View Full Version : How many of you have an SR... SR TWENTY TWO!!!

08-31-2009, 09:09 AM

A friend just recently got a DUI the other day, poor bastard. Not that I drive much or drink that often, but I do have a beer with my food and always wonder if thats enough to get me popped.

Funny.......... when people ask if my car has an SR I like to act clueless as if I know nothing about cars and respond "yeah man, I have SR22 insurance... for DUI, right?"

Anyway, feel free to post up and share stories.... bitches.

08-31-2009, 09:19 AM
voted, nope. never drank and drove before. i know better than to do that.

honestly, when i first saw this poll/thread i thought 'who has a stroked 2.2L SR?' sounds cool. but when i clicked, i saw otherwise lol

08-31-2009, 09:26 AM
but I do have a beer with my food and always wonder if thats enough to get me popped.

If you are 21+ which I assume you are, you won't unless you are driving erraticaly/recklessly.

08-31-2009, 09:35 AM

A friend just recently got a DUI the other day, poor bastard. Not that I drive much or drink that often, but I do have a beer with my food and always wonder if thats enough to get me popped.

Funny.......... when people ask if my car has an SR I like to act clueless as if I know nothing about cars and respond "yeah man, I have SR22 insurance... for DUI, right?"

Anyway, feel free to post up and share stories.... bitches.

depending on your size, 1 beer will take roughly 50 to 60 mins to run thru ur system, after that, is u take a BAC test, ull come up .00

08-31-2009, 10:25 AM
Depends...How much u hang. I have a beer or two with dinner (especially with seafood, a must) all the time.
Shit, last Friday I had two and drove right by a check point.
My girl was shitting it lol.
If ur a bitch, leave that to the pros

08-31-2009, 10:28 AM
yup, like steve said.
a beer/drink an hour, to precess.

i got one in my first 240 back in 1996.
Back in WA state.
I was 20.
I was VERY reckless and didn't really care about myself, and lived that way.
I had drank a 22oz sheaf stout (black as molasis, auzzy beer that will kick your ass. stronger than malt liquor)
a couple kids needed a ride home.
So I pounded 5 shots of vodka and jumped in the car before it hit me.
I made a left turn and started down the road to the county.
This is backwoods WA, lol.
One of the kids tossed a cigarette butt out the window.
cop pulls me over for it.
fail some test.
ride to the station.
car towed.
blew higher at the station.
had the cops drop me off back at the party.
had to tell my mom i got a DWI the next day.
pretty depressed.
did treatment and meetings for 2 years so it went deferred and never showed on my record or to insurence.

never got one since and rarely drive after even a beer.
that was 13 years ago too.

08-31-2009, 10:44 AM
never got one since and rarely drive after even a beer.
that was 13 years ago too.
back in ur hoolagan years...

08-31-2009, 10:58 AM
damn. scary ass stories. really there is no reason to drink and drive imo. and for some reason im always stuck as the DD. :(

08-31-2009, 11:10 AM
i got my DUI about 2 months ago. still havent gone to court b/c they are trying to drop it to juvenile system since im only 17.
Lisence already taken away for a year :fawk2:
Good thing i have bitches that are :whip: over me and give me rides

08-31-2009, 11:22 AM
i got my DUI about 2 months ago. still havent gone to court b/c they are trying to drop it to juvenile system since im only 17.
Lisence already taken away for a year :fawk2:
Good thing i have bitches that are :whip: over me and give me rides

yea that wont last long. dudes without cars are seen as losers. seriously

08-31-2009, 11:30 AM
i got my DUI about 2 months ago. still havent gone to court b/c they are trying to drop it to juvenile system since im only 17.
Lisence already taken away for a year :fawk2:
Good thing i have bitches that are :whip: over me and give me rides

DUI at 17?

I hope you've learned your lesson. Enjoy the rest of the most important social time in your life with no car.

08-31-2009, 11:34 AM
DUI at 17?

I hope you've learned your lesson. Enjoy the rest of the most important social time in your life with no car.

yep thats another thing i was thinking. try getting laid without a car....much harder. looks like youll be up to other things

like this.....

08-31-2009, 11:38 AM
i got my DUI about 2 months ago. still havent gone to court b/c they are trying to drop it to juvenile system since im only 17.
Lisence already taken away for a year :fawk2:
Good thing i have bitches that are :whip: over me and give me rides


you've got a bright future ahead of you, sir.

on another note, those of you who have hired lawyers... i'm curious what your experiences were. Apparently some of you have gotten off the hook while for others, the lawyer didnt do jack shit.

I'm just curious what types of variable results people have gotten with the help of lawyers.

