View Full Version : ECU Code: 87 Anyone know what it means ?

09-21-2001, 04:12 PM
I covered all  the electric components with plastic, but afterwards my car (auto) started shifted terribly and  spit out the code 87 when I ran the diagnostic...

I checked on various sites and the code 87 isnt on any of the lists (including 240sx.org)

I double checked the code, and it is indeed 8, 7.

Anyone know what I should do or what could have been damaged by the water ? =(

Thanks in advance for reading (if anyone does <img src="http://www.zilvia.net/f/iB_html/non-cgi/emoticons/tounge.gif" border="0" valign="absmiddle" alt=':p'>)

(Edited by Fibercus at 4:13 pm on Sep. 21, 2001)

09-21-2001, 04:51 PM
I have checked my factory service manual for 95 240sx, it also doesn't have the code of 87......

09-21-2001, 06:39 PM
It's definitely not 87 or 78 for that matter. &nbsp;Try again...

09-21-2001, 11:58 PM
Code 87: EVAP canister purge control

...I have no idea what this means.

09-22-2001, 02:13 AM
Dang, my tranny feels is acting all #%&amp;%$ up right now..

BTW my O/D light is flashing when i start my car now

16 times. Thanks for all the info thus far

09-22-2001, 11:17 AM
How acting up? Shifting hard? Might be the resistor. In the engine bay, driver's side, there's a component that says Unisia Jecs. It's a resistor for atuo's, for smoother shifting. It might be damaged, or disconnected. Have it checked by your local Nissan dealership. And tell em about Code 87, might be a different cause.

Good Luck.