View Full Version : Pit bulls

08-27-2009, 09:49 AM
Does anyone here have any pits? Im looking to get one but im not sure yet. Im scared that it will turn out a violent dog and try to eat everyone.

If you have one post a pic of them if you could and tell me your experience with them. Thanks!!!:p

08-27-2009, 10:05 AM
the way the grow up is the way u treat them...my uncles pit has been with him since i can remember, most gentle dog in the world...never barks...always playfull even though hes old...down my street, there a pit owner who cut the poor dogs ears and tail...obviously neglected since he smells like shit constantly, and straight up mean

its all on how u treat it man...honestly...

dont fall into the bullshit stereotype that there naturally violent...there not...introduce it to love and care introcue it to kids and all that jazz while its still young and itll be used to it and comfortable and never bite...

my nephew (2yrs old) has left the room with the pit and we find them both knocked out, my nephew using it as a pillow, its hilarity mang...

08-27-2009, 10:30 AM
no they will not kill u or anybody unless u want them to

08-27-2009, 11:00 AM
dalaz 68 said it all. ive had a few and never had a problem. the only thing is males always want to get out to bone. females are more chill. dont forget there jumpers so ur going to have a tall fence

08-27-2009, 11:46 AM
yea depends how much expore you give them to people. If you keep your dog chained up and away from contact with people they get crazy since they dont know how to act around them. Pretty much its similiar to how you would raise a kid i would say. Give them the right attention and have them be social and i think it'll be ok.

08-27-2009, 11:53 AM
i gotta 6 month old blue nose

i agree with everyone else...it's all on how you bring em up

all my dog wants to do is crawl into your lap and lay down

i'll post pics later

08-27-2009, 11:54 AM
DALAZ_68 is right.. if you raise them to be viscous then they will be. i have a pit that i work out all the time.. he is HUGE, but he is a gentle giant.
this is DEEBO and he likes to play with my 13 pound Lhasa Apso.

08-27-2009, 12:07 PM
ear clipping is crule ^^

08-27-2009, 12:25 PM
ear clipping is crule ^^

he was like that when i got him.. i found him at a park when he was like 5 months old. so i guess you can say i rescued him lol

08-27-2009, 12:30 PM
he was like that when i got him.. i found him at a park when he was like 5 months old. so i guess you can say i rescued him lol

in that case...... very cool :kiss:


08-27-2009, 12:37 PM
^^ thank you sir..
i also have a red nose pit. my homie gave him to me when he moved cuz he couldn't keep him. i know he is not full pit but i cant figure out what he is mixed with. the closest i have seen is a pit mixed with a rotwieler. he is a good dog tho

this is graham

and another of deebo

08-27-2009, 12:42 PM
Does anyone here have any pits? Im looking to get one but im not sure yet. Im scared that it will turn out a violent dog and try to eat everyone.

If you have one post a pic of them if you could and tell me your experience with them. Thanks!!!:p

if you think like this...then you prolly shouldnt get one...because like already stated, its the upbringing that the dog goes through which causes it to become violent. If you dont have the time to take the dog out and become social with people and other dogs, then it prolly isnt the dog for you

here's my mother-in-law's red nose pit "Poopy"...this dog HATED me for about the first 6 months of me dating my wife, and she couldnt go more than 5ft away from me or the dog would growl....but now, she loves me


08-27-2009, 12:45 PM
OK everyone post your pits....

08-27-2009, 12:47 PM
OK everyone post your pits....


08-27-2009, 12:48 PM
^^^ LOL nice pit duffman

08-27-2009, 01:02 PM
this is my friends baby pit

and another one of my friends owns this monster

08-27-2009, 01:12 PM
^^^ the one in the 2nd pic looks like the dog Petey from the little rascals
if only his ring was on the other eye

08-27-2009, 01:14 PM

Dori a year and a half.

Friendly towards humans and just wants to play. Its all about how you raise them. Can't be a afraid to let them know what's up. They'll respect you more that way.

http://hphotos-snc1.fbcdn.net/hs123.snc1/5288_1222186118942_1357636456_30648855_6689585_n.j pg

She's pretty much all muscle, not fatty like a lot of pits.

When she was a pup.

08-27-2009, 01:20 PM
bro! I think you should not get a pit. Just by your inital statement it seems that you are not comfortable with the breed to begin with. A pure one is a very strong breed and has somewhat a "challenging temper" Always remember what brought up the breed.

If you feel that you might get intimidated by a 100+ lbs pit if it growls at you because he does not want to move from his sleeping spot or does not want to give up your shoes that he is chewing on. Please do not get one coz there is a chance that he might challenge you for the "Alpha" position.

Good social skills are the key and responsible ownership is a must. Good luck meng.

Pet Pitbull - Breed Info (http://www.pitbullsontheweb.com/petbull/breedinfo.html)

08-27-2009, 01:46 PM
It's just a dog.

Any dog can be made vicious.

I have a friend who's pit looks menacing, yet it's still like a big baby.

Even when he play bites you it doesn't hurt.

Don't let the media scare you out of them.

08-27-2009, 01:48 PM
The biggest problem with pitts are, that they are inbreed! Search around before you buy a dog, and go atleast four generations back to get a good history!

08-27-2009, 01:54 PM
Not all Pitbulls look mean either.

Some look down right retarded.


08-27-2009, 01:58 PM
BAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAHH! :rofl: barry took the cake

08-27-2009, 02:00 PM
they are just like kids... garbage in, garbage out...

raise them right and you won't have any issues.

