View Full Version : DJ AM died

08-28-2009, 07:39 PM

the end

08-28-2009, 07:40 PM
yeah man i just read about this... probably too much yayo...

08-28-2009, 07:42 PM


08-28-2009, 07:42 PM

travis is next. Can't escape death.

08-28-2009, 07:43 PM


exactly. other than an Entourage appearance and a plane crash, i'm not exactly sure what he's done

08-28-2009, 07:45 PM
Yeah I was kinda wondering the same thing. I'd never heard of DJ AM besides the crash with Travis Barker from that one band I also don't care about at all.

I have OJ in the AM. Thats as close as I come.

08-28-2009, 07:48 PM
What, I saw him at EDC this year :(

08-28-2009, 07:49 PM
He was cool. Well, cooler than Travis Barker at least.


08-28-2009, 08:04 PM
He looks very italian...

drift freaq
08-28-2009, 08:07 PM
He used to spin at clubs here in Hollywood. Did a long stint at the ViperRoom.

08-28-2009, 08:07 PM
Wonder who's getting the shoes?

08-28-2009, 10:35 PM
you would think someone who went through what he did would have a greater appreciation for life

08-28-2009, 10:38 PM
Sad news but he overdosed you wanna play around with drugs you know the risks I mean you survive a plane crash and are basically given a second chance and you overdose i guess some people think it is worth it

08-28-2009, 10:40 PM
i wonder whos gonna get his shoe collection

08-28-2009, 10:42 PM
i wonder who gets his shoe collection.

08-28-2009, 11:36 PM
you would think someone who went through what he did would have a greater appreciation for life

Thats the exact same thing I said to my girl when she told me about it. Real shit though he was given a second chance at life and well, we see what he made of it.

drift freaq
08-28-2009, 11:52 PM
Sad news but he overdosed you wanna play around with drugs you know the risks I mean you survive a plane crash and are basically given a second chance and you overdose i guess some people think it is worth it

Dude he obviously had a problem with drugs in other words he possibly was an Addict/Alcoholic. Its not so cut and dry when it comes to the disease of addiction.

People have to hit a bottom to realize they want to change and seek help.

The Plane crash he survived had nothing to do with his using, if it had he might have seeked help and stopped. It did not so he did not. That's just the way it is.

Some people make it, some people don't! The disease is that way and for you to just sit there and write what you wrote above? Well that just shows you have no idea what drives these types of people.

08-29-2009, 01:16 AM
Sad news but he overdosed you wanna play around with drugs you know the risks I mean you survive a plane crash and are basically given a second chance and you overdose i guess some people think it is worth it

:werd: .... STOP DOING DRUGS!

08-29-2009, 01:25 AM
forreal ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ i saw a vid of him scratching and travis on the drums, he can scratch so sick, well he is a pro anyways

08-29-2009, 01:40 AM
who is he?

08-29-2009, 01:45 AM
forreal ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ i saw a vid of him scratching and travis on the drums, he can scratch so sick, well he is a pro anyways

can? is? :/

edit: so they found a crack pipe at his place.

08-29-2009, 03:06 AM
:werd: .... STOP DOING DRUGS!

Yeah, because life is that simple.



You can't really comment on something you haven't experienced nor know how to handle.

The moment I heard that he passed away the first thing that came to mind was OD off of some substance.

From what I heard, he stopped but I guess it wasn't for long.

Sad to hear either way.

08-29-2009, 03:29 AM
i dnno

surviving a plane crash where 4 others died

might leave someone fucked in the head

especially climbing out of a burning plane

with your own flesh on fire

if you weren't on drugs before that...you definitely would be after.

but at the same time...its no excuse.

you should thank god and count your blessings and stop doing drugs.

he blew his second chance at life.

thus is the life of the rich and famous.

08-29-2009, 03:33 AM
^why was that written in haiku

08-29-2009, 03:39 AM
Yeah, because life is that simple.



You can't really comment on something you haven't experienced nor know how to handle.

The moment I heard that he passed away the first thing that came to mind was OD off of some substance.

From what I heard, he stopped but I guess it wasn't for long.

Sad to hear either way.

:) true.

i know some of you might think.