08-31-2009, 12:04 PM
yea that wont last long. dudes without cars are seen as losers. seriously
:rofl:till i open my garage and behold a RHD kitted Sr vert.....:fawk:

08-31-2009, 12:07 PM
:rofl:till i open my garage and behold a RHD kitted Sr vert.....:fawk:

dude, quit pissing in my thread

no one cares about your fuckin bullshit fruitcake vert, regardless if its kitted or not. you're 17, you make enough money to fan my fuckin ball hairs

08-31-2009, 12:09 PM
dude, quit pissing in my thread

no one cares about your fuckin bullshit fruitcake vert, regardless if its kitted or not. you're 17, you make enough money to fan my fuckin ball hairs

lol. you make the "being a funny dick" an art form i have yet to accomplish

:rofl:till i open my garage and behold a RHD kitted Sr vert.....:fawk:

and the only reason youd have money to spend on a car at that point is because of the money you save from doing any of these

2. actually going to go get what you want without mommy(the bitches i think you meant) taking you
3. being able to take a chick out who actually would want to

the list goes on.....you get my point

08-31-2009, 12:11 PM
dude, quit pissing in my thread

no one cares about your fuckin bullshit fruitcake vert, regardless if its kitted or not. you're 17, you make enough money to fan my fuckin ball hairs
okay mike, your a fan boi keep making youtube 240 tribute videos haha:cj:

08-31-2009, 12:11 PM
Sucks what happened to my cousin... she got pulled over in Fullerton they did all the sobriety test, she passed then the cop gave her the breathalyser test and she got a 0.7, so the cop tells her lets go to the station she gets in the cop car and goes. There again she takes the breathalyser test and blows a 0.8.
She fought in court for over a year and still got a DUI.

08-31-2009, 12:12 PM
:rofl:till i open my garage and behold a RHD kitted Sr vert.....:fawk:

For the record, I would like my Double Double with with grilled onions. Thanks.

Remember that when I come to In an' Out 20 years from now since that's probably the best job you'll be able to get given how totally AWESOME you're doing right now.

Hey, at least it's better than McDonald's right?

08-31-2009, 12:20 PM
Iv been pulled over twice after I was drinking. The first time i was doing 25 mph over and it was a DUI unit cop. I was on my way home from a party driving on some back roads when he got me. He asked me 3 times if i had been drinking my answer No officer. He wrote me a 265$ speed ticket something like that (I was really drunk saw the lights behind me and sobered up fast) The second time, I was in a parking lot of a bar changeing a alternator on my friends truck, I did not even go in the bar at all, I did have a Styrofoam cup of dragon joose while I was working, got the truck running. While we were working the cop drove by use more then 5 times watching what we were doing. So I drive my friends evo out and he drives the truck. About 3 miles down the road he pulls me over for the exhaust on the car omfg, he comes up says he smells alcohol on me, asked me to step out and he did the follow the pen with your eyes so I easily past that cause I was not drunk only had one joose so he let me go. AT the end of all this I have learned dont fucking drink and drive its not worth it and I have not even gone to jail to learn that.

08-31-2009, 12:21 PM
For the record, I would like my Double Double with with grilled onions. Thanks.

Remember that when I come to In an' Out 20 years from now since that's probably the best job you'll be able to get given how totally AWESOME you're doing right now.

Hey, at least it's better than McDonald's right?
kay i actually make 13 and hour and "For the record" no one said shit about working at in n out fat ass. food always on your mind?
and you are the gay one one getting a "240sx boner" (http://zilvia.net/f/chat/24535-240sx-boner.html#post213049) over verts **snip**.

08-31-2009, 12:35 PM
kay i actually make 13 and hour and "For the record" no one said shit about working at in n out fat ass. food always on your mind?
and you are the gay one one getting a "240sx boner" (http://zilvia.net/f/chat/24535-240sx-boner.html#post213049) over verts **snip**.

ya know... the funny thing about being 17, is that you have an option.

i mean when i was 17, i had the same option. you could run your mouth or you could kinda chill, shut the fuck up and relax. like, not everything has to be taken so personally.

now besides getting pinked, which i am kinda sure you'll end up being.. not that it matters. here is what i would say to myself if i was 17 and in your shoes

"hmm... i got a DUI. i like cars, but now i wont be able to drive. i could leech off of women all my life, but men with balls dont do that.. we tend to work for a living. so, lets see how i can get my life in order. i mean afterall, how baller is it going to look having a car in your garage that your mom can drive but you cannot?"

i mean i doubt this 1 post will change your life in any way, but at the very least.. i hope you can realize that youre kinda fuckin your own life up if you continue that path.

all good

08-31-2009, 12:38 PM
kay i actually make 13 and hour and "For the record" no one said shit about working at in n out fat ass. food always on your mind?
and you are the gay one one getting a "240sx boner" (http://zilvia.net/f/chat/24535-240sx-boner.html#post213049) over verts *snip*.

Way to look towards the future there young buck.

It honestly doesn't matter how much you're making right now, or what industry you're in.

The mere fact that you have a DUI at 17 shows how irresponsible you are.

