Live and learn.

09-06-2009, 07:07 AM
Let's see, you can't spell, you were driving too fast for your abilities, and you refer to yourself as "herpes".

No pity. You were stupid and it cost you.

They may try and charge you for the guardrail repair. I know a drunk driver here killed 3 trees one night when he passed out behind the wheel. He drove into the median and through 3 Crepe Myrtle Trees. He was charged with the cost to replace them.

09-06-2009, 08:25 AM
Let's see, you can't spell, you were driving too fast for your abilities, and you refer to yourself as "herpes".

No pity. You were stupid and it cost you.

They may try and charge you for the guardrail repair. I know a drunk driver here killed 3 trees one night when he passed out behind the wheel. He drove into the median and through 3 Crepe Myrtle Trees. He was charged with the cost to replace them.

You forgot to mention the title of this thread... "Hears"

I'm listening but I don't HEAR anything. But, Here's a nice story....

Anyway, at least you are ok and didn't hurt anyone.

09-06-2009, 10:09 AM
if you have black interior bits for sale, let me know. ;-) my hatch could use them

09-06-2009, 11:21 AM
take some pics

09-06-2009, 12:40 PM
Yeah, Chances are a FS thread will be up tomorrow or the next day.

and come on bitchin about how I can't spell? Really? ... SORRY. Sometimes peoples drink up a little bit and tend to not be able to type shit out so well. But whatever lol

I know it was a stupid ass thing, I just completely forgot about that turn and can't be mad at anybody but myself. I'm just thankful I didn't hit or hurt anybody else. Getting off with having to pay for the guardrail is better than having to live with something that could have been MUCH worse.

Have I learned my lesson? Yes. Am I a repeat junkie? No... not usually. Shit happens time for me to move on and try to figure some more stuff out. Still sucks ass though.

09-06-2009, 01:18 PM
sucks bro but u shouldnt have been going 85 anyways...they may try to get u for the guard rail but insurance should cover that...similar thing happened to my buddy

09-06-2009, 01:23 PM
lift off the throttle next time and counter.. never slam on the brakes your not gonna have any control. Where you intoxicated/tired from a night of partying? seems like it. Man up its your fault.

09-06-2009, 01:31 PM
lift off the throttle next time and counter.. never slam on the brakes your not gonna have any control. Where you intoxicated/tired from a night of partying? seems like it. Man up its your fault.

Nah, wasn't too tired.. it was only about 12:30 - 1 AM nor was I drunk. Yeah I'm no pro driver but I know mashing the breaks was NOT the right thing to do. BUT, when your not experienced your not ready to react right and you just go with the "logical" thing. Breaking means stop... lol we all know that's not exactly true, but you know what I'm gettin at. Like I said before... cant be mad at nobody but myself, and honestly at this point I'm just thankful that this stupidity is only going to cost me and nobody else.

Also just to clear 1 thing up. I wasn't trying to take that turn doing 85. I approached the turn and was doing probably around 80 - 85. And tried to break / slow down... but yeah, we all know what happens after that. Stupidity beats late realization every time.

09-06-2009, 01:47 PM
Brake - To attempt to slow your vehicle using your BRAKES.

Break - What happened to the guard rail after your dumb ass ran into it.

If you can't type when you've been drinking, then stop one or the other.

09-06-2009, 02:02 PM
if you have black interior bits for sale, let me know. ;-) my hatch could use them


Brake - To attempt to slow your vehicle using your BRAKES.

Break - What happened to the guard rail after your dumb ass ran into it.

If you can't type when you've been drinking, then stop one or the other.


omfg...i know the turn, and thats something u dont forget...if u were expecting pity, ur in the wrong place, ur at fault, the thread shoudl be title, "look what my dumbass did''

and ur right, good thing ur the only paying for this, no one else

09-06-2009, 02:19 PM
whoops double post

09-06-2009, 02:21 PM
Brake - To attempt to slow your vehicle using your BRAKES.

Break - What happened to the guard rail after your dumb ass ran into it.

