View Full Version : Sleeping at work?

09-03-2009, 11:06 AM
Anyone do this, on purpose or just out of pure boredom?

I just cant take it, Im stuck here from 8:30-5pm most of the time. mon-fri sitting at my desk looking at a computer screen all day.

I finished all my work by like 9:30am and the ship I was handling left the port last night.

I just get so damn bored and there is only so much intrawebz I can take in one day before I start to close my eyes..lol

My boss just got back and walking into the office, saw me sleeping in my chair reclined back, started laughing and sat down.

09-03-2009, 11:22 AM
Didn't someone here in zilvia get fired to taking a small nap during a review of some sort. I'd be crazy to fall asleep during work, if I had one.

09-03-2009, 11:34 AM
man, i'm 9-6. and i'm the same. i feel like sleeping right now, especially since the boss is AFK. but no can do, gotta pretend i'm working otherwise i'm fired. lol

09-03-2009, 11:43 AM
lol yeah, I used to work for a city down here and I could in big trouble for sleeping =/

But my current job my boss doesnt really care, we have a couch to sleep on, but thats really there for if we are doing OT and we are at the office really late/really early and we are too tired to drive home.

Its just sucks, sitting at a desk for the whole damn day, with no work to do. I dont even have paperwork, files to close out, phone calls to make..nothing. Im salary, I should just get to leave, i'll still make the same $$$ lol

09-03-2009, 11:56 AM
i wish i could take naps at work. but i work at autozone so no sleeping for me

09-03-2009, 12:06 PM
I always take a nap first thing when I get into work Im all alone in teh building from 430am to 7pm so I get paid for a 2 hour nap

09-03-2009, 01:27 PM
i sleep on my lunch brake when i really need to. i wouldnt sleep at my desk.. cant loose my job and if they catch me doing that... im pretty sure ill be out on my ass lol

09-03-2009, 01:44 PM
I work in a warehouse environment with a couple of guys.
As long as we do our jobs, it is fine.
We snooze every now & then there's nothing going on.
The boss/supervisors are in another office bldg, and prob wouldn't care anyhow.

09-03-2009, 01:46 PM
I don't take naps at work. Can't really.

That's what I have Zilvia for. I keep myself entertained by scowering the internet for cool stuff to post on different forums and then try and keep the threads alive for a long time. It's like game. :)

09-03-2009, 01:58 PM
lol, I browse like 4 different forums throughout the day, and I frequent zilvia the most because theres so much activity here.

I however dont post much because I really have nothing interesting to say...haha

But since I dont go on alot of different sites I get bored super easy. I have a few stupid games installed on my work computer, but i get tired of them since I play them alot.

Ive been thinking about buying another PSP or the handheld nintendo ds or w/e its called just to kill time. Brick breaker on my blackberry can only hold me over for xxx amount of time ha

09-03-2009, 01:59 PM
Sleeping at work = management material.

09-03-2009, 02:02 PM
I have supervisors in and out of my office all day, and I have to answer usually a couple short calls an hour, so sleeping is a no go. Never really have much work to do though, so theres a lot of Zilvia surfing. My other job, however, is at a busy restaurant. Pretty sure I'd be fired instantly, if I could even find a place to sleep.

09-03-2009, 02:05 PM
Anyone do this, on purpose or just out of pure boredom?

I just cant take it, Im stuck here from 8:30-5pm most of the time. mon-fri sitting at my desk looking at a computer screen all day.

im 5:00 - 5:00 on my comp all day...

Zilvia is always just enough to keep me going...

these guys here mess with u when ur sleeping...

1 guy knocked out at his desk, woke up on the roof with bird shit on his face...

09-03-2009, 02:12 PM
man i work 630-2pm wiping ass and giving showers to old retired people in a 80degrees environment, i probably take 20 bathroom breaks just so i can take 10 minute naps haha. all this bs work is just for my 240 -____-FML

09-03-2009, 02:12 PM
Sleeping at work = management material.

I wish I was management, im just a boarding agent for oil tankers.