Many employers may not have access to juvenile criminal records, but if you get charged as an adult (which I think you will) it may very well jeopardize what slim chances you already have at MAKING A CAREER FOR YOURSELF.

To get this back on topic, why don't you tell us a little more about your predicament? Do you have a lawyer? If not, "who" is working to get your charges put into the Juvenile system rather than the "Non Juvenile" system?

How are they doing it?

Inquiring minds would like to know. Namely, Mike.

And for the record, yes I am the world's most blatant fatass. Anyone how knows me will tell you that. I love to overindulge myself. kthksbai.

08-31-2009, 12:41 PM
Lisence already taken away for a year :fawk2:
Good thing i have bitches that are :whip: over me and give me rides

lookin in the mirror while flipping the bird aye

does your mom know u call her a bitch...just wondering...

DUI at 17?

I hope you've learned your lesson. Enjoy the rest of the most important social time in your life with no car.

quoted for trueth

you make enough money to fan my fuckin ball hairs

ohh my fucking god that was rich...LOL

kay i actually make 13 and hour and "For the record" no one said shit about working at in n out fat ass. food always on your mind?
and you are the gay one one getting a "240sx boner" (http://zilvia.net/f/chat/24535-240sx-boner.html#post213049) over verts faggot.


13 dollars an hour...being compared to someone who owns there own business...fucking fail...

and reporting your post...enjoy being pink

08-31-2009, 12:45 PM
does your mom know u call her a bitch...just wondering...

i lol'ed.

no DUI's for me.... i don't take my car keys with me when i go out for brews. one of the joys of living in the middle of the city. walk to the bar/party, get hammered, walk back.

08-31-2009, 12:54 PM
and you are the gay one one getting a "240sx boner" (http://zilvia.net/f/chat/24535-240sx-boner.html#post213049) over verts **snip**.

Hey, Pinky.

Good job linking to a Thread that wasn't even made by him.

Now I could see your ignorant ass not seeing the period at the end of his screen name, that distinguishes him from the thread you linked to. I just don't see how you didn't notice that his screen name is FUCKING BLUE and the OP of your link isn't.

Not to mention different join dates, different post counts, different locations, different cars, etc. etc.

All that alone is enough to display your ignorance, but you weren't content at merely being mediocre. No, you are an overachieving idiot. You decided to throw out a derogatory slur to prove your superior intelligence. Bravo young man.

08-31-2009, 12:54 PM
oh damn i leave school to go drive home and look at all the shit that went down. haha.

08-31-2009, 01:03 PM
Does it bother anyone else that everyday people of the same caliber as our young friend repda916 get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle under the influence of alchohol?

08-31-2009, 01:04 PM
Does it bother anyone else that everyday people of the same caliber as our young friend repda916 get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle under the influence of alchohol?

yep thats why i have guns.....

08-31-2009, 01:06 PM
I didn't know guns prevented drunk drivers from colliding with other vehicles, pedestrians, and other innocent victims. I guess I've got to go buy me some.

08-31-2009, 01:09 PM
I didn't know guns prevented drunk drivers from colliding with other vehicles, pedestrians, and other innocent victims. I guess I've got to go buy me some.

haha. stupid joke i know. blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol! :keke:

08-31-2009, 01:20 PM
Does it bother anyone else that everyday people of the same caliber as our young friend repda916 get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle under the influence of alchohol?


I didn't know guns prevented drunk drivers from colliding with other vehicles, pedestrians, and other innocent victims. I guess I've got to go buy me some.

they do if u get them early enough

haha. stupid joke i know. blame it on the a-a-a-a-a-alcohol! :keke:

should he blame it on the vodka , or blame it on the heny

08-31-2009, 01:26 PM
LMAO, damn.... missed a good morning thread!

Pinky needs to go to jerry springer bootcamp or something. Must not have been spanked enough or at all as a kid, either. All he needs is a bully to build up some tough skin, or make a kill himself, who cares..

Cool story:
No DUI for me, though, when I as pinky's age, I did get a Reckless Driving citation... I was caught teaching myself how to drift in an Industrial area (where streets are empty at midnight saturday and streets are very wide for semi trucks, only thing that sucked were all the railroad tracks). I guess the officer was just patroling the area when he caught me. I couldn't have been going faster than... 40mph? Well, whatever.. Had the court system hire an attorney for me to try to fight it. (I mean this citations is one step under DUI - 7 years record, $1200 fine, four years ago). Went to court, officer showed. Luckily, the officier didn't recall a single event, alone description of me, car, or place, so the Judge/DA dropped the citation. The attorney was AWESOME!! She was free and very professional/educated in her area (and young/cute, but I knew she wouldn't date me getting tickets and shit, and being there with my parents, lol). Like Pinky will hopefully do.. I chose not to do stupid shit like this on the streets and haven't had a ticket since. :)

08-31-2009, 01:31 PM

they do if u get them early enough

should he blame it on the vodka , or blame it on the heny

heny or henny? lol

08-31-2009, 01:36 PM
17 and a DUI, jesus christ.

