View Full Version : I was Betrayed!

09-05-2009, 09:10 PM

So I decide to go over to one of my buddies house to see if by chance he might have an extra CAS plug laying around. He has two full grown pitbulls (male and female). I've been over a bunch of times and have known his pits since they were puppies, so... didn't think today would be any different. As we make our way to his backyard for some weird reason I ask "hey man, they're cool right" he's like "yeah man you've been back here before ha ha" So i walk in and his male pit bull comes up to me so i put my hand out so he can take a sniff.... as i take the first step and look forward I feel a sharp stab in my leg. Took me a second to realize what the fuck was happening, I take a few steps back and yell my buddies name and the dog is already mid air with his fucking jaw wide open coming right at me. My first instinct was to kick and throw my arms up (for the record I"m a big guy with some really cute love handles ha ha) and if i wouldn't have he would've ate my ass alive. The shove I gave the dog prevented him from locking down his jaw on my gut, but was still able to mark all his teeth and shed some blood. As he got ready for his next leap my buddy yelled the dogs name and he snapped out of attack mode and just walked away. This honestly had to be the worse thing i've experienced in a long while and every-time i close my eyes i see the pits face as it flew through the air.

The female pit is pregnat so I'm guessing the male was just being protective.

Anyone else been attacked by a dog or any other animal?

09-05-2009, 09:17 PM
I got my finger bit by a chihuahua once. A feeder mouse bit my finger once. My cats go for my ankles all the time as I walk pass them. My doggie kisses me and sometimes nips at my hands.

09-05-2009, 09:25 PM

drift freaq
09-05-2009, 09:26 PM
Only when I was a kid and I rode my bike by a neighbors dog and the dog jumped and bit my leg. I was about 7 or 8 at the time.

Oh ya in High school my friends miniature Doberman use to go after peoples ankles when you came over to his house.

That was just annoying though because you could pretty much drop kick the little monster. Which is probably why the Dog would do it. LOL

09-05-2009, 09:29 PM
...for the record I'm a big guy with some really cute love handles... he would've ate my ass...


I was attacked by one of my dogs when I was 8 or so. She had always been an awesome dog, very sweet and playful... The landlord decided to have the house painted, and she was very defensive of the house, so we had to tie her to the palm tree in the backyard. She was on a 30 foot line, which was enough to roam, but not enough to get within 15 feet of the house and bother the painter (we had a huge backyard).
Come to find out, she REALLY hated being tied up to that tree. The first day, she seemed confused. The second day, she growled and kinda nipped at me. We thought, "Hey, she's annoyed, whatever, it's only for two more days."
On the 3rd day that I had to tie her up, she went berserk and tried to tear my arm off. Lots of blood, lots of screaming. It was pretty terrifying at that age. Not fun at all.
We put her down later that night. :sadwavey:

Another one...
A few years back, I took a road trip out to the desert with a friend to pick up a car that was being stored at his aunt's house. We got there around 11pm, and we could hear a dog inside, going NUTS over us being outside. My buddy stops me and says, "Okay, this dog, its fucking nuts. It doesn't like anyone but my aunt. Don't look into its eyes or make any sudden moves. It will attack you."
I laughed.
"Man, you know that dogs love me. The most vicious dogs are big ole softies around me. It'll be fine."
So, we walk in. I see that the dog is a chow and said "Oh shit. These dogs are assholes." So I'm standing there, completely still, and the dog starts sniffing me. After about 30 seconds of this, my right pinky finger twitched a bit (muscle spasms suck), and the motherfucker chomped down on my leg. I had to punch to ever living shit out of its head to make it let go.

It wasn't really scary, though. I thought it was kinda funny that I walked in there all confident that I'd be fine, just to have that stupid bastard of a dog bite my leg.