08-27-2009, 02:02 PM
I love pit bulls.

Mine is super awesome with people. Still thinks he is a pup.

I rescued him a few years ago and was very unruly when I got him. Did a few behavior modifications and he is doing well now.

Right now we are slowly introducing my 2 y/o nephew to him so he plays more a little bit more gentler.

Here he is: a pic when he was 8 months old, he is 5 now and a lot more cut.


08-27-2009, 02:10 PM
Ok, I just have to ask one question.

I'm not picking on anybody, I'm just curious.

If everyone is so concerned with the negative stereotypes associated with Pitbulls, why do half the pits you see pictures of, have big ass chains wrapped around their necks, like the dogs are pulling down trees or something. I mean, seriously. Do you guys not realize that actions like that do nothing but perpetuate the stereotypes for these dogs given to them by the media.

Now, I'm not saying you should run out and buy a pink collar with rhinestones on it to improve the dogs image, or anything. But if you really want to improve the image of the breed, stop "dressing them up" like the cover of a Rap CD.


08-27-2009, 02:15 PM

full breed pit

08-27-2009, 02:19 PM
I Love my pit she's awsome its just how everyone stated its how there raised man, take your time with them and they'll show you respect and loyalty man i post a pic of my pit when i get home

08-27-2009, 02:24 PM
forgive me mother nature but FUCK pitbulls are ugly as my shit

08-27-2009, 02:32 PM
my brother in law breeds them not for fights either they are prize dogs that he sells for around 2k each they look like monsters when they are not even full grown but they are the nicest dogs. I want 1 badly

08-27-2009, 02:33 PM
forgive me mother nature but FUCK pitbulls are ugly as my shit

i disagree what u like then

08-27-2009, 02:39 PM
i disagree what u like then

pugs!!! For the winz

08-27-2009, 02:39 PM
Ok, I just have to ask one question.

I'm not picking on anybody, I'm just curious.

If everyone is so concerned with the negative stereotypes associated with Pitbulls, why do half the pits you see pictures of, have big ass chains wrapped around their necks, like the dogs are pulling down trees or something. I mean, seriously. Do you guys not realize that actions like that do nothing but perpetuate the stereotypes for these dogs given to them by the media.

Now, I'm not saying you should run out and buy a pink collar with rhinestones on it to improve the dogs image, or anything. But if you really want to improve the image of the breed, stop "dressing them up" like the cover of a Rap CD.


The same could be said for negative stereotypes for black people.

So I don't see the difference.

Pitt Bulls are treated like black people.

There, I said it.

08-27-2009, 02:41 PM
pugs!!! For the winz

oh ok:cj: lmao

08-27-2009, 02:47 PM
Lots of interesting info guys thanks!!

Im not scared of raising the dog cause i know its my dog so of course if i treat it good since youth hes gonna like me. Its other people i would be scared for, like my nephew. But i guess it does depend on how you train them

08-27-2009, 02:59 PM
Pitt Bulls are treated like black people.

There, I said it.

"all has to do with the upbringing"

but all jokes aside....dogs, they're cool :wiggle:

08-27-2009, 03:13 PM
Here is my pit her name is Lilly she is about seven months now and she is really nice just really hyper all the time and when she gets excited she starts peeing lol


08-27-2009, 03:13 PM
they are the best breed of dog out there. the media likes to call every dog that attacks a pit bull beacause it sells pappers like everyone said its how you raise them and it's true. i can trust mine with my 4 year old cousin by themselves. it is the only breed of dog i will ever own. just be sure you not in an area that doesnt allow you to have them:down:
here is mine at 9 months ROYCE

08-27-2009, 03:17 PM
If you have a lot of time and dedication to train/raise them then get one. They're naturally meaner dogs, imo. My experience, two diff puppies one is a full blooded pit and the other not. The pit growled at me and bro at a very young age. Maybe because I raised my voice at it for getting a hold of something she shouldn't have but at her age to be able to do this, I was shocked. The other pup never once scared me. Like I said, they "can" be just as nice as any dog but it takes the dedication to train 'em. The pitbull is one of the top 5(?) reported attackers. I know alot of people in here are pit lovers. I'm not a pit hater. I dislike dogs in general. I hate picking up after anyone(or thing) that's not my child.

08-27-2009, 03:23 PM
these dogs are not for first time dog owners unless your down to put time in. the breed gets enough hate and doesnt need anymore. you dont want to put yourself, your dog, or anyone else in danger

08-27-2009, 03:37 PM
This is my friends pit when he was 5 months old his name is Rambo


08-27-2009, 04:19 PM
Pittbull's are cool, I have one and it's really nice. He doesn't bark at people nor bite. He only barks at cats, but doesn't even bite them either. The only thing about him is that he likes to bite/chew on things like my shoes.
My brother's friend calls him a cow dog. lol

08-27-2009, 04:33 PM

08-27-2009, 04:52 PM
Ok, I just have to ask one question.

I'm not picking on anybody, I'm just curious.

If everyone is so concerned with the negative stereotypes associated with Pitbulls, why do half the pits you see pictures of, have big ass chains wrapped around their necks, like the dogs are pulling down trees or something. I mean, seriously. Do you guys not realize that actions like that do nothing but perpetuate the stereotypes for these dogs given to them by the media.

Now, I'm not saying you should run out and buy a pink collar with rhinestones on it to improve the dogs image, or anything. But if you really want to improve the image of the breed, stop "dressing them up" like the cover of a Rap CD.


