View Full Version : why are americans overweight?

08-27-2009, 03:37 AM
i just ate a 10 piece chicken mcnugget value meal with fries, a sprite, and two apple pies. it's 230 am, ands would like to go to sleep.

08-27-2009, 03:45 AM
i just ate a 10 piece chicken mcnugget value meal with fries, a sprite, and two apple pies. it's 230 am, ands would like to go to sleep.

i actually had to stop this. it made me gain around 20 pounds over the summer. it is the eating fattening food followed by immediate sleep. i lost that 20 lbs btw

08-27-2009, 03:48 AM
i just ate a 10 piece chicken mcnugget value meal with fries, a sprite, and two apple pies. it's 230 am, ands would like to go to sleep.

you just answered your own question

08-27-2009, 03:59 AM
yeah but it tastes soo right

08-27-2009, 04:08 AM
McD's isn't that bad.
If you order the right stuff, it can't be that unhealthy (or so I would think).

McNuggets are fine.
It's one of the lower calorie foods in McD's.
I will always get them in attempt to rationalize with myself i am eating healthy.

The apple-pies are awesome too!
would be great for breakfast as a pastry w/ coffee.
one or two a day won't kill you.

hate to admit this, but i do like McD's.

08-27-2009, 04:33 AM
wendy's nugs > McD's nugs

08-27-2009, 04:37 AM

I always have the premium menu chicken sandwich thing, crispy w/ a large sprite and frys. extra sweet and sour. And a crispy chipotle bbq wrap on the side.

At carls, I'll get a teriyaki $6 burger combo, sprite, sweet and sour, and either, another $6 teriyaki burger, just the burger... or two spicy chickens.

At jacks, I'll have a Chibatta chipotle crisy combo, curly fry, sprite, sweet and sour, and a jack's spicy chicken on the side.

My metabolism burns this food like nothing.

08-27-2009, 05:17 AM
It's because of threads like this./

/is getting hungry

08-27-2009, 05:46 AM
Europeans should be fat....

fucking french fries and mayonais!! its fucking good but you feel it in your heart.

08-27-2009, 06:48 AM
Thank god for my metabolism.. never been over 122 pounds... Jalapeno burger from Carl's Jr....BOMB



08-27-2009, 07:57 AM
Self-control is a cold b^^^^, In Texas along 2 out 5 kids are obese! MC Donald caters to children, and once there hook your a MCD consumer for the rest of your life! That's why I like Pres.Obama's idea of taxing un healthy foods and drinks! I'm tired of paying for the lard asses who wont eat healthy and who get dropped from their insurance,due to being fat and lazy!

08-27-2009, 08:07 AM
i've stopped eating mc d's quite a while ago. i'll do a breakfast burrito from there like twice a year if im in a bind. otherwise, i'd rather stop at the gas station and get some beef jerky. lol.

08-27-2009, 08:13 AM
ive gained about 35-40 pounds in like 5 months and its because i pig out at night really bad. Ive stoped doing that though. Right now im happy with my weight because i used to be the skinny dude but now im up to my actual weight which is cool im 5'8 155 pounds .....

time to start p90x lol

08-27-2009, 08:19 AM
it's not when you eat, it's what you eat...so that eating before sleeping this is bull. i can say that because I used to eat a bowl of cereal every day before sleeping and i never gained any weight from it lol.

we're overweight because the majority of us are lazy. i mean, how many people do you see take the elevator just 1 flight? or take the bus one stop? i know i do. it's all about convenience. we have all these things at our disposal that makes us lazy. cars, buses, trains, etc.

08-27-2009, 08:19 AM
im big, dont eat junk food often, jog every other day, and dont drink coffee...im a healthy biggun lol

08-27-2009, 08:24 AM
Europeans should be fat....

fucking french fries and mayonais!! its fucking good but you feel it in your heart.

Europeans are not fat because they eat less processed foods! Its common to eat fresh foods and people enjoy sitting down and socializing with others! Plus they cant afford to eat like Americans!

08-27-2009, 08:29 AM

thats my excuse.....

08-27-2009, 08:29 AM
When I was youner, I was thin as hell. We moved to a place that was within walking distance of McDonalds and an AM/PM. That did not help. I got up to 290lbs but I am happy to report that since january of this year I started eating right and working out and I am currently at 230lbs. Still have a long way to go though...