If there arent any tankers in port that im overseeing then all my work is done via email. All my daily updates for the vessels have to be sent out by 9am after that, if the captain of the ship doesnt require me to set anything up for him, then i have no work to do

09-03-2009, 02:26 PM
When I was going to school and work full time... yea.. I've snoozed three or four times. Wasn't fired over it.

09-03-2009, 03:36 PM
you guys are lucky... all the jobs i had.. never was at a desk or ever was sitting.. i was always having to walk back and forth recording shipments for the simi trucks, and the building was known as the mile long ware house... i didnt like walking as much as i had to.. i WISH i had a job at a desk. but for now anything will do cuz theres like no jobs here.

09-03-2009, 04:27 PM
I sleep on the bench thing we have here at the store sometimes...

But I'm quitting so I guess that age is over.

New job I'm working from 5:45am-2pm so I hope I don't get sleepy.

09-03-2009, 04:54 PM
do you guys actually have responsibilities at work other than cleaning the bathrooms?

I cant imagine sleeping at work.

09-03-2009, 05:19 PM
i work in a body shop and occasionally catch a snooze in a car. Cadillacs have big comfortable back seats.

09-03-2009, 05:36 PM
I used to fall asleep at work all the time... at school too. It was a complete mystery how ppl could stay awake for a period of 8 straight hours. That is until I visited my doctor and found out I had an iron difficency. He recommended OTC iron pills. I went one better and started taking multivitamins. Haven't fallen asleep at work since.

09-03-2009, 05:38 PM
i go into the bathroom and lay my head against the wall for like 10min. sometimes i pass out on accident at my desk.. AC feels way to bomb

8-5 mon-fri
shit gets old

09-03-2009, 05:41 PM
It sucked at my job... it was like.. if you didnt get enough pallets each day.. they would get suspicious. so if i slept some how.. they would be like.. how come you didnt make this many pallets from this time to this time ?? ha id like to have a job at any automotive shop thad be awesome

09-03-2009, 05:44 PM
Didn't someone here in zilvia get fired to taking a small nap during a review of some sort. I'd be crazy to fall asleep during work, if I had one.

what's up bro

yeah, don't nap at work.

09-03-2009, 06:35 PM
man, every job ive had, there was no time to sleep, always busy with stupid shiz. i cant even find a job now. :(

09-03-2009, 08:12 PM
LOl you guys have it easy as shit...right now i'm finishing up a 2 week 6pm-6am shift. then next week i'm on 6am-6pm. you wouldnt be able to understand the severity of if i fell asleep at work. and to be honest its kinda sad that everyone thats posted basically participates/condones sleeping at work. sucks what our nations work ethic is becoming. kinda pathetic that grown dudes dont have the ability to stay awake...just my .02 not looking for an efight or anything

09-03-2009, 08:17 PM
I sleep at work daily.
It's awesome and very productive.

09-03-2009, 08:34 PM
For a very short period I had a job where there was enough downtime to sleep, and yes, I took advantage of it.

09-03-2009, 10:02 PM
I do, but I work overnight and have 4 hours of downtime every night.

09-03-2009, 10:07 PM
If i sleep, people die.

09-03-2009, 10:27 PM

Kills people in his dreams


09-03-2009, 10:28 PM
I work 11pm-7am at my full time job and pass out a few times a night. My part time job when I feel like working it is the same hours but nobody is there so I pack a bag with a pillow and blanket and sleep 7 out of the 8 hours usually. Nobody cares since I'm the only one there lol. Morning guy woke me up a few times, just laughed. Wooo. I guess I can't complain about jobs...

09-03-2009, 10:30 PM
From 7 am to 5 pm non stop micromanaging, I only have 1 hour to myself a day while at work! But fuck it, when I have a chance I surf the net and hang out here! I have a good time wasting government money!