Honestly Barry, the reason most pits have big ass chains on them are because they are so strong. My pit used to pull me around when I would walk her with a regular leash. You notice that most of the chains used on pits are choker chains...Mika would not stop pulling untill I got her a choker chain with prongs on it . That was the only way she would stop pulling. She was so bad that when she was 3-4 months old, she literally pulled my wife off some steps causing her to sprain her ankles badly.

So if any of you have pit that wont heel when you walk them, prong chains. fastest way to train them to walk next to you. Eventually, you can walk them without a leash and they will always walk next to you.

As far as the breed goes. My dogs such a fucking sissy its not even funny. I can let her go off the leash and she wont run away. If she takes off, I'll stop walking and she'll come running back cuz she thinks Im gonna leave her. She does bark or growl, she still gets hyper tho even tho she's over 2 already and got fixed. Only way she would kill somebody is if you pass out, fall on the ground and she decides to lick you to DEATH!!!

Anyways, here's my monster when she was a puppy...
This is her now...

08-27-2009, 05:05 PM
^-- cute

I wouldn't mind one. I've been around a few that are really nice.

08-27-2009, 05:07 PM
I understand choker chains. I understand strong dogs. My GSD could pull my car down the street, and he did on a few occasions just for run.

Logging chains, on the other hand, are just "ghetto bling" for dogs though. They just make the dog LOOK tougher. 2"-3" links of chain from Home Depot aren't doing any better of a job then a proper quality leather, or webbing collar would do.

08-27-2009, 05:11 PM
ahh such perty dogs.

I don't have a pit, but heres my dog for shits and giggles.

We believe him to be an Akita/Shepherd mix, but with any rescue dog you're never to sure. Either way he does share character traits of both breeds and seeing as both breeds are susceptible to being aggressive and have heavy prey drive we keep in check as much as possible so he doesn't develop those bad habits.

His name's Rico. He's a little over a year old and 61 lbs. of love. :D


08-27-2009, 05:23 PM
LMAO that's great lol


08-27-2009, 05:24 PM
LOL @ Agamemnon's post.

Lots of interesting info guys thanks!!

Im not scared of raising the dog cause i know its my dog so of course if i treat it good since youth hes gonna like me. Its other people i would be scared for, like my nephew. But i guess it does depend on how you train them
You're not ready. Don't do it.

they are the best breed of dog out there.
95% agree. I wouldn't say they're necessarily "the best" since there's a lot of different things that go into a judging a breed.
But, I'll say that they're definitely my favorite breed.

They're naturally meaner dogs, imo.
Your opinion is far from fact. They aren't naturally meaner dogs, they just have one hell of a bad image problem. Educate yourself on the topic, please.

This is my friends pit when he was 5 months old his name is Rambo

That is a good looking animal. lol

I've had several pits over the years. Several of my friends and family members have had them. NONE of them have been aggressive. They tend to be very affectionate, and usually pretty dorky. They play and snuggle with toddlers and kittens. They make for GREAT baby sitters.
Ever seen a 90 pound pit play with a 2 pound kitten? Cutest thing ever.

There are a ton of breeds out there that are far more aggressive, but they don't have the image that scares people. Like chows. Fuck chows. Worst breed ever.

We believe him to be an Akita/Shepherd mix, but with any rescue dog you're never to sure.
There's a website that sells a DNA testing kit. They send you the kit, you draw some blood, send it back, they do breed analysis, and send you the results. Its pretty cheap, too. Less than 70 bucks, iirc. I can't remember the site, though.

OP: Like I said, they are great dogs. But if you're worried about it, you're gonna project that anxiety onto the dog, and it will act up. That's not a pit-specific thing, that's just a dog thing. Don't get one.

08-27-2009, 05:27 PM
Yeah, Chow's are probably on top of my list for aggressive dogs.

08-27-2009, 05:33 PM
Which Dog Breeds are the Most Aggressive? (http://dogobedienceadvice.com/which_dog_breeds_are_most_aggressive.php)

Here's a look at the various dog breeds that are considered potentially aggressive.

* Chow Chows are one-person dogs that tend to bite without any warning. They are also a bit ferocious around strangers, and can be quite a tenacious fighter. So make sure to discipline this dog and set right from wrong, immediately.
* The Papillon is fiercely loyal of their owners - to a fault. They can be quite possessive and standoffish to strangers.
* Old English Sheepdogs are very protective of their owners so they might be aggressive if anybody tends to be too close to its owners.
* A Llasa Apso often gets cranky around kids.
* Rottweilers are extremely protective of their masters.
* Chihuahuas aren't too fond of kids. They'd rather be with adults than play around with tots.
* Toy Poodles bite people and other animals out of self defense. Unfortunately, 'playing' according to you may be perceived as a form of 'attack' to them.
* Dachshunds aren't known for their patience.
* Jack Russell Terriers are feisty creatures who require early training to prevent long-term biting and digging problems.
* Giant Schnauzers are very dominant. They often challenge adults, particularly strangers.
* Cocker Spaniels often suffer from a dangerous genetic disease known as "rage syndrome." This syndrome causes spontaneous violent action against not strangers, but actual family members. Many Spaniels have been put down because of this unwanted behavior. Check with the breeder to ensure your Spaniel is free from this dangerous dog disease.
* The Pekingese isn't all that tolerant of strangers.
* Miniature Pinschers usually have aggression issues because they've got this "big dog-little body" mind set going on.

Here's a rundown of breeds that are typically gentle but can't shake off their "bad dog" image.