08-27-2009, 09:22 AM
Guys and Gals if u want to know if your healthy schedule a doctors appoint and ask for a yearly physical! Ask the doctor to draw some blood from you! The blood drawn will be used to run these test Complete Metabolic Panel (CMP) Lipid Pannel, and a UA ( the ua test doesn’t test for drugs so relase)! Hey while there at it ,have a HIV test ran with the blood already drawn! These labs are very basic test to determine if u have early signs of heart disease, diabetes, or any other abnormality! If everyone treated there bodies like their dream car, there would be no need for a universal health car plan! My credentials are: 9 years in the Navy as a corpsman, 3 years working with the marines with 8 months of that deployed in Iraq were I had over 30 marines in my direct care, this Feb 2010 I should be in California going to cardiovascular school in San Diego. So hopefully I will be able to talk to some of you in person and check out your cars!

08-27-2009, 09:30 AM
Its soo hard not to order alot off the dollar menu.

08-27-2009, 09:30 AM
im big, dont eat junk food often, jog every other day, and dont drink coffee...im a healthy biggun lol

could be just genetic?

damn this thread makes me hungry. Reminds me when I was in high school and we'd bus to all-you-can-eat late night sushi 4-5 times a week, eat so much that it was hard to breathe, then go watch movies/play video games...

08-27-2009, 09:32 AM
You guys should just sue mcdonalds.

That's the right thing to do.

08-27-2009, 09:34 AM
im big, dont eat junk food often, jog every other day, and dont drink coffee...im a healthy biggun lol
im big, eat junk food sometimes, never jog, drink gallons of coffee . . . im thinking its Genetic - lol

im not overweight, im just big boned. (no homo)

08-27-2009, 09:47 AM
damn junk food so tasty! but so bad!..
im 5'11?6'? somewhere there and last year i weighed 150 and ripped now i weight 200lbs and i cant fit into most of my clothes..
Damn 24hr drive thru!!

08-27-2009, 09:51 AM

thats my excuse.....

ohh i like that excuse better...

Its soo hard not to order alot off the dollar menu.

shits nasty...
could be just genetic?

nope, my mom and dad are 5'5'' and both under the 200 lbs marks
my grandparents are even light and shorter, except for my grandmother on my moms side, that could be the link...

im roughly 280 atm, but dont feel it...i can jog/walk 6 miles...i dont sweat perfusely, but i think that because i dont drink soda during the week...during the week its just water/ice tea. lemonade/freshly squeezed OJ...

except for last night, ate round table with mountain dew...and am i feeling it today... :hsdance:

08-27-2009, 10:00 AM
you dont control the fatness

it controls you

08-27-2009, 10:48 AM
Because Americans drive everywhere.

And I do not know how it is elsewhere, but here in the Midwest all social activity involves eating. Otherwise there is nothing to do and nowhere to go.

08-27-2009, 10:53 AM
1. Like everyone already said, it's because of lack of physical activity.
2. People like to trick themselves into thinking chicken is better for you than burgers. Even if its fried.

A chicken selects meal from McDonalds contains over 1000 calories. On the current "diet" ive been on for the last year, I only consume 1500 calories a day. If you intake more calories than you burn during the day, you will gain fat/weight period.

08-27-2009, 10:54 AM
you dont control the fatness

it controls you

so thats the power of the darkside...

08-27-2009, 11:03 AM
thank god for fast metabolism

i love fast food

08-27-2009, 11:07 AM
Have you guys heard of the "skinny fat" people?

drift freaq
08-27-2009, 11:26 AM
Have you guys heard of the "skinny fat" people?

Yes in fact I have. Its a term I have seen used by people championing low fat muscle building programs. Which are actually really good ways to stay lean.

Burn the fat Feed the Muscle!

A skinny fat person is term used for the person who is working out to drop there excess fat aka love handles and whatnot and they plateau. Which means they hit a certain weight level and stop losing it. Usually retaining a bit of that love handle and stomach fat or fat in the hardest area's. They usually are pretty much thin people with those problem spots only. Heh trust me its the bitch.

Is a skinny fat person really medically bad? That's hard to say. It all depends on if its affect their health in other area's.

When I was in my late teens into my late 20's I could not gain a pound and tipped the scales at 128lbs 5'7". As the years started into my 30's I watched the weight just start to climb. At almost 180 I knew there was something I needed to do. Heh having a fast metabolism when I was younger made me lazy.

Lazy is part of the problem why Americans on average are obese. Think of it this way. For some of us when we were kids before the advent of lots of at home video games, we rode bikes everywhere and played sports constantly. We were fat burning machines. Even if we did eat a fair amount of junk we usually burned it.

Now look at shit, kids stay at home playing video games, they do not go out and ride bikes and play as much sports. They also consume the junk food but are not getting the exercise to burn it.