09-03-2009, 10:32 PM
LOl you guys have it easy as shit...right now i'm finishing up a 2 week 6pm-6am shift. then next week i'm on 6am-6pm. you wouldnt be able to understand the severity of if i fell asleep at work. and to be honest its kinda sad that everyone thats posted basically participates/condones sleeping at work. sucks what our nations work ethic is becoming. kinda pathetic that grown dudes dont have the ability to stay awake...just my .02 not looking for an efight or anything

It's not so much work ethic I think as it is companies having 24/7 jobs for things that don't need to be 24/7. Like I work the night shift at my full time and they actually need it 24/7 because we get calls/emails all night but my part time is 24/7 "just in case something explodes or goes wrong" so I average 0-1 calls in the 8 hours I'm there. And with nobody there besides me, there is no point to stay awake knowing nobody will be there when you are dreaming. Just set an alarm.

09-03-2009, 10:36 PM
If i sleep, people die.
Killing people is the easy part! Body bagging an 18 who hasnt been laid, and writing his mom to tell him how he spent his last days because u feel obligated he died! Ya try it, its awesome!:bash: Got :bowdown:BUSH!

09-03-2009, 10:39 PM
LOl you guys have it easy as shit...right now i'm finishing up a 2 week 6pm-6am shift. then next week i'm on 6am-6pm. you wouldnt be able to understand the severity of if i fell asleep at work. and to be honest its kinda sad that everyone thats posted basically participates/condones sleeping at work. sucks what our nations work ethic is becoming. kinda pathetic that grown dudes dont have the ability to stay awake...just my .02 not looking for an efight or anything

try working for a pool supply store in the winter.

09-03-2009, 11:21 PM
I'm a shuttle driver, so if i nap, its not so good.

09-03-2009, 11:24 PM
I have on accident..

morning shift.. party late night.. get like no sleep.

wake up tired, go to work, sitting in a car and doze off

09-03-2009, 11:45 PM
i mean, when i was a delivery driver working closing shifts... i had a nest of Heatwave bags in the storage room. but you don't get nap time at an adult job.

or you do. i don't know. i tried to get it going at my last job but they weren't having it.

09-03-2009, 11:53 PM
being in the military ive learned to sleep in all conditions. i usually catch a little nap at the motor pool everyday. lay out on the concrete with a bottle as a pillow. lol

def no desk job so theres not always shit for us to do.

09-03-2009, 11:57 PM
I used to fall asleep at my last job in the break room and they would hit you in the head with a hard-hat.... kinda hurt so i stopped falling asleep because my head looked like a knobby tire.
My breaks were usually an hour two two hour breaks.

09-04-2009, 12:03 AM
I used to do this ALL the time when I was working. Eventually it became a habit and I would just give up and fall asleep for like 10 minutes in front of my computer.

I've also caught people at my job fall asleep but I just mess with them.

09-04-2009, 12:33 AM
LOL I was in the Navy, that's all we did when deployed was find ways to sleep on duty... not saying we didn't get work done, but for every 12hr shift, most people only do about 2 hrs of work. :keke:

09-04-2009, 12:49 AM
At school I would fall asleep A LOT. I think for the first 3 months of my junior year I was alseep everyday during english. I think I fell asleep twice at work and one time of those times a customer woke me up lol.

09-04-2009, 12:50 AM
LOL I was in the Navy, that's all we did when deployed was find ways to sleep on duty...

wow...i can't even believe that

09-04-2009, 12:59 AM
All these people who have no experience with the non-combat side of the military need to understand how it works for alot of people... Hurry up and wait. Sleeping on the job isnt good at all, but when your NCOIC says "be here at 0500 sharp!" and he doesnt show up until 0900, what else is there?

Lol not speaking from direct experience, just second hand. And yes, I have slept on the job once. pulled a 48 hour with my friend and some ladies, some alcohol, whatever. Had to work at his hardware store the next day. You won't believe how comfortable 4x8 sheets of particleboard are lol.

09-04-2009, 02:04 AM
Sleeping at work = management material.

so fucking true. seriously.

09-04-2009, 02:15 AM
If i sleep, people die.

If I sleep at work, food gets burnt. :eek:

09-04-2009, 03:22 AM
i work at a amusement park so i cant really sleep.. unless im on top of the log ride... or training someone... or sometimes in the saucer ride before anyone shows up... lol

09-04-2009, 06:35 AM
lol ok good, I guess im not the only one. I didnt think I was.

