View Full Version : Affordable Dentist? (Wisdom teeth are OUT!)

08-19-2009, 04:40 PM
Yes, kind of odd, but I could really use some help at this point.

For a while now, my wisdom teeth(all 4) have been bugging me. At first, when they were coming out. Now, they're fully exposed but they're moving the hell out of the rest of my teeth. Pain is just fucking excruciating.
My question is, do any of you know of any dentist that can do the wisdom teeth extraction at a reasonable cost? If not at a reasonable cost, just throw some numbers out there if you've recently had yours pulled.

Not having dental insurance is really screwing me over at this point.

I was trying to hold out for a job that was giving me those benifits, but I just can't deal with the pain anymore.

Any help would be appreciated.


08-19-2009, 04:45 PM
my sis in law paid 2k ish for all 4 of her's to come out.

soo i dont know, but dont go to shitty dentist and fuck up your mouth
cuz they dont know how to take off wisoms.
and if your planning to take all 4 out at the same time,
jeez ur gunna be in alot of pain and look like a chipmunk lol.

if anything call 1-800-Dentist lol

and good luck

08-19-2009, 04:45 PM
Come over here.

I have a drill, Dremel, hammers, screws, bolts, screwdrivers....

I'll get those badboys out.

08-19-2009, 04:49 PM
my sis in law paid 2k ish for all 4 of her's to come out.

soo i dont know, but dont go to shitty dentist and fuck up your mouth
cuz they dont know how to take off wisoms.
and if your planning to take all 4 out at the same time,
jeez ur gunna be in alot of pain and look like a chipmunk lol.

if anything call 1-800-Dentist lol

and good luck


I searched a while ago on 1800Dentist, but never actually called. Going to start calling places up tomorrow.

I don't know if I need all 4 pulled or not. I know for sure the bottom two since those are the ones causing the most pain, but at this point I can give a shit less if all 4 are pulled. It hurts bad enough at this point. I can deal with the pain.

As far as costs go, $2k seems like the ideal cost for this.

I've read up on other places that do all 4 for around $1200, but like you said, I'm really not just looking for CHEAP. I want someone who can do it right at a reasonable cost since I'll be paying cash.

Come over here.

I have a drill, Dremel, hammers, screws, bolts, screwdrivers....

I'll get those badboys out.

We thought about this at the shop.

If I was that desperate, we'd probably do it.


08-19-2009, 05:07 PM
comes out to 100 per root +pain killers, so each tooth has 4roots, 400x4+ pain killers.

prepare for chipmunk face and dry taste of blood. goodluck

08-19-2009, 05:19 PM
TJ get it done for like 80.00 and you get a bottle of tequila for the pain.

08-19-2009, 05:21 PM
I've read up on other places that do all 4 for around $1200, but like you said, I'm really not just looking for CHEAP. I want someone who can do it right at a reasonable cost since I'll be paying cash.

haha in that case i think they'd do it for a reasonable answer.
i've heard stories of bad dentist work on wisdom teeth T_T.

if you ever do find a dentist that will do it for a price that pleases you,
make sure they give you a plastic syringe so when u have meals you can flush the food that may be stuck in there out.

trust, you wouldn't want food in there once you heal up.
infections occur and you may be in more pain.

08-19-2009, 05:44 PM
TJ get it done for like 80.00 and you get a bottle of tequila for the pain.

all the guys at my work do that.

08-19-2009, 05:57 PM
my gf's dad is a dentist and has several locations.

i will talk to her and see what i can do man. im gettin mine pulled probably in a couple months too -_-

08-19-2009, 06:04 PM
all the guys at my work do that.

It works. They're just teeth.

08-19-2009, 06:20 PM
Most places have a deal for New patients. Ex: $39.99 for exam and x-rays. When you call in make sure to state that you have pain. This way they keep you on the schedule as a Tooth ache priority and will most likely bring you in as soon as possible. Some Dental offices also have an inhouse plan that works out pretty well with financing and no interest. If your not in super pain then I would advise you to go to 3 offices in your city and find the cheapest price.

08-19-2009, 06:25 PM
It works. They're just teeth.

yeah, im sure it does but we have good dental at work. never understood that.