Its worse with adults. Around either High school or college we get cars. As soon as a car comes into play? LOL laziness sets in. Why ride a bike? Why walk when you can drive. I know I went several years without any real exercise because of my metabolism and cars.
Now I make it a point to exercise on a regular basis. Combination of cardio,and muscle training. I am getting rid of the so called skinny fat. Its a total bitch.

Eating habits add to all this as well smaller meals more often can help put weight in check. The habit of having one or two meals and larger ones at that is not good.

Touge Noob S13
08-27-2009, 11:41 AM
In my early highschool years I had a nice stomach and I weighed about 120, about 3 years later Im at 130 and my stomach has gone from sculpted to flat. Im so fat....

08-27-2009, 02:26 PM
if your gonna eat a shit load. and junky food

atleast instead of getting 2 big macs at once

eat 1 and then save the other one for 3 hours later and POOOP alot haha

so your metabolism gets going

08-27-2009, 02:27 PM
thanks zilvia i went to eat mcdonalds cause of this thread i got the craving lol

08-27-2009, 02:30 PM
back in high school i used to weigh 250 lbs...but i could leg press 1200 lbs...the only thing i miss about high school is the hour of weight training and running b4 football practice...

08-27-2009, 02:31 PM
Diets, vegetarianism, diet products, and all that garbage is bad.

Eat whatever you want. Variety is best.

Just make sure to move a lot.

08-27-2009, 02:32 PM
if your not happy, you will eat more.. when i was working a shit job, i looked forward to eating at lunch.

also if your not motivated on physical appearance or working out.. i.e. you didnt come from a house that played sports or so, i figure you wont ever care about physic.

Keeping in shape, or at least keeping the wieght off, great motivation to get a hottie, instead of settling for ms.chubby.

Also the influence around you, hang out with a bunch of tubs, you will become one lol. Hang out with active people, or people who go to alot of social events, will make you maintain yourself. Just lay off the alcohol. lol

I got a few big friends, its hard as hell to convince them to work out, i even say ill work out with em but they just get turned off.. they never worked out before so they think its super hard to loose weight, they get comfortable like that.

08-27-2009, 02:40 PM
hey guys i love you all from zilvia.

you guys mean the world to me.

from lurking back in 2006 when i was 16 i love you all!

carlos JUNIOR is calling me so ill be right back LOVE YOU ALL!

08-27-2009, 03:04 PM
Thank god for my metabolism.. never been over 122 pounds... Jalapeno burger from Carl's Jr....BOMB



just wait, i said this too when i was 122 lbs, then again, you could just have a precurser cancer gene

08-27-2009, 03:24 PM
Thank god for my metabolism.. never been over 122 pounds... Jalapeno burger from Carl's Jr....BOMB



thank god i havent been under 122 lbs in probably 12 years

08-27-2009, 03:42 PM
I'm inclined to think genetics makes the most difference.
I rarely ever exercise, maybe do a couple of push-ups each month.
I'm 6'00", and have wavered, going back & forth between 155-170 since I was 15.
Some of my heavier acquaintances really don't eat that much at all & have a healthy routine.
yet still they struggle to get under 200.

The fastest way I lose weight is when I'm broke and/or feel cheap.
I just drink a lot of coffee and have a granola bar, & I'm set.
I could loose weight sitting at my desk all day.

The time when I was most health conscious,
was when I worked in an office full of 300+ lb fatties.
these were 'girls' in their 20's, chomping down a rotation of Carl's, McD's, Jack, In n Out, Taco Bell, Monday-Friday.
It was really gross & totally killed my appetite.
i did not want to end up like them and it encouraged to stay extra fit.

karl wasabi
08-27-2009, 03:48 PM
Here is the answer to your question...

This is why you're fat. (http://thisiswhyyourefat.com/)

08-27-2009, 03:58 PM
My secret is just to eat less of it. I ate mcdonalds last night, now I am eatin grilled chicken rice and peas.

08-27-2009, 04:04 PM

08-28-2009, 11:01 AM
i love the people that say they are not fat and they are only 19. check back when you have kids and you are at least 28 :D

drift freaq
08-28-2009, 11:15 AM
i love the people that say they are not fat and they are only 19. check back when you have kids and you are at least 28 :D

Ya I second the comment above at 19 I could not gain a pound if I tried.

08-28-2009, 11:25 AM
IT'S BECAUSE PEOPLE MAKE THREADS LIKE THIS http://zilvia.net/f/off-topic-chat/229138-instant-heartattack-less-than-10-a.html (http://zilvia.net/f/229138-instant-heartattack-less-than-10-a.html)
and people post to top one another like a challenge ... making shit like this

and this

http://zilvia.net/f/images/statusicon/wol_error.gifThis image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x600.http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/44/Luther_Burger.jpg/800px-Luther_Burger.jpg

and the kicker

http://zilvia.net/f/images/statusicon/wol_error.gifClick this bar to view the small image.http://images.foodproof.com/bacon-and-cheese-stuffed-pizza-burger.jpg

thats why!!!

