View Full Version : Need for Speed: SHIFT

08-15-2009, 02:54 AM
YouTube - Need for Speed SHIFT: Drift Reveal Video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iIDJrpr8sjM)

Looks like EA is actually trying! No more NFS Carbon bullshit rice popping gayness.

Hopefully they actually make something of this, I'm looking forward for this and Forza 3 for sure.

This will tide me over till the big October and November game dropping fiesta (COD:MF2, Forza3, DiRt, BF:BC2, etc...) Hopefully this game will be as good as it looks, opinions?!

08-15-2009, 03:15 AM
I saw this! NFS is totally taking on the Forza crowd.

I think it's lame that the 'celebs' they have in their videos (Gitten Jr is one) talk about driving, but not about the game. FAIL.

But the game looks good, I'll definitely *cough... DL it... cough*

adam s
08-15-2009, 03:20 AM
For the first time ever, that actually looks cool haha.

08-15-2009, 03:25 AM
its gonna suck

1. they have to show you crashes and drifting in the previews to get you hyped.

2. they pay pro drivers for these video previews of them racing, yet not about the game.

3. its EA, when did they ever make good racing physics? They put out a racing game every freaking year, thats not enough development time to make something quality.

4. its targeted towards the Grid and console gamer masses who want what they think is realistic yet dumbed down for console friendliness.

BUT.. it will sell alot because the average race gamer loves that stuff. Forza and GT never made soo many preview videos hyping their games up or show cars smashing into each other in those commercials etc.

read the comments lol
Need for Speed Shift - Laguna Seca Track Guide » VirtualR - Sim Racing News (http://www.virtualr.net/need-for-speed-shift-laguna-seca-track-guide/#comments)

08-15-2009, 03:35 AM
if i had dollar for everytime i herd "this isnt just a video game"

id be rich.

same thing as any racing game involving the import community.

"OH yea PRO STREET is gonna be amazing. finally a drifting mode with realistic physics"

"oh yea NFS SHIFT, its going to the the best"

"oh yea (insert next game here) its going the beat all"

its hype. it passes, a new one comes out next year.

the cycle of need for speed games

08-15-2009, 03:52 AM
forza will be and continue to be the top racing sim i think

08-15-2009, 03:58 AM
all that eye candy and physics dont mean much if ur still playing with a gamepad with your thumbs lol.. you guys need a steering wheel with working clutch/shifter to get the most out of a game, and most console games dont support a clutch or shifter. turn off all the driving aids and steering assists and automatic shouldnt even be an option.

Those racing games where you have to level up can get borring because you keep playing them to unlock stuff in hopes that it gets better lol.

but yeah, id say forza 3 is teh game to wait for right now for consoles.

08-15-2009, 04:06 AM
all that eye candy and physics dont mean much if ur still playing with a gamepad with your thumbs lol.. you guys need a steering wheel with working clutch/shifter to get the most out of a game, and most console games dont support a clutch or shifter. turn off all the driving aids and steering assists and automatic shouldnt even be an option.

Those racing games where you have to level up can get borring because you keep playing them to unlock stuff in hopes that it gets better lol.

but yeah, id say forza 3 is teh game to wait for right now for consoles.

instead of waiting or wasting money in games. you should paint your car bro ahha

08-15-2009, 10:22 AM
forza will be and continue to be the top racing sim i think

Yeah, I completely agree. I just hope that EA is going to prevail for once. As long as the drifting mode keeps me glued to the screen for a while I will be happy.

08-25-2009, 06:51 PM
shift is gonna suck, its aimed at fanboys

so all that paid promo vids of real driver videos *like vaugn gitten drifting etc*that have nothing to do with the game, can EAD.
Need for Speed Shift - PC Games Is Not Very Impressed… » VirtualR - Sim Racing News (http://www.virtualr.net/need-for-speed-shift-pc-games-is-not-very-impressed/)

German PC Games Hardware magazine had the chance to test Shift on the GamesCom Expo, using a D-Box motion system and a TripleHead2Go monitor setup. Desipite the impressive hardware setup, the writers of one of Germany’s biggest gaming mags did not seem to be very much impressed with Shift juding by the following statement:

The racing seat did give you the feeling of sitting in a real car as the forces are pulling you in different directions depending on if you´re breaking or accelerating. Combine that with the great sounds and Shift does indeed feel very real. On the other hand, the graphics and the arcadish gameplay were kind of a let down. The TripleHead2Go system did offer a good optical presentation, the graphics never met the quality that could be seen in the trailers though. The Xbox 360 version was even worse, sporting blurry textures without AF and lots of Aliasing.

Even though we did turn off all driving aids, even the powerful cars handled tame, making it very hard to get them to spin out. On the other hand, Need for Speed was never a simulation and that’s a good thing - Shift sure is fun and that’s what’s most important.

instead of waiting or wasting money in games. you should paint your car bro ahha

this weekend =)

08-25-2009, 07:10 PM
in the video, the driver mentions he spent, "a little over 100 hours" working on the physics... for gran turismo 5 they spend about 100hours modeling ONE CAR.

08-25-2009, 07:59 PM
there has never been a need for speed title worth playing.

08-25-2009, 08:06 PM
there has never been a need for speed title worth playing.
eh, the old school hot pursuit on PC wasen't half bad in the late 90's

I'll most likely steal the game from my buddy when he rent's it.

08-25-2009, 08:09 PM
there has never been a need for speed title worth playing.

>: (

08-25-2009, 08:29 PM
there has never been a need for speed title worth playing.

>: (

yar i agree matee

08-25-2009, 08:39 PM
I like GRID, so I might pick this up....next year.

there has never been a need for speed title worth playing.

>: (

Were you deprived when you were a little kid?

I enjoyed NFS2 - NFS5 (Porsche Unleashed).

08-25-2009, 08:57 PM
yeah those where fun days, but now we want reality!!
not overhyped games that scream "yo we got the best game brah chyea!!"

08-25-2009, 09:28 PM
I like GRID, so I might pick this up....next year.

Were you deprived when you were a little kid?

I enjoyed NFS2 - NFS5 (Porsche Unleashed).

i had friends who thought NFS was hot shit. truth be told, i always thought it was just shit.
if you want some retarded arcade racer from years past, Cruisin' ____ and the Rush series were worth playing.
oh, and Extreme G. anybody remember that shit?
actually Twisted Metal and Jet Moto are the two racing-ish games i played most in my youth.
of course, none of these are remotely playable by today's standards.

s13 @ fullboost
08-25-2009, 09:41 PM
I am borderline with this right now but Forza 3 FTW

08-25-2009, 10:04 PM
i would get it.. i always liked NFS since i had PS1. so ill deffinatly be buying this.

