View Full Version : Titaniumbmx

drift freaq
08-25-2009, 04:34 PM
Ok this has been a long time coming because I was trying to work with this Jackass to resolve the issue.

A year ago last May I contacted him Titaniumbmx aka Joey Sullivan about buying his VQ35HR engine and transmission out of his 2007 350Z. We negotiated a price of 3k. He allowed me to make payments which I felt was very cool on his part. It was also because I did not have a pick up to pick up the engine and at the time he lived in Port Hueneme in Ventura county. I drove out there with Mehsilvia to check it out. I gave him a $500 down deposit. Over the course of May and June I paid Joey off because he was trying to get the money to build the SR he was putting in his car. He acted all cool at the time and said do not worry the motor will just be in the back of my Garage. At the end of June I went up there and picked up the engine harness and Ecu. Prepping for my install. I had at this point had him right receipts and also paid him a payment in paypal for the sake of recourse if need be. Something I felt no need for. He was a Premium member had a build thread and seemed to be pretty much on the level. Anyways July and August went by. I was busy with a lot of other things at the time. Come September I tried contacting him and got no answer on his cell just the voice mail. I also did not seem him on the forum much.

After about 3 weeks I finally got him on the cell.
I said hey Joey I want to come pick up my engine, he hesitated and said um I moved I am in Ventura now. The engine is at my friends shop but do not worry he is not into them so its safe. I will contact him and make arrangements for you to pick it up. I was like ok cool. He told me to contact him in P.M. on the forum.

Several weeks went by and he posted parts for sale and I contacted him in P.M. again. He did not respond. I had Phlip contact him and tell him he needed to take care of this. He then contacted me and said basically he wanted $500 for storage because I supposedly had made him wait almost a year. He also tried to play the same story to Phlip.

I had not talked to him for roughly 2-3 months since the last payment not a nearly a year and not 6 months.

At which point we started going around about the $500 because I felt it was exhorbitant for one and completely unlawful for two. In Fact in the state of California you cannot charge a storage fee without prior warning.

After going around in several p.m.s I said I would pay $300 not $500. All of sudden he came back with another story. At this point he said the truth was his friend who was storing th engine had stuck it in his truck . Supposedly he had spent $500 to do it and that's why he wanted the $500.
He then tried to say they thought the engine was abandoned and it was our fault his and mine. Ah excuse me, when I have someones item I wait till they contact me or contact them to find out. I do not just give it away.

Anyways he said he would talk to him to work something out. Almost another month went by and by this time it was December. I contact him and ask him to try and wrap it by the end of year , again promises to do so and nothing happens. He also would not tell me where his friends shop was beside it being in Oxnard.

In Janaury I decided I could use the money for another engine because prices on engines were dropping. So I told him hey give me $2700 back and I will be happy. He again was all full of promises. He said he would get me my money and his friend his money and make everyone happy.

Another month to month and half goes by. Still nothing and I send him a P.M. saying look I even take $2500 because I have the engine harness and ecu. At this point he stops responding again. Several weeks later the engine pops up for sale on S12.net for $2100. So I contact him again and ask whats going on I also let Phlip here know about it. Phlip says it looks like he is trying to sell it to pay you back. Again Phlip contacts him and he tells Phlip he is in contact with me and I will get my money when he gets it. He also contacts me and starts giving me a hard time saying once again that I had dragged it for almost a year and it was my tough luck and I was going to have to live with it. He also said me getting mad was not going to do any good. I told him he was lucky I had not written a review thread. His response to that was if you did I would have blown the whole thing off already. At which point I was upset but decided to step back and give him one more chance to come through.

A month ago I sent a P.M. to him telling him I would pay the $500 I just wanted my engine. No response. Last night he came on the forum I P.M.'d him again with the same comment. He went offline , them got back on. He sent me a P.M.
He basically said "Its over dude, the engine is gone I have no idea where it is CADE's shop closed and no one has talked to him in at least a month. You might as well cut your losses and move on.

This is the first time I had even heard of the name of the guy with the shop.

I did respond and he did come back again with a claim of me not taking responsibility for my actions. WTF He is not taking responsibility for his actions.

Oh in case anyone is wondering I kept all of his P.M.s from beginning to end to end so everything he said to me is documented.

1. He seemed cool and I entered a deal with him in good faith to the tune of 3k
2. yes a few months went by without contact but he still had the engine.
3. He then tried a couple of different stories to extract extra cash out of the deal.
4. He played games for months on end just to scam me.
5. The only responsibility that I failed on was to myself for trusting this asshole scam artist to do the right thing.

He scammed 3k out of me. Plus he has complete disregard for California law. D

08-26-2009, 04:43 PM
That sucks man, what are you goin to do now?

08-27-2009, 06:23 AM
Joey, your posts are being deleted because they're against the rules of this section.
They're here (http://zilvia.net/f/private-sellers/83802-important-regarding-format-reviews.html) if you need to see them again.
Dave has explicit instructions to keep this thread updated with resolutions or further actions to clear your name if such takes place.

08-27-2009, 10:27 AM
If u have receipts sue his ass, any lawyer wanting to make a quick buck would take the case! He will end up paying at least 6k! Bye the way we need to start a list of all the jack asses who scam people from this site!

08-31-2009, 11:42 AM
hope everything works out dave..