View Full Version : Should I?

04-27-2003, 10:26 PM
OK....It's been a while since I've been looking for a nice coupe to start......My search seems impossible.........It's leading me to maybe starting a hatch project...but they're too wide spread....I did find a coupe in my area...but it's an auto....My ? is...is it worth doing a 5 speed conversion.....I mean it's about a Gwiz to do the conversion.....Should I keep looking or.....try this auto out....it's pretty clean, bout 80,000 miles...1992....thet're asking like 4000 dollars, but I won't buy it for more than......2800...anyway SHOULD I???:confused:

04-27-2003, 10:28 PM
......................sure.......why......not?.... .... :D :D :D

04-27-2003, 10:40 PM
NO wait
it might be hard to find, but if buy it you'll find a coupe or see it on the street and regret

patience is key, yeah its tough

04-27-2003, 10:50 PM
yeah man just wait it out till you find the right one. its better to learn the easy way than the hard way

04-28-2003, 03:51 PM
my first post ... first time i've actually had something constructive to add. i've been in the hunt for a new car and 240's have come to my attention (trying not to be part of the newbie/jdm/drift fad, just interested in them). anyway, for the constructive part, i found this, it's more than you're looking to spend but it's a 5 speed in NJ. here (http://www.autotrader.com/findacar/vdetail.jtmpl?car_id=127563093&dealer_id=1381807&car_year=1993&search_type=used&make=NISSAN&model=240SX&transmission=MAN&distance=75&address=06811&advanced=y&certified=n&max_mileage=&max_price=&min_price=&end_year=2004&start_year=1983&drive=&engine=&body_style=&advcd_on=y&doors=&fuel=&color=&cardist=63)

good luck.

04-29-2003, 05:24 AM
Thanks for all the great comments....that one at the garden state auction was sold...I was trying to buy , but the salesman was a crackhead:confused: ......... Thanks for everything though...I did find another one in Vineland...I'll be looking at tonight....It's an 89' with 135,000 mi. on it...but I'll have the SR in; in like three weeks....I really don't need the HUD.....in my eyes it's just something that can break............as long as it's still there it looks like it could be my new project car:D !!!!

04-29-2003, 10:37 AM
I think I might buy the cad tonite!!!!!!!!!!!!!:D

04-29-2003, 10:41 AM
for $4000, any s13 has to be super clean and 91 and up. well, that's my take on it. i payed $3000 for my 91 fastback, in pretty clean condition. only minor problems is the clutch is worn and the clear coat is starting to chip.

04-29-2003, 10:53 AM
I'm not buying the auto...yet.... I'm prob. buying the 89' they say it's in pretty good cond.

04-29-2003, 11:00 AM
I did the same exact thing as you...i was looking for a nice clean lift back and couldnt find one for six months(i live in metro detroit area and all the 240s in michigan seem to have rusted out)....then i started getting ****ed and anylizing my other options so i finally came across a 240 fastback with HICAS that was clean for 4,000 had 120,000 miles and a solid body...I didnt want hicas or the f/b but after thinking about it i realized i might not find what i am looking for....so here i am today with a HICAS eliminator bar in the mail and having seen about three liftbacks which were in equal condition as my car come and go....not saying i dont like my fastback i love her but i still think i could have gotten a nice lift back for a better price (4 grand was a bit steep!)...

04-29-2003, 11:03 AM
why do people say liftback? or notchback?

its coupe and fastback

both are easier to type (shorter), both are easily understandable and commonly used

am i the only one who thinks this?!

drift freaq
04-29-2003, 11:25 AM
No dousan you are not. The only problem I have is slipping between fastback and Hatchback. I always call the coupes coupes hehehhehehehe.

On to the pricing part
These days at least here in Socal 89-90's have no value stock. I.E. a running clean 89-90 is a $1500-1800 car.
Its the 91 and up that are retaining some kind of value they start at 2k for a rough one and go all the way up to $4000-4500 for a clean low mileage one.
Average price you will see is around $3000 for one that has around 130k on it. I have seen very clean 60k cars for around $4000.
Thats what I see here. I have heard in the San Francisco bay area people are still getting $2500 for 89-90's but I would not pay that.
Now with SR's in them thats another story . hehehhehehe:D ;)

04-29-2003, 11:44 AM
man i make one ****ty post and people have it out for me....it is just as correct to say liftback as it is to say coupe or notchback....this falls under personal preferance i figure since the one model is a fastback calling the other the liftback sounds better in comparing the two....apples and oranges guys

04-29-2003, 11:54 AM
Originally posted by 240Dori
man i make one ****ty post and people have it out for me....it is just as correct to say liftback as it is to say coupe or notchback....this falls under personal preferance i figure since the one model is a fastback calling the other the liftback sounds better in comparing the two....apples and oranges guys

drift freaq: i flip back and forth too. it is a hatchback and also fastback (nissan factory name for the non-coupe 89-93 models) so....both are correct technically

but a notchback? wtf is that?!
eww. notchback is the worst

all the newbs say that. i met some guy and said he was getting a notchback, i just laughed

liftback is the worst.

most 240sx owners say:

its that simple.

i see people say notchback on non-nissan/240sx boards most often.....................

04-29-2003, 11:57 AM
well, thats because the fastback is still a 'coupe' in the generic sense. Still two doors, four seats, etc.

So saying 'notchback' makes sense.

Plus for cars like the older Mustang and Celica, 'notchback' or 'notch' is the usual word used for that style of those cars.

We use 'coupe' and 'fastback' because that's what Nissan used.

I dun care. I just call it a 240SX spare tire swimming pool edition

04-29-2003, 11:59 AM
fastback, and coupe are what NISSAN calls them.

04-29-2003, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by sykikchimp
fastback, and coupe are what NISSAN calls them.
and never undermind nissan, cuz they'll kick your ass!

04-29-2003, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by CoasTek240
and never undermind nissan, cuz they'll kick your ass!

BOOYAH!! daYYYumm right. :D :D

04-30-2003, 09:52 AM
The 89' had what appeared to be...........it's @ss kicked....
dog bite on the door panel....worn drivers seat.....plumes of purple smoke pouring out the back......loose what sounded like the heat shield for the cat...everytime i revved past 3000rpm you could hear it.... : ( I told them I'd give em 500 for the car.......cause that is what it's worth!!!! Now that I drove an hour to see it I was ****ed..cause it was that sh!tty.......so now I'm heading toward the other dealer with the auto.....I drive another hour and a half, to find it sold.............. this search is a [email protected]!!!!
considering a "liftback" lol j/k

04-30-2003, 09:58 AM
continue the quest for the coupe!
i 'heard' (talking w/ friend) they are all over in florida, might look into that and maybe take a road trip or ship it!

drift freaq
04-30-2003, 10:24 AM
quote akadriver......
[I dun care. I just call it a 240SX spare tire swimming pool edition]

hahhahahhahahhahahahhaha lol

ya dousan, I agree notchback is just weird sounding. now people no reason to get bent about this discussion.
Right, thats all it is is a discussion no flames so do not get upset about it. Its all just opinions.

wow I wish all threads were this friendly. hahhahahhaha:eek: ;) :D :cool:

04-30-2003, 10:48 AM
Dousan............def. down for the road trip....

04-30-2003, 10:52 AM
i say that because one of the FL people i talk with got a fastback
why a fastback?
becuase coupes are all over
lucky bastard!

worth a shot. no worries on rust from winter....heh..

04-30-2003, 11:02 AM
When you get other details....just email me...I'm game!!!