08-25-2009, 11:05 PM
Just another GRID is all it is. I loved GRID at first (pretty much the demo), but now it's just old. Getting 50 million drift points is so fucking stupid.

I mean I do like the camera and how they functioned it in the game, but still I just really hope it's not like GRID.

08-25-2009, 11:17 PM
i had friends who thought NFS was hot shit. truth be told, i always thought it was just shit.
if you want some retarded arcade racer from years past, Cruisin' ____ and the Rush series were worth playing.
oh, and Extreme G. anybody remember that shit?
actually Twisted Metal and Jet Moto are the two racing-ish games i played most in my youth.
of course, none of these are remotely playable by today's standards.

Don't say that quite yet.

I think Sony has something to say about this in about, oh, a years time or so.

We shall see :D

08-25-2009, 11:20 PM
Grid 2 needs to get made already. As far as Need for speed... the last good one was Most Wanted - for its time.. Carbon was too damn short. Undercover was okay but the driving physics sucked ass..

08-25-2009, 11:22 PM
I enjoyed NFS2 - NFS5 (Porsche Unleashed).

Hot Pursuit was nice, Porsche Unleashed was the shit. That was when PC games looked 10x better than N64 or PS2, which made it even sweeter... I still love that game.

08-25-2009, 11:27 PM
^^Parents just had to buy the cheapest computer at the time too... stuck with Test Drive 6 for my PS1, but boy did I master it! lol

08-25-2009, 11:57 PM
i played this game (nfs shift) at the forumla d. its pretty cool.

the best NFS IMO was the underground 2

08-26-2009, 12:04 AM
I think the game will be dope...But im a NFS fan...no way will it top FM3...but w/e..it will still be worth picking up...im stoked to play it..thats fersure

08-26-2009, 07:09 AM
Based of the last few NFS I think this game will be a glittered pile of feces.

08-26-2009, 07:18 AM
i had friends who thought NFS was hot shit. truth be told, i always thought it was just shit.
if you want some retarded arcade racer from years past, Cruisin' ____ and the Rush series were worth playing.
oh, and Extreme G. anybody remember that shit?
actually Twisted Metal and Jet Moto are the two racing-ish games i played most in my youth.
of course, none of these are remotely playable by today's standards.

Im with you on this. I used to play da shit outa Rush, both of em, Cruisin, and Extreme G. Matter of fact I bought all 3 of those again about 2 years ago and played the shit outa them again, but it only took a few days to beat each one this time around.

08-26-2009, 09:44 AM
I totaly agree about NFS games having unrealistic physics and what not...but i have always loved them...all the Undergrounds were loads of fun to play, and i still play them on occasion when im bored...RARELY, but i still do...

Racing games are my favorite, I haven’t invested in one in almost a year however…seems like Ive lost interest in purchasing games since i purchased my 360...thank god I got it for super cheap….

Truth be told, simulation racing games are the way to go when you want to play something more complicated than the norm…but sometimes I honestly just wana get on and play for 20 mins and then hop off, regardless of how stupid or unreal it may be…that’s kinda what makes the game fun for me…

This looks like fun tho, ill def rent it.

08-26-2009, 10:24 AM
I am not expecting too much from EA ..

09-15-2009, 10:38 AM
Just bought the game for PS3 from wallie mart. Seems pretty cool. Have yet to try the drifting in it. Gonna be hard to match Grid :p. BTW, the PS3 is going to need some update. As well as install some game info on the hard drive. Takes a little while.

09-15-2009, 10:52 AM
i hope its alot better than Grid lol

09-15-2009, 10:59 AM
After seeing the pictures on Speedhunters, I wanted to try this game. However, I just read this thread and removed it from GameFly because I remembered how terrible NFS' physics are. I'm just dead set on FM3 right now.

09-15-2009, 11:27 AM
I had the game since Saturday and after playing it for about 30 min to me it seems a lot like gran turesmo

09-15-2009, 11:40 AM
Omfg! The invitational race with the lotus 111r is so fuckin fun!

Btw, I bought a PS13. Its statistics look like it sucks and its pretty much one for the cheapest cars you can get. Hell no!! That car is awesome! Already Seam-Welded it, Weight reduction, and wider tires! haha. I'm wiping on everyone so far. Haven't lost a race yet :p Oh man... EA put this game out when my schooling starts on purpose too.. now I have another distraction I need to avoid..

09-15-2009, 11:47 AM
ill just pretty until GT comes out...and i have HALO ODST coming and Halo 3 holding me down just fine for now

09-15-2009, 11:48 AM
I reserved it so i still gotta go pick it up, dont wanna buy it and its shit

09-15-2009, 11:50 AM
I had the game since Saturday and after playing it for about 30 min to me it seems a lot like gran turesmo

how the fuck can u compare this POS game to GT...


GT4 on my PS2 is still better than this trash...

09-15-2009, 11:57 AM
how the fuck can u compare this POS game to GT...
I just saw that... :ghey:

09-15-2009, 11:59 AM
im typically a nay sayer, but i pissed off my fanboy friend who had this on reserve lol.. Ill have to try it tho . These racing games typically get good reviews considering the reviewers never drove real race cars so they are caught up in the glitz and glam of gaming features with tons of cars and mods and music, then real race sims come around and they give them shitty scores because no music, drift modes or car tuning etc.. lol

09-15-2009, 12:27 PM
The game is overall ok. its alot like grid except you can mod your cars now. the drifting is hella gay tho, but the normal racing is good. Its nothing compared to forza but its a pretty good game. I have also noticed that the game is pretty short to.

09-15-2009, 12:45 PM
damn i just wanted it for the drifting, thats pretty much it. so dont get it?

09-15-2009, 12:54 PM
damn i just wanted it for the drifting, thats pretty much it. so dont get it?
yeah pretty much. yu would think since this isnt a simulation that the drifting would be easier and better but nope. drifting in forza and gt4 owns this. the racing is good tho.