It just sucks that sometimes theres nothing to do at all at my job. Some days the phone only rings 3-4 times throughout the day and my manager or coworker will answer the phone if I dont.

I just, fall asleep easy...lol I dont like driving long distance's due to the fact that I get bored and my eye lids start to feel heavy and I feel like im going to fall asleep. Not a fun feeling when driving 4 hours or more on the highway.

Thats why at my job, when there is a ship in port, I dont mind boarding the vessel and talking to the captains or crew members. It gets me out of the office and away from my desk for alittle while.
Sometimes if im really bored and I feel like sleeping, I can just ask the cook on board to make me something for lunch and he will.

09-04-2009, 06:43 AM
My desk is in a high traffic area and four doors away from my Senior VP. There is no way I'm going to doze off or fall asleep.

I tend to walk around to wake myself up, but for those times I had a rough night...I just walk to my car and take a power nap.

09-04-2009, 07:03 AM
An office with a door that locks works wonders.

that and being able to sleep sitting up so if anyone does have a key you'll hear them and already be sitting at your desk where they'd expect you.

09-04-2009, 07:59 AM
I used to go to the bathroom and sleep on the toilet at my old job. People would scare the hell out of me when they'd walk in. It sounded like they were kicking in the fuckin door sometimes.

09-04-2009, 08:06 AM
HAHA get a reality check fool

U.S. Payroll Losses Slow, Unemployment Rises to 9.7% (Update2) - Bloomberg.com (http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aNuN2ra62JNY)

unemployment is at a 26 year high, the highest of yours and my lifetime, and you're :wtc: :wtc: 'ing about being 1. salary 2. bored 3. getting paid for 9.5 hours of work and only working like 1 4. have a cool boss 5. posting on zilvia on the clock.... the list can go on and on

quit your job after i send my resume to your boss.

if youre bored at work,, thenn DO MORE, maybe your company is under a hiring freeze and you cant get a salary bump.. but if not try to get promoted you fool.. if you have time to make more money then do it

:lockd: this wahh wahh thread please

09-04-2009, 08:52 AM
HAHA get a reality check fool

U.S. Payroll Losses Slow, Unemployment Rises to 9.7% (Update2) - Bloomberg.com (http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601087&sid=aNuN2ra62JNY)

unemployment is at a 26 year high, the highest of yours and my lifetime, and you're :wtc: :wtc: 'ing about being 1. salary 2. bored 3. getting paid for 9.5 hours of work and only working like 1 4. have a cool boss 5. posting on zilvia on the clock.... the list can go on and on

quit your job after i send my resume to your boss.

if youre bored at work,, thenn DO MORE, maybe your company is under a hiring freeze and you cant get a salary bump.. but if not try to get promoted you fool.. if you have time to make more money then do it

:lockd: this wahh wahh thread please

;) send a resume, lol my boss will look at it. We get a ton of resume's at all of our office throughout the whole US. No hiring right now due to the economy like you have mentioned.

I may be complaining, but i dont give a shit, i love my job. Its just so boring when there is nothing to do. If there was work to be done, I would sure as hell do it because it beats sitting around at my desk doing nothing and posting on messages boards all day.

Yes its awesome that im getting paid right now to look at car pictures/parts/forums etc etc but with my job, if there isnt a ship in port then there is not too much work to do, just sending an email to a client every so often.

As for my salary bump, thats what xmas time is for :D

09-04-2009, 09:48 AM
if its cool outside, i used to sleep on my lunch breaks in my car.

09-04-2009, 11:24 AM
I use to when i had jobs i did not care about like when i was in school but now my full time jobs im way to busy

09-04-2009, 11:26 AM
unemployments at an all time high since the 80's

i cant afford to sleep at work

09-04-2009, 12:01 PM
every fucking day.... well my boss sit behind me so i go to the bathroom and knock out lawls with balls

09-04-2009, 12:39 PM
i go to the bathroom and knock out lawls with balls

It sounds like you just said you go to the bathroom and jerk off at work.

09-04-2009, 01:12 PM
You've never done that? Man you don't know what your missing...