View Full Version : Female figures of the law useless?

08-19-2009, 01:45 AM
Deputies watched while gunman killed two on bridge

By Karl Fischer

[email protected]
Posted: 08/18/2009 05:47:21 PM PDT
Updated: 08/18/2009 09:28:43 PM PDT

Two Marin County sheriff's deputies watched from 50 feet away while a man killed two people with a shotgun on the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge last week.

The deputies, detectives returning from an unrelated investigation in San Pablo, stopped traffic and radioed for help, Richmond police said Tuesday.

But they made no move to stop the killer's rampage or to follow him or take his license plate number.

Their reactions that night left local law enforcement circles buzzing in the days following the Aug. 11 deaths of Deborah Ross, 51, and Ersie Everette, 58.

"I'm not in a position to know whether their actions might or might not have influenced the outcome. It's fair to say we're still putting the pieces together," said Richmond Police Chief Chris Magnus. He acknowledged that he has heard from many residents and police officers, retired and active, on the subject.

The Marin County sheriff's deputies, whom police would not identify, saw the shooter as they approached the toll plaza, one in front of the other in unmarked cars. They wore street clothes but were armed and on the clock, returning from a follow-up investigation in San Pablo.

One saw the muzzle flash in the south parking lot, where police say Nathan Burris, 46, shot Everette. Moments later, Burris jogged out into traffic toward the toll booth.

The attack lasted less than half a minute. One of the deputies alerted her dispatch center in Marin County during the
shooting, and the other used her car to block traffic so other drivers would not blunder into the gunman's sights, Richmond police said. They then checked on workers in the toll booths and the adjoining Caltrans building.

Meanwhile, the suspect, later identified as Burris, drove away.

A statewide manhunt ensued. California Highway Patrol officers in Placer County arrested Burris several hours later.

"That is Richmond PD's case, so you would need to speak to them about it," said Marin County sheriff's Sgt. Debra Barry, the department's spokeswoman.

Ross, a toll-taker at the bridge, borrowed Everette's pickup that day to get to work. Everette, a bus driver, stopped about 6 p.m. to pick it up. Ross was Burris' ex-girlfriend.

Prosecutors say Burris had slashed a tire on Everette's pickup, then watched through binoculars for him to arrive. While Everette waited for roadside service, Burris shot him, according to authorities.

"I'm guilty. I did it," Burris told a Contra Costa Superior Court judge during his arraignment last week. "All I need is the penalty phase. Kill me."

Burris, held in jail in Martinez, has declined interview requests, a Contra Costa sheriff's spokesman said. Last week he told police more than once that he would have shot officers, or anyone else, in his way. Witnesses reported him brandishing his weapon at any car that came near him on the bridge.

Soon after the arrest, Monday-morning quarterbacking began in and around Richmond. Some question the decisions of those out-of-town officers who did not directly intervene when lives were at stake.

Others bear no grudge — anyone would think twice about accosting an agitated man with a shotgun — but do wonder why the deputies did not follow when the gunman fled or do more to ensure the suspect's capture.

Others just feel sorry for their fellow officers, judged harshly by strangers and, possibly, by their own co-workers.

"I think it goes with the territory," Magnus said. "Most police officers understand that they will undergo a rigorous critique from the public. I think police officers also do a fair amount of critiquing of each other, for better or worse."

-A week or two ago, some crazy guy armed with a shotgun blew his ex-gf's bf and her away in a toll booth (one of them worked as a toll collector)
-manhunt ensued and guy was caught
-new reports suggest that 2 deputies were at the scene less than 50ft away from the crime and just watched and called for help as it took place (even though they were armed, trained, and on the clock)
-the two deputies were female, which means /end for the victims

Call me a sexest pig if you must, but i just read this story and it just pissed me off.