09-15-2009, 01:22 PM
Hmmm...Sounds like its just another alright NFS game...i'll still have to pick it up cuz i love NFS, even if they do all suck..HAHA! Even if the drifint is lame compared to forza im sure it will still entertain me..Haha

09-15-2009, 01:34 PM
Hmmm...Sounds like its just another alright NFS game...i'll still have to pick it up cuz i love NFS, even if they do all suck..HAHA! Even if the drifint is lame compared to forza im sure it will still entertain me..Haha

I'm pretty sure it improved over the years. But Forza and GT gets my vote.

09-15-2009, 01:43 PM
they blinged out the game way too much
spent more time paying for advertising lol
soaked the graphics wiht high contrast/hdr/lighting bloom to make it look cool

you didnt see forza or GT with promo videos showing cars crashing or flying at you or even drifting. they gave it to you straight.

09-15-2009, 01:53 PM
you didnt see forza or GT with promo videos showing cars crashing or flying at you or even drifting. they gave it to you straight.

...have you even SEEN the Forza 3 preview? It's littered with cars spinning and crashing and flying all over the place...

09-15-2009, 01:56 PM
they blinged out the game way too much
spent more time paying for advertising lol
soaked the graphics wiht high contrast/hdr/lighting bloom to make it look cool

you didnt see forza or GT with promo videos showing cars crashing or flying at you or even drifting. they gave it to you straight.
what are you watching?
...have you even SEEN the Forza 3 preview? It's littered with cars spinning and crashing and flying all over the place...
i thought the same thing

Cheesy Doriftos
09-15-2009, 01:56 PM
lol even the forza 2 opening scene had crashes like the one with the nsx

09-15-2009, 02:19 PM
im sorry i dont play forza but shift was glorifying all that
VirtualR - Sim Racing News (http://www.virtualr.net/)

09-15-2009, 02:22 PM
im sorry i dont play forza but shift was glorifying all that
VirtualR - Sim Racing News (http://www.virtualr.net/)

my race games dont have music, bodykits or drift modes

my games do i gusse. then again mu games use real cars.

09-15-2009, 02:25 PM
So, how's the wheel fitment in this game?

Wheel fitment = decision of buy or no buy.

09-15-2009, 02:30 PM
When you buy wide tires, the fenders are rolled and flared. They also have overfenders in this :p

09-15-2009, 02:30 PM
if all goes well, torrent should finish later today or tomarrow lol

will let u know how it goes with a pc steering wheel clutch & h shifter

09-15-2009, 02:30 PM
I am not surprised at all with the reviews about this game. I fully expected it to be mediocre at best. I saw some reviews where they said this is the best NFS in a while, not like that is saying much.

I was unsure about this game till I saw the gametrailers footage, I am not into a watered down GT clone. NFS is dead to me.

09-15-2009, 02:34 PM
Im surpised no one here has said anything about prostreet. I liked the layout of prostreet. The drag racing was pretty cool, except for people gearing the crap out of the cars and running 4's with a Supra, and the cuztomization was pretty good to. I thought pro-street was the best out of all them. The drifting was ok just took some gettting used to. If this comes out like that it will be playable. But i still wanna get forza.

09-15-2009, 02:38 PM
prostreet got borring real fast. stupid leveling up bullshit.. you get points for your driving etc lol you keep playing the game in hopes that it gets better when you unlock crap lol

09-15-2009, 03:05 PM
if all goes well, torrent should finish later today or tomarrow lol

will let u know how it goes with a pc steering wheel clutch & h shifter

Haha, same.

prostreet got borring real fast. stupid leveling up bullshit.. you get points for your driving etc lol you keep playing the game in hopes that it gets better when you unlock crap lol

That being said, you need a reason to keep playing - you need to unlock something... If you get all the tracks/cars/upgrades right at the beginning, that's how the game gets boring.

09-15-2009, 03:57 PM
in the video, the driver mentions he spent, "a little over 100 hours" working on the physics... for gran turismo 5 they spend about 100hours modeling ONE CAR.

GT5 better be worth the ridiculous wait. Hell, they take so long to model the cars, new models are out already.

I loved NFS2 and Hot Pursuit, they were the shit when I was like 7 years old.

09-15-2009, 04:00 PM
How does the drifting compare to the drifting in GRID?

09-15-2009, 06:57 PM
Drifting i think is horrible. Track is fun. koukionboost=ps3

09-15-2009, 10:36 PM
EA never had good drift physics =(

there shouldnt be a difference between drift and grip, should be all one physics engine in a game with weight transfer and a dynamic tire model system.

09-15-2009, 10:53 PM
im reading alot of mixed reviews on this game from here
Need for Speed Shift - Release Day! » VirtualR - Sim Racing News (http://www.virtualr.net/need-for-speed-shift-release-day/#comments)

basically alot of sim guys are either saying its great with the physics, and some guys are saying everything is great but the physics are less than forza and gt5 *not that its bad but to sim racers forza and gt5 are not near sim like*.

I trust the opinions of hardcore simmers and racing gamers here WAY more than a reviewer at mainstream site that played the game for maybe an hour before writing his review. To that reviewer, Shift is just another title in a stack of games that needs to be reviewed.

And since it’s an EA game, scores will be generous. Every major site wants to stay on the EA PR gravy train, getting favorable treatment with advance videos, screenies, junkets to conventions, etc. EA is the colossus, so most sites want to kiss its ass.

however I WOULD consider it if all my friends on PS3 have it so i could play with them.. playing with your friends makes up for alot of games lol

09-15-2009, 11:36 PM
How does the drifting compare to the drifting in GRID?
it sucks, grid drifitng was better.

09-15-2009, 11:44 PM
im actually tempted to take this back and get a refund...The actual racing isnt bad, but the drifting had me like "WTF?!"...I can drift in forza with no prob but soon as I hold/hit the ebrake on NFS: Shift its like it just says "Fuck you dude this isnt forza its NEED FOR SPPEEEEEDDD!!!" lol

09-16-2009, 04:12 AM
^damn and i was all hype on getting this too, even reserved it but after reading this reviews, i wont be getting it now boooo!!

09-16-2009, 04:27 AM
Few things can hold their own against the Forza and Gran Tourismo series.
I'd rather wait for Forza 3.
It's coming out sometime next month anyhow.

Dirt 2, or whatever that new rally game w/ good reviews is looks intriguing though.


09-16-2009, 08:33 AM
I've grown up playing GT and even play alittle bit of grid and forza here and there. This game didn't impress me at all. Its alot of show, one of those games that after 30min. of playing its not fun or exciting anymore at least IMO.

But... Everyone i know that doesnt play racing games except for maybe NFS etc. Loved it, i guess its a matter of choice/opinion/experience. LOL, i was actually hoping this was good too.