If you can't type when you've been drinking, then stop one or the other.

wow, chill out dude, are you the grammar police or what??? anyways, op, sucks to hear about your incident, but atleast now you should be ready to react if you accidentely break your wheels loose. good luck with gettin a new dd.

09-06-2009, 02:22 PM
wow, chill out dude, are you the grammar police or what???

In a way he is/was.

09-06-2009, 02:24 PM
In a way he is.

i guess, but i really dont think its that big of a deal, if you mix up the spelling of 2 words, but whatever.

09-06-2009, 02:26 PM

09-06-2009, 02:27 PM
The city/county/state/whomever didn't charge my friend for the poles/rails he damaged when his brakes crapped out on him.

09-06-2009, 02:43 PM
Iv heard of ppl getting charged for hitting polls but idk about you. and I would like to see pic's too

09-06-2009, 02:53 PM
wow, chill out dude, are you the grammar police or what??? anyways, op, sucks to hear about your incident, but atleast now you should be ready to react if you accidentely break your wheels loose. good luck with gettin a new dd.

lol thanks... I dont necessarily plan on driving like that. Hell I never do it on the streets and I damn sure was not trying to drift that turn. but whatevers. The car is still in Fountain Valley so I'll see what I can do about pics. See if my buddy can take pics of the front really quick or something and post it up.

And ThatGuy, before I post anymore would you like me to PM you what I'm going to post so you can proof read? Cryin out loud... lol. killin me with these typing errors.

09-06-2009, 03:08 PM
I don't get how you can spell stuff wrong. When there is a spell correction on the message box :rofl:

09-06-2009, 03:13 PM
lol thanks... I dont necessarily plan on driving like that. Hell I never do it on the streets and I damn sure was not trying to drift that turn. but whatevers. The car is still in Fountain Valley so I'll see what I can do about pics. See if my buddy can take pics of the front really quick or something and post it up.

And ThatGuy, before I post anymore would you like me to PM you what I'm going to post so you can proof read? Cryin out loud... lol. killin me with these typing errors.

I don't get how you can spell stuff wrong. When there is a spell correction on the message box :rofl:

spell check is your friend...

i kinda wanna see pics of an s13 kissing a rail at 80... sounds awesome

09-06-2009, 03:14 PM
wow, chill out dude, are you the grammar police or what???

Hey junior, shut the fuck up while the grown folks are talking.

Rakooda, don't bother PM'ing me, just take your time and pay attention, like you DIDN'T do while you were driving.

09-06-2009, 03:19 PM
Hey junior, shut the fuck up while the grown folks are talking.

Rakooda, don't bother PM'ing me, just take your time and pay attention, like you DIDN'T do while you were driving.

double burn FALCON PUNCH...

i thought i never see the day

09-06-2009, 03:23 PM
I don't get how you can spell stuff wrong. When there is a spell correction on the message box :rofl:

Maybe because I can give 2 shits less if I spell like tis or like this. Get over it... you still understand the message I'm trying to get across. If ppls is too retarded to understand what I'm trying to get at than go to a damn OCD group meeting and nit pick at each other. a typo is a typo... get over it.

Also, the Spell Check feature, corrects spelling. Not the misuse of words bud. so whether I typed out "break" or "brake" it wouldn't have caught it.

Hey junior, shut the fuck up while the grown folks are talking.

Rakooda, don't bother PM'ing me, just take your time and pay attention, like you DIDN'T do while you were driving.

:duh: hah fair enough... I guess.

i kinda wanna see pics of an s13 kissing a rail at 80... sounds awesomeIts a 14, and I have my buddy taking pics of the car at his place. You'll have a pic or 2 soon.

09-06-2009, 03:26 PM
Its a 14, and I have my buddy taking pics of the car at his place. You'll have a pic or 2 soon.

awesome, even better, if u need help taking this apart, lemme know, ive taken apart 4 s14 in my back yard, sell me urs and ill make it 5 :fruit:

09-06-2009, 03:32 PM

09-06-2009, 03:33 PM
two things.
1.) a friend of mine lost control on the highway and plowed a guard rail, and they charged him for it.