if the deputies were male i would think they were cowards and didn't even attempt to do their job. but when i read they were "her" and "her" i was thinking, wtf. useless bitches in uniforms but lacking balls (literally and figuratively)

maybe i just feel this way because i've experience a similar situation. when i was younger i worked retail and identified some shoplifters to a female security guard. guys saw her and just ran, while she did shit for like half a minute and finally phoned for help and described the suspects they were long gone. i asked why didn't you chase after those guys and she replied "you need to be there if we catch them." so i was like wtf, so i followed chase while she just stood there. of course those punks got away.

for some reason, female authority figures always seem to be *snip* too. there's this cop in my city i saw once and she was like some 5' skinny ass *snip*. i was like, wtf, are criminals and felons suppose to take her seriously? i could pull a chris brown on that *snip* cop and she couldn't do shit back to me. what's she going to do? phone for help? she would be dead already.

all of them are useless bitches collecting a paycheck. just because you look like a man, doesn't mean that you are a man. shit!

there should be a minimum requirement to be a security guard, police officer, body guard, bouncer, etc. if you are a female and that should be: you need to have a sack of balls between your legs or at least look and fight like gina carano.

PS. Sorry if i offended anyone who knows/has relations with a female authority figure of the law. i'm just ranting because i'm pissed there were cops at this crime and they didn't do shit.

08-19-2009, 01:53 AM
You're making pretty big assumptions bout women generally if you're saying that they didn't act *because* they're women.

As for why they didn't act, that's pretty wierd. I am trying to visualize the scene, 50 ft away . . . they reportedly were able to see the gun?

If it's at a toll plaza with cars and people, the only legitimate reason I can think of is not wanting to start a firefight with collateral everywhere.

08-19-2009, 02:18 AM
You're making pretty big assumptions bout women generally if you're saying that they didn't act *because* they're women.

As for why they didn't act, that's pretty wierd. I am trying to visualize the scene, 50 ft away . . . they reportedly were able to see the gun?

If it's at a toll plaza with cars and people, the only legitimate reason I can think of is not wanting to start a firefight with collateral everywhere.

i know, i'm just ranting, but a part of me thinks they saw the situation and got too scared to do anything.

being that close, and him holding a SHOTGUN, i think they would have saw it. it's not some small hidden hand pistol. other witnesses said they saw him holding a gun.

from what i read last week, the guy shot the ex-gf who worked in the toll booth and then shot the bf. if the lady deputies indeed saw the suspicious guy walking up to the booth, they should have at least drew their firearms and said freeze. if he shot the lady in the booth, they could have fired on him, then only 1 person would be died instead of 2.

then they check on people and the toll booth to see if anyone was hurt and just let the guy drive off. he did eventually get caught, but 1 of them should have said "you guy check on those people, i'll go after him" they didn't even take his plate!!

08-19-2009, 02:28 AM
hey i wouldnt mind female cops, id think they wouldnt care much about pulling over illegal modified vehicles lol.

but for this topic, reminds me of Private Uppem from Saving Private Ryan, bitch ass just stood there and cried while someone was killing his comrade.

08-19-2009, 02:31 AM
you're probably wrong on the female cops NOT pulling over illegally modified cars.

i would think they are more inclined to do so, because harassing young punks is a whole lot easier than busting ass dealing with domestic violence calls with abusive husbands/bfs and noise disturbance with gangbangers.

08-19-2009, 02:48 AM
i know, i'm just ranting, but a part of me thinks they saw the situation and got too scared to do anything.

being that close, and him holding a SHOTGUN, i think they would have saw it. it's not some small hidden hand pistol. other witnesses said they saw him holding a gun.

from what i read last week, the guy shot the ex-gf who worked in the toll booth and then shot the bf. if the lady deputies indeed saw the suspicious guy walking up to the booth, they should have at least drew their firearms and said freeze. if he shot the lady in the booth, they could have fired on him, then only 1 person would be died instead of 2.

then they check on people and the toll booth to see if anyone was hurt and just let the guy drive off. he did eventually get caught, but 1 of them should have said "you guy check on those people, i'll go after him" they didn't even take his plate!!

