View Full Version : Photoshop CS4 help needed

08-21-2009, 06:50 PM
Yes I have searched. Yes I've tried the methods.

I can't seem to be able to do the following.

I can't batch my watermarks... Everytime I try to I get the following "The object" style blah blah blah" is currently not available"
Even though it really is.

I've tried about 5 different methods for creating and batching my watermarks but nothing is working... and I have over 2500 DMCC round 4 pics that need watermarking and I'm not doing that individually.

Also... I cannot apply pics for use as a watermark logo... Same problem as above. But with pics....

08-22-2009, 09:17 AM
I don't usually do mass watermarking in cs4, but I know there's a few nice plug-ins you can get for lightroom to do it for you.

(I know, my post was absolutely no help to you at all.)

Look up the plug-in Morgrify

Maybe there's something similar for CS4

08-30-2009, 03:22 PM
Seriously... No one can help or throw up any ideas???????

08-31-2009, 12:06 AM
this is the only thing i could find to help you out
Watermark Creator for Photoshop CS4 * Even Better than Actions | MCP Actions Blog (http://mcpactions.com/blog/2009/05/14/watermark-creator/)

08-31-2009, 04:45 PM
just create a new layer and change the opacity...(?)

click and drag that layer onto whatever you're trying to watermark

08-31-2009, 04:53 PM
i was going to tell him to create a pattern, but hes trying to batch watermark, like select his 1200 photos hit a button and it will watermark it for him automatically.

08-31-2009, 05:26 PM
It's easy.

Here's how you program the "Actions."

Just size your watermark to the proper size.
Then ctrl+a , then copy.
Then go to one of the photos you want to watermark.
Hit "record" in the actions palette.
Hit paste.
Done. Press "stop" in the Actions Palette.

Go to file/batch and use this action for the rest of the files. ... without going into great detail, that's the gist of how it's done without getting extra plugins/programs. It's pretty cool. Use it ALLL the time at work. You can see Photoshop working on each picture until the batch is completed. ;)

08-31-2009, 05:57 PM
It's easy.

Here's how you program the "Actions."

Just size your watermark to the proper size.
Then ctrl+a , then copy.
Then go to one of the photos you want to watermark.
Hit "record" in the actions palette.
Hit paste.
Done. Press "stop" in the Actions Palette.

Go to file/batch and use this action for the rest of the files. ... without going into great detail, that's the gist of how it's done without getting extra plugins/programs. It's pretty cool. Use it ALLL the time at work. You can see Photoshop working on each picture until the batch is completed. ;)

How do you make sure the watermark is the correct size on differently sized images, and how do you make sure that the watermark is correctly aligned and in the correct position?

09-01-2009, 01:44 AM
Well, I usually make all the images the same size/similar size so the watermark will always be properly proportioned.

As far as positioning, check this feature out...

Hit CTRL+A (select all).
Go to Layers (at the top) and go to "Align to Selection."
From there, you can tweak the alignment of the watermark to be centered, bottom left/right, etc etc.
Then, all you need to do is record that function into your custom Action.

Btw, this is all using oldass Photoshop 7.0. CS4 should be the same/similar.