08-19-2009, 06:48 PM
yeah, im sure it does but we have good dental at work. never understood that.

Well that don't make sense. :hahano:

08-19-2009, 06:51 PM
fuckkk i feel you
mine are starting to hurtt
and i dont have dental insurance


08-19-2009, 06:55 PM
fuckkk i feel you
mine are starting to hurtt
and i dont have dental insurance


sell ur wheels.

08-19-2009, 06:56 PM
hahaha id rather sell my soul

08-19-2009, 07:07 PM

i need my wisdom teeth out AND i need a root canal on #30 :(

no dental ins here either :(

08-19-2009, 07:11 PM
Most places have a deal for New patients. Ex: $39.99 for exam and x-rays. When you call in make sure to state that you have pain. This way they keep you on the schedule as a Tooth ache priority and will most likely bring you in as soon as possible. Some Dental offices also have an inhouse plan that works out pretty well with financing and no interest. If your not in super pain then I would advise you to go to 3 offices in your city and find the cheapest price.

Yeah, I had my regular dentist pull one teeth on my lower jaw out because it was killing me. After that he sent me to a specialist to get the other three pulled out. Yeah and ask for an in-house plan for payments if the dentist is flexible with that.

Good luck dude.

08-20-2009, 02:20 AM
josh you should actually give me your wheels..............

08-20-2009, 03:16 AM
Damn, can't believe you guys still have them in your mouths... My parents had the dentist take them out when I was 14 or 15. First time I was given Vicodin :)

08-20-2009, 03:30 AM
Damn, can't believe you guys still have them in your mouths... My parents had the dentist take them out when I was 14 or 15. First time I was given Vicodin :)

were you like this kid

shit it didnt embed.


08-20-2009, 03:57 AM
I don't know what they did. I just know they put me out. Next thing I know, I woke up and they were done. Mouth was bleeding out faster than Tsuchiya doing heel toe.

08-20-2009, 12:15 PM
yeah man it sucks, my bottom row is not straight because of my wisdom teeth.. had them pulled when i was like 16 or so when i was luckily under dental insurance at the time.. i know how you feel about not having DI now tho, i also dont have DI anymore, hard to get when no solid job.

Good luck tho!

My mom is gettin a root canal today gonna cost her a few thousand. =(

08-20-2009, 02:07 PM
I have no dental either. haven't been to a dentist since i was 16-17, and my wisdom teeth have been coming in for a long time now. I'm crossing my fingers that i wont need to remove them since almost no one in my family has had to take them out and they have relatively straight teeth. From what I hear though, you should get them done soon if they're hurting that bad because your teeth could be seriously misaligned.

08-20-2009, 09:54 PM
why dont you just get dental insurance. get them extracted. then decide if you keep dental insurance or not based on how fucked your mouth is.

you should be able to pay a monthly thing and you can research and see what it will cover.

08-20-2009, 10:07 PM
my tops ones are out and one of them bugs me really bad.. i was dealing with it but now it like scrapes my gums when i chew

Ill never go back to a dentist though i have such shitty experiences with them and im terrified of them.

08-20-2009, 11:29 PM
Thanks to everybody that chimed in.

I had a job interview at my friends workplace about two weeks ago that has full benefits from the first day of employment.

I find out next week if I got the job or not, but if this happens, that means I'll have dental insurance from the first day of hire. I'm going to put it off for one more week crossing my fingers in hopes of getting this job.

why dont you just get dental insurance. get them extracted. then decide if you keep dental insurance or not based on how fucked your mouth is.

you should be able to pay a monthly thing and you can research and see what it will cover.

I'd love to get dental insurance, but I doubt I'll be able to call in for that insurance one day, go in the next day to have my wisdom teeth pulled, then call off that insurance in less than a month.(Just a random guess.)

I'll start looking into how much dental insurance would cost me. I could really use it seeing as to how I need a filling taken care of.

08-20-2009, 11:35 PM
a few shots will help ease that pain ha...good luck this upcomin week

08-21-2009, 12:03 AM
vicodins or oxycotton's your friend

08-21-2009, 12:17 AM
actually, if you pay cash, they might give you a good discount.

apparently, they have to record all their transactions, which then leads to taxes having to be paid, but when they get cash, they don't have to "report" it, and they can most likely keep it to themselves. (probably illegal)

so be sure to tell them that you are paying cash, and ask if there is a discount available.