Hope you're working that 13/hour job full time to pay off all the shit that is coming to you.

08-31-2009, 01:50 PM
yep thats why i have guns.....

haha comedy

you know, you surely dont look like the kind of guy that would fuck around with a gun, let alone multiple guns

i mean, you came by my office and you seemed like such a nice guy. im what, 10 years older than you and have no guns. makes me wonder what the fuck you people need guns for.

i have a wife, I SHOULD HAVE A GUN. whats your reason buddy? haha

08-31-2009, 01:54 PM
One day we will need guns as many as we can get

08-31-2009, 01:55 PM
View Poll Results:
Have you ever been cited for having a DUI?

Yes, I have been cited AND convicted.
ericcastro, PHLIP, repda916, stealthsr20

No, I have never received a DUI before.
!Zar!, bardabe, Cr8zyDrifter, DALAZ_68, Daniel., Drifterxxl180, DrtyRat, druthafoo, enkei2k, ESmorz, Flipzide, ixfxi, JDMB0iKT, josephin510, kandyflip445, LeftNutOfGowd, marcencar, MS!3, nismo 240sx, palmdale_mob, racecar11, S14DB, S14monkey, S14_Kouki, SexPanda, shmiddy, slidin_W.O.P, sub9lulu, t15, ThatGuy, toyota86, Trevor87, usdm180sx, wwwyzzerr, xpertsnowcarver, zenki.life

I was cited, got a lawyer, got the charges DROPPED biatch!

I was cited, got a lawyer, wasted lots of time, money and LOST. DUI FAIL!

gaddamn.. philip you got a DUI? i can understand eric getting one, but i cant believe such a responsible, honest and caring... MODERATOR got one. :-)

haha just goes to show, that even the drudges of society like me can be pretty good people, regardless if i smoke crack cocaine while building high-tech LED lights.

see, i can function and work at the same time! really!

08-31-2009, 01:55 PM
well no dui's but ive had 3 dwp's (driving without privlages) pretty much one after another i know i was a stupid kid always putting my foot on the gas not thinking or caring about what would happen in the worst case, but since ive moved down to cali ive calmed down alot since all the horror stories i heard about cops crushing cars and what not and im glad i have cause ill ive done is damaged my car acting like a damn fool. i think ive paid a cops salary for a year with all my tickets

08-31-2009, 02:09 PM
shit iv payed the man so much in the past 7 years. careless driving, reckless driving, 2 exhaust tickets, no seatbelt ticket, failure to stop at a stop sign, 3 speeding tickets, and window tint ticket ahahahahahahahahah no DUI thank god

08-31-2009, 02:50 PM
:rofl:till i open my garage and behold a RHD kitted Sr vert.....:fawk:Too bad its a beat up vert with a front bumper stock wheels and a dual cam oh and its lhd. Best thing about it is its 5spd. Sorry Thought Id Clear that up. lol

08-31-2009, 02:50 PM
There have been times when I definitely deserved one. I've known some people that got them recently, so I used that as a wake-up.

Can't really justify spending the money at bars right now, so I keep it at home anyways.

08-31-2009, 04:08 PM
No DUI's into my thirties.
Then again, I've never been (or I should say can't) much of a drinker anyhow.

getting a DUI would destroy my life.
I live in los angeles, in the hills and work 15 mi from home.
mass transit here has its issues.
there is no practical alternative to driving.

08-31-2009, 04:19 PM
Looking at the polls as of 3PM PST, 08/31,

87 % have no DUI

1.7 % (1 person) got away.
10.2% got busted for DUI

Take that however way you will.
I'm surprised it is that low.

08-31-2009, 04:25 PM
on another note, those of you who have hired lawyers... i'm curious what your experiences were. Apparently some of you have gotten off the hook while for others, the lawyer didnt do jack shit.

But i had used the laywer previously to sue a police department and get officers fired over harasment.
So he charged me $500.
Walked in and told the judge that he wanted defered procecution for me and all that stuff.
Judge said ok.

He takes people on vacation and to dinners alot, lol.

Does it bother anyone else that everyday people of the same caliber as our young friend repda916 get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle under the influence of alchohol?
Its the same people that are buying medical MJ and getting high and driving as well.
same group of people in our society imo.

gaddamn.. philip you got a DUI? i can understand eric getting one, but i cant believe such a responsible, honest and caring... MODERATOR got one. :-)

there you go again with me.
Really dont know why you would think a "moderator" on a car forum would be better than anybody else?
Besides my story of how I used to live, I dont know why one of the more successful people on here would be considered unresponsable, unhonest and uncaring??

