View Full Version : I'm suing EA!

08-19-2009, 11:57 AM
No seriously.

IGN: Want to Sue EA Over NFL Exclusivity? (http://sports.ign.com/articles/101/1015586p1.html)

Hell yeah I signed up for this. I'm not joking at all. The last football game I bought was NFL 2k5 which IMO was the best football game ever made. I couldn't stand the Madden games. I rented them and just thought they sucked.

When they made this exclusive deal with the NFL I vowed to not buy and EA games. And I didn't until TW 2010 just came out. And I bought that reluctantly.

I've seriously been pissed about this since the day I heard about it. I'll take the god damn stand if they need a fanboy spokesperson.

08-19-2009, 12:01 PM
i had no idea they had exclusive rights to NFL lol...learn something new every day. i was never a fan of football games really, the only one i ever bought was NFL Blitz way back in the day because i found it amusing to tackle people and go nuts on them.

wait wait you bought TW2010? as in...Tiger Woods 2010? That's the only one I can think of. How's it?

08-19-2009, 12:10 PM
i had no idea they had exclusive rights to NFL lol...learn something new every day. i was never a fan of football games really, the only one i ever bought was NFL Blitz way back in the day because i found it amusing to tackle people and go nuts on them.

wait wait you bought TW2010? as in...Tiger Woods 2010? That's the only one I can think of. How's it?

Yeah tiger 2010. Gameplay wise the game is great, I'd give it a 9/10. Graphics and sound it's honestly like a PS2 game. :/

But yeah I suing those mf's. They piss me the f*ck off.

08-19-2009, 12:14 PM
EA sucks, their racing games are crap physics and stereotypical. Madden is just such a name tho, and john madden is no where involved in the new games..

Mi Beardo es Loco
08-19-2009, 12:36 PM
I had both Madden and 2k games. Madden is much better for a true football fan. Found 2k to be way too easy on the AI. Can do the same play over and over and over and over again. Going deep is simple. Madden has really suffered the past few years but madden 10 is amazing.

But I agree with this lawsuit. Anyone who LOVES football games, such as myself, would benefit regardless of personal opinion. If 2k comes back and makes a spectacular game then Madden would have to try to one up them. That's the way it works. Because there was no competition Madden was stuck on cruise control for a number of years. They actually removed a ton of defensive control away from 03 on. Can not understand that at all.

08-19-2009, 12:39 PM
BLITZ > then all NFL games


Mi Beardo es Loco
08-19-2009, 12:40 PM
NBA Jam>Bltz

08-19-2009, 12:44 PM
Be mad at NFL for selling out.

08-19-2009, 12:49 PM
I'm not trying to make this a debate on which game is better, but the fact that EA pissed me off. And yes I'm upset with the NFL for doing the deal in the first place. But EA makes the game. So...

08-19-2009, 01:14 PM
sadly EA makes the most money in the video game market over even microsoft sony and nintendo

08-19-2009, 01:21 PM
I already think EA has gone overboard.

Command and Conquer 3 wouldn't run on a PC that had Daemon Tools, Alcohol 120%, PowerISO, MagicISO, UltraISO EVER installed. I'm not talking currently installed but like ever installed in it's life as a PC. The only way around it was a fresh install of windows for the copy protection of the game to run.

No they would not accept it as a return. Yes I charged back on my card. Compass Bank agrees. If it's not stated on the box as a requirement, then it doesn't count.

2 months after the game was released they put a patch on their own copy protection to make it less aggressive. They can die.

08-19-2009, 01:24 PM
BLITZ > then all NFL games


YES LIKE A BAWUS>! blitz was so great. hey they have done good things with nhl. i hope nhl 10 rocks.

Dirty Habit
08-19-2009, 01:48 PM
^^ agreed! Cannot wait until nhl 10.

Not a big fan of ea games other than the nhl series and Tw.

08-20-2009, 07:58 AM
where do u sign up? i just got madden 10 cuz i thought 09 was pretty good... but alot of the shit i liked on the 09 is gone for 10... like who the hell starts a career as a new player entering the NFL draft but doesnt go to an NFL combine or doesnt do pre draft drills with the teams they might get drafted by? that dont make no sense... but yea i wanna sign up.. u get a link post it on here

EDIT: found the link


08-20-2009, 12:31 PM
ign are a bunch of idiots... now if EA bought the exclusivity rights to fuck sega sports from producing the 2k games they would be able to shake a stick at them in court.

The fact of the matter is the NFL themselves initiated that whole exclusivity thing. Why on earth they did that I do not know but the fact of the matter is EA sports came out of the pockets when Sega didn't and they got fucked because of it.