08-21-2009, 12:49 AM
if i remember correctly, western dental charges $250 per with membership which is like $80 up front and you can do the rest in payments with no intrest. i went about a year ago.

>added. for some reason, i cant PM you. i was just gonna say. if it gets bad and you need something for pain hit me up PM or email.

08-28-2009, 01:58 AM
mine started hurting 3 days ago my left cheek is already swollen didnt even take it out and its just growing ! gah >:[ paaaaaaaaain ful.

08-29-2009, 11:08 AM
mine started hurting 3 days ago my left cheek is already swollen didnt even take it out and its just growing ! gah >:[ paaaaaaaaain ful.

Infection. Go to your local dentist and they will prescribe you some anti-biotics and hopefully take care of the problem and let you walk away with sum nice pain meds...:keke:

Most "horror stories" that you hear, are from patients who delay their dental treatment. They have the idea of (if it doesnt hurt why should I go?). If you wait till the area is in pain/infected its harder to numb which in turn makes you feel parts of the procudure when originally you should have been numb for.

Its like checking your oil and water. Dont want to overheat or mess up any internals. Especially you turbo guys..

09-14-2009, 07:34 PM
Late update is better than no update.

So, I finally had all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled out today.

It wasn't as bad as I thought.

Hell, 3 of them didn't even hurt at all.

The left bottom one was a bitch, but it came out after some tugging.

In total, I paid $600 cash for everything including Ibuprofen and Amoxicillin(which was an EXTREMELY good deal to me). To be honest, I didn't do it simply because it sounded like a good deal. I had previously looked them up and read several positive reviews. They're listed on 1-800-Dentist too.

If you guys need anything done, I highly recommend this place.

Dr. Naziri's Dental Clinic
4186 Tweedy Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280

I literally walked in(without an appointment), asked for a consultation, got the X-rays, and finally had them pulled about 30 minutes after. The whole process took about 2-3 hours, but that was because they needed to numb one side at a time.

Disgusting teeth pictures to come soon.


09-14-2009, 07:47 PM
wow that's a pretty good deal..

i got my left top and left bottom wisdoms pulled almost a year ago... i paid $350. cash.

it was sort of a hookup though... aunt's husband's friend,.. or something..?

09-14-2009, 10:35 PM
........I had insurance when I got mine pulled and I paid like $1100 AFTER insurance...

But man, he was a very good anesthesiologist. I was HIGH as a mother fucker, (I never do drugs or drink) but I know what it's like now... LOL.

Even after the surgery I didn't take much pain medicine, I only took it because I was "supposed to" not because it actually hurt.

I still have a vicodin in my desk drawer.

09-16-2009, 12:58 AM
hey man the thing that adds up the most is the anastetics they use to know you out, i opted for the awake method and was wide awake when they pulled mine, they used novicain, but it was the most awsome weirdest pain ever, if you got balls like me do it that way, and save $600 per tooth

09-16-2009, 01:13 AM
Late update is better than no update.

So, I finally had all 4 of my wisdom teeth pulled out today.

It wasn't as bad as I thought.

Hell, 3 of them didn't even hurt at all.

The left bottom one was a bitch, but it came out after some tugging.

In total, I paid $600 cash for everything including Ibuprofen and Amoxicillin(which was an EXTREMELY good deal to me). To be honest, I didn't do it simply because it sounded like a good deal. I had previously looked them up and read several positive reviews. They're listed on 1-800-Dentist too.

If you guys need anything done, I highly recommend this place.

Dr. Naziri's Dental Clinic
4186 Tweedy Blvd
South Gate, CA 90280

I literally walked in(without an appointment), asked for a consultation, got the X-rays, and finally had them pulled about 30 minutes after. The whole process took about 2-3 hours, but that was because they needed to numb one side at a time.

Disgusting teeth pictures to come soon.


lol, glad to hearman,
and it wasnt even close to 1k or the 2k ppl were talking bout

09-16-2009, 09:13 AM
lol, glad to hearman,
and it wasnt even close to 1k or the 2k ppl were talking bout


I know.

