View Full Version : ignition and fuel relay issues

08-14-2009, 01:23 PM
OK so i finished my sr20det swap but now im still having a few issues with my ignition switch and fuel relay she starts but i have to hold the fuel realy to do it the wires arent sending a signal to the relay it seems anyone else had this problem if so how did u fix it.

thats problem number 1. My second problem is my ignition wont turn off when i remove the key the door,seat belt,oil,battery lights stay on only goes off when i disconnect the battery or the wiring cluster ive checked all possible fuses and relays i can think of but now im out of ideas if anyone can help me out with these it would be greatly appriciated

08-14-2009, 03:01 PM
I'm having a real hard time understanding exactly your problem. Need to use more periods in your sentences..

The FSM gives you the diagram on how your fuel pump wiring works. It goes as follows: (Use a 12-14g wire)
From the battery
To a 10A Fuse
Wire splits into both signal(1) and power(3) of (a Nissan Blue) relay
The ground(2) from the signal circuit of the relay goes to ECCS (which will ground the signal for you automatically when your key is in the ignition position. I believe (I don't recall exactly) its pin 104 or 106. Black/Pink wire.)
Power(5) from relay goes to fuel pump
Then the fuel pumps grounds to chassis.

wiring looks like this.-------------------------------(Relay)
Battery(+)______(10A Fuse)___________/---------|-1--2-|-------to fuel pump pin 106 or 104 on your ecu <<<<signal circuit
----------------------------------(split)\---------|3o--o5|-------to fuel pump------ground to chassis <<<<<power circuit

There's nothing wrong with making your own. That's what I did.

For your second problem... the FSM also has a good diagnostic to follow in this problem. Check your ECCS Relay and make sure the wires are going where they are supposed to. My guess is you crossed a wire somewhere.