View Full Version : who would of thought in this century you could be scammed by a company like AT&T

08-23-2009, 10:18 PM
For the past 5 months. I have been through hell with these assholes :madfawk:

I lost my job and couldnt pay the bill. okay my fault i didnt say its not my fault. its :lfault: .

i said it was mine so i paid the fuckers $1,700.00 dollars

then everything went back to normal once i had the cash to pay them.

and i even took out a new iphone 3gs with them and a blackberry bold at the same time.

things were looking good.

then next month my bill was 700 dollars :madfawk::madfawk:

they charged me cancellation fee's even though i never cancelled my service for 4 lines i have. :madfawk:

i went back to talk to a manager and he was like.

"dont worry sir well take care of that and youll only have to pay 100 dollars this month it was a mistake"

a week later i get a bill for 30 bucks. and apparently this was for my iphone line. WTF :madfawk: why cant it be included in 1 whole big like everyone else.

next month its 700 again :madfawk::madfawk::madfawk::madfawk::barfkiss:

they are charging me for more hidden fee's and i went to talk to the manager and same thing. he said sorry and even gave me a 70 dollar credit for the next bill.

now i get a 200 dollar bill which isnt evne close to what i normally pay for 4 lines i have

and i get a debt letter from a collection agency telling me i owe these fuckers 80 dollars?

ima sue some bitches now :axe::axe::axe::axe::axe::axe:

08-23-2009, 10:21 PM
sounds like you need to learn to live within your means

08-23-2009, 10:30 PM
fucking verizon pulls similar shit

they charged us for a cancellation fee on a fucking trial period

08-23-2009, 10:31 PM
did you know you can have a cell phone plan for as low as 30 dollars a month?

08-23-2009, 10:47 PM
did you know you can have a cell phone plan for as low as 30 dollars a month?

I rather have knock off rims and have a GTR badge on a stock s13 and wear fake shoes then go with those cheap companies

08-23-2009, 10:53 PM
I rather have knock off rims and have a GTR badge on a stock s13 and wear fake shoes then go with those cheap companies

word, it's all about keeping up appearances when you can't pay your bills for six months.

08-23-2009, 10:55 PM
I rather have knock off rims and have a GTR badge on a stock s13 and wear fake shoes then go with those cheap companies

With that attitude, its no wonder you're getting fucking by AT&T.

Dumb dumb.

drift freaq
08-23-2009, 11:04 PM
Well by thinking that the company called ATT which you thought represented an old traditional American company? You got conned by them and yourself.

The ATT that exists in name today is not the ATT that put the U.S. Phone system together. That company was originally split up into baby bells. Thanks to a anti trust lawsuit filed by a Company called MCI who wanted to compete. LOL where is MCI today? hahaha bankrupt. Anyways in the name of anti monopoly laws the U.S. government broke up the greatest phone company in the world who at the time had built the greatest land line system. Baby bells were created. Out of these baby bells came one called Southwestern Bell. Later they would change there name to SBC get venture capital and start buying up the other baby bells around the Western U.S.
On the east coast another baby bell called GTE would change its name to Verizon and start doing the same. ATT would wind up losing money trying to just operate a long distance system and would sell off the Famous Bell Labs to a French concern would rename it Lucent.
This was terrible because the father of the Germaninum Transistor aka William Shockley was just one of many great inventors that had worked at Bell Labs.
Back to the main story. ATT losing money. SBC getting power hungry buys up Pacific Bell and Pacific Bell wireless , changes name to Cingular a SBC company. Then they decide to buy ATT. They but ATT and decide they want to co opt the glory of the name ATT the company that built America's phone networks. Except they are not ATT but they take the name and proceed to do all the little dirty bullshit that SBC was always known for.

This is why I am on T-Mobile because ATT aka SBC is a fucked up company. Hell I know my home phone line is ATT aka SBC because it was Pacific Bell. I used to have Pacific Bell wireless which was an excellent cell service , which became SBC.

Though I will add that it sounds like you had yourself way over extended and even after you tried to correct it you went and did it again.

Rule 1; only handle what you can.
Rule 2 Once you think a company has possibly screwed you, don't go back to that company expecting things to be different.

In other words poor possible judgement calls on your part.

08-23-2009, 11:42 PM
Almost every company u deal with will eventually fuck u over. If you think otherwise, I have a great product for you to buy!

08-23-2009, 11:44 PM
like everyone i know doesnt always understand their contracts and fucks it up.. You just gotta be wise, like talking to some chick all teh time who doesnt give you ass aint worth using your minutes etc lol

08-24-2009, 12:16 AM
Well by thinking that the company called ATT which you thought represented an old traditional American company? You got conned by them and yourself.