* Boxers are pretty good with kids. They are good watchdogs, but will only become aggressive
* Bulldogs are very playful and gentle.
* Great Danes, while considerable in size, happen to be kind and affectionate.
* Mastiffs are especially quiet and docile.
* German Shepherds are great with kids too. These are courageous, fiercely loyal dogs who, if trained properly, will be extremely gentle to family and guests.
* Rottweilers are also capable of tenderness and affection. They have a bad rep, but if they trust you, you'll never have to worry.

In truth, most pit bulls aren't really as aggressive as they're made out to be. They tend to be loving, gentle and playful. But there are some that have been raised and trained to be highly aggressive. Such pit bulls tend to be more aggressive toward other animals than people. Aggressive pit bulls often have a history of being abused or neglected, and getting trained specifically to fight. Pit bulls that have been mistreated are seen as being extremely dangerous, so avoid them. If you own one, treat it gently and lovingly.

POW! Look how many LITTLE dogs are on that list. People don't fear them due to their small size, but fuck, lots of those little bastards are mean as hell.

Oh, and the reason they mention that pits tend to be more aggressive toward other animals than people... Through the years of breeding pits for fighting, aggression towards humans was NOT tolerated. If the dog showed any aggression toward humans, it was typically either put down or castrated. Either way, human-aggressive pits were rarely allowed to breed.
Even the fight pits are typically good with people. I wouldn't trust those particular dogs around kids or anything... Just sayin'.

08-27-2009, 05:39 PM
its the napoleon effect with the small dogs...

08-27-2009, 06:00 PM

too funny :rofl:

Deebo looks badd, bluenose are my fav

08-27-2009, 06:17 PM
REAL MEN have shitzus, pugs, mini bulldogs,

but if you

want a caring dog and a dog that is there for you?

get a golden retriever or a rough collie.

08-27-2009, 06:19 PM
^ that little guy is adorable lol

08-27-2009, 06:30 PM

This is my little girl the night I got her.

08-27-2009, 06:32 PM

We need Piterday (Caterday) lol

08-27-2009, 06:33 PM
my parents raised theme for 16 years and have one of the top blood lines in the country iv learned its all about the owner none of our pits ever bit anyone or anything people just make em look like a shity breed like mike vick lol

http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff37/zack3515/l_d2fd8fd816a0465fa2b5ffbd9cf13619.jpg KILO 2 Years 4 Monthes sai

08-27-2009, 06:36 PM
Just like any dog, they just want to be loved.

I have beagles... I can't get a real dog.

08-27-2009, 06:36 PM
Now, I'm not saying you should run out and buy a pink collar
Too late.

08-27-2009, 06:38 PM
Beagles are badass! I <3 them. They're howl is adorable lol, but I've been told my many owners that they get into all sorts of trouble. Especially once they lock onto a smell, they have this thing about them that they will find it at all costs lol.

08-27-2009, 06:58 PM
^^very true about beagles. i have one beagle right now but before i had him i had a red nose pit bull. the pit bull was one of the best dogs i ever had. she was always happy and very playful, she never tried to bite anyone. she past away about 4 months ago at the age of 9 years. well here is a pic of my pit bull and one of my beagle.



08-27-2009, 07:08 PM
Pits are cool and all but ENOUGH SAID


08-27-2009, 07:34 PM
this is turning into a "post your pets" thread with everyone posting thier non pits.. stay on topic!

08-27-2009, 07:50 PM
did someone mention pugs? lol.... i posted these in the pets thread a while back but had to post here only because they were the only ones of them in my imageshack, and im still stuck at the office.
anyways, had them for 5 yrs now

pug is named milou
http://img410.imageshack.us/img410/8495/milou.jpg (http://img410.imageshack.us/img410/8495/milou.jpg)

playing with my homegirl's beagle at dog beach, h.b.

english cocker spaniel, max

just adopted these two from my gf's sister. smaller one is pug/sharpei, kapua, and bigger one's an akita- rocky.


present (approx 2 1/2 yrs old)
http://img523.imageshack.us/img523/5332/kapuarocky.jpg (http://img523.imageshack.us/img523/5332/kapuarocky.jpg)

all of them are very well behaved with the exception of the pug/sharpei mix who is quite the attention whore and i can't seem to get her to stop digging since we moved them to my house. but with a little patience, im sure i'll break her of that habit.

sorry for the thread jack. carry on.

08-27-2009, 08:02 PM
yea i understand if im scared of it doing something it probably will turn out that way but im just looking into them right now. I mean my friends pit is really friendly

08-27-2009, 08:13 PM
I've had my pit for almost 12 years now. I absolutely love having her. I've never had any problems with her, and will be getting another pup next summer.

08-27-2009, 08:32 PM
my parents raised theme for 16 years and have one of the top blood lines in the country iv learned its all about the owner none of our pits ever bit anyone or anything people just make em look like a shity breed like mike vick lol

http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff37/zack3515/l_d2fd8fd816a0465fa2b5ffbd9cf13619.jpg KILO 2 Years 4 Monthes sai

Dang, that dog is seriously jacked lol

08-27-2009, 08:48 PM
What it all comes down to is how you raise your dog. I taught and trained Mika not to bite, from the moment she was a puppy. She nips at me playfully, I stick my hands in her mouth and say no. She learned not to bite and push your hand or finger out if it gets into her mouth. Another thing was if she ever had an aggressive tendency, even just protecting her area (ex: growls cuz she sees another dog in the back yard), she's automatically corrected by me or I put her in her back and tells her no. You always have to show these dogs that you are over them. She tried to get fussy with me one time and tried to nip at me because she knows she messed up, I correct her on the spot.