Anyways, get a laywer.
Public defenders are on the same payroll as the court and I made that mistake in my youth at 17 years old.
never again with them.
Paying for a decent laywer is the way to go.
I would just stop by there office and ask them what they could do with your case.
Dont let em charge ya for that.
Cause if they cant help you, then no need to pay them.

08-31-2009, 04:30 PM
Looking at the polls as of 3PM PST, 08/31,

87 % have no DUI

1.7 % (1 person) got away.
10.2% got busted for DUI

Take that however way you will.
I'm surprised it is that low.

it would be totally different if it asked people over 21 or 23 that have DUI's.

08-31-2009, 04:41 PM
why is there a can of monster in the picture?

08-31-2009, 04:49 PM
There have been times when I definitely deserved one. I've known some people that got them recently, so I used that as a wake-up.

Can't really justify spending the money at bars right now, so I keep it at home anyways.

why is there a can of monster in the picture?

duh...jager bombs...lol

and if theres a redbull in there too, thats for redbull and vodka

08-31-2009, 05:20 PM
I would rather crash on the sidewalk then risk losing my DL or my life. Kthanxbai.

08-31-2009, 05:36 PM
there you go again with me.
Really dont know why you would think a "moderator" on a car forum would be better than anybody else?
Besides my story of how I used to live, I dont know why one of the more successful people on here would be considered unresponsable, unhonest and uncaring??

it was a pot-shot eric, chillax hommie....

damn, you got blue flake vinyl all over your phocking car and cant handle a lill joke?

i keeeeeeeeeeeeeeed, i keeeeeeed

gaddamn when we meet (because one day we will), we're gonna fuckin beat eachothers head in

08-31-2009, 06:04 PM
this thread is kind of long and boring but ill post my experiences

friend just turned 21

gets a dui with gf in car

pleads to cop dont let her get in trouble ill have her friend pick her up
cop says alright thats fine

he gets taken to station and gets a dui

about a month later they revoke his license

in less than a month after they take it away he gets it back with full driving privelages

has to take 12 drinking and driving classes or something within the next 2-3 years

the course total costed like 600-800 + lawyer fees

lawyer took care of EVERYTHING

08-31-2009, 06:30 PM
Does it bother anyone else that everyday people of the same caliber as our young friend repda916 get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle under the influence of alchohol?

It bothers me that 95% of the people on here are breathing my precious oxygen.

08-31-2009, 06:42 PM
it was a pot-shot eric, chillax hommie....

damn, you got blue flake vinyl all over your phocking car and cant handle a lill joke?

i keeeeeeeeeeeeeeed, i keeeeeeed

gaddamn when we meet (because one day we will), we're gonna fuckin beat eachothers head in

lemme know when it happens. i wanna be there for the free show. :axe:

08-31-2009, 06:58 PM
Does it bother anyone else that everyday people of the same caliber as our young friend repda916 get behind the wheel of a motor vehicle under the influence of alchohol?

I have a particular hatred for drunk drivers. I was actually rear ended by a drunk driver at a stoplight. The whole ordeal was one of the worst experiences of my life. The biggest problem is that these cases get drawn out in the court system for quite some time. Before the trial the kid could drive around all he wanted like nothing had happened. The kid was under 21, so he ultimately was NOT charged with a DUI. He lost his license for year or so, was on probation etc. To be honest it was a total crock of shit. Sure I was awarded some money for the damages, but it was nothing in the long run. And I'm 100% confident it wasn't even enough to stop him from doing it again, the fines and whatever cannot take away from people with POOR judgement.

08-31-2009, 07:11 PM
it would be totally different if it asked people over 21 or 23 that have DUI's.

The question does not say any age. so I think the results would be the same.

08-31-2009, 09:34 PM
I got a DUI. Normally I hand my keys to my buddy who always DD's. Didn't that night, and I got caught. I had 90 days without my license, but I decided to do 180 days instead (punishment for myself fucking up that bad). I learned my lesson, and now my friends and I have setup new rules for going out and drinking.

Also I have a public defender. They got my other charges dropped but the DUI. However I was given a year to get all the classes and fines paid. Yeah its on my record, yeah I have an SR22, but atleast it pulled my head out of my ass.

08-31-2009, 10:02 PM
Yeah its on my record, yeah I have an SR22, but atleast it pulled my head out of my ass.

did you upgrade the turbo in your SR22? post pics, y0.

09-01-2009, 12:07 AM
Ive never been pulled over while being under ther influence... knock on wood lol... That always crosses my mind or i always think of people ive known that have gotten pulled over and taken in for DUI. But i still do it here and there like an idiot :bash:. Anyway be careful out there guys... dont drink and drive cause you might spill your drink :duh:

09-01-2009, 01:17 AM
If you are 21+ which I assume you are, you won't unless you are driving erraticaly/recklessly.that depends on where you live, out here in Arizona if you blow a .01 you're getting a DUI. I like it that way, and I never drink and drive.

