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View Full Version : fuel line problem on rb20

09-04-2009, 12:42 PM
okay so i got my motor put in a couple weeks ago and just started hooking everything up. i have a nismo FPR and a walbro 255, i dont remember when i took my ka out if the feed line was conected to the regulator or the bottom line of the fuel rail. i had it hooked up feed line on FPR with FP gauge between filter and regulator and return line on the bottom. and the regulator was screwed most the way out. so i screwed it in a little and purged the pump. built to about 40psi then boom the line right by the gauge blew and i had 40 psi of fuel in my eyes. ouch. that hurt like ****. changed fuel line and tried again thinking it was a bad line. hood shut this time i purged it again and same thing. whats going on with it.