"ah fuck it hes rich why is he complaining or being depressed using drugs"

money makes you happy? wrong.

alot of rich people even celebreties are fucked up in the head

08-29-2009, 04:00 AM
bums dont look to happy either :hsdance:

08-29-2009, 09:19 AM
Dude he obviously had a problem with drugs in other words he possibly was an Addict/Alcoholic. Its not so cut and dry when it comes to the disease of addiction.

they said friends and family said that he had been clean for 9 years....

08-29-2009, 12:12 PM
What an idiot...

08-30-2009, 01:21 PM

the end

What an idiot...

ok.. honestly i dont care if i get pinked for this.. but both of u 2 are fucking pricks, this dude has a family and lots of TRUE friends not jsut stupid fans that care about him and all u can say is derrr he died what an idiot... so fucking what if he didnt live the model lifestyle that u 2 perfect human beings live... the man died and u need to show some fucking respect regardless if u knew him or liked him or even knew who he was... thats fucked up:fawk2::mrmeph:


travis is next. Can't escape death.

and for you.. travis is a beast, he isnt going anywhere for a while... Blink got back together im fucking stoked... so he isnt allowed to die yet lol

08-30-2009, 01:35 PM
ok.. honestly i dont care if i get pinked for this.. but both of u 2 are fucking pricks, this dude has a family and lots of TRUE friends not jsut stupid fans that care about him and all u can say is derrr he died what an idiot... so fucking what if he didnt live the model lifestyle that u 2 perfect human beings live... the man died and u need to show some fucking respect regardless if u knew him or liked him or even knew who he was... thats fucked up:fawk2::mrmeph:

The dude gets a 2nd chance at life... He fucking survived a plane crash and yet he still manages to go and OD? I'm sorry but I cannot show respect for that. Yeah sure you can say he was feeling a bit depressed and he was still feeling repercussion from the plane crash yadda yadda fucking yadda. There are many other people who suffer worse than he did after a freak accident and yet alot of those people are still alive... still living with those effects... fucking DEALING with it! Look at the people with no arms, no legs, those who are blind, and those deaf. I'm sure they have it way harder.
He was famous, he had friends, had family... doesnt seem like there's much to be depressed about. In my opinion, he took the cowards' way out.

08-30-2009, 01:52 PM
The dude gets a 2nd chance at life... He fucking survived a plane crash and yet he still manages to go and OD? I'm sorry but I cannot show respect for that. Yeah sure you can say he was feeling a bit depressed and he was still feeling repercussion from the plane crash yadda yadda fucking yadda. There are many other people who suffer worse than he did after a freak accident and yet alot of those people are still alive... still living with those effects... fucking DEALING with it! Look at the people with no arms, no legs, those who are blind, and those deaf. I'm sure they have it way harder.
He was famous, he had friends, had family... doesnt seem like there's much to be depressed about. In my opinion, he took the cowards' way out.

What he said couldnt explain it better!!!..... cause im blind and have no hands....jk im not blind and im have 8 fingers and 2 thumbs

08-30-2009, 02:16 PM

hahah right

DJ AM Dies | TMZ.com (http://www.tmz.com/2009/08/28/dj-am-dies/)

08-30-2009, 03:32 PM
The dude gets a 2nd chance at life... He fucking survived a plane crash and yet he still manages to go and OD? I'm sorry but I cannot show respect for that. Yeah sure you can say he was feeling a bit depressed and he was still feeling repercussion from the plane crash yadda yadda fucking yadda. There are many other people who suffer worse than he did after a freak accident and yet alot of those people are still alive... still living with those effects... fucking DEALING with it! Look at the people with no arms, no legs, those who are blind, and those deaf. I'm sure they have it way harder.
He was famous, he had friends, had family... doesnt seem like there's much to be depressed about. In my opinion, he took the cowards' way out.

or even war vets who lost alot, seeing their buddies get blown up or injuried etc. He should have got some help... I unno maybe he wasnt happy with all the new music out now, or personal family issues .

edit: then again if you where one of the survivers of a plane crash, you probably saw some gory shit