Thats the thing with these breeds, they are smart but fucking stubborn. You get let them get 1-up on you or theyll think they can get away with it. My dog is trained that she's not allowed on the couch, knows she cant go into the bedroom, kennel/house trained (she had diarhea last week, she woke me up in the middle of the night to let her out), on/off leash trained (I even take her with me to run 2x a week to my unit runs), non-aggressive with both humans or other dogs, knows tricks (I can put a beer bottle on her head and she'd balance it)...etc. I just hope I can take her with me when I leave this island. I'm hearing that they banned the breed in Germany so if I get orders there, dont know what I'd do with her.

08-27-2009, 10:18 PM
Pits are awesome. There are douche bags who ruin the breed. Just like everything in life there are some who ruin things we all love.

Training and special attention are key to have a great pit.

08-27-2009, 10:39 PM
I have a 6 month old red nose red brindle and she is a sweet heart a little hyper at times but she has never showed one ounce of aggression to humans or animals and she is extremely smart easily trained the most she will do is lick your face off lol as long as you treat them right and give them attention they will be you and everyone elses best friend


08-27-2009, 10:50 PM
Here's my pit her name is snow old pics tho i gotta get new ones roughly 7 months but shes 2 yrs old now and NEVER been aggresive towards anyone or other dogs

Loves her belly rubs..

And back home from the groomers, she was 1yr and 2 months here..

08-27-2009, 11:00 PM
this is my baby 3 years old and she is determined to do what she wants all the time but is so non aggressive

08-27-2009, 11:08 PM
yeah, i like with a 2.5 year old blue nose. Rocky! my roomie when he first got him as a pup took 6 months off and trained rocky very well. noone believes us when we say hes a pit. he is one of the most mild mannered attention loving dogs i have ever seen. he will play but knows not to bite. of couse he has had his hiccups and you just have to alpha male him and he will cower like a bitch and act extremely sorry for the next week. as others have said, its all in how you treat them and raise them when they are young.

rocky and i!!!



08-27-2009, 11:29 PM
I had a pitbull before...

...with rice.

08-27-2009, 11:31 PM
lol thats so fucked.

08-27-2009, 11:47 PM
Beagles are badass! I <3 them. They're howl is adorable lol, but I've been told my many owners that they get into all sorts of trouble. Especially once they lock onto a smell, they have this thing about them that they will find it at all costs lol.

lol yeah they will hunt down what ever they smell for hours. I love my dogs. Jynx is half beagle half sheep dog. She's too smart for her own good. Fucking dog actually figured out door handles. She got into the fridge once, and we had to put a bungee cord on the fence gate so she wouldnt flip up the lock.

Bently, my pure bred is dumb as a box of rocks, but he's adorable.

Heres bently. Hes a blue tick beagle. Id never heard of the breed either, but we got the papers. And he was free because of his bent tail, hence the name lol.
He was a puppy in this picture, and tired.http://i130.photobucket.com/albums/p279/sexpanda69/S3000605.jpg
I dont have a picture of jynx, but shes cute.:D

08-28-2009, 12:06 AM
haha, I like bently's tail....

08-28-2009, 12:12 AM
lol yeah he's gangster. He was the runt, so I think his mom tried to eat him or some shit. We got him at 6 weeks, and a year and a half later, he is barely 20 lbs.

Back on topic, I actually tried to get a pitbull from my friend james a while back. I recently moved back in with my parents after I lost my job, so my dad said, and I quote, FUCK NO. Not that he doesnt like pits, but we have 2 dogs already. He was a dog handler and kennel master in the AF for 15 years... So he knows how to train dogs lol.

08-28-2009, 12:15 AM
REAL MEN have shitzus, pugs, mini bulldogs,

but if you

want a caring dog and a dog that is there for you?

get a golden retriever or a rough collie.


08-28-2009, 12:54 AM

when a pitbull attacks!

sucks too, even though the german shep was the one taking snips at the trainer she was the one that got adopted because of the stereotype that the pit has.

08-28-2009, 01:01 AM
That's exactly the demeanor my dog has. She just has to lick people to death.
I'll post some pics of her up in a bit...

08-28-2009, 01:10 AM

let's stop posting pics of mutts and non-pits! shits wizzzeaaak!!

cluttering up the good shit


post pics of your pets in that other thread... :duh:

08-28-2009, 01:27 AM
gabes14 has some forsale

08-28-2009, 01:57 AM
Old Rednose Pit, her names Jadehttp://i595.photobucket.com/albums/tt37/Bmok916/Jade.jpg

New Baby, his names Milo

Yes I know, its not a pit, its a husky.

Pits are super koo dogs, it all comes down to the owner. Jade never goes out so shes very protective when we did take her out.(owners fault) We take Milo out all the time so it gets along with everyone. I wanted something different because everyone and their moms has a pitbull. My boy just picked up an American Bully, pretty sick dog. Looks like a smaller version of a pit. Super chill dog, listens very well. Takes time to train the dog. Thats what it comes down to. I think its BS when people say pitbulls are evil and killer dogs. Its like trying to ban a certain nationality. Husky on the hand is a stubburn ass dog to train!

08-28-2009, 02:45 AM
This is my 1 year old, Azul.


08-28-2009, 03:13 AM
one thing i have noticed about living with a pit... they have the most expressive faces of any dog ever. i can tell when rocky is lonely, upset, tired, anxious. its crazy. anyone else notice this?