They tried to come out with new football games using retired players and such but after 3 years the game still looked like and played like nfl 2k5 without the fancy presentations and etc and got shitty to horrible reviews and the teams that made those games were disbanded by sega to focus on other games like top spin and shit.

sorry for the rant, but I am an avid gamer and do agree the 2k series is WAY better than madden and the players actually looked like the players instead of colored people in foot ball pads with dreads or no dreads.

08-20-2009, 04:27 PM
And what would IGN get out of it?!?! Absolutely nothing...

08-20-2009, 05:07 PM
whats this all about?

you guys are playing bullshit. its ALL about 10-yard Fight

08-20-2009, 06:00 PM
whats this all about?

you guys are playing bullshit. its ALL about 10-yard Fight

Hell ya! Now you're talking! That game was/still is gangster. That and Bad News Baseball... :boink:

08-20-2009, 06:12 PM
You're all wrong.


I'm playing it right now, thank god for emulators. Oh childhood.

08-20-2009, 06:52 PM
EA has, for a few years now, made me a tad impatient with them.

EA became to big, and started getting exclusive liscenses and just bought out other companies games to smother competition:

They got the exclusive NFL liscense starting I believe with the 2006 season. This is partial blame on the greedy NFL as well as EA though, it was a business opportunity for a game company, maybe the biggest in gaming history, so yes they jumped on it even against people's wants like mine and many others. I do not believe sueing them is the answer though, it simply is not completely their fault, again, this was a huge opportunity.

That does not mean I am contempt with what they have done lately with their games.

They have taken over the college sport games too. They took out the other college football games like gamebreaker and made theirs the only one so you were forced to buy it.

Then, starting with last season, they dealt with 2k's college basketball game, and took it away. Now, they own the right to the only college basketball game too.

This is bad for consumers, because no more competition exist. I have not been pleased with how they have handled the games either. NCAA and Madden feel the same every year for football, and their college basketball game feels far to unresponsive and sluggish.

That being said, EA had a stellar showing @ E3 this past year, and seemed to be going back to when they were actually an innovative gaming company. However, not all has gone as planned yet again. Some of the awesome they brought with them to E3 has faded.

NCAA football was a disaster this year, in my opinion. Thank goodness I did not purchase it. They should be ashamed for letting such an incomplete game hit the market. Glitches and problems were the majority. That was an embrassement.

Now, I have not purchased it yet, but I must say I have been pleased with Madden from what I have played thus far, but it is not perfect by any means. The announcing sounds like football games from generations past, and though I know this is a relatively small part of the game, it is EXTREMELY ANNOYING.

What makes me more angered at EA, is the fact that they have been far more interested in making money in recent years than pleasing the consumers. This year, charging for basic features in NCAA and Madden is rediculous and I hope more people boycott it. Charging for something that should be in the game from the beginning is in no way understandable or acceptable.

Anyway, game play wise I am ok with Madden this year. I think it is the best Madden in a very long time. I still believe All-Pro 2k8 is a ton more realistic, and puts physics from madden to shame, and I hope Backbreaker can push Madden out of that safe room they have right now with football games. Backbreaker looks fierce, and will be physics wise, a huge achievement. I just hope it can hold a candle to Madden sales, so maybe EA will start thinking about us more than them again.

08-20-2009, 07:30 PM
How is this different from Codemasters getting exclusive rights to F1?

I don't see this case lasting long.

08-20-2009, 07:39 PM
G6 civic needs to come in and school me on IP/Copyright law . . .
. . . cuz I think this is the definition of a frivolous lawsuit

How the hell do you have standing if you bought a game by the people who hold the monopoly? You haven't been injured.

08-20-2009, 08:02 PM
How is this different from Codemasters getting exclusive rights to F1?

I don't see this case lasting long.

i was thinkin that too... EA passed up F1 and codemasters picked it up.. Alot of people think Codemasters will ruin the f1 games.

The thing is the majority of americans could care less about F1

08-20-2009, 08:33 PM
I love F1... Real racing ftw. Nascar is fail as far as the racing goes.

08-20-2009, 10:09 PM
hey what happened to the NFL Gameday series that was on playstation? was that the one by 2k sports? i remember gameday 98 was like the first 3d football game and it blew the pants off madden 98

08-21-2009, 12:30 AM
hey what happened to the NFL Gameday series that was on playstation? was that the one by 2k sports? i remember gameday 98 was like the first 3d football game and it blew the pants off madden 98

There was a ton of games.