I was awake during the entire process.

Like I said, the first 3 were cake. Zero pain and came out quick. The last one(bottom left) hurt. Very uncomfortable pain.

Blood taste is almost out of my mouth.

I can eat solids comfortably again.


09-16-2009, 10:27 AM
did they give you a syringe to shoot out the food after meals?
if they didn't request for one!
if i said this already sorry ima say it again,
its gunna suck if you have food stuck in there and its closing up
cause it might get infected and yeah.

im guessing the 3 that came out like cake were already grown out so it was easier to take out, and the lower one was still growing and yeah, painful lol.

all mine were visible and out so it was easier rather then the dentist chopping my gums to take the tooth out,
now im waiting for one more to come out and i dont have insurance anymore =[

well here are my wisdoms lol

the far right that one was the one we had to chop my gums to take it out.

09-16-2009, 10:43 AM
Seems like there have been a lot of wisdom teeth threads on Zilvia. My surgeon was the shit, mine never hurt whatsoever, even after the surgery.

did they give you a syringe to shoot out the food after meals?
if they didn't request for one!
if i said this already sorry ima say it again,
its gunna suck if you have food stuck in there and its closing up
cause it might get infected and yeah.


But, I didnt get any cool shit like that! Didn't get to keep my teeth either, what the hell, I would have made a necklace with them.

09-16-2009, 11:08 AM
haha pretty dope huh?
mine didnt hurt either,
but that last one lol

180 drifter
09-16-2009, 02:31 PM
its been over a week since i had mine taken out and it still hurts. i don't remember anything about the procedure and the first day i was cool, just spittin out a lot of blood but now i think i have dry socket. and i just ran out of percocet. Damn military dentists.

09-16-2009, 09:52 PM
Damn, having that shit hurt must really suck.

I wouldn't know, but my wallet does... :(

09-16-2009, 09:55 PM
Damn, having that shit hurt must really suck.

I wouldn't know, but my wallet does... :(

04-29-2010, 03:17 PM
brining this back from the dead...my temp filling fell out abut 8 months ago...out of laziness ive been stuffing cotton in there to avoid food storage situations...

i need to get a crown, dare i say it...IM FUCKING SCARED...cost and procedure... :-/

04-29-2010, 03:53 PM
Sucks man.

I still need to have a filling done. Doesn't hurt with regular food(at all actually).

Only hurts when I eat chocolate (which is hardly ever).

No issues to this day as far as the wisdom teeth extraction goes.

Gaping holes closed up and zero infections throughout the entire process.

I'm happy.

04-29-2010, 04:14 PM
Sucks man.

I still need to have a filling done. Doesn't hurt with regular food(at all actually).

Only hurts when I eat chocolate (which is hardly ever).

No issues to this day as far as the wisdom teeth extraction goes.

Gaping holes closed up and zero infections throughout the entire process.

I'm happy.

My teeth hurt when I eat chocolate as well.

04-29-2010, 04:20 PM
My teeth hurt when I eat chocolate as well.
cavity bro...trust me, get that checked...be4 ur fucked like i am...:cry:

04-29-2010, 04:49 PM
did u have insurance?

04-29-2010, 11:28 PM
nope, payin cash money Brah!

05-02-2010, 03:09 PM
Go to a local dentist. They usually have good deals like $39.99 for full Exam and x-rays. Let the doctor address your problems and choose to work on the worst problem first. Most places have in house plans where you may be able to pay in payments with no interest for a year. :)

Dont worry, you'll be numb. Just let them know what your feeling and they'll take care of you.

05-02-2010, 06:37 PM
cavity bro...trust me, get that checked...be4 ur fucked like i am...:cry:

I got them taken care of recently. I still just stay the hell away from chocolate, that shit hurts my teeth like no other.

05-04-2010, 09:13 AM
I got them taken care of recently. I still just stay the hell away from chocolate, that shit hurts my teeth like no other.

yeah...its never the same...going today...gonna go where crimson recomended... :)

05-04-2010, 09:22 AM
Even if you had dental insurance, you'd still get screwed over. Dentists are overpaid. My Uncle is one & makes money like crazy with little effort.