I can understand them not chasing the gunman - checking on people's safety has priority over a fleeing suspect.

From playing video games, I know shotguns have splash. Maybe they didn't want him pumping shots randomly into cars or what not.

08-19-2009, 02:50 AM
got a point tho, yelling out to get the gunmans attention, then gunman can panic and point at them and fire..

What would John McClane do? lmao

08-19-2009, 03:07 AM
The real question is what would RJF do.

08-19-2009, 03:57 AM
Maybe they were having their period.

08-19-2009, 04:24 AM
Man, some of you guys are pretty harsh. Cowards? Shit how many of you have been shot at directly? Who the hell would know what they were thinking...think they prioritized the situation and they put the safety of the bystanders ahead of trying to apprehend the suspect. They did say the incident took less than 2 minutes to happen. They made a decision to check up on the victims and keep other people from getting potentially shot, only thing I would be upset about is that they didnt get the plate number of the shooter. That should have been one of the first info they relayed to dispatch so other units can take care of the gunman down the road.

08-19-2009, 08:19 AM
As with most cop stories the details are a bit vague. Perhaps they could have intervened, but maybe their thought process at the time was the right then to do. They called for backup and blocked off traffic.

To say they didn't do anything because they are female is as sexist as it is ignorant.

But not like you will read this anyways in your time out.

08-19-2009, 11:05 AM


08-19-2009, 11:13 AM
well i disagree about your whole point however i do agree with certain aspects of it. women are much less intimidating as authority figures. why? because the world still is moderately sexist. (and yes anatomy has a little role to play, ie body build not genitalia, lol) but many women do great jobs in terms of "manly" jobs. where these two women are outliers, i believe that many do their job as well and sometimes better than men, be it police, military whatever.

08-19-2009, 11:17 AM
thats fucked up!,.......no wonder they call em pussy's

08-19-2009, 11:21 AM
thats fucked up!,.......no wonder they call em pussy's

completely sexist.

08-19-2009, 11:35 AM
i know a few female cop's by me that i wouldn't fuck with, at the same department there are some guy's that i would just laugh at... all depends on the person/situation.

My friend is a cop and i wouldn't be at all threatened by him

08-19-2009, 07:44 PM
Law enforcement have no affirmative duty to protect us.

Bowers v. DeVito, 686 F.2d 616 (7th Cir. 1982)
There is a constitutional right not to be murdered by a state officer, for the state violates the Fourteenth Amendment when its officer, acting under color of state law, deprives a person of life without due process of law. Brazier v. Cherry, 293 F.2d 401, 404-05 (5th Cir. 1961). But there is no constitutional right to be protected by the state against being murdered by criminals or madmen. It is monstrous if the state fails to protect its residents against such predators but it does not violate the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment or, we suppose, any other provision of the Constitution. The Constitution is a charter of negative liberties; it tells the state to let people alone; it does not require the federal government or the state to provide services, even so elementary a service as maintaining law and order. Discrimination in providing protection against private violence could of course violate the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. But that is not alleged here. All that is alleged is a failure to protect Miss Bowers and others like her from a dangerous madman, and as the State of Illinois has no federal constitutional duty to provide such protection its failure to do so is not actionable under section 1983.


08-19-2009, 07:54 PM
Some of you peeps are real ignorant. The only reason some of you hate cops and think that their worthless is because your ass gets pulled over for doing stupid shit.

08-19-2009, 08:48 PM
says the rasta

08-19-2009, 08:57 PM



I get racially profiled by female cops all the time.

08-19-2009, 09:04 PM
I really don't think you should pin this on the sex of the cops.

There are many factors that took place and now there will be the constant "what-ifs" swirling through everyone's mind.

Sadly lives were lost and there is no saying if the situation would have been worse or better if the cops drew their weapons.

08-19-2009, 09:41 PM
I usually agree with you on stuff, but in this case you're making ignorant statements out of frustration and anger.