Madden, Sega NFL football, then 2k, then ESPN. Oh competition look what you have become :sadwavey:

08-21-2009, 12:48 AM
NBA Jam>Bltz
Mutant League Football/Hockey > All.

08-21-2009, 07:06 AM
G6 civic needs to come in and school me on IP/Copyright law . . .
. . . cuz I think this is the definition of a frivolous lawsuit

How the hell do you have standing if you bought a game by the people who hold the monopoly? You haven't been injured.

I have not bought an NFL football game since this happened. The last game NFL football game I bought was 2K5. I've tried to play Madden but just don't like it. Now if EA wouldn't have made the deal with the NFL (yes the NFL is at fault too but this is about EA right now) I would have been able to enjoy my favorite football franchise over the last 4 years.

Isn't this the definition of a monopoly

08-21-2009, 09:18 AM
stop bitching and whining.................

and just play 10-yard fight

its much better game. only takes like 5-10 mins per game and allows you to go back to work quickly. its take more time to configure/setup the new games than it does to beat the old games.

08-21-2009, 06:13 PM
stop bitching and whining.................

and just play 10-yard fight

its much better game. only takes like 5-10 mins per game and allows you to go back to work quickly. its take more time to configure/setup the new games than it does to beat the old games.

That sounds gay. No.

Interesting. I got a call from the attorney's office regarding this.

I didn't call back today because I didn't have time. I'll keep you posted.

08-21-2009, 07:06 PM
shit how do i get in this??? ive gotten every single madden game frm 005 till now cuz gameday stopped making games and madden was all that was around

08-21-2009, 07:23 PM
I have not bought an NFL football game since this happened. The last game NFL football game I bought was 2K5. I've tried to play Madden but just don't like it. Now if EA wouldn't have made the deal with the NFL (yes the NFL is at fault too but this is about EA right now) I would have been able to enjoy my favorite football franchise over the last 4 years.

Isn't this the definition of a monopoly

I'm wondering how you've been hurt if you bought the Madden game, since the article mentions a lawyer wanting to represent purchasers of the Madden game.

From what I remember people who sue monopolies are people who own competing businesses driven out of business by price slashing. You do not produce and sell a competing football game, so how have you been hurt?

08-22-2009, 07:16 AM
I'm wondering how you've been hurt if you bought the Madden game, since the article mentions a lawyer wanting to represent purchasers of the Madden game.

From what I remember people who sue monopolies are people who own competing businesses driven out of business by price slashing. You do not produce and sell a competing football game, so how have you been hurt?

I have NOT bought a Madden game. I used to buy NFL 2k games. Since this happened, because I do not like the Madden franchise, (as much as I've tried) I have not purchased an NFL video game. EA didn't have these exclusive rights and 2K was still making NFL games I would have been buying then every year or so.

08-22-2009, 07:30 AM
I have NOT bought a Madden game. I used to buy NFL 2k games. Since this happened, because I do not like the Madden franchise, (as much as I've tried) I have not purchased an NFL video game. EA didn't have these exclusive rights and 2K was still making NFL games I would have been buying then every year or so.

I'm confused as to your point here...

Honestly, there is absolutely nothing stopping 2k from making a NFL game. Hell I can make an NFL game if I want. The only thing EA owns is the exclusive rights to the players names if I remember correctly. Its similiar to the situation with college football not allowing the use of player names. 2K can easily make a football game with #4 quarterbacking the Vikings. But lets be honest here, the main reason EA is the ONLY one making NFL games is because they are established and seem to always improve year to year. People are always going to hate, I've owned every Madden since 03'. I got 2010 the day it came out and love every minute of it. NFL has done nothing wrong other than look for their best return on an investment. They obviously would have sold their rights to 2K if they were producing a better product, which they clearly WERE NOT.

The whole suing of EA is ridiculous. It just shows you how retarded our country can be. People trying to SUE over a VIDEO GAME. With all the problems we have, people do stupid things like this.

08-22-2009, 07:51 AM
I'm confused as to your point here...

Honestly, there is absolutely nothing stopping 2k from making a NFL game. Hell I can make an NFL game if I want. The only thing EA owns is the exclusive rights to the players names if I remember correctly. Its similiar to the situation with college football not allowing the use of player names. 2K can easily make a football game with #4 quarterbacking the Vikings. But lets be honest here, the main reason EA is the ONLY one making NFL games is because they are established and seem to always improve year to year. People are always going to hate, I've owned every Madden since 03'. I got 2010 the day it came out and love every minute of it. NFL has done nothing wrong other than look for their best return on an investment. They obviously would have sold their rights to 2K if they were producing a better product, which they clearly WERE NOT.

