View Full Version : Inventer or Drifting

04-29-2003, 07:52 PM
This might be a n00b style question, but ill ask it anyways.

Who was the inventer of drifting. Not just dirfting itself, just orginized drifting.

04-29-2003, 07:59 PM
umm i heard of some american racing there where they are racing on an oval course covered in mud, its on TNN or Speed Channel all the time.

Or do you mean drifting like you see in option vids?

04-29-2003, 08:07 PM

who cares

04-29-2003, 08:35 PM
if you mean japanese tarmac drift...I know it isnt one person and I know there is info out on the net and probably even here on zilvia about the evolution of drift...search dude

nissan slut
04-29-2003, 10:30 PM
i guess you're looking for the "father" of drifting, the one credited with it all,

the carroll shelby of ac cobras
the lingenfelter of corvettes
the millen of nissans
those old guys who started dragging way back in the 50s and 60s

well, there's only one man that is the answer to your question:

takumi's dad! :p

04-29-2003, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by NiteKids

who cares

Aren't you setting up for drift? Are you now one of those guys who thinks no one else can do it now??

04-29-2003, 10:43 PM
Do you ever hear my talk about it or even mention the word drift? It would be nice to hear about something other then drift this and that all the time. :eek:

04-29-2003, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by NiteKids
Do you ever hear my talk about it or even mention the word drift? It would be nice to hear about something other then drift this and that all the time. :eek:

Yeah. All this talk about drifting is almost getting as tiresome as seeing pics of Nitekid's ugly *ss car.


04-29-2003, 11:17 PM
Super Street car? YES! :p

drift freaq
04-30-2003, 11:07 AM
oh boy nitekids is excited about being a stupid street car. hahhahahhahahahaha

On to drifting, Listen guys drifting is two things . 1. driving sideways 2. A name the Japanese gave driving sideways.
Now , if you really must know drifting has been going on in the U.S. long before the term was ever coined . I was doing it in 510's, back in the late 70's and early 80's, (ya I am an old fart in the eyes of a 20 year old . Though if that 20 year met me in person he would think I was 30, hahahhahahahha:p )
Its been done on American dirt tracks since the early part of the 20th century.
Do not discount supermodified drivers as not really drifting either.
These guys drive 750lb 750HP V8 machines around a dirt oval completely sideways the whole way. They may not dori dori, but damn its a impressive site to see and one I think the Japanese drifters would truely respect.
Another place drifting has been going on forever is in Pro Rally, again long before the term was coined and they do dori dori in the dirt!!!!

damn this should be a faq of sorts:p

tyring to be a kindler gentler drift freaq?:D ;)

Ya Right!!!!!!

04-30-2003, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by NiteKids
Do you ever hear my talk about it or even mention the word drift? It would be nice to hear about something other then drift this and that all the time. :eek:

Aish..you need to be taken down a couple notches.

Is oni asking about drifting? NO He's asking a very valid question. Frankly one I'm interested in also.

What makes you think that you can come in and start whining about drifting and how it's so mainstream and your so sick of hearing is. Seriously STFU

Do you have any credibilty to your name whatsoever? It's great that you "hooking up" your car but what have you brought to this community? Besides pictures of what seems like the average rice mobile and critisizm to other members.

Honestly..unless you have something constructive to say just fookin lurk. This internet mechanic chit starting to get outa hand.

Father of drifting eh?
What's his name...dammit I forget..Dousan should know.

04-30-2003, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by Foxcolt
Father of drifting eh?
What's his name...dammit I forget..Dousan should know.

Yea thats my question :)

Thanks for backing me, its a simple question but ppl had to flame.

04-30-2003, 11:28 AM
i think this thread is super lame that's why i never replied

04-30-2003, 11:30 AM
I dont know about everyone else, but why not make a drift related forum so we can sidestep this kind of "i am above drift" "its just whats popular" blah blah b.s. all togather...that way those who dont like drift dont have to read or make unconstructive negative posts on the topic....sorry if this is sort of off topic but i have been thinking about this for a while and didnt think it deserved a thread

04-30-2003, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by 240Dori
I dont know about everyone else, but why not make a drift related forum so we can sidestep this kind of "i am above drift" "its just whats popular" blah blah b.s. all togather...that way those who dont like drift dont have to read or make unconstructive negative posts on the topic....sorry if this is sort of off topic but i have been thinking about this for a while and didnt think it deserved a thread

i dont know..there's only so fast internet driftas can type.
people might be going out on disability! :p :D

04-30-2003, 11:38 AM
I don't think Japanese coined the phrase drift...

"As bend followed bend, I discovered his secret. Nuvolari entered the bend somewhat earlier than my driver's instinct would have told me to. But he went into the bend in an unusual way: with one movement he aimed the nose of the car at the inside edge, just where the curve itself started. His foot was flat down, and he had obviously changed down to the right gear before going through this fearsome rigmarole. In this way he put the car into a four-wheel drift, making the most of the thrust of the centrifugal force and keeping it on the road with the traction of the driving wheels."