09-01-2009, 02:00 AM
The question does not say any age. so I think the results would be the same.

I think ericcastro probably mentioned a good majority of ppl here are under 21,
hence the results aren't representative of a broad spectrum of age demographic.
It does (for better or worse) most likely represent Zilvia today.
Come to think of it, that does seem to be the case.

Why 23 is used (as opposed to say 18, 22, 24, or 30-something), I have no idea.
Maybe there is some new eerie CA law I am unaware of.

Perhaps eric can eloborate directly,
but it is fun to speculate all the same.

OT - its comforting to know as much of an old fart I may be,
I'm still not the oldest here.

09-01-2009, 02:17 AM
I think ericcastro probably mentioned a good majority of ppl here are under 21,
hence the results aren't representative of a broad spectrum of age demographic.
It does (for better or worse) most likely represent Zilvia today.
Come to think of it, that does seem to be the case.

Why 23 is used (as opposed to say 18, 22, 24, or 30-something), I have no idea.
Maybe there is some new eerie CA law I am unaware of.

Perhaps eric can eloborate directly,
but it is fun to speculate all the same.

OT - its comforting to know as much of an old fart I may be,
I'm still not the oldest here.

just how old are you lol. obviously not 74 as your fingers are liable to crumble off just typing that at that age

09-01-2009, 02:39 AM
You think DUI laws sucks in the states...out here in Okinawa, its .03, over $10k in fines. If you're military, license suspended for a year and article 15 UCMJ so you're loosing a rank or two. Basically, if you have 1 beer, dont even think about driving...

09-01-2009, 09:33 AM
I think ericcastro probably mentioned a good majority of ppl here are under 21,

Why 23 is used (as opposed to say 18, 22, 24, or 30-something), I have no idea.
Perhaps eric can eloborate directly,
but it is fun to speculate all the same.

Well, 21 means that they have only been able to drive to the bar and home for a year.
Cause we all know when your under 21, your partien at houses, carpooling, driving in the outskirts of the burbs/county.
When your 21, you go directly into the thick of the city/town to drink and party. you have all the alcohol at your fingertips. (no running out of beer at a bar). driving your car incase you hook up with a chick, and leaving at 2am with everyone else.

But then i figured 23 would give a better view on people that have been actual adults for a few years and had all the benifits of society and all the chances to screw them up.

alot of voters on this dont even drink i bet.
Or maybe once in awhile.
Not like us old guys did when we were 21 and so on.

just how old are you lol. obviously not 74 as your fingers are liable to crumble off just typing that at that age

09-01-2009, 10:44 PM
i got one when i was 19, i blew a .01 and they have a zero tolerance law in california... funny thing was they impounded my car, but let me walk home with the 18pack that was in my trunk. lost my license for a year

09-01-2009, 10:53 PM
i got one back in march this year ended up spending like 10 grand all together by time it was said and done

09-01-2009, 11:38 PM
just how old are you lol. obviously not 74 as your fingers are liable to crumble off just typing that at that age

I'm 31, hence it was comforting to know I'm not the oldest.
Hitting 30 alone made me feel old, *sigh*.

09-01-2009, 11:42 PM
anyone know the legal limits in los angeles as to the minimum you can blow and still pass?

09-02-2009, 07:29 PM
You think DUI laws sucks in the states...out here in Okinawa, its .03, over $10k in fines. If you're military, license suspended for a year and article 15 UCMJ so you're loosing a rank or two. Basically, if you have 1 beer, dont even think about driving...

I'd be ok with that.

Drinking and driving doesn't mix.

Now if only a law could be setup to keep stupid people off the roads.

09-02-2009, 08:24 PM
hell, i know most drink and drive, well, sipped on beverage (with no intent to get drunk) and drove somewhere, i know i have. But i dont get stupid drunk and drive. thats f'n stupid.

09-02-2009, 10:12 PM
I heard from my Sheriff buddy that if you blow a .065 or higher, they will arrest you and make you go to the station and blow again.

My ex's sister blew a .069 and they arrested her and made her go to the station, when she got there she blew a .08

Sucks for her but that's not all she blows ;) ;) ;)

09-02-2009, 10:53 PM
If you get pulled over and breathalyzed under the limit, chances are you should be getting a DUI since you managed to draw enough attention to get pulled.

09-03-2009, 12:20 AM
anyone know the legal limits in los angeles as to the minimum you can blow and still pass?

well the legal limit is .08. but it really is up to the officer. i know people who have gotten dui's when they blew under .08. once again, it is up to the officer.

09-03-2009, 02:29 PM
well the legal limit is .08. but it really is up to the officer. i know people who have gotten dui's when they blew under .08. once again, it is up to the officer.