While I agree that an investigation is warranted due to the circumstances, we can't know for sure that what happened was or was not in the best interest for the rest of the innocent bystanders.

What would you have done if you were those cops?

08-20-2009, 12:03 AM
Personally I think Police Dept's are too lax with physical requirements.
Male or Female, old or young, I frequently see a lot of officers who certainly don't appear to be in adequate shape for chasing down criminals.

If I saw a 5'00" delicate person (male or female), I would be skeptical as well.
To be fair, a lot of the male officers look terribly out of shape.
I recall a recent thread concerning a vid with a 9 yr old being chased by a cop.
The officer was so out of shape, he could barely waddle, let alone run.

I also recall a friend who went to LAPD or LA Sheriff's boot camp.
He mentioned that a good majority of the applicants were overweight (if not obese).
Many had trouble even running a measly 2 miles, & could not even do 10 push-ups.
It's absurd how such 'out-of-shape' ppl can get so far along the recruitment process, as boot camp.

It's one thing to be politically correct,
it's quite another to entrust qualified individuals to roles that ought to require some degree of physical competence.

That being said, I'd rather put my life in the hands of a lady in good shape, than some pot-bellied dude who can barely run.
Imo, sex is unimportant as long as you can do the job.
More important, is how strict the physical requirements of the law enforcement job is.

08-20-2009, 12:50 AM
It is the government "creating jobs" by making the requirements lax.

08-20-2009, 04:01 AM
It is the government "creating jobs" by making the requirements lax.

scary thought isnt it.

08-20-2009, 04:01 AM
There needs to be less violence and anger.

And more fucking.

08-20-2009, 10:31 AM
I say screw it investigate it as, failed to respond! In this day in age police men and women forget their role is to protect and serve. Cops now are more hated than drug dealers and common criminals. I live in Texas and its like every day another minority is beaten and killed by a cop, or cops sit by while another black man is drug through the streets like an old Clinton Eastwood movie! If u think I'm bullshiting Google black man drug/ shot by police in Texas! Racial profiling is alive and well here! If you own a nice import car here stand the fuck by, my friend got his ass handed to him because the cops stated, "only black man who are drug dealer can afford the mods on his vehicle!" They never stopped to think, or noticed the USMC sticker in the window! Three combat tours and 100k later who couldn't afford to drop 20k plus on your favorite ride. All I'm saying is we need wide spread accountability for all and it starts from the top, not the bottom. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2003/09/26/60minutes/main575291.shtml go to this link if u want to read some more about Texas justice!

08-20-2009, 11:38 AM
i was joking,...lol

chill out.......jeeeeeeeez

08-20-2009, 11:48 AM
there needs to be less violence and anger.

And more fucking.

i'll fuck you till you love me.

08-20-2009, 01:55 PM
When I got a ref ticket for my intake, it was a fucking girl cop.

08-20-2009, 02:26 PM
I was pulled over for an alleged running of a red light.

Chick was cool about it.

Smiled, giggled and let me know.

I remember this one CHP cop though.

She had mad booty. Looking not much older than me.

I would've let her arrest me.

08-20-2009, 02:40 PM
Theres a chick cop in St Robert... (mo)

I'd let her strip search me any day. But again, she's like 5 ft nada and 110 lbs lol.

Now I live in a town where the only female cop is literally a lesbian, 200 lbs and 6 ft tall. Im mad jealous. She has a better moustache than me.

08-20-2009, 03:12 PM
Normally lady officers are kind of 'butchy' looking, but yesterday I saw the cutest lady officer ever.

Wee ooh wee ooh wee,
Wee ooh wee ooh wee,
Wee ooh wee ooh wee.

08-20-2009, 03:40 PM
Normally lady officers are kind of 'butchy' looking, but yesterday I saw the cutest lady officer ever.

Wee ooh wee ooh wee,
Wee ooh wee ooh wee,
Wee ooh wee ooh wee.

Surprised it was this long before someone made that reference.