08-28-2009, 03:14 AM
i found another pic of my pit. she never went pass the door and would always lay down and just chill.


08-28-2009, 04:35 AM

what type of dog is this?

08-28-2009, 04:45 AM
what type of dog is this?

um, is this a serious question?

doberman pinscher

08-28-2009, 05:43 AM
We're not allowed Pitbulls in the UK :(.

Staffordshire Bull Terriers are one of the most popular breeds of dog over here though. Again, uneducated people are scared of them, although in my personal experience, they are one of the softest most loving breeds available. They're also highly recommended for households with children since they like the attention and are naturally protective of young.

Heres my friend's Staffy. Wouldn't harm a fly!






Napping on my leg:


08-28-2009, 02:25 PM
this is my babygirl, not full pit but still cute

08-30-2009, 08:09 PM
just a documentary on the apbt. the videos are pretty good take a look.
YouTube - Pit Bulls - Documentary - Part1 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LI_OJe7wv6s)
YouTube - Pit Bulls - Documentary - Part2 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebLAbSgPeVs)
YouTube - Pit Bulls - Documentary - part3 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OD6RXmLco6E)
YouTube - Pit Bulls - Documentary - part 4 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyKAyMx95-E)
YouTube - Pit Bulls - Documentary - part 5 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jh41UwluD84)
YouTube - Pit Bulls - Documentary - Part 6 (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jr0vKNIrvVc)

08-30-2009, 08:34 PM
Heres a pic of my 3 year old winston. He is the biggest sissy ever. He never gets violent or even barks unless your playing with him.

08-30-2009, 08:43 PM
my pit name is sarah mom named her

http://img33.imageshack.us/img33/972/0000317.jpg (http://img33.imageshack.us/i/0000317.jpg/)

09-06-2009, 04:09 PM
here's tiny

he's about 6 months old now






he's from this bloodline- http://www.gkjames.com/photos/gk%20klan%20banner-by%20nhia.jpg

09-06-2009, 07:15 PM
Here is Dahlia! My 7 month old rednose. She is the sweetest dog I have ever owned. Little shy of new people, but she warms up quickly. She loves my other dog, 2 and a half year old Jack Russel...named Jack haha.

Anyway here she is :D


09-08-2009, 12:42 PM
I completely agree with the all the poster's stating that it is all in how you raise them. I only wish I had gotten my Roscoe a little earlier (he was my girlfriend's brother's room-mate's dog who could not take care of him) so we could start training him from the get go. Even then, I thought I could train him like my previous dog (lab mix) so he did not get real formal training until he was close to 6 months old. He is very stubborn and tends to listen when he wants to so we have to get his attention and reinforce that we are in charge. Ultimately he is a good dog, very friendly, but he continually tests us, stealing sox and stuff to confirm his place in the pack. He has never shown any agression towards people (unless you are playing tug or something but if you stop so does he) or other animals, however other dogs have shown some serious agression towards him...He wants to play with everything and his jumping has scared some dogs. I have learned to look for the signs, if tails aren't wagging play-time is over.

I have been pretty impressed with his behaviour around people. With adults he wants to jump up and lick your face (still working on training that out) but with my eight year old god-daughter he just runs around and licks her hand. My girlfriend caught a couple of neighbor kids playing with him through the fence. The youngest one was only a few years old and put his face to the fence and got a big wet slopy lick, and the others would just get thier hands slobered if they stuck em through.

I would, however, only let him alone unsupervised with my girlfriends family dog since she was like a mom to him...and can still kick his butt If need be. Any other dog I would not trust thier reaction to him. I still hear of random issues with dog on dog violence from other owners so regardless of how you train them, it is something to be looking out for.

I probably would not get another pit bull after him due to the work you have to put in, my girlfriend wants another though...that will be a long term source of arguement. I love him though, I have never had a dog that is so happy to see me when I get home. I am afraid sometimes he will wiggle his butt clean off.

This is Roscoe slightly after we got him.
A few months later
And more recently

09-09-2009, 01:12 AM
I completely agree with the all the poster's stating that it is all in how you raise them. I only wish I had gotten my Roscoe a little earlier (he was my girlfriend's brother's room-mate's dog who could not take care of him) so we could start training him from the get go. Even then, I thought I could train him like my previous dog (lab mix) so he did not get real formal training until he was close to 6 months old. He is very stubborn and tends to listen when he wants to so we have to get his attention and reinforce that we are in charge. Ultimately he is a good dog, very friendly, but he continually tests us, stealing sox and stuff to confirm his place in the pack. He has never shown any agression towards people (unless you are playing tug or something but if you stop so does he) or other animals, however other dogs have shown some serious agression towards him...He wants to play with everything and his jumping has scared some dogs. I have learned to look for the signs, if tails aren't wagging play-time is over.

I have been pretty impressed with his behaviour around people. With adults he wants to jump up and lick your face (still working on training that out) but with my eight year old god-daughter he just runs around and licks her hand. My girlfriend caught a couple of neighbor kids playing with him through the fence. The youngest one was only a few years old and put his face to the fence and got a big wet slopy lick, and the others would just get thier hands slobered if they stuck em through.

I would, however, only let him alone unsupervised with my girlfriends family dog since she was like a mom to him...and can still kick his butt If need be. Any other dog I would not trust thier reaction to him. I still hear of random issues with dog on dog violence from other owners so regardless of how you train them, it is something to be looking out for.

I probably would not get another pit bull after him due to the work you have to put in, my girlfriend wants another though...that will be a long term source of arguement. I love him though, I have never had a dog that is so happy to see me when I get home. I am afraid sometimes he will wiggle his butt clean off.