-Enzo Ferrari

from the website

also, Dori is short for Dorifuto, the Japanese pronounciation of the English word Drift. Why would the Japanese coin a term using an english word?

04-30-2003, 11:44 AM
oh and about the separate forum
its been discussed a few times
it basically agreed that having a drifter forum isnt the best since people are

A) Posers
B) Idiots
C) Put themselves and others at risk
D) Dont know anything to begin with
E) Have no common sense

Drifters are more then welcome to use the motorsports forum as long as they keep the topics related to motorsports and away from illegal racing/street drifting, which zilvia does not support in anyway

that's what i remmber of those inquiries into a separate drifting forum.

04-30-2003, 12:17 PM
As long as there have been cars fast enough to do it, people have been driving them with the tail out. Rally racing and American dirt oval racing both have their roots in people careening down back roads at the edge of traction.

The "inventor" of "modern Japanese drifting" would be whoever was first to organize a track event in Japan dedicated to sliding for fun.

04-30-2003, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by AKADriver
As long as there have been cars fast enough to do it, people have been driving them with the tail out. Rally racing and American dirt oval racing both have their roots in people careening down back roads at the edge of traction.

The "inventor" of "modern Japanese drifting" would be whoever was first to organize a track event in Japan dedicated to sliding for fun.

What's that guys name? The drift king? Wasn't he one of the pioneers responsible for bringing drifting to the forefront in Japan?

04-30-2003, 12:33 PM
keiichi t..

i can never spell it properly..

04-30-2003, 12:43 PM

04-30-2003, 01:04 PM
thats all i really wanted to know, the ferriri thing, thanks

04-30-2003, 01:23 PM
Originally posted by Oni
This might be a n00b style question, but ill ask it anyways.

Who was the inventer of drifting. Not just dirfting itself, just orginized drifting.


04-30-2003, 02:20 PM
Older than rally. Like I said - as long as there have been cars, people have been driving them tail-out.

But he wasn't asking about that, he was asking about organized drift events for the purpose of fun and show.

04-30-2003, 02:37 PM
Originally posted by dousan36
oh and about the separate forum
its been discussed a few times
it basically agreed that having a drifter forum isnt the best since people are

A) Posers
B) Idiots
C) Put themselves and others at risk
D) Dont know anything to begin with
E) Have no common sense

Drifters are more then welcome to use the motorsports forum as long as they keep the topics related to motorsports and away from illegal racing/street drifting, which zilvia does not support in anyway

that's what i remmber of those inquiries into a separate drifting forum.
exactly. go look at 240SXforums.com or club240.com and THEIR "drift" forums. its complete crap. most "real" drifters i know dont even use forums much, if at all.

Originally posted by driftheaven
he said just ORGANIZED drifting. read.

04-30-2003, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by AKADriver
Like I said - as long as there have been cars, people have been driving them tail-out.

dude i wanna see model-T's drifting....

04-30-2003, 03:27 PM
Originally posted by crioten
dude i wanna see model-T's drifting....

He said in a post above that, once they had cars that HAD ENOUGHT POWER to do it, did it

04-30-2003, 05:19 PM
Originally posted by boro240
exactly. go look at 240SXforums.com or club240.com and THEIR "drift" forums. its complete crap. most "real" drifters i know dont even use forums much, if at all.

he said just ORGANIZED drifting. read.

why? is rally not an "organized" drifting? why do people stand in corner to watch rally? because rally cars drift thru the corners in amazing speed.

have you ever talked to a professional rally driver? all he's gonna talk about is drifting this drifting that..

if you are talking about the drifting you see in option/doriten.. here's the summary.

keichi tsuchiya "dorikin" started "ikaten" drift competition with video option.
drifting then got boring in japan because all the drivers had the same style and speed. drifting was dying in japan, they all went back to their mountain roads. option decided to have another competition and named it D1 grand prix. when D1 first started, all they had was "grassroot drivers with grassroot cars". then drifting took off again in the mainstream... major sponsors got involved. now... it's coming to the US!

04-30-2003, 05:25 PM
theres a lot of places it could have come from...some guy could have been watching rally racing and said...hey...i wonder if i can do that on the street! it could have been an evolution of taking a car and powersliding out of a corner...some guy could have been watching or doing that and said...hey...i wonder if i can do that throughout the whole corner! some guy could have been watching dirt track racing and said...hey...i wonder if i can do that in my car! i dont think there was ONE place, one "DRIFT GOD" who invented it...just something people thought was cool and it happened to catch on over in japan more than here....its like asking who invented drag racing...who the **** knows/cares but yea...thats what i think.

BTW before i get flamed for people thinking i was flaming the question i wasnt flaming anybody i was just giving my opinion so please dont flame me ;) cause it seems this board has become pretty notorious for that crap

04-30-2003, 05:46 PM
Bunta Fujiwara...

look it up jeez


No Motiv
01-04-2004, 02:41 PM


01-04-2004, 03:12 PM
Nice job bringing up a 1 year old thread and for such an awesome educational response as well.