09-16-2009, 08:46 AM
hopefully its better than previous nfs games...im still waiting for gran turismo 5! gonna be here soon!

09-16-2009, 09:10 AM
Listen zilviaheads, I know you guys have a discussion going on here and I'mmma let you finish but....

Forza 3 will be one of the best racing game of ALL TIME!!!!!

*gives back the thread to people on the computer (http://zilvia.net/f/#) talking about NFS: Shift*

***Takes back thread****


*gives it back again*


09-16-2009, 09:35 AM
Listen zilviaheads, I know you guys have a discussion going on here and I'mmma let you finish but....

Forza 3 will be one of the best racing game of ALL TIME!!!!!

*gives back the thread to people on the computer (http://zilvia.net/f/#) talking about NFS: Shift*

***Takes back thread****


*gives it back again*


lol. Thats what i thought about the original "test Drive" on pc back in the 80s(not that 90% of you were even born yet, much less able to play video games). to me, every new big release amazes me as to how far racing games have come.

some of you guys are just spoiled.

09-16-2009, 01:58 PM
just tried it on my pc with logitech G25, it feels just like prostreet, same menu feel, buy your car, race to unlock more. Its just like prostreet but with a more professional euro attitude instead of the amateur "coming up racer who starts off with a junky s13" environment you where placed in prostreet.

You may play it for a week tops, then put it down because it will get repeative. If your one of those people who liked prostreet and grid you may love this.. Grid's graphics where horribly soaked in hdr bloom which people mistake for eye candy, Shift's graphics are good...

You can turn off the race line, turn off the speed blur, but the steering feedback just doesnt feel right imo, its not aggressive enough.

The car modding is ok, same old crappy nasty bodykits that make you wonder where did they get the idea and nasty fictional car skins *Fidanza on a lambo?". Did notice the pulled fenders being with the bodykit and stuff like chuki sideskirts and kouki front bumper on the s13.

I can see the price dropping of this game as time goes by as every need for speed game does in 3 months or so, tho people will buy it because of the hype and what they believe is a good racing game.

No race qualifying but like anyone takes the time to do that anyways, even tho thats like a requirement for a sim game.

Everytime i start the pc game, it always asks you what language do you want today lol
and you have to watch that annoying wheel animation every time. Dunno if the console game always asks you that or not.

Something someone mentioned on another forum , was that how the announcer talks to you like your a moron lol. Sometimes the AI cars slow down alot for a corner lol

09-16-2009, 02:01 PM
The drifting sucks ass it is so horrible on the new NFS the only car that u could get a decent drift on is the Falkon mustang and thats cause he helped make the game

09-16-2009, 02:09 PM
the day drifting is a soul selling point of a racing game played on the couch with a gamepad =(

09-16-2009, 02:17 PM
idk what happened with Gittin doing the drifting but I really hope is isnt gonna take the heat for this horrible screw up. I like the racing a lot, tweaking all the sensitivity settings in the options menu make things so much better. The way it comes out of the box every car slides around every turn its horrible, and high speed straights were horrible if you needed to make a slight turn. Luckily it can all be corrected to your needs through the adjust menu in the options.

I like the game, I love the in car views, definitly the best I have seen in terms of details, its the little things that add up. Some problems I have is my car changes color in like every race, and sometimes the replays continue over and over.

I hope forza turns out good, its got a lot of stuff and I hope that doesnt hurt it.

EDIT: About the drifting, I should say its good if its a big track like tokyo (looks like the ship yard from grid) However, the ebisu touge is HORRIBLE, so small, to tight of a road

09-16-2009, 02:29 PM
went a rented the game this week. so far i have mixed feelings on it. like the majority of everyone else i think the drifting was way better in grid, however you get to set your car up with nfs. so could be i haven't found the setup that works for me yet on it. and graphics i'd say they are better on nfs. some of the upgrades just don't make sense to me. like why should i have to pay 15g for a 3" race exhaust? i feel like that should be either a staged upgrade or bundled in with the engine or turbo. and 2g's for a steering wheel on the interior upgrade again. would have liked to see a setup like forza or gt on picking a choosing pieces to upgrade separate.

just my .02

09-16-2009, 03:24 PM
have you guys tried online? i cant, but wondering if people are actually serious online or if theres wreckers just smashing around.

GT Motion
09-16-2009, 08:27 PM
This game is not bad, its not the physics that are hard, its the responsiveness from the controller that is bad. The actual physics are decent, but you cant get your driver to do what you want in a responsive fashion, i wonder how it is with a wheel....

If anyone is on the fence I say go and buy it, its got alot to offer. I have also driven just about every sim out there so I know what good video game physics should feel like, and this is the best need for speed has ever done, you just need to mess with the controls and responsiveness.

GT Motion
09-16-2009, 09:15 PM
Found these on the XBOX forums, makes the game feel alot better.

Steering Dead Zone - 15%
Accel Dead Zone - 10%
Brake Dead Zone - 10%
Steering sensitivity - 5%
Acell Sensitivity - 5%
Brake sensitivity - 5%
Speed steering Sensitivity - 100%

09-16-2009, 11:52 PM
Yeah, this game blows.
Totally fake shit. The only thing that it has going for it is that it's "pretty" and kids will probably like it because they have no idea how a real car should handle.

Save your money.

Pick up Dirt 2. Its a fucking blast. Fast paced, pretty and you won't blow your brains out trying to drive it.

Thank me later.

09-17-2009, 12:32 AM
ok played it some more, its not too bad, i can see the "want" to continue playing it just to build up your experience etc, its like a rpg racing game lmao. One thing tho they should allow you to tune your car before you enter the race, what they did tho is only allow you to tune it all the way at the beginning menu, so you cant really test your adjustments on the fly like other games.

Its got the best graphics and damage model bar none. Physics could use a lil work still.

Again im playing on PC steering wheel, i dunno about console with a gamepad since i dont really play racing games too much with a gamepad so i cant comment on how it feels with the controller.

09-17-2009, 02:05 AM
Again im playing on PC steering wheel, i dunno about console with a gamepad since i dont really play racing games too much with a gamepad so i cant comment on how it feels with the controller.

I have both a Logitech Momo wheel/pedal/shifter setup and the Xbox controller for Windows, so I should be able to compare both.

What dead zone/sensitivity settings are you using HyperTek?

09-17-2009, 02:08 AM
i havent played with those settings yet

09-17-2009, 02:23 AM
i love the game.... so much fun......