The ATT that exists in name today is not the ATT that put the U.S. Phone system together. That company was originally split up into baby bells. Thanks to a anti trust lawsuit filed by a Company called MCI who wanted to compete. LOL where is MCI today? hahaha bankrupt. Anyways in the name of anti monopoly laws the U.S. government broke up the greatest phone company in the world who at the time had built the greatest land line system. Baby bells were created. Out of these baby bells came one called Southwestern Bell. Later they would change there name to SBC get venture capital and start buying up the other baby bells around the Western U.S.
On the east coast another baby bell called GTE would change its name to Verizon and start doing the same. ATT would wind up losing money trying to just operate a long distance system and would sell off the Famous Bell Labs to a French concern would rename it Lucent.
This was terrible because the father of the Germaninum Transistor aka William Shockley was just one of many great inventors that had worked at Bell Labs.
Back to the main story. ATT losing money. SBC getting power hungry buys up Pacific Bell and Pacific Bell wireless , changes name to Cingular a SBC company. Then they decide to buy ATT. They but ATT and decide they want to co opt the glory of the name ATT the company that built America's phone networks. Except they are not ATT but they take the name and proceed to do all the little dirty bullshit that SBC was always known for.

This is why I am on T-Mobile because ATT aka SBC is a fucked up company. Hell I know my home phone line is ATT aka SBC because it was Pacific Bell. I used to have Pacific Bell wireless which was an excellent cell service , which became SBC.

Though I will add that it sounds like you had yourself way over extended and even after you tried to correct it you went and did it again.

Rule 1; only handle what you can.
Rule 2 Once you think a company has possibly screwed you, don't go back to that company expecting things to be different.

In other words poor possible judgement calls on your part.

Can you elaborate further why you dislike SBC ?
Is it because they are from Texas?

08-24-2009, 12:17 AM
like everyone i know doesnt always understand their contracts and fucks it up.. You just gotta be wise, like talking to some chick all teh time who doesnt give you ass aint worth using your minutes etc lol

ill pay your bill if you put up that FC :D

08-24-2009, 12:22 AM
sounds like you need to learn to live within your means


no job = cancel phone service until you get another job or at least the minimum plan

08-24-2009, 04:38 AM
My AT&T experience was not a pleasant one either. Whenever it came to billing, they were constantly making 'errors.' Also, I signed up for some plan they offered, and the first few bills were as agreed on, and after that they suddenly started charging over double the agreed amount. When I went there to talk about it, I was told they never offered such plan (by the same employee who explained and sold it to me).

It seemed as if they were making all the mistakes on purpose, and waited for you to catch them. If you do not, they pocket the money.

When I went there to cancel the service, suddenly they were eager to offer me all kinds of great-sounding plans. Now I have T-Mobile. So far, I have no complaints.

08-24-2009, 05:49 AM


08-24-2009, 07:20 AM
yea, i had a family plan with a OG iphone and 3g iphone and the OG iphone was only 15 bux for data service while the 3g was 30. all of a sudden, they just changed the price of the OG data plan to 30 bux. w/out reason other than they want more money. anyone else have that happen?

08-24-2009, 09:02 AM
sounds like you need to learn to live within your means

that's what i was thinking.

i'm pretty sure if i was incapable of paying my bills I would be stacking cash away instead of buying a retarded iPhone w/ $100 data plans and 4? 4?! f'in phone lines.

08-24-2009, 09:40 AM
My AT&T experience was not a pleasant one either. Whenever it came to billing, they were constantly making 'errors.' Also, I signed up for some plan they offered, and the first few bills were as agreed on, and after that they suddenly started charging over double the agreed amount. When I went there to talk about it, I was told they never offered such plan (by the same employee who explained and sold it to me).

It seemed as if they were making all the mistakes on purpose, and waited for you to catch them. If you do not, they pocket the money.

When I went there to cancel the service, suddenly they were eager to offer me all kinds of great-sounding plans. Now I have T-Mobile. So far, I have no complaints.

I've also had a few discrepancies in my AT&T bill, although seldom outrageous.

How would you compare T-Mobile overall to AT&T?
I'm interested in things such cost of cheapest plan, quality of phone reception, service, etc.
Also contemplating going with the G1 phone (I-phone gets tiresome after a while).

08-24-2009, 09:42 AM
sounds like you need to learn to live within your means


sounds like OP needs to read his contract

Verizon FTMFW, going 8 years strong, 5 phones, and now bill is only 100.00 dorra for unlimited internet and shit tons of minutes w/ insurance...i luvs it...luv the plan, love the phone...cant wait till i upgrade in a few months...:naughty:

08-24-2009, 10:05 AM

did you know metro pcs is a cop line? soo if your doing any risky business i suggest you watch yourself if anyone here owns one lol :cops:

I've also had a few discrepancies in my AT&T bill, although seldom outrageous.