OH. One more.
Two, maybe three years ago... I was at another friend's house, and his sister had a teacup chihuahua. It was friendly, mostly, unless you held it in just one hand... I was playing with it one day, and picked it up with one hand. The little fucker bit me, right on the skin between right thumb and pointer finger on my right hand. It pierced a hole all the way through both sides.
I should've put a barbell in it. lol

09-05-2009, 09:36 PM

"Okay, this dog, its fucking nuts. It doesn't like anyone but my aunt. Don't look into its eyI laughed.

"Man, you know that dogs love me. The most vicious dogs are big ole softies around me. It'll be fine."

LMAO!!! funny shit.

I think from now on I'll be a little more cautious and probably wont trust another dog...

unless its a little one i can kick the shit out of if it attacks.

Jimmy please dont take your dog to the meets anymore.

haha. JK

09-05-2009, 09:56 PM
I think from now on I'll be a little more cautious and probably wont trust another dog...
You'll get over it.

General rules for trusting dogs:
-If its growling, don't trust it.
-If its in a junkyard, don't trust it.
-If its giving ya the stink eye, don't trust it.
-It its a chow, don't trust it. Unless its drunk. I'm not even kidding. They're not cool unless you fill their water bowl with beer. Perferably Budweiser or Corona. They seem to love both.
-All others, give 'em a chance.

Chows suck. Worst breed ever. Have I mentioned that before?

09-05-2009, 10:05 PM
I don't Rico bring anymore because all the crazy non-round eyed folks start salivating once they get a glimpse of him. Commenting on how meaty his legs are and what not. No bullshit I get uncomfortable because I truly believe a few might be serious. :rofl:

09-05-2009, 10:07 PM
You'll get over it.

General rules for trusting dogs:
-If its growling, don't trust it.
-If its in a junkyard, don't trust it.
-If its giving ya the stink eye, don't trust it.
-It its a chow, don't trust it. Unless its drunk. I'm not even kidding. They're not cool unless you fill their water bowl with beer. Perferably Budweiser or Corona. They seem to love both.
-All others, give 'em a chance.

Chows suck. Worst breed ever. Have I mentioned that before?

how do you know this lol

09-05-2009, 10:09 PM
You'll get over it.

General rules for trusting dogs:
-If its growling, don't trust it.
-If its in a junkyard, don't trust it.
-If its giving ya the stink eye, don't trust it.
-It its a chow, don't trust it.

This dog gave none of those signs, he must have been raised by ninjas cause that shit caught me by surprise.

09-05-2009, 10:27 PM
haha mario brings his dog to meets lol

09-05-2009, 10:29 PM
this is why i dont get close to any dog and i have a cat.. haha

Mi Beardo es Loco
09-05-2009, 11:18 PM
bit by a chow in jr high. face and nose ripped apart. Nose literally ripped in half. 82 stitches and 3 surgeries later there's hardly a scar. But pretty akward in Jr High.

09-05-2009, 11:28 PM
I see that the dog is a chow and said "Oh shit. These dogs are assholes."

thats just fucking classic.

killed a neighborhood dog once. walking home from school, starting to notice something sliding through the bushes along side of me (like pacing back and forth). i stopped realized it was a big ass mutt. i was about 13-14 at the time and scared out of my mind so i booked ass and it followed of course right on my ass. i ran behind a corner store and found a piece of fence post. stop and turned around just in time to clock the fucker in the face. watched it tumble around for a bit then i just hit the ground. i freaked and ran. had my sister drive me by later and saw the dog still lying there, dead apparently =(.

09-05-2009, 11:52 PM
all pitbulls deserve to be destroyed

09-06-2009, 12:00 AM
how do you know this lol
24 years of dog handling.