Pro mode w/ wheel = extremely awesome..... very fun

The drifting, hands down is the worst ...... EVAR! Goes hand in Hand with their terrible photomode..... god i hate it

but everything else is great:
visual effects a+++
sounds a+++
physics a+++
AI a+++
fun factor a+++

09-17-2009, 02:41 AM
which version are you playing on and which wheel do you have?

GT Motion
09-17-2009, 08:47 AM
I think its a love hate thing, if you can learn how to drive in it and set your control settings right its a blast. If you can't then your going to suck and talk shit on the game, right now I have everything set right and the game kicks ass.

09-17-2009, 03:14 PM
I think with any racing game it takes getting used to the settings, It took a bit just to get used to the grip portion of the game. The drift for sure is messed up but I think that it's gonna take a bit getting used to the controls and tweaking them/the settings to get it working properly. I have the pc version and so far the game is not too bad,give me a few more days to try out some different stuff and we will see where it goes from there. However if anyone here is a drift master in that game I would like to hear about it. It's no easy feat to get that car to stay on the road.

09-17-2009, 03:46 PM
maybe Vaughn Gittin Jr told them drifting is super hard during development so it would make him personally look better lol

09-17-2009, 04:22 PM
To all you guys saying drifting sucks/unrealistic: What did you think of the drifting in Grid?

I'll be honest, I "got" GRID right after coming home from a track day in my S14, and drifting in my living room on a bigscreen with my Logitech Momo setup in the S15 (Pro mode, always interior view) was freakishly realistic. I mean like, with more power, RHD and a set of Greddy gauges, I'd confuse the two. Seriously.

I'm curious whether you guys that hate Shift's drifting liked GRID's, and why?

09-17-2009, 05:18 PM
Fuck this game. I hate it. I regret making this thread.

Yes it's beautiful, the idea is there, but they in my opinion dropped the ball on the physics and A.I.

I hated the way the cars handled, I race in Forza 3 and Gran Turismo with all assists off. And in this game I can't seem to get through it without or with the assists.

I found myself cussing at the screen in utter frustration about how dirty the A.I. was and I ended up turning off my 360 in disgust. The drift mode was poopmouth. I was not impressed. So going from super stoked about this game to utterly disgusted was not fun.

I am entirely impressed with Dirt 2 though. Save your money and buy that.

Or just take the 60 bucks you'll waste on this heaping pile of shit and spend it on Forza 3. I got my collectors edition on preorder. So anyway, just venting haha

09-17-2009, 05:22 PM
Yeah, this game blows.
Totally fake shit. The only thing that it has going for it is that it's "pretty" and kids will probably like it because they have no idea how a real car should handle.

Save your money.

Pick up Dirt 2. Its a fucking blast. Fast paced, pretty and you won't blow your brains out trying to drive it.

Thank me later.

My thoughts exactly, I didn't even browse this thread. I had to let loose as soon as I saw it haha

09-17-2009, 08:58 PM
Make a new thread about Dirt 2? I tired the demo and hated it, I have Dirt 1 and loved it....so it might just be the demo that is bad.

Jimmy Up
09-18-2009, 03:42 PM
I started playing this last night and I like it. All assists off and ai difficulty on medium, Just bought a 350z :)

No lie though- Dirt 2 is also one of the sickest racing games out, and the graphics are too legit to quit.

09-18-2009, 04:30 PM
Alright, spent more time with this game, unlocked the NFS Live championship. Havent tried it but im gonna say fuck this game at tier 4, way to hard, cars handle like shit and I have tried so many settings. Way to fast and the car battles get stupider and stupider. My driving line says brake, yet the AI is flying past me like there on a roller coaster.

More about drifting. I say try more than 3 different cars, I have my s13 and I liked it, hard but decent, I tried a AE86 and it was so impossible, gets fully sideways before the middle of the turn and impossible to hold a drift and control. BMW E46 M3, AMAZING, best car I have drifted, kinda feels like grids s15 to me, idk why but different cars are a whole new ballgame, so check em out in quick race or drop the cash and sell it if you dont like it.

09-26-2009, 09:50 PM
I recently got this. and its the best car game ive ever played. i love the way the cars handling is.. its not like all the others where most ppl just floor it threw every corner and just drive like a maniac to the finish. u actually have to drive the right way if u wanna win a race and the game is made so no matter what kinda car you upgrade the races will have cars that perform the same as urs. so its purly the driver and not how much faster ur car is. and every guage works, all the sounds that u hear in real life are there. for ex: gutting ur car makes it alot louder inside, when u upgrade to LSD u can hear it wining when u slow down, turbo sounds, back fire sounds, engine sounds,tire sounds. everything sounds soo crisp and its just a whole other experiance thats amazing about this game compared to others.

09-26-2009, 09:54 PM
Alright, spent more time with this game, unlocked the NFS Live championship. Havent tried it but im gonna say fuck this game at tier 4, way to hard, cars handle like shit and I have tried so many settings. Way to fast and the car battles get stupider and stupider. My driving line says brake, yet the AI is flying past me like there on a roller coaster.

More about drifting. I say try more than 3 different cars, I have my s13 and I liked it, hard but decent, I tried a AE86 and it was so impossible, gets fully sideways before the middle of the turn and impossible to hold a drift and control. BMW E46 M3, AMAZING, best car I have drifted, kinda feels like grids s15 to me, idk why but different cars are a whole new ballgame, so check em out in quick race or drop the cash and sell it if you dont like it.

i turned all that crap off. i put the driving thing on pro so its as realistic as possible then the difficulty on medium. and i dont use the map or the mph and shift numbers on the screen just the inside of the car and looking ahead. it makes the game alot more fun. and yeah the races are hard but thats whats better about it.

09-26-2009, 09:56 PM
Eh... i will rent it and see how i like it if it sucks dirt 2 it is... :D

09-26-2009, 10:34 PM
i turned all that crap off. i put the driving thing on pro so its as realistic as possible then the difficulty on medium. and i dont use the map or the mph and shift numbers on the screen just the inside of the car and looking ahead. it makes the game alot more fun. and yeah the races are hard but thats whats better about it.

welcome to sim racing, somewhat.. you will never touch a codemasters game again once you get a taste of games that are aiming to be more realistic than bling *shift still is more bling tho* :kiss:

09-26-2009, 10:47 PM
I recently got this. and its the best car game ive ever played. i love the way the cars handling is.. its not like all the others where most ppl just floor it threw every corner and just drive like a maniac to the finish. u actually have to drive the right way if u wanna win a race and the game is made so no matter what kinda car you upgrade the races will have cars that perform the same as urs. so its purly the driver and not how much faster ur car is. and every guage works, all the sounds that u hear in real life are there. for ex: gutting ur car makes it alot louder inside, when u upgrade to LSD u can hear it wining when u slow down, turbo sounds, back fire sounds, engine sounds,tire sounds. everything sounds soo crisp and its just a whole other experiance thats amazing about this game compared to others.