08-28-2009, 11:43 AM
^ :yum:

I started pickin up weight when I went to college. I gained 20lbs freshman year, lost all of it when I went back home for the summer.

After I stopped going home I slowly starting gaining weight. Over the course of 2.5 years I picked up about 25lbs. About two months ago I said fuck it, and starting working to lose weight. I cut back on the amount of bullshit I eat.

Just that alone has made me drop some weight. I am now combining that with drinking lots of water and eating better, and even more weight is coming off. I still eat junk food, just not as often, or as much.

A tip Phlip once gave me, is to make sure you don't pig out on the healthy stuff either.

08-28-2009, 04:04 PM
I'm what I'd call skinny fat.

I weigh 165 and have weighed that much even when I was working out regularly in High School.

That high level of exercise in High school I think helped to form a better figure which I am currently retaining today.

But since I graduated HS, my exercising habits have deteriorated/disappeared all together. Sometimes when I feel really guilty I'll jog a mile or something, but I get so exhausted I feel out of shape and just feel like I don't want to bother anymore.

Sometimes my metabolism is up, sometimes it's down, it's simple when I know I am up in metabolism, I eat more, when I'm down. I eat less, or split meals with my girlfriend.

It's a great way to save money and maintain a better eating schedule.

08-28-2009, 04:10 PM
I eat because Im lonely, Im lonely because I eat.

08-28-2009, 04:12 PM
dear sweet jesus @ bacon and cheese stuffed pizza burger.

I can't even imagine how high you must be to think of something like that.

And I'm fat because when I was younger, I didn't really care. I played video games, I ate crap. But now Im older and I realized that I should take care of my body. I hardly drink soda, I do alot more physical activity, I dont eat much crap food... Im losing my gut ass mantits and thighs slowly, but surely.

08-28-2009, 05:05 PM
http://img9.imageshack.us/img9/4400/jesussss.gif (http://img9.imageshack.us/i/jesussss.gif/)

08-28-2009, 05:15 PM

Thank you, thank you very much for that. I actually laughed out loud for the first time in a long time from the internets.

Whats the actual movie called again? Religulous? Is that it?

08-28-2009, 05:17 PM
to answer op's quest..theres a fast food restaurant on almost every block..

08-28-2009, 05:24 PM
funny i was just talkin about this today. food is americas drug. we eat for fun, when we are depressed, when we are happy, when we are with someone and when we are lonely. americans just love to eat.

08-28-2009, 08:46 PM
never been over 122 pounds..

Maybe you should try it, it's quite empowering.

08-28-2009, 09:04 PM
I haven't ate McDonalds in over a year. Taco Bell or Diner if I'm hungry late night !

08-28-2009, 09:05 PM
I'm sure going down to 122 would be empowering too.
(as would any near-death experience).

Seriously though, mentioning your weight alone means zero.
you have to factor in a lot of other things.
at least mention sex and height.

08-28-2009, 09:26 PM
Have some self control people. Dont eat past 8PM, dont drink nasty dranks. Jog a mile everyday, its not hard, takes 10 minutes at most, 24hrs in a day and you should be able to take 10 minutes to run a mile, get to it.

08-28-2009, 09:37 PM
Seriously though, mentioning your weight alone means zero.
you have to factor in a lot of other things.
at least mention sex and height.



08-28-2009, 10:03 PM
This is scaring me.

I just turned 20 and cannot gain a got damn pound.

I'm gonna be pissed if I start gaining weight later in life.

08-28-2009, 10:12 PM
you will obviously gain weight faster later in life, as we grow older our metabolism slow down.

it's up to you to decide when tho, thru exercise and healthy choices.

or, roll the dice. I hear the dollar menu is killa

08-28-2009, 10:44 PM
God, if we only had a jack in the box. I would be so much fatter. To think that i could be having chest pains right now, choking down a ultimate cheeseburger and 6 Tacos. Theres Nothin' I mean NOTHIN' like Jacks Tacos. aaaaaaggggggaaaaagagagagaaaa. Okay check this out. We drove 4 hours to Albuquerque, NM to go see a Manson Concert. Well after the concert, I dropped my girl off at the hotel, and i drove around for 2 hours looking for a Jack in the box, FOUND IT, and tried to find my way home. That was the best Burger and Tacos ever, epic... oh yeah heres the food porn.


