View Full Version : Student Loan Money.....Should I??

04-30-2003, 12:25 AM
First of all I owe the credit card company about $500. Currently, I have no job. So I was wondering if I should apply for student loan and payoff my credit card, then use what's left over (not much) to help me do an SR swap? Awww man, I feel so desperate!

04-30-2003, 12:43 AM
The answer is no!

04-30-2003, 12:46 AM

Credit Cards are childs of satan. I could be driving a new 350z if it wasent for Credit Cards.

04-30-2003, 01:03 AM
seriously.. dont do that..
im a student myself so i know...
try to control your urges and spendings for your car..
remember.. we are students... when we graduate, thats a whole different story..
but for now.. lets stick with our stock 240s.. its fun already :)

04-30-2003, 01:55 AM
I am in the same boat as you. But don't take out a loan with the intentions of just getting a sr. Kind of careless reason to take out a loan. I am going to take out a loan for the summer to pay my school fees and pay off my credit card. If you are going to take out a loan do it for the right and responsible reason.:)

04-30-2003, 02:08 AM
seriously, an sr can wait. it's not important.

get your finances in order before you splurge on non-essential stuff. all loans will do is push you furthur into debt.

04-30-2003, 02:10 AM
yes.. take it from us
both of us (fastpace and me) go to the same university
and we're still driving a completely stock s13 for a while..
try to get into some events.. such as autoX (cheapest)
learn to drive your car before you mod it..
its worth it.. you should try it

edit: fastpace! get on AIM.. i sent you PM.. have you studied 305 yet?

04-30-2003, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by WeST

Credit Cards are childs of satan. I could be driving a new 350z if it wasent for Credit Cards.

WeST is right. I don't even own a 240SX at this point, but I would, and it would have an SR20DET in it, if I wasn't stuck paying off all the debts I managed to build up "when I was stupid". Don't be that guy. You will -seriously- regret it down the road if you sink yourself into heavy debt.

04-30-2003, 11:54 AM
BAH! Don't listen to them. Last year I took out a little more of a loan than I really needed and paid for the SR. With the rest, I paid my rent, my CC bills and some other shiz. If you want the SR, go for it. You get TEN YEARS to pay back the student loans. Even if you have $30k stacked up in loans after school, your monthly payments are only like $300. That's easy. And you'll be able to start loving the SR right away.

Futch the other advice. :cool:


05-01-2003, 11:19 PM
na. you want least amount of debt after school.

how much you have left? im about to take a loan to finish 2 more years. if you are like me, dont take your loans towards SR wait till you graduate, then youll have tona ca$h to blow on anything ya want.

05-01-2003, 11:54 PM
If you get caught using a school loan for something not academic related (school fees) you will be so f*cked. Don't do it...esspecially if its for your car. What the hell would you do if you blew your SR or you had an accident and f*cked up your car?

Seriously.....don't live and work for the car.

05-02-2003, 03:15 PM
Damn, I'm glad they overcharged me and gave me a fat near $1,000 check. It allowed me to free up some cash to buy more **** I didn't need. Seriously though, think about your monetary situation. I know that I can pay off wat I take out pretty quickly. Don't get into a heap of debit and not be able to get out of it. my debts are only like 6,200 right now.

It's a judgement call. It's good to save and and be frugal, but on the other hand it's good to be young. If you have a full/part time job or rich parents then get the SR and live it up if thats what you want. If not then save the old fashioned way, take about a half of a loan for your SR and have the other half saved up. Best of both worlds.

05-02-2003, 03:21 PM
this past year my parents paid for tuition, but i got financial aid. they were paid back and i had extra cash (a little over $1k each semester). i used it to fix my car, pay for gas, and a few things for myself. ill owe it back later, but some things were needed cause i dont have a job right now (namely gas money). id advise to plan things out thuroughly before borrowing any money.

05-02-2003, 04:38 PM
I think you should get a job. how hard can that be?

05-02-2003, 04:55 PM
I agree.... Slacker!

05-02-2003, 05:31 PM
i know mccdonalds is always hiring

05-03-2003, 12:56 AM
yea....i've been slacking BIGTIME! The reason why i wanna buy it so badly is because my friend bought a 91 mr2 turbo recently, and of course i test drove it....one thing leads to another, it just re-ignites my thirst for turbo! I think about it constantly, can't stop. Me and my dad had a talk today, he won't be supporting me anymore after this semester, that means i have to find a job quick. So anyways, yea still considering the SR, but seems kind of difficult right now :(

05-03-2003, 01:44 AM
if money is a big problem.. hold things off... unless they are bills or summin.... but dont pay for a debt with another loan... then youll just owe for that....
try for a grant at least.. lol..
i know a lot of people that did that and are now in debt up to theire heads or bankrupt...


05-03-2003, 09:25 AM
I'm thinking of applying for a little *extra* $$$ this summer so I can go KA-T. I prolly just end up using it to plain replace my KA w/out a turbo. (175,000 hard driven miles).

Too many Tegs and GSTs kicking my ass. ...Must...Have...Turbo...