08-30-2009, 03:34 PM
i've had a lot of people say i look like him

08-30-2009, 03:57 PM
The dude gets a 2nd chance at life... He fucking survived a plane crash and yet he still manages to go and OD? I'm sorry but I cannot show respect for that. Yeah sure you can say he was feeling a bit depressed and he was still feeling repercussion from the plane crash yadda yadda fucking yadda. There are many other people who suffer worse than he did after a freak accident and yet alot of those people are still alive... still living with those effects... fucking DEALING with it! Look at the people with no arms, no legs, those who are blind, and those deaf. I'm sure they have it way harder.
He was famous, he had friends, had family... doesnt seem like there's much to be depressed about. In my opinion, he took the cowards' way out.

i dont give a shit if he got raped bya giraffe while he was on the plane that crashed... the fact of the matter is he died and people need to show a lil more respect..

so what if ur mom or dad died... wouldnt u be pissed off if someone was just like oh well... or they say.. wow what a pussy, shoulda lived a better life they woulda lived longer or wow what a fag, their immune system sucks... regardless... its fucked up

08-30-2009, 04:11 PM
i dont give a shit if he got raped bya giraffe while he was on the plane that crashed... the fact of the matter is he died and people need to show a lil more respect..

so what if ur mom or dad died... wouldnt u be pissed off if someone was just like oh well... or they say.. wow what a pussy, shoulda lived a better life they woulda lived longer or wow what a fag, their immune system sucks... regardless... its fucked up
natural causes is one thing, OVERDOSING is a WHOLE differant thing.

people who O.D. or commit suiside i have NO respect for. one of my good friends shot himself a few years back, was he a good friend? YES. did we have good times together? YES. Was there some tough times going on? YES. i still miss him to this day, but i just think if he wasen't such a f'n pussy and just manned up how differant things would be today.

08-30-2009, 04:26 PM
natural causes is one thing, OVERDOSING is a WHOLE differant thing.

people who O.D. or commit suiside i have NO respect for. one of my good friends shot himself a few years back, was he a good friend? YES. did we have good times together? YES. Was there some tough times going on? YES. i still miss him to this day, but i just think if he wasen't such a f'n pussy and just manned up how differant things would be today.

so u just called ur former best friend/good friend a pussy cuz he killed himself? WOW... you people are something else

drift freaq
08-30-2009, 04:44 PM
they said friends and family said that he had been clean for 9 years....

Hey maybe he did not OD of course he might have damaged his body in such a way during using that something internal failed. I have seen that to many times as well. People stop using but die from the damage done. Its unfortunate what ever happened.

OH and any fuck here who thinks someone who OD's shoots himself is worthless or a pussy is the biggest ignorant asshole this side of the sun. If you have a friend who killed himself ? He was crying out for help, If you did not have the foresight to recognize a problem or the balls to call him on it? You are the pussy not him. I am tired of fucks who know nothing about the disease of addiction calling addicts pussies because they overdose.


OH and this goes to all the fuckheads in this thread that cannot get their thickass brains around the fact that the disease is not that cut and dry as they think it should be. Oh and Duffman this is not to you.

08-30-2009, 04:47 PM
i dont give a shit if he got raped bya giraffe while he was on the plane that crashed... the fact of the matter is he died and people need to show a lil more respect..

so what if ur mom or dad died... wouldnt u be pissed off if someone was just like oh well... or they say.. wow what a pussy, shoulda lived a better life they woulda lived longer or wow what a fag, their immune system sucks... regardless... its fucked up

People die everyday. This man did not influence or affect my life in anyway. I do not need to show respect. I do however sympathize for the family members though. That's completely different.
I didn't know the guy personally and I would not know who this dude was if he hadn't been in a plane crash. The fact of the matter is; the only reason you're here trying to argue a lost cause is because this guy was remotely famous. Any other joe and we wouldnt even be talking about this...

He's dead... what can we do? Oh I know, we can continue with our lives as normal since none of this really affects us in any way what so ever...

And besides, what do you know about respect anyways? You're over here calling me a prick because I called some guy we both don't know an idiot. Hypocrisy at it's best right there.

drift freaq
08-30-2009, 04:51 PM
People die everyday. This man did not influence or affect my life in anyway. I do not need to show respect. I do however sympathize for the family members though. That's completely different.
I didn't know the guy personally and I would not know who this dude was if he hadn't been in a plane crash. The fact of the matter is; the only reason you're here trying to argue a lost cause is because this guy was remotely famous. Any other joe and we wouldnt even be talking about this...