How would you compare T-Mobile overall to AT&T?
I'm interested in things such cost of cheapest plan, quality of phone reception, service, etc.
Also contemplating going with the G1 phone (I-phone gets tiresome after a while).

reception on T-Mobile is great, and if your the few that complain that you dont have reception alot, it's because of the phone your using, in my own experience with the G1, its a great phone bt i got it when it just came out, when you would use it it heated up and lagged like hell and other things were worng and missing, but it just got updated so im guessing its better now, i only had the G1 for like a month and sold it for 100 and paid 375 for it :duh: but imo i'd keep the iphone.

08-24-2009, 10:09 AM
Sounds like oRgaNizAtiOn might help you in life.

08-24-2009, 10:31 AM
I had a cingular phone back in 03.l cancelled the contract.Dint think they could go after you,think again.I got some legal paper work the other day,and it turns out that I owe them like 1500 dollars,they will take 25 percent of my paycheck until it is payed off. And I cant do anything about it.

08-24-2009, 10:52 AM
The truth is that all of the major cellular carriers here in the U.S. don't give a shit about individual customers.

I have an idea. Instead of bitching it about it on an internet forum, get on the phone with customer care, or GO TO A DIFFERENT AT&T STORE AND TALK TO A MANAGER WHO CARES.


drift freaq
08-24-2009, 11:06 AM
Can you elaborate further why you dislike SBC ?
Is it because they are from Texas?

It has absolutely nothing to do with them being from Texas. It has to do with their customer service policies and lack of good customer service. It Has to do with their habit of billing people after plans have been cancelled or lines disconnected. What happened to the OP though he did over extend himself is not really the exception. I saw it happen to people on numerous occasions.
Oh did I mention there TV ads were the said they were the ones that built the U.S. phone system? LOL what a bunch of shit, they bought the system and took the name to make themselves look better. That is another reason I do not like them.

It also has to do with not offering competitive pricing plans at the time. When T-Mobile first came to California they had a tower sharing agreement. So I got a better pricing plan, better customer service and the same tower network. It was a no brainer.

I also do NOT like the Chairman of the company Fred Whiteacre in the business world his rep is not good. I just feel overall the companies practices are not in favor of the consumer. They have exhorbitant cancellation fee's as well.

I used to work for the company, lol . I saw shit first hand on a daily basis.
I love the Iphone but I would not switch to ATT for the sake of it.

It goes like this Verizon does have a $100 unlimited plan plus data( not sure on the exact price)

ATT has a $100 unlimited plan plus data $30

T-Mobile has a $100 unlimited plan plus data $25 if you are a loyal customer i.e. over like 2 years they give it to you for $50. Yup thats what I have unlimited minutes for $50 plus $25 for my data plan.

Sprint offers something like the others do.

At this time all 4 companies in the unlimited plan range are competitive.

Once you leave that plan level though Verizon and ATT get very expensive compared to T-mobile and Sprint.

I am not impressed with Sprint.

T-mobile I do not have problems with for where I travel in the U.S. so I am happy.

In my opinion the only real reason for anyone going with ATT is the Iphone on a 3G network.

T-mobiles 3G network is on a different frequency than the Iphone so though you can run a Iphone on T-mobile it will only be Edge and wifi . Of course in some places Wifi is faster than 3G. LOL On and for anyone claiming T-mobiles 3G network not being good? Well they quickly in the last 6 months have really brought it up to speed. Its a good network here.

Oh and I have a friend that's way into hacking phones to work on other services. In his travels on the net, he came across all the different licenses for air waves and networks these companies hold. Currently T-Mobile and Sprint are the only two companies holding 4G air waves licenses. Neither ATT or Verizon have them as of yet. Which pretty much means both companies are already working on their 4G networks to get a leg up in the next generation.

08-24-2009, 11:11 AM
so you dont have a job?
and you have one of the most expensive cell phone plans out there(iphone)
good one dude. good one.

just bend over so at least while they are fucking you, your comfortable. because i believe you should be comfortable getting what you deserve.

08-25-2009, 12:31 PM
It has absolutely nothing to do with them being from Texas. It has to do with their customer service policies and lack of good customer service. It Has to do with their habit of billing people after plans have been cancelled or lines disconnected. What happened to the OP though he did over extend himself is not really the exception. I saw it happen to people on numerous occasions.
Oh did I mention there TV ads were the said they were the ones that built the U.S. phone system? LOL what a bunch of shit, they bought the system and took the name to make themselves look better. That is another reason I do not like them.

It also has to do with not offering competitive pricing plans at the time. When T-Mobile first came to California they had a tower sharing agreement. So I got a better pricing plan, better customer service and the same tower network. It was a no brainer.

I also do like the Chairman of the company Fred Whiteacre in the business world his rep is not good. I just feel overall the companies practices are not in favor of the consumer. They have exhorbitant cancellation fee's as well.