As I'm on my way back (SoCal peoples know what I'm talkin about) I'm driving down the 22 and on the interchange for the 5 frwy.

i've highlighted my issue. are you saying socal "peoples" will be familiar with the stretch of highway, or does "as i'm on my way back" imply something you think socal "peoples" would be familiar with?

see, the way i'm reading it, you went to an afterparty, got hammered, and then drove your dumb ass back home drunk and over the speed limit, and now you're whining about wrecking your shit.

09-06-2009, 03:37 PM
two things.
1.) a friend of mine lost control on the highway and plowed a guard rail, and they charged him for it.


i've highlighted my issue. are you saying socal "peoples" will be familiar with the stretch of highway, or does "as i'm on my way back" imply something you think socal "peoples" would be familiar with?

see, the way i'm reading it, you went to an afterparty, got hammered, and then drove your dumb ass back home drunk and over the speed limit, and now you're whining about wrecking your shit.

ima go with "socal "peoples" will be familiar with the stretch of highway" for 100 Mr.Trabeck
Daily double...? no... boo


plus, he already explaind he wasnt drunk...:tardrim:

09-06-2009, 03:39 PM
awesome, even better, if u need help taking this apart, lemme know, ive taken apart 4 s14 in my back yard, sell me urs and ill make it 5 :fruit:
haha crazy guy. I'm actually looking into options right now. I'll keep the thought in mind though! I'm uploading the pics right now and will have them posted shortly.

09-06-2009, 03:43 PM
haha crazy guy. I'm actually looking into options right now. I'll keep the thought in mind though! I'm uploading the pics right now and will have them posted shortly.

not crazy, bored is more like it...

09-06-2009, 03:48 PM
Heres just a couple quick shots.. The hood got smashed in and popped up (obviously) But the car still starts, still drives and of all my suspension I think the power brace is the only thing that took any kind of damage. Tomorrow I plan on going back and pulling ish off the car.


09-06-2009, 03:50 PM
this was a zenki wasnt it...i wanna say 96

09-06-2009, 03:54 PM
this was a zenki wasnt it...i wanna say 96

Yep, 95 actually, but close enough haha

09-06-2009, 03:57 PM
Yep, 95 actually, but close enough haha

meh, off by a year...yeah...that shit looks like it took a good jolt to the frame... but doesnt look like it bent it, the lower support still looks straight on...find a new rad support, new front end and salvage the basterd...no point in parting out a good car...if not ill give you 500 for it...LOL

09-06-2009, 04:06 PM
meh, off by a year...yeah...that shit looks like it took a good jolt to the frame... but doesnt look like it bent it, the lower support still looks straight on...find a new rad support, new front end and salvage the basterd...no point in parting out a good car...if not ill give you 500 for it...LOL

LOL if it was bone stock I'd consider it. But I'm going to need the money now to buy another car. Like I said, my punk ass isnt working like half the rest of the nation hahah. So yeah... I think I'd make more parting it out. But I think the frame is bent. I didnt really crawl under the car I just took a quick peak <<< would you like to correct that one for me ThatGuy|||

Tomorrow will be the D day for the car. Sadly.

09-06-2009, 04:19 PM
LOL if it was bone stock I'd consider it. But I'm going to need the money now to buy another car. Like I said, my punk ass isnt working like half the rest of the nation hahah. So yeah... I think I'd make more parting it out. But I think the frame is bent. I didnt really crawl under the car I just took a quick peak <<< would you like to correct that one for me ThatGuy|||

Tomorrow will be the D day for the car. Sadly.


09-06-2009, 04:28 PM
suicide is always an option

drift freaq
09-06-2009, 05:05 PM
LOL if it was bone stock I'd consider it. But I'm going to need the money now to buy another car. Like I said, my punk ass isnt working like half the rest of the nation hahah. So yeah... I think I'd make more parting it out. But I think the frame is bent. I didnt really crawl under the car I just took a quick peak <<< would you like to correct that one for me ThatGuy|||

Tomorrow will be the D day for the car. Sadly.
no but I will

Peak = a word describing the top,most commonly used for the top of mountains aka the Peak,

Peek= to look at or into, most commonly a glance i.e. I took a peek inside the box.