It was my understanding that you cannot be charged with a DUI if you are in fact UNDER the limit. They can pull you over, take you back to the station, charge you with a traffic violation (since you were obviously swerving or something to get pulled over in the first place), let you sober up and send you on your way.

I was told this by a cop who just so happens to be my neighbor. Maybe this law differs from state to state?

09-03-2009, 02:55 PM
Maybe this law differs from state to state?Correct, as I said before Arizona has zero tolerance - a .01 will get you a DUI and jail here. Yeah, DUIs have manditory jail time that must be served - there is no getting out of it.

09-03-2009, 05:09 PM
It was my understanding that you cannot be charged with a DUI if you are in fact UNDER the limit. They can pull you over, take you back to the station, charge you with a traffic violation (since you were obviously swerving or something to get pulled over in the first place), let you sober up and send you on your way.

I was told this by a cop who just so happens to be my neighbor. Maybe this law differs from state to state?

all im saying is i know 2 people who both got dui's for blowing under a .08

one was a .06, the other a .07

take from that what you will.

09-06-2009, 01:12 PM
Yes if a cop thinks you drank to much no matter what you blow or u pass the DUI test he can take you in.

09-07-2009, 03:29 PM
no dui's here. alot of close calls between the ages of 17 - 21.

but I guess getting older does make u more responsible.

f*** ima be 23 next month... vegas here I come!

09-07-2009, 09:01 PM
I see two more ppl in the poll that have been convicted and where are there stories come on ppl

09-07-2009, 09:17 PM
My buddy got a DUI just as he was turning into his own neighborhood..

My other buddies and I almost got a DUI once. We were all partying at this house and I was supposed to be the DD, but I got wasted out of my mind. Later, we were all stupid and drunk and decided to go to a Steak&Shake. On the way, I needed to throw up and so we pulled over. Just as we pulled over, a cop flashed his lights on. He came over and asked if I was okay. We said I had been drinking underage and we were driving me home. I don't know what was up that cop, but he had to have smelled the alcohol on all of us. He just let us go because we were acting cool. If he wanted to, he could have had 5 kids in jail that night.

That was two years ago when I was 20. Now I just don't even drive when I drink. I just stay put until I'm normal. I'm even thinking of getting a breathalyzer test for myself to keep in the car.

09-08-2009, 08:01 AM
^ Props to your avatar dude that shit's pretty funny, and a little disturbing too haha.

It was Thanksgiving night 2 years ago. I had just finished a delicious dinner with the family and washed it down with an equally delicious beer, and 1 glass of merlot, that my parents let me drink, because they're cool like that.
Anyways I waited a good 30-45 minutes or so for the gluttonous itis that occurs on Thanksgiving to pass, and then got in my car to go pick up my current insane girlfriend at the time. We were driving to Oak Harbor or some shit to go to my friends birthday party and drink some more, as kids do. So we start driving down highway 20, not a care in our minds just bullshitting about how good Thanksgiving was.
She lights up a smoke, and the good times roll for a few minutes.
Right when she's about to put the smoke out the window I notice that there's a state patrol following my car, mind you very closely too. And right before I can tell her to not throw the cigarette out the window she's already rolling it up and I see the red & blue lights.

So right now i'm thinking fuck, like hell i'm paying for this bitches $1000 dollar ticket for littering a cigarette, but I should have known that would have been the least of my worries.

So the officer comes up to my window, license and registration blah blah blah. Then when he comes out the exact words "Would you please step out of your car sir?"
So he tells me to take a field sobriety test, i'm all good with that but mind you it's Thanksgiving in Washington. It's about 26 degrees Fahrenheit outside and i'm in a t-shirt and shorts.

So in his sick humor he makes me stand on one leg and count to 30, walk down a line left foot to right foot, and all that garbage. Judging by his voice I knew he found some way for me to fail the test, so he asked me if I wanted to take a field blow test, which I denied. So immediately I get cuffed, and put in the back of the cruiser, my girlfriend just sitting there playing her damn Nintendo DS basically laughing because she's got a bottle of Vodka she had been sipping on in her purse the whole ride over.

So we get down to the station, right now it's been about an hour and a half after i've drank anything at all, even a nice refreshing glass of water, I remember being incredibly thirsty.
I get searched by an incompetant officer who completely forgets to check my left torso, fuck I could have practically had a AK in there.

Long story short I blow a .028 and get busted down on hard because I was 19 at the time. Worst phone call to my parents ever, especially on Thanksgiving night, while they were sleeping. Man they were pissed. A very quiet ride home with my dad.
Washington laws dictate that you can blow a .08 to get a DUI if you're of legal age. So if it just could have been this year the officer would have told me to get back in my car and drive home basically.
Fuck I would have rather paid for that stupid girls $1000 dollar littering ticket than all my DUI charges / lawyer fees I had to pay.
I got the full punishment of the DUI besides going to jail, but it wasn't charged as a felony so I can still go to Canada, thank god..