I needed some retard strength Tylenol after playing this game.

Shit's whack.

09-26-2009, 11:01 PM
the game is cool, now that they're finally releasing patches to fix all the bugs... still kinda pisses me off though how hideously underpowered the s14 and 180 are though, even when fully upgraded, 319hp!? c'mon! really frustrating when you're walked by a cobalt :rant:

Cheesy Doriftos
09-26-2009, 11:34 PM
man this game sucks.

graphics are really nice and the cockpit is honestly the best cockpit view so far from ANY racing game but the physics are just horrible.

09-27-2009, 12:21 AM
This is by far my favorite racing game now. I haven't tried Dirt 2 though, since they don't have a PC version.

I've never played the game with the keyboard or Xbox controller, only with my Logitech Momo FF wheel/pedals ~ the physics in the game are very good (as good as any sim I've played), the sensation of speed and collision is top notch, and the feel of each of the cars and tracks (they all feel different!) and their settings is phenomenal.

I can't describe what a difference having accurate force feedback makes ~ with GRID, I turned the force feedback settings way down, since they didn't really add any realism for me. I really only liked GRID for the super realistic drifting though (and a little bit for the open wheel races), the rest of the game was meh.

With Shift, I start playing with settings to get the car to feel just right, which is when I can really go fast. Also, having pedals is the only way to get any of the Works/Supercars under control. I play the game in Pro mode with all assists off, and recently switched to Hard (started the game with difficulty on Medium), and have gotten all stars except for two... I'm now driver level 30 or so, and have almost all turns on all tracks mastered.

The drifting is the hardest part to master ~ I find that the physics seem realistic, but I just can't find settings that replicate the feel of initiating in real life, which throws my whole drifting 'mindset' out of whack... In real life, I'd take these cars into the corner in 4th, drop to 3rd as I initiate, and ride the limiter while adjusting my angle ~ in the game, I find that I can't adjust my angle fast/accurately enough to maintain a drift (so I end up spinning or going wide and having to reinitiate), and have to adjust the car's direction with the pedal, which means going slower and drifting through in the middle or 3rd most of the time. The ebrake is also funky, since it's more of an on/off switch than a real ebrake... you can't just "grab a little ebrake" to adjust the rear of the car coming around a j-turn, for instance.

It's also frustrating that the game doesn't have a 'test mode' like Forza does, right off the settings menu.

I invite anyone in Socal to come by my place and try it out, it's really impressive.

09-27-2009, 11:10 PM
The difference between drift and race is pissing me off. They should have used the race physics for drift, it'd be more realistic. the 240sx stage 3 doesn't handle for shit on drift. I don't understand how my car can goto handling great to being a complete bag of shit on 2 different events. It's like I'm driving on rims, way too fucking loose. Did these assholes spray the track with oil? Fix the Physics, last i check the laws of physics didn't give a shit weather i was running grip or drift.

Brakes are too touchy on the PS3 game pad. AI is full of dirty fuckheads that will run you off of the course and into any, incontinently placed, stationary object that maybe be just off the track.

I like the game but there's a bunch of glaring problems like bouncing around like a jack hammer randomly throwing the car completely off balance or the AI slamming on the brakes for a high speed turn.

Game's fun but it needs improvement.

It feels like the game wasn't even finished.

09-28-2009, 01:08 AM
The difference between drift and race is pissing me off. They should have used the race physics for drift, it'd be more realistic. the 240sx stage 3 doesn't handle for shit on drift. I don't understand how my car can goto handling great to being a complete bag of shit on 2 different events. It's like I'm driving on rims, way too fucking loose. Did these assholes spray the track with oil? Fix the Physics, last i check the laws of physics didn't give a shit weather i was running grip or drift.

Haha, seriously, especially annoying with the "200sx".

AI is full of dirty fuckheads that will run you off of the course and into any, incontinently placed, stationary object that maybe be just off the track.

SERIOUSLY! Restart button gets vigorous use when you start in like 9th place and have to pass everyone with enough time to lead for an entire lap/get a clean lap.

I like the game but there's a bunch of glaring problems like bouncing around like a jack hammer randomly throwing the car completely off balance or the AI slamming on the brakes for a high speed turn.

The jack hammer handling is pretty easily tuned out with stiffer springs and shocks.

09-28-2009, 02:13 AM
These settings made the game 100% better for me. Feels GREAT now!

The Advanced control options - default setting SUCK! What was SMS smoking!

Once I got into tier 3 the cars were uncontrollable, but after paying around with the steering, throttle and brake sensitivity settings it's like a whole new game! My R34 Skyline (Works) handles like it's on rails now and is very similar to Race Pro and FM2 handling!

Here are the settings I found in forums that make 100x improvement - BTW if you install all Stage III upgrades + aero and race mods the "Works" package becomes available and I highly recommend buying this upgrade! It changes the car to a full factory race setup including extended widebody, diffusers, side exhaust etc.

There is now a 2nd fix for the sensitive steering/oversteer problem this game exhibits in its default settings. And let me tell you it is a NIGHT and DAY difference.
Please use 2nd fix along with the original thread suggestions on turning down sensitivity in the control options.


Steering Dead Zone-15%
Accel Dead Zone-10%
Brake Dead Zone-10%
Steering sensitivity-5%
Acell Sensitivity -5%
Brake sensitivity-5%
Speed steering Sensitivity 100%

On to the 2nd fix:

At the main menu enter CAR GARAGE----> TUNING, press 'Y' to enter quick tuning mode.
Under the heading 'balance' move the slider all the way to OVERSTEER. That's right oversteer. Apparently the developer labeled this slider wrong or its a glitch. Turning the slider to oversteer will actually add understeer.