This dog gave none of those signs, he must have been raised by ninjas cause that shit caught me by surprise.
That is entirely possible. I've heard rumors that ninjas have been breeding dogs of different breeds all over the world in hopes of someday using them for a stealth takeover of Earth.

bit by a chow in jr high. face and nose ripped apart. Nose literally ripped in half. 82 stitches and 3 surgeries later there's hardly a scar. But pretty akward in Jr High.
See? Further proof. Chows are assholes.
I bet you didn't even see it coming, huh? Most people don't, since they're so fluffy and "cute".
"Oooooh, look at you, sweetie, you're so cute and fluffy!" ::rubs fur:: "AHHHHH, MY FACE!!!"
For real, though, that fucking sucks.

all pitbulls deserve to be destroyed
You're either a troll or a fucking retard.
Possibly both. Hard to say.

09-06-2009, 12:51 AM
shit, i dont have a problem with dogs biting me,
grown used to it?
ever since i was little my family would tell me about how many dogs bit and
scratched my face.

but either then that i only got one dog attack,
by a German Shepard, i thought i was dying lol, i was 13 playing football, went over a fence and another neighbor had their dog out and i jump over the fence to get the ball,
then next you know the dog lunges out at me and bites where my ribs are at.

sucks but i cried like a little bitch,
sorry to hear about the stories some of you guys shared.

09-06-2009, 12:52 AM
i love my pit, hes a lil baby at heart lol.. just depends how the pit is raised..or any dog, make sure the dog gets exposed to all kinds of people at a early age and not just only around the owner.

but that sucks, i can imagine tho, alot of people only want pits for their defense.

09-06-2009, 01:10 AM
My sister got a Bijon Frise and at first I wanted nothing to do with it, but they grow on you. It doesn't weigh more than 4lbs, it's white and it's energitic as shit...and girls love it. I think I'm going to slam it, get some flush wheels and walk it around town.

09-06-2009, 01:34 AM
all pitbulls deserve to be destroyed

You sir, are an idiot. Some may say that all idiots deserve to be destroyed.

09-06-2009, 02:02 AM
I have never been around an aggressive Greyhound. I used to work at the dog track (where they race Greyhounds for gambling purposes) years ago and worked with hundreds of them and NEVER did even one of them ever even growl at me or any of the other employees. I adopted a greyhound and she was the best dog we ever had.

Adopt a Greyhound! Problem solved.

09-06-2009, 02:09 AM
Dude fuck you whoever said all pits should be destroyed. Cock gobbler...

Here is Dahlia, with a hat :D

http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs260.snc1/10724_1196929612363_1502172961_30536652_616876_n.j pg

To contribute, I have a pretty good story.

When I was about 4 or 5, I was taken to the Wild Animal Park and that was the bee's knees when you were a kid. So we make our way through the park and to my favorite part! The petting zoo! So I am having a grand ol' time with my grandma taking pictures of me petting the goats/deers/etc. I go up to this deer that is laying down and start petting it and out of the blue the fucker kicks me in the chest and I went flying back. I was out of breath and completely shocked. Then the cry switch turned on.

I don't think it hurt so much as to how much I was stunned by it. And to sweeten the deal of the day, while we were eating lunch by the duck area. This fucking monster pelican swoops down onto our table and pops my PB&J into his mouth and books.

Talk about a shitty day :\

09-06-2009, 02:10 AM
Out of the 11 years I had my golden retiever mix she bit me twice in my right arm. Once on the biceps and the other on the wrist. Both times barly missing the vains and shit. Both were wtf moments too I was petting her and bam I had to punch the shit out of her just to have her let go. She did bite my dad in the ass once but that was because I think my dad provoked her or something.

09-06-2009, 02:11 AM
lol this shit remind me of that movie "friday " creg's dad lol

09-06-2009, 02:19 AM
I've seen an equal amount of dangerous and friendly pits.

Wish my Husky knew when to bark at strangers... Damn dog loves everyone. haha.

I dislike Chihuahuas very much.

09-06-2009, 03:02 AM
Everyone says their pitbull is the sweetest dog ever and how it would never attack anyone, until it rips someone's face off.

Then everyone talks about how it must have not been properly trained, and how it is the owner's fault, because a properly trained pitbull is the sweetest dog ever that would never attack anyone.