Moral is don't drink and drive while your under 21 period.

We all have friends for that kind of stuff. Let them run the chance of it. DUI's suck and I can only imagine they're worse now that i'm living in AZ.

Who the fuck wants to go to tent city anyways?

09-08-2009, 12:39 PM
That's another reason I never let anyone smoke in my car.

09-09-2009, 12:25 AM
well my story..

i was with this girl drinking and my dad calls and says i have to pick up my sister.
i was 16, this happened about 2 years ago..the girl didnt have a license and somehow convinced me to let her drive..we are going and she is not a great driver..we pass a cop in a driveway
he follows us she gets nervous as shit, he pulls us over for "broken taillight".
i was passenger mind you and we switch seats in the midst of him ready to get out of his car fucking sweating palms nervous, a bottle in the back seat! I show him license registration insurance and he somehow let us go!! After that never have i driven under the influence and never will again that was a huge wake up/slap in the face.:duh:

09-09-2009, 01:06 AM
voted, nope. never drank and drove before. i know better than to do that.

honestly, when i first saw this poll/thread i thought 'who has a stroked 2.2L SR?' sounds cool. but when i clicked, i saw otherwise lol

drinking and driving is dumb cant say i have not done it before but i try not too,i tend to pass out in my car with the key out of reach in case a cop want to be a dick.the most ill get is a public intox ticket/drunk tank.

but yeah i thought this was going to be about stoker motors i hope to build one when my KA dies.

09-09-2009, 12:46 PM
Never have, probably never will.. I guess the fact that I didn't really start drinking alcohol until age 27 has allot to do with it:keke: I don't drink that often and when I do, I'm careful.

09-10-2009, 12:25 PM
Moral is don't drink and drive

fixed it for you...

i tend to pass out in my car with the key out of reach in case a cop want to be a dick.the most ill get is a public intox ticket/drunk tank.

did that twice actually, i nearly fucked up because i had my key in my pocket and parked right inthe driveway of the party, when the officer came he asked if i had my key...lucky me my friend had my back in his wallet showed the officer and i knew nothign happened...

second time i was being walked to my car i was asked if i was drinking, i said yes, i was of age, and asked were i was going, i said my car to sleep...sadly i was already on public property hence public intoxication, so i next thing you know im cuffed, all i remember sayin was FUCK IT< ITS BETTER THAN SLEEPING IN MY CAR... i got taken in, surprisingly though, i shit you not, i did not get fingur printed or ''booked'' they took me straight to an empty cell...i woke up around 1pm...the officer told me i was the most cooperative drunk he ever met in his entire 15 years of being an officer, i was like kew, and he even gave me a ride to my car...lol

09-10-2009, 12:54 PM
If you get pulled over and breathalyzed under the limit, chances are you should be getting a DUI since you managed to draw enough attention to get pulled.
What? Why even have a law that states a legal limit then?

09-10-2009, 02:33 PM
i was 16, this happened about 2 years ago..the girl didnt have a license and somehow convinced me to let her drive..

i remember this story. let me share some of the dialogue with the rest of zilvia
you> hey baby, come for a ride with me real quick
her> sure... can i drive?
you> nah girl, you dont even have a license
her> i'll suck yo' dick
you> ....
you> here the keys

Never have, probably never will.. I guess the fact that I didn't really start drinking alcohol until age 27 has allot to do with it:keke: I don't drink that often and when I do, I'm careful.

i think will ferrell said it best in the movie old school
"so good...... once it hits your lips!!"


best scene of all time.

09-10-2009, 02:45 PM
fixed it for you...

Hehe, you're right, thank you =D

09-10-2009, 09:46 PM
i got locked up friday night for something different other then DUI but anyways. i talked to a few of the people charged with dui there and all of them got out that night.

bail for them was 2 g's but if you go to a bail bonds man its 15% of that so thats only around 300 bucks. so you pay 300 bucks to get outa jail.

and then you have 3 months till your court date and during those 3 months you go get one of the local attorney firms that reduced your tickets to parking tickets. and you pay them 1 grand or so depending on your case. and they reduce the dui to a misdemeanor that says nothing about ever a dui or a dwi.

basically here in nevada your off the hook if you got the cash.

09-11-2009, 05:52 AM
Depends on the jail you go to in vegas. CCDC is more lax than City or North. In city, where I went when I got my DUI, you don't get to leave until you see a judge. This all depends on your breathalizer/blood test results. .175, yeah I didn't get out for 4 days.

09-12-2009, 12:14 AM
I was forced to get sr22 insurance a few years ago due to my license being suspended/points, shit sucked.

09-12-2009, 03:22 PM
i think will ferrell said it best in the movie old school
"so good...... once it hits your lips!!"


best scene of all time.


09-13-2009, 02:11 AM
I don't drive for the rest of the night even after a single drink. I enjoy my clean record. :)