This is Roscoe slightly after we got him.
A few months later
And more recently

Good looking dog man. I wish my dog liked bubbles hahaha

09-09-2009, 02:40 AM
Here are my friends pits, they are american bully's and his kennel is Kiserblade Bullies. Their bloodline is razor's edge.

Big Sausage

Optimus Prime


09-09-2009, 09:19 PM
Big Sausage

I spy with my little eye, a dog that is used for fighting.

Your friend is a real winner. :goyou:

09-09-2009, 09:34 PM
I spy with my little eye, a dog that is used for fighting.

Your friend is a real winner. :goyou:
Why do you say that?

09-09-2009, 09:48 PM
^His face didn't get that fucked up on its own, thats for sure.

09-09-2009, 10:38 PM
^His face didn't get that fucked up on its own, thats for sure.

You must be seeing something that I'm not. Are you referring to the terrible cropped ears, or are you seeing scars on the face?

09-09-2009, 10:41 PM
looks ok to me, his ears are just folded back and hes got serious face on. would prefer a lol face? lol heheh jk

Mr. Withdrawl
09-09-2009, 10:46 PM
Ive had pits/bullys now for probly 13years and would agree with every1 that its all about the owner and how you handle the dog.. But as for purchasing a pup it all depends on if you want papered dog, or just pet/friend, Bloodlines (ie. Gotti, Razors Edge, Certified, Butthead, Greyline etc..) play a huge roll in the cost and how nice of a dog you get..lol Please just be VERY CAREFULL who you buy from!!! There are a ton of puppy pedlers/kennels out there just looking to tax and make the quik dime on a maybe not so healty puppy and just dont really care what they are doing to the breed!! Happens daily in the pit/bully world!! My suggestions are please do a lot of research before buying.. Anyway hear is my Certified boy "Supreme" almost %100 all Blue and my parents brindle boy Am Staff/pit "Cassius Clay"




my parents raised theme for 16 years and have one of the top blood lines in the country iv learned its all about the owner none of our pits ever bit anyone or anything people just make em look like a shity breed like mike vick lol

http://i239.photobucket.com/albums/ff37/zack3515/l_d2fd8fd816a0465fa2b5ffbd9cf13619.jpg KILO 2 Years 4 Monthes sai

Wow Nice dog!! Whats this top bloodline you speak of??

09-09-2009, 11:27 PM
I spy with my little eye, a dog that is used for fighting.

Your friend is a real winner. :goyou:

Please explain why you think this? Never fought him, he is one of the biggest pit bull lovers ever. You are a real winner for talking about shit you don't know about. :goyou:.

09-09-2009, 11:29 PM
^His face didn't get that fucked up on its own, thats for sure.

Again what is fucked up about his face? Go look up some american bullies, "correct" pit bulls are what people use to fight. It would be stupid to fight with and american bullies because of how short and stout they are. Again we are completely against fighting and are some of the biggest dog lovers out there.

09-09-2009, 11:44 PM
Yah it would be pretty dumb to fight using a ambully they wouldn't be able to hang with a true game dog. Dog fighting is stupid anyways its just a bunch of dicks that can't fight for themselves so they have to use dogs to fight their battles

09-10-2009, 03:08 AM
We can fight people.

But not dogs...


09-10-2009, 03:44 AM
its not fair for dogs its either kill or be killed
people have rules
and people if u cut the dogs ears do it right or dont do it sum of these
pits look f'ed up like withdrawl's dog looks ugly as f

09-10-2009, 05:32 AM
Wow Nice dog!! Whats this top bloodline you speak of??[/quote]

the blood line is King Wizard thereout of florida they use to have one of the top blood lines but have stopped putting out so many pups iv owned 2 of there dogs and both great dogs

09-10-2009, 05:45 AM
here's a pic of my pit chopper and my bernese mountain dog rocky. chopper is very mell mannered and wouldn't hurt a fly. he plays with my cats 24/7.http://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll68/gsxr141/101_1282.jpghttp://i285.photobucket.com/albums/ll68/gsxr141/101_1287.jpg
the last pic has chopper and my pit sheppard mix zeus.

09-10-2009, 07:48 AM
its not fair for dogs its either kill or be killed
people have rules
and people if u cut the dogs ears do it right or dont do it sum of these
pits look f'ed up like withdrawl's dog looks ugly as f

My head now hurts from trying to understand your post.

Mr. Withdrawl
09-10-2009, 12:51 PM
Wow Nice dog!! Whats this top bloodline you speak of??

the blood line is King Wizard thereout of florida they use to have one of the top blood lines but have stopped putting out so many pups iv owned 2 of there dogs and both great dogs[/quote]

cool i may have to check that out.... That boy Kilo is a real nice man!!

09-10-2009, 05:21 PM
You must be seeing something that I'm not. Are you referring to the terrible cropped ears, or are you seeing scars on the face?
Scarring. Right eye, under the nose, lower lip.
But that crop job is pretty awful.

Please explain why you think this? Never fought him, he is one of the biggest pit bull lovers ever. You are a real winner for talking about shit you don't know about. :goyou:.
Again what is fucked up about his face? Go look up some american bullies, "correct" pit bulls are what people use to fight. It would be stupid to fight with and american bullies because of how short and stout they are. Again we are completely against fighting and are some of the biggest dog lovers out there.
Just saying... He's got quite a bit of scarring on his face, which typically indicates that he's been fighting. Could I be wrong? Sure, I guess its possible that he got into a bad scuffle while alone and unsupervised in a kennel, but that's usually not this case with pits.