He's dead... what can we do? Oh I know, we can continue with our lives as normal since none of this really affects us in any way what so ever...

And besides, what do you know about respect anyways? You're over here calling me a prick because I called some guy we both don't know an idiot. Hypocrisy at it's best right there.

Its your attitude and lack of understanding that he is calling you out for. Read what I posted. If you cannot understand that shit you should not be commenting.

08-30-2009, 04:54 PM
he's sleeping and changed his name to dj pm

08-30-2009, 05:09 PM
People die everyday. This man did not influence or affect my life in anyway. I do not need to show respect. I do however sympathize for the family members though. That's completely different.
I didn't know the guy personally and I would not know who this dude was if he hadn't been in a plane crash. The fact of the matter is; the only reason you're here trying to argue a lost cause is because this guy was remotely famous. Any other joe and we wouldnt even be talking about this...

He's dead... what can we do? Oh I know, we can continue with our lives as normal since none of this really affects us in any way what so ever...

And besides, what do you know about respect anyways? You're over here calling me a prick because I called some guy we both don't know an idiot. Hypocrisy at it's best right there.

actually D bag im "arguing" this because he was a human being, i didnt even listen to him nor did i care about what clubs he scratched at or music he play with travis... just the fact that u fucks are so damn inconsiderate over something so serious is beyond me.. all u lil kids take shit for granted to much and when ur time comes ur not gonna know what happened... and i guarantee u, if u are on this thread and u die cuz ur an idiot from drifting or racing... how many people u think would call u a pussy or a dumbass for doing something reckless or "addicting"... prolly close to noone because this is a lifestyle all u kids approve of... just cuz u didnt approve of him, his music or lifestyle doesnt mean he isnt worth the repect he deserved... and as far as what i know about respect? dude u dont know shit about what i know, so check your attitude, all im saying is grow the fuck up

he's sleeping and changed his name to dj pm

all though bad timing.. still kinda amusing

08-30-2009, 06:38 PM
actually D bag im "arguing" this because he was a human being, i didnt even listen to him nor did i care about what clubs he scratched at or music he play with travis... just the fact that u fucks are so damn inconsiderate over something so serious is beyond me.. all u lil kids take shit for granted to much and when ur time comes ur not gonna know what happened... and i guarantee u, if u are on this thread and u die cuz ur an idiot from drifting or racing... how many people u think would call u a pussy or a dumbass for doing something reckless or "addicting"... prolly close to noone because this is a lifestyle all u kids approve of... just cuz u didnt approve of him, his music or lifestyle doesnt mean he isnt worth the repect he deserved... and as far as what i know about respect? dude u dont know shit about what i know, so check your attitude, all im saying is grow the fuck up

Look, I'm over this DJ guy... What happened happened.
I just want to say; if you read back on the the stuff I posted, I never showed disrespect towards you directly. I dont think I need an attitude check...

08-30-2009, 06:55 PM
he's sleeping and changed his name to dj pm
very bad timing, maybe too soon. but pretty funny.

08-30-2009, 08:18 PM
pshh....the dude obviously dednt have any respect for himself....or for the friends, family, and fans i guess to put down his crack pipe....so why should we show any respect for a him?

09-01-2009, 05:36 PM
pshh....the dude obviously dednt have any respect for himself....or for the friends, family, and fans i guess to put down his crack pipe....so why should we show any respect for a him?

This answers your hard head:

Hey maybe he did not OD of course he might have damaged his body in such a way during using that something internal failed. I have seen that to many times as well. People stop using but die from the damage done. Its unfortunate what ever happened.

OH and any fuck here who thinks someone who OD's shoots himself is worthless or a pussy is the biggest ignorant asshole this side of the sun. If you have a friend who killed himself ? He was crying out for help, If you did not have the foresight to recognize a problem or the balls to call him on it? You are the pussy not him. I am tired of fucks who know nothing about the disease of addiction calling addicts pussies because they overdose.


OH and this goes to all the fuckheads in this thread that cannot get their thickass brains around the fact that the disease is not that cut and dry as they think it should be. Oh and Duffman this is not to you.