SDZ 0%
ADZ 0%
BDZ 0%
SS 24%
AS 0% (set to your preference)
BS 0% (set to your preference)
SSS 64%
FF 10

09-28-2009, 02:46 AM
:nono:NFS is sick but Midnight Club LA Has the Datsun 280z in it and that my friends is jdm :2f2f:

09-28-2009, 02:57 AM
These settings made the game 100% better for me. Feels GREAT now!

Thanks for posting! I wish the poster would have noted what controller those settings were used on.

:nono:NFS is sick but Midnight Club LA Has the Datsun 280z in it and that my friends is jdm :2f2f:

Haha, Okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.

09-28-2009, 03:12 AM
FUCK this game.
I've been playing it for a couple of days now and finally finished Tier 1 and moving onto Tier 2.

I can't even beat the first fucking race on Tier 2 !
The RS4 handles like SHIT.
The M3 handles like SHIT.

Don't even get me started with drifting.
There's invisible ice on the ground, I swear to Jeebus.

Either I need a steering wheel setup, or this game is complete ASS.

09-28-2009, 04:40 PM
FUCK this game.
I've been playing it for a couple of days now and finally finished Tier 1 and moving onto Tier 2.

I can't even beat the first fucking race on Tier 2 !
The RS4 handles like SHIT.
The M3 handles like SHIT.

Don't even get me started with drifting.
There's invisible ice on the ground, I swear to Jeebus.

Either I need a steering wheel setup, or this game is complete ASS.

read the post 3 up from yours......

Oh and having the game on higher difficulties yields absolutely no reward...so why torture yourself?

09-28-2009, 06:40 PM
read the post 3 up from yours......

Oh and having the game on higher difficulties yields absolutely no reward...so why torture yourself?

If you want the epic badge for race completions on all the difficulties, you need to beat 25 races on 'hard' I believe. Aside from that, yeah, no benefit.

I got bored on medium though, and enjoy a challenge. I just wish the AI wouldn't come at you like a cruise missile as you pass them, since you always start in the back.... grrrrrrrrr.

09-28-2009, 07:29 PM
These settings made the game 100% better for me. Feels GREAT now!

All i can say is "WOW!" what a fucking difference. This game is soo much better with just the controls being changed. I'll try the quick tune shortly. Thanks Sleep!

09-28-2009, 10:30 PM
So this game sucks. Any way to make it more like forza or something? lol

09-28-2009, 10:45 PM
So this game sucks. Any way to make it more like forza or something? lol

I take it you haven't read the post 7 above yours?

All i can say is "WOW!" what a fucking difference. This game is soo much better with just the controls being changed. I'll try the quick tune shortly. Thanks Sleep!

try reading entire threads.............or at least the last page!

FYI those controller settings came from the forza tuning garage "Gearbox"

09-28-2009, 10:52 PM
With the amount I've been working lately i deserve to be lazy once in awhile...

This game is still frustrating even after the settings. They really need to fix this AI. Maybe they'll release another patch, I'm not holding my breathe though.

09-29-2009, 04:29 PM
I wasn't talking to you rogue. I quoted your post, but was still replying to the same guy! I'm not to worried about patches for the game, although you can definitely count on them being implemented to fix the ungodly amount of bugs in the game.

I'll be jamming out on forza 3 by the time they fix this game.

09-29-2009, 06:20 PM
ive already deleted the game but they have released some mods for it, like removing all the fictional billboards and tents and crap from the tracks to replicate thier real life counterparts better
Need for Speed Shift – Track Objects Removal Mod » VirtualR – Sim Racing News (http://www.virtualr.net/need-for-speed-shift-track-objects-removal-mod/)

and damage mods to be more realistic/affect your car
Need for Speed Shift – Damage Mod Released » VirtualR – Sim Racing News (http://www.virtualr.net/need-for-speed-shift-damage-mod-released/)

09-30-2009, 06:25 PM
Picked this game up a couple days ago and was really hoping that I wouldnt be another one to give it a bad review.
started off with a s13 and that was decent and easy to control for the most part. but every single car and race I have tried since that is nothing less than fustrating! I played it for two hrs yesterday messing with all the settings and trying all kinds of different cars.....but the handeling still sucked.
I am going to try those settings that were mentioned above and see how that goes.
other than that everything else is cool with the game.

09-30-2009, 07:17 PM
got this game for ps3... after 3 hours of play... the game feels like a joke...

fucking bumper cars with Mclaren F1's and Buggatti veyron's, I tried so hard to like it.. but its nothing in comparison to GT.

i returned the game... told them it sucked.. they laughed and gave me store credit. lol

10-01-2009, 12:40 AM
misread the part about owning a PS3

10-03-2009, 04:09 PM
Hey guys just a quick question,

Can you still drift a FWD car in NFS? I remember drifting a RSX and winning drift competitions back in the old NFS. Thought it was super hilarious cause it "drifted" better than any other rwd car..

10-03-2009, 04:23 PM
WTF you guys.. Okay I just got a XBOX 360 (yeah I know I'm a little late..but w/e).. I bought Forza 2 because I had Forza 1 on my original XBOX and it was the sh!t.. I've pre-ordered Forza 3 so I'm excited for that to come out blah blah blah...

now back to my 'WTF'.. half of you seem to hate this game more than life itself, but the other half of you say it's the best game EVER, so which is it?.. and everyone seems to give the same reasons for loving/hating it. Either you hate it b/c the physics are terrible or you love it b/c they are awesome... I'm just hella confused at this point. The general thought is that Dirt 2 is worth the money... but should I get this game or not??

10-03-2009, 04:24 PM
The car has to have drift listed under it capabilities. I don't believe there is any fwd ones.

10-03-2009, 04:29 PM
When in doubt rent it. IMO it has it's quirks but is still fun to play.

10-03-2009, 04:34 PM
i say console version sucks.. i tried the ps3 demo and thought it was horrible... cant imagine playing it for hours with the game pad *i cant imagine the 360 version any better, still same experience with a gamepad in your hand*.. PC was better since theres more adjustments to the game you can make, esp if you rock a steering wheel with it , and theres mods out for the game to make it more realistic/better handling. I already deleted the pc version off my computer.

If you dont follow any real GT racing series or euro racing, you might be like "wow" glitz and glam bling they try to do with the game, otherwise im kinda turned off by the commentary and all that.

I downloaded the Supercar Challange beta for ps3, i like it alot more, but i know that game sadly wont even get looked at by alot of people since its too "difficult" for most gamers , no drift mods or music lol

Id buy Dirt 2, its not no sim either but from what i played in the demo, its great fun.

10-04-2009, 08:00 AM
The racing is terrible IMO. Very frustrating.