While training does play a big part in it, fact is, some breeds are just genetically more aggressive and/or likely to go crazy than others. That is something that should not be ignored, no matter how cute and sweet you think your pitbull is. I think to own certain breeds, a special license or mandatory training classes should be required. I know this might offend some people on here, but a pitbull should not be a dog for anyone.

And on that note, what is up with everybody getting pitbulls lately? What is even worse is that most of the people with pitbulls seem to be some wannabe thugs or people who only get them for status because they think it is cool to have a breed that is looked at as 'tough/vicious/bad,' and these are the same kind of people who usually completely neglect training the dog.

09-06-2009, 03:17 AM
^^I could agree with that. You don't mean absolutely everyone owning a pit. Just recently it seems, right? Least that's how I'm understanding it.

09-06-2009, 03:18 AM
I would've stabbed the dog.

And if it was a small dog, I would've either stabbed it or kicked it like a football.

Maybe the dog was giving the OP a kisssssssss.

09-06-2009, 03:30 AM
not all pits are bad, trust ive had a few and they've never flipped..

anyways i think dogs get defensive wen it comes to being pregnant or watever..wen my last dog had puppies it WOULD NOT LET ME COME NEAR...before and even after that it was fine....yea i think its just a parent thing for them

09-06-2009, 03:37 AM
not ALL pits are fucking insane, but it seems to be a lot more than any other breed. i kind of wish people would stop buying them.

all pitbulls deserve to be destroyed

fuck off

09-06-2009, 04:13 AM
you godda be tha pack leeeder

09-06-2009, 04:37 AM
^^^LMAO. Oh man... Reminds me of that one South Park episode, 'Tsst'. hahaha

09-06-2009, 04:38 AM
fuck dude. i forgoto to call you about the plug. this attack was my fault.

09-06-2009, 10:10 AM
That's a pretty shitty story dude. Don't let it taint your views on dogs though.

I got attacked by 2 full grown Dobermans when I was about 7. That shit was scary! But I should have known better. They were my neighbors dogs, that I knew weren't treated very well. Well one day they got out of their yard, so I went over to tell them they were loose, and the fuckers cornered me and attacked. Long story short, I learned not to blame the dogs for it.

And the "pitbulls should be destroyed" comment is just ignorant. I've known more attacks by other breeds of dogs than I have with pitbulls. If you don't like the breed, that's fine, but don't spread your propaganda as fact.

09-06-2009, 06:10 PM
Was taking a cruise on my road bike and a pit was just chillin in the yard with his owner...the dog parked, then ran at me. Bit my leg as I was biking, then the owner yelled "zoltar" and it backed off....she thought it was ok..cunt.

09-06-2009, 07:19 PM
My neighbors dog (Doberman/German Shepherd) who has been a mean son of a bitch ever since I was a wee child and even tried to attack me a few times as a kid, got out like a year ago while I was skateboarding down my street.

It ran after me teeth glaring and barking/growling at me. Before it got close enough to attack I hopped off my board, picked it up and when it lunged at me, I swung the board and popped it in the noggin and it fell on it's face, it whimpered and bolted out of there.

Problem solved.

09-06-2009, 07:24 PM
I once had a good size dog attack me.

I was on my bike on the road.

There was a big chunk of asphalt that had chipped off the side of the road.

Somehow this piece made a strong connection with his brain holder.

Dropped him.

I lived to ride again.

09-08-2009, 02:09 PM
all pitbulls deserve to be destroyed
out of a million sperm, u were the one that made it?

ur a fucken tard...

09-08-2009, 02:55 PM
all pitbulls deserve to be destroyed

Wow, your dumb. Not all pitbulls are violent, its there habitat and the situation. Obviously the op that was bit was a little bit affraid, and then while afraid reaches down to the dog, which like he stated is the father of the pregnant femae dog? Just a bad situation. Plus you don't know, what if the ops friend is all mike vick with his pits? lol, I think its dumb to just hate one race.