I used to work for the company, lol . I saw shit first hand on a daily basis.
I love the Iphone but I would not switch to ATT for the sake of it.

It goes like this Verizon does have a $100 unlimited plan plus data( not sure on the exact price)

ATT has a $100 unlimited plan plus data $30

T-Mobile has a $100 unlimited plan plus data $25 if you are a loyal customer i.e. over like 2 years they give it to you for $50. Yup thats what I have unlimited minutes for $50 plus $25 for my data plan.

Sprint offers something like the others do.

At this time all 4 companies in the unlimited plan range are competitive.

Once you leave that plan level though Verizon and ATT get very expensive compared to T-mobile and Sprint.

I am not impressed with Sprint.

T-mobile I do not have problems with for where I travel in the U.S. so I am happy.

In my opinion the only real reason for anyone going with ATT is the Iphone on a 3G network.

T-mobiles 3G network is on a different frequency than the Iphone so though you can run a Iphone on T-mobile it will only be Edge and wifi . Of course in some places Wifi is faster than 3G. LOL On and for anyone claiming T-mobiles 3G network not being good? Well they quickly in the last 6 months have really brought it up to speed. Its a good network here.

Oh and I have a friend thats why into hacking phones to work on other services. In his travels on the net, he came across all the different licenses for air waves and networks these companies hold. Currently T-Mobile and Sprint are the only two companies holding 4G air waves licenses. Neither ATT or Verizon have them as of yet. Which pretty much means both companies are already working on their 4G networks to get a leg up in the next generation.

Good info!
T-mobile seems to be reasonably priced.
Friend of mine is contemplating a similar route using an I-phone (1st gen, 2G?) w/ T-mobile service.

I'll prob opt for the same pending how well his phone works out.

Thanks again!

Vision Garage
08-25-2009, 02:05 PM

Mi Beardo es Loco
08-25-2009, 02:42 PM
my wife got screwed by sprint. Had the company for 5 years and notified them that were were not renewing once the contract was up. 2 years later we got a cancelation bill and it was already in collections. lol. They charged her like $400. Called em and they are refusing to back down even though it is now ILLEGAL to charge cancellation fees. Threatened to sue if they don't erase the fees and correct her credit and they still wont back down.

shady shady people are out there man.

08-25-2009, 02:52 PM
sprint? i HATE EVDO.

i rather stick to HSPA or even EDGE.

08-25-2009, 03:18 PM
It goes like this Verizon does have a $100 unlimited plan plus data( not sure on the exact price)

yeah i used to get rapped...

but after finding out one of my friends works with Verizon, it got dropped down to 120...then i found out my cuzins bank has a discount rate, in which i qualified for thru her i got down 100.35 a month

which includes
unlimited data
1000 txts
free nights and weekends
i forgot how many ridiculous minutes
and insurance

<3 verizon... there easy to hack to...:fruit:

free gps/home made ringtones/apps/wall paper skins


drift freaq
08-25-2009, 03:22 PM
sprint? i HATE EVDO.

i rather stick to HSPA or even EDGE.

Ya EVDO has several significant issues. Most people are better off even on EDGE. Plus I have noticed some EDGE networks are not bad at all.

08-25-2009, 03:42 PM
T-mobile's EDGE has better performance than AT&T's 3G for me at times.

more stable, consistent throughput and less picky about when and where it drops calls.

If AT&T's 3G options weren't network controlled and were left up to the user, then I'd say it was better than anything T-Mobile currently offers.

08-25-2009, 04:21 PM
well ATT is still trying to get me to pay for their internet(which i cancelled a week before it was installed). so i will let them do what they feel they have to do. as i have all the records to prove my story

08-25-2009, 04:26 PM
i work for sprint so unlimited everything for free ftmfw

08-25-2009, 05:38 PM
Sounds to me like he was living within his means.

He paid his bills (late or not they're paid) and is being charged for cancellations that he didn't do.

Vision Garage
08-26-2009, 01:32 AM
im have no problems with sprint. For 35 dollars a month total, I can live with a few flaws.

500 anytime minutes
free nights and weekends from 7
Unlimited text
unlimited internet.
Phone as modem hack.

Full OF WIN!

08-26-2009, 04:30 PM
on our old land line, which was from att, I noticed like nikkle and dime shits poppin up with numbers I had never heard from. So I called them up and asked wtf is this? I looked up after all my older bills and in a years time span they had added about 150-200 in hidden phone call charges.
When I brought this to there attention, I was informed that the charges will be removed, and he appoligized and informed me that when other people dont pay for there phone bills that they just add a phone call here and there to other peoples bills so it will be paid. And its standard procedure among phone companies.

so f land lines, cells phones have made them obsolete.