Here are some setting for drifting that I found out worked really well.

Under the "tuning mode"

Turn Steering reaction or whater all the way to "slowest"

Then "acceleration" to 25

Then the "oversteer" all the way to the left.

This will make the car undrivable on racing but it works great for drifting. You can really drift will the just the throttle to control the amount of angle like in real life.

10-04-2009, 12:17 PM
Jeez i never understood all the bad reviews for this game. I play this game usualy once a day and i love it. I mean to me theres no games like it.. i like how all the cars have there own sounds instead of having like 3 diff sounds for all cars like other nfs. i like how all the gauges work, i like the sounds the car makes as u upgrade it. I mean its pretty realistic, i personally love games thats realistic so for me this is an awesome game.

The 2 things i don't like.. are that it doesn't have the supra, and it doesn't have the clutch so now shifting isn't that fun anymore.

10-04-2009, 01:13 PM
the cars sound realistic? What are you smoking? The sounds are extremely exaggerated and there are only a few different engine sounds.

Have you beaten the game yet?

10-04-2009, 02:51 PM
yeah you gotta expand to play better racing games *or sims*, than try to come back and play grid or shift and realize how shitty those games are

10-04-2009, 03:07 PM
all the cars feel so unstable. gotta get stage 3 suspension, tires, and body kit. then put the caster angle all the way up, the downforce all the way up, the steering reaction all the way down, and the tire pressure 2/3 of the way down. i do like how you can sell parts and cars and make all your money back though. once you have around a million dollars you can just keep buying cars, building them, and selling them so you can build something new. fuck the game play though.

s13 @ fullboost
10-04-2009, 03:11 PM
I had a very shitty experience with this game rented it on Sunday beat it on Thursday game was extremely homo I will gladly stick to the forza titles I so far own forza one and two and in a couple of weeks I will have three. =]

10-05-2009, 11:15 AM
they are cracking out the mods for this game to make it better
heres the real mod in action

sucks if you have console version
Need for Speed Shift – Real Mod 2.0 Released » VirtualR – Sim Racing News (http://www.virtualr.net/need-for-speed-shift-real-mod-2-0-released/)
* NEW TIRES MODEL: entirely rewritten models for all the cars with three separate “slip curves”.
* NEW AI MODEL: more competitive, less aggressive, and make fewer mistakes.
* NEW CHASSIS MODEL: all data from the chassis of all the cars now are correct.
* NEW COCKPIT CAM: now it’s like a real “onboard camera”.
* NEW TRACK SURFACES: all the surfaces are now correct.(same as 1.0)

10-05-2009, 12:47 PM
the cars sound realistic? What are you smoking? The sounds are extremely exaggerated and there are only a few different engine sounds.

Have you beaten the game yet?

i dont smoke.... and i think it does make realistic sounds.. like when u have all the interior in there its pretty quiet. then gut it, lsd, turbo, all the sounds combined make the ultimate game play. i personally just got it to tear 4 and now i just play online all day.. but i hate the fags that ram you off the track every time you slow down for a turn.

10-05-2009, 12:56 PM
they are cracking out the mods for this game to make it better
heres the real mod in action

sucks if you have console version
Need for Speed Shift – Real Mod 2.0 Released » VirtualR – Sim Racing News (http://www.virtualr.net/need-for-speed-shift-real-mod-2-0-released/)

i dont get it it looks and sounds the exact same as ps3 version. i think the console version is fine. atleast PS3's version... when are they gonna make an add on for the supra ?

10-05-2009, 02:20 PM
well they removed alot of the fictional billboards and adds that you wouldnt see around real race tracks like spa, and adjustments to the physics blah blah, esp on pc your more than likely playing with a steering wheel so you will notice it.

10-05-2009, 02:46 PM
i dont smoke.... and i think it does make realistic sounds.. like when u have all the interior in there its pretty quiet. then gut it, lsd, turbo, all the sounds combined make the ultimate game play. i personally just got it to tear 4 and now i just play online all day.. but i hate the fags that ram you off the track every time you slow down for a turn.

Every single car sounds the same at that point, and every single sound is extremely exxagerated....

If you think the sound is realistic, you must be smoking something.

10-05-2009, 03:10 PM
need for speed underground 2 is wher its at !!!

10-05-2009, 06:45 PM
need for speed underground 2 is wher its at !!!

QFT! best nfs ever

10-05-2009, 07:24 PM
Every single car sounds the same at that point, and every single sound is extremely exxagerated....

If you think the sound is realistic, you must be smoking something.

i noticed a differance.. i mean the car it self in the game all have different sounds to me... like 240sx sounds different from the corolla, or subaru, or rx7 or porche etc.. all the car models have there own sounds... atleast thats what i noticed.. in most games i played when ever u gutted the interior or ( wieght reduction ) the car sounds the same... ohh and i noticed that the back fires sound wayy cool inside the car too. idk ive never owned a game thats so different.. like the inside view with all the guages working. and the sounds in the car and the handling i personally like it alot.

10-05-2009, 07:44 PM
What happened to the best jdm racing game ever

10-06-2009, 02:59 AM
i noticed a differance.. i mean the car it self in the game all have different sounds to me... like 240sx sounds different from the corolla, or subaru, or rx7 or porche etc.. all the car models have there own sounds... atleast thats what i noticed.. in most games i played when ever u gutted the interior or ( wieght reduction ) the car sounds the same... ohh and i noticed that the back fires sound wayy cool inside the car too. idk ive never owned a game thats so different.. like the inside view with all the guages working. and the sounds in the car and the handling i personally like it alot.

You better love it....being a PS3 owner you have at minimum! another year before you even see GT5 playable. That's if it ever even comes out.

Buy a 360 and play forza 3, and you will see the real difference..

And holy shit i played the hell out of Tokyo Racer on the dreamcast. That game was awesome for its time!

10-06-2009, 10:00 AM
new mod came out again for pc version to turn off the bloom effect
Need for Speed Shift – No Bloom Mod Released » VirtualR – Sim Racing News (http://www.virtualr.net/need-for-speed-shift-no-bloom-mod-released/)
in real life you dont get blur vision and camera sun glares etc lol

10-06-2009, 10:58 AM
idk, after looking at that vid...I like the blur vision and the sound effects. I tired the demo on PS3.....i doubt I will get this game.

10-06-2009, 12:54 PM
i got the game over the weekend i think it's fun to play, i enjoyed it.