View Full Version : Question for people in Japan

08-27-2009, 03:05 PM
It looks like I may have found a (very expensive) way to subscribe to Best Motoring DVD magazine in the US.

Does anyone living in Japan have a Japanese BM DVD? The one that is released monthly?

I was wondering whether or not it has any sort of subtitle menu. I only ask because DVD's tend to have subtitle options in any/all regions, many Japanese DVD's included, and English is generally the most common subtitle option.

Does anyone have one to check?

08-27-2009, 03:16 PM
I dont know of any japanese dvd's that are actually japan region code 2 that include subtitles.

You can get the HK or region 0 dvd's that include english as an subtitle option.

08-27-2009, 03:17 PM
you can order that stuff from amazon japan also.

only thing that sucks is that the only shipping option is fedex express international.

so if you order 3 dvd's for like 30 bucks the shipping is also 30 dollars.

08-27-2009, 03:20 PM
I wonder if there's an HK or "Asian" release of the BMI DVD magazine that has subs....

It would've cost me about $400 for the 1-year subscription, including airmail. That comes out to about $33 per disc, which actually isn't that bad, IMO.

08-27-2009, 03:24 PM
No the HK ones are only going to have chinese subs.

I have a few and my wife has to tell me what they are talking about.

The best way is wait for the americanized ones to be translated or get a jap gf.