09-10-2009, 05:51 PM
Scarring. Right eye, under the nose, lower lip.
But that crop job is pretty awful.

Just saying... He's got quite a bit of scarring on his face, which typically indicates that he's been fighting. Could I be wrong? Sure, I guess its possible that he got into a bad scuffle while alone and unsupervised in a kennel, but that's usually not this case with pits.

Dude, that's not scarring. Thats just how they look.

09-10-2009, 06:04 PM
witch dog is evyone talking about none of these dogs look like they have been fighting to me and most dogs get in a fight in there life so stop flipping out over it

09-10-2009, 10:21 PM
My roommate is watching one of his friend's dog for the week. He's a mix of Pit and Boxer, the name is Boozer and only 1 yr old.

This dog is so chill, never barks and can never stay still. I was surprised to even snap this photo lol It would take some patience on my side to train such a dog, but I would be up for it.


I wouldn't mind having one of my own, but it's a toss up between this or a Bengal cat.

09-10-2009, 10:32 PM
why get a dog that will bump up your insurance premiums? stick w goldens

09-10-2009, 11:26 PM
We can fight people.

But not dogs...


i fight my jack russell all the time ;)

09-11-2009, 05:28 AM
why get a dog that will bump up your insurance premiums? stick w goldens

Sound logic there, Ranger. Lets all get Golden Retrievers, drive MPVs and live in small, modestly furnished apartments to avoid potential rises in insurance premiums...


09-11-2009, 08:59 AM
Sound logic there, Ranger. Lets all get Golden Retrievers, drive MPVs and live in small, modestly furnished apartments to avoid potential rises in insurance premiums...


haha my bestfriend was in town for the week, hes some manager in insurance.... imagine comments like mine for 5 days straight.. hopefully i'll get more reckless with time

Edit: but do be careful w/ disclosure of pitts, its not uncommon to get dropped if they find you have one via home inspections or whatever

09-11-2009, 12:14 PM
What if the dog is a mix like the one I posted ?

09-11-2009, 12:18 PM
What if the dog is a mix like the one I posted ?

no clue, i will ask my buddy though.

the story he told me was how a homeowner had like concrete pittbull like fence/cage things in back and told the home inspector they were his brothers dogs.
my buddys company dropped him

i dunno what the added costs for a pitt would be but if you just say acknowledge that you own a mixed breed dog i'd imagine you'd be fine

either way i'll ask for you

09-11-2009, 03:34 PM
So what's stopping someone from saying that their dog is a mutt even if it's a full pit.

Unless you show them AKC papers or something you could argue it, no?

1:"Do you have a dog"


1:"What breed is it"

2:"I don't know."

09-11-2009, 05:59 PM
I miss my dog now :(

09-12-2009, 12:33 AM
Edit: but do be careful w/ disclosure of pitts, its not uncommon to get dropped if they find you have one via home inspections or whateverThere'es a simple solution to this problem:

Dont be a fucking dumbass and not know what the hell your home-owner's insurance doesn't cover. If you have a policy that doesn't allow "aggresive breeds", and you get a dog on their list and they drop you; you have only yourself to blame.

09-22-2009, 12:07 PM
There'es a simple solution to this problem:

Dont be a fucking dumbass and not know what the hell your home-owner's insurance doesn't cover. If you have a policy that doesn't allow "aggresive breeds", and you get a dog on their list and they drop you; you have only yourself to blame.

perfect said and done and idk about youre pits iv only owned one breed more kind and friendly then pitbulls it is the neopolitan mastiff

05-05-2011, 11:16 PM
Old thread about pit bulls any new ones

05-06-2011, 02:00 AM
^^^^ get it going again!!!

Here's my big hunk of love!


Red Nose/American Bulldog.

10 weeks old or so...

Recent picture...

05-07-2011, 10:21 AM
^^ pitbulls are smart dogs, mine loves everyone he should so hes socialable with my friends and stuff, and knows when to be on guard and serious i leave him at my shop for nights on guard, doesnt like any other dogs at all already though, tries to dominate them. had one in the family since i can remember,

this is bam bam hes just about a year, his dads 130 lbs should be a monster.

05-10-2011, 10:11 AM
i love my pit

05-10-2011, 11:26 AM
My cousins dogs
http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/9417_1212473762929_1561331979_30551173_6016441_n.j pg
http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/198164_164882666900861_100001373877013_391003_4712 848_n.jpg

05-17-2011, 08:55 PM
Thanks guys she went to a good home. Not a zilvian but thanks for the support!!

05-17-2011, 09:03 PM
Hers my beloved pitbull at 2 1/2 years (turbo) lol


05-18-2011, 01:21 AM
take more photos of her shes adorable.

05-18-2011, 09:00 AM
I do have more some one can request them. Pls guys help me bump the thread to get her to a good home

05-18-2011, 12:21 PM
I'm pretty sure i've seen a thread on this forum about pits before. but i'll play.
Here is my blue nose named Charger. had she since she was 3months old.

Join pitbullforum.com where it has plenty of information for proper training, diet and exercise etc etc.

http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/44475_10150266463785503_618995502_14689766_5534717 _n.jpg
http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/47346_10150266463840503_618995502_14689771_3747261 _n.jpg
http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/47893_10150266453170503_618995502_14689609_1021719 _n.jpg
http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/44996_10150266453130503_618995502_14689606_1096920 _n.jpg