Are you trying to make it an Art of using like sounding words in the wrong definition? Or is it that you just suck at spelling. One would think you suck at spelling except above? One wonders if did that on purpose or not?

Seriously you are getting called on a lot of shit here that is making you look bad. Maybe you should try harder to look better?

sorry about your incident but you really did bring it upon yourself and your general attitude is not helping matters.

09-06-2009, 05:14 PM
Haha, I know that turn. It's fun to take when there's no traffic. But man, that's some place to fuck up. Good to hear you're alright. But please, you proper grammar and spelling around here as it annoys the shit out of a lot of people, including me, when people can't spell shit right and mix up homophones.

09-06-2009, 05:23 PM
Sell it for 6K$ as a pre-crashed missile car.

09-06-2009, 05:25 PM
no but I will

Peak = a word describing the top,most commonly used for the top of mountains aka the Peak,

Peek= to look at or into, most commonly a glance i.e. I took a peek inside the box.

Are you trying to make it an Art of using like sounding words in the wrong definition? Or is it that you just suck at spelling. One would think you suck at spelling except above? One wonders if did that on purpose or not?

Seriously you are getting called on a lot of shit here that is making you look bad. Maybe you should try harder to look better?

sorry about your incident but you really did bring it upon yourself and your general attitude is not helping matters.

Woah woah... Ok Firstly, that was sarcasm. One of those "har har he he" type of things. Me getting called out and looking bad? I'm not sharing a story of stupidity to look good or gain sympathy. I dont know too many people on here so why would I want them to be like "aww poor guy, here's a shoulder to cry on" I'm not here for that. I was simply sharing a story...

And my attitude is my attitude. I'm sorry if I'm coming of as a dick or anything, buuuut am I the one that came in the thread CORRECTING someones spelling? No. Seriously... its a typo. GET OVER THAT SHIT... who cares if I can or cannot spell. The fact that people are harping on how well someone can spell on a auto forum is pretty much fkn retarded. IMO.

Sorry if I'm coming off as rash, and I'm not trying to lash out at any individual. I'm just saying... PLEASE drop it. I dont care, I'm sure you dont care. So why bring up anybodys ability to spell / type / speak.

Moving On.....

09-06-2009, 05:30 PM
But please, you proper grammar and spelling around here as it annoys the shit out of a lot of people, including me,

lol GG.

But, yeah... I'd imagine that turn would be fun for someone who has the skill and balls to take it. Unfortunately, I'm not one of those people... and I dont think even without traffic and if I had the skill I wouldnt want to try and take it. Like I said, I'm not the type of person to play around on the streets. I was just in a hurry, and made 1 mistake which is going to burn holes in my wallet that is already empty hah.

09-06-2009, 05:48 PM
See, here is the deal.

You're right this is the internet, and on the internet you are only known by what you type. So if you type like a 6 year old, you're going to catch flak for it. If you don't like the way Zilvians react to your poor spelling, you have 2 obvious options. You can either A. seek self improvement and spell things correctly, and use the proper words to describe your thoughts, or B. Log out and go somewhere else.

Which ever you chose, Zilvia will continue on, unchanged. If you instead chose to stay here, and continue to type like a 6 year old, I can promise that Zilvians will continue to call you an idiot.

Plain and Simple.

09-06-2009, 06:06 PM
You know what?
This thread was worthless when it was started, but I let it live.
Perhaps I was being too nice.



The ensuing argument that comes as a result of the discourse over your own stupidity does nothing to save the life of this thread following my post here. One makes themselves look like MORE of a damned fool when they not only type like one on the internet, but even more of such is achieved when one attempts to justify their douchebaggery using the fact that "it's just the internets" as their excuse.

So here it is.
This thread does NOTHING to satisfy our collective rights to not give a mad assfuck that you were an idiot, and will now have to pay the cost as a result... If you want somewhere else to cry about it:

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... pick one and make THAT your avenue, that way anyone who actively CLAIMS to be a friend can show you that nobody cares by simply ignoring you.