The whole suing of EA is ridiculous. It just shows you how retarded our country can be. People trying to SUE over a VIDEO GAME. With all the problems we have, people do stupid things like this.

Nope. EA made a deal with the NFL in 2005 for the exclusive rights to any and ALL NFL things related to the NFL. No one else can use the NFL name. that's why people have had to either get retired players to sign on or they have to make up their own league and team.

Also, I'm not suing to try and get money. Frankly I don't want a dime. I want to let EA know that people don't agree with their tactics and it's not the best thing for consumers.

If it just lead to the court voiding their exclusivity I'd be more then happy I was involved somehow.

08-22-2009, 01:20 PM
Again, how have you been hurt? Because you didn't *get* to buy a potential game from a competing company? I don't think there's any property or liberty interest in being denied a video game. The only damage would be if EA's games were priced significantly higher after acquiring the license the "destroyed" the competing poducts. . . but as far as I know, most mainstream games come out to the same price point.

Moreover, EA was only able to get the license when the NFL signed it over to them for a fat wad of cash. Why not blame the NFL for restricting the availability of authentic NFL likenesses and such to one exclusive game producer?

It's their fault as much as anyone's. They could also have sold a non-exclusive license and permitted different game companies to make different games. (NOTE: I understand why an established brand like the NFL would, from a marketing standpoint, want to work with just the one game company and avoid multiple "NFL games" being on the market. That, and EA probably paid out the ass).

08-22-2009, 04:14 PM
Nope. EA made a deal with the NFL in 2005 for the exclusive rights to any and ALL NFL things related to the NFL. No one else can use the NFL name. that's why people have had to either get retired players to sign on or they have to make up their own league and team.

Also, I'm not suing to try and get money. Frankly I don't want a dime. I want to let EA know that people don't agree with their tactics and it's not the best thing for consumers.

If it just lead to the court voiding their exclusivity I'd be more then happy I was involved somehow.

I was wrong about the rights involved, however all I can say is its not like 2K didn't TRY to get the same license that EA did, it just EA ended up being willing to spend. And how are their tactics not good for consumers?? If you ask me they seem to being just fine. Madden 05-09 own 4 of the top 10 positions of video games SOLD ALL TIME.

08-22-2009, 04:31 PM
well im still playing the dinosaur playsation 1. gran turismo is the shit on that console

08-22-2009, 07:09 PM
I was wrong about the rights involved, however all I can say is its not like 2K didn't TRY to get the same license that EA did, it just EA ended up being willing to spend.

You are just assuming they did. You don't know that as a fact and I had not heard anything like that at the time or afterward.

And how are their tactics not good for consumers??

A monopoly is rarely, if ever, good for consumers.

If you ask me they seem to being just fine. Madden 05-09 own 4 of the top 10 positions of video games SOLD ALL TIME.

That's your opinion (which is fine) but I disagree completely. For one I think 2K makes better NFL games AND they were $30 cheaper.

08-22-2009, 07:33 PM
A monopoly is rarely, if ever, good for consumers.

They are NOT a monopoly... The NFL owns the exclusive rights to their own name and property, which EA is buying. EA has already done this with other sports (PGA and Nascar). Those deals went through and continue to be that way.

You are just assuming they did. You don't know that as a fact and I had not heard anything like that at the time or afterward.

"There was a bidding process though, that much is known. 2K did bid on it, but they got outbid. I just find it funny people are so up in arms about this when 2K turned around and did basically the same thing with the MLB license in relation to 3rd party game rights." This is straight from IGN's report circa 2004.

08-23-2009, 01:45 AM
Espn was the shit on the PS2. Madden never really floated my boat.

08-23-2009, 07:27 AM
I'm not a lawyer.

I saw this on IGN and this has pissed me off for years so I signed up. That's all I know right now.

08-23-2009, 01:38 PM
EA did not create a monopoly.

The NFL did. In fact, they are a monopoly and that monopoly has been upheld over years and years - nobody minds it because the XFL, USFL all suck. People want to see all the best players in one league competing against each other.

08-23-2009, 03:24 PM
that reminds me how i remember reading about a recent football game on ps3 or was it 360, or was it PS2 *i cant remember* that was based on fictional teams but was really good, better than madden gameplay. I cant think of the name.

You just need to make a game like that, and allow some "third party " leaked download content to change everyone to real teams lol

But todays market, people rather have eye candy over simulation.