View Full Version : Mike Vick signs with the Eagles.

lyrical struggle
08-13-2009, 08:30 PM
Thought id spice up the OT with some sports talk. It died after the NBA season.

Michael Vick signs two-year deal with Philadelphia Eagles - ESPN (http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=4397938)

Vick, Eagles agree

Quarterback Michael Vick has signed a two-year deal with the Philadelphia Eagles, his agent, Joel Segal, confirmed to ESPN.com.

Vick arrived in Philadelphia Tuesday morning and remained there Wednesday evening. The Eagles will hold a news conference on Thursday morning to announce his signing.

Vick was the No. 1 draft pick in 2001, and once the highest-paid player in football. But he has not played since 2006 when his career came tumbling down. He was convicted in August 2007 of conspiracy and running a dogfighting operation, sentenced to 23 months in federal prison and suspended indefinitely by the NFL.

But after serving his time and being released from home confinement July 20, NFL commissioner Roger Goodell conditionally lifted Vick's suspension, allowing him to sign with a team.

The Eagles travel to meet Vick's former team, the Atlanta Falcons, in Week 13 on Dec. 6.

Chris Mortensen is a senior NFL anlyst. ESPN's Sal Paolantonio contributed to this report.


08-13-2009, 08:33 PM
I'd like to see his performance after not playing for so long.

08-13-2009, 09:01 PM
his body is well fucking rested thats for sure.

08-13-2009, 09:36 PM
My guess is they will use him for more of the trick play type of deals (maybe the Wildcat, even though they didn't really run it last year). Possibly split out as a WR every now and then as a distraction. People make it sound like the Eagles plan on some type of catastrophic injury to McNabb, and think Kolb is a waste. I'm also sure hes lost a step or two, but I'm also sure hes buffed up some since then.

08-13-2009, 09:36 PM
Haha...now PETA is the least of his worries in Philly. If he ever plays this season, he better not FUCK IT UP...Eagle fans are fucking vicious, theyll probably toss him a pittbull.

08-13-2009, 09:39 PM
theyll probably toss him a pittbull.

It's certainly a possibility, threw batteries at J.D. Drew for christ sake. He's definitely going to be under the microscope not just on a local, but national level

08-13-2009, 09:48 PM
wow...I wasn't expecting that. I hope he gets to play at least one regular season game and make some good plays.

08-13-2009, 10:18 PM
there is no reason to make this trade/deal? pay to play in the nfl possibly?

08-14-2009, 06:02 PM
^There is a very good reason to make this deal.

Both Kolb, and Cole hurt themselves on Tuesday. Leaving Mcnabb as our only quarterback. That's right, he has NO backup QB at the moment. Hence why the eagles quickly jumped up and signed Vick Wednesday. Mcnabb played all night last night, and will have to play the 2nd pre-season game as well. Which is very dangerous to not only mcnabb, but the starting OL that has to stay in to protect him.

Vick will be playing the last 2 pre-season games. I have no problem with him signing to my team. He will make one hell of a backup quarterback this year.

He served his time, and lost everything he owned. I'd say he paid his dues, and people should leave the man alone now.

08-14-2009, 06:06 PM
Fuck that dude, hes a worthless piece of shit.

08-14-2009, 06:17 PM
dont hate,
vick is one of the best QB's for scrambling around
and making plays.

dont judge him

08-14-2009, 06:19 PM
ppl need to get over wat he did...theres worst shit in this world goin on right now, our country to be exact, and ppl freak out cuz he killed/faught dogs...dont get me wrong wat he did was cruel, but its been 2 yrs, he lost over 250mill in endorsment and his 4yr contract wit atlanta, sold the most jerseys in sports history, guy was an idle..its all gone now so i think his punishment has been served....

08-14-2009, 06:20 PM
Well I like animals and really dont like football so...............

08-14-2009, 06:27 PM
^^^ you in the wrong thread then

08-14-2009, 06:28 PM
yea i like animals too..i got a bluenose pit and 2 retrievers..it did bother me wen i found out these dogs were being drowned...but fuck peta themselves killed way more animals

08-14-2009, 07:00 PM
^There is a very good reason to make this deal.

Both Kolb, and Cole hurt themselves on Tuesday. Leaving Mcnabb as our only quarterback. That's right, he has NO backup QB at the moment. Hence why the eagles quickly jumped up and signed Vick Wednesday. Mcnabb played all night last night, and will have to play the 2nd pre-season game as well. Which is very dangerous to not only mcnabb, but the starting OL that has to stay in to protect him.

Vick will be playing the last 2 pre-season games. I have no problem with him signing to my team. He will make one hell of a backup quarterback this year.

He served his time, and lost everything he owned. I'd say he paid his dues, and people should leave the man alone now.

Are you sure? I thought he wasn't allowed to play until week 6. Only take part in practice and what not

lyrical struggle
08-14-2009, 07:13 PM
you can kill someone while driving drunk and get a slap on the wrist. Yet you fight a couple of dogs and get castrated over it. Something isnt right.

You train police search dogs by getting them addicted to drugs. That shit is as cruel as it gets.

08-14-2009, 09:55 PM
you can kill someone while driving drunk and get a slap on the wrist. Yet you fight a couple of dogs and get castrated over it. Something isnt right.

this is the only place where ppl get punished more severely for killing animals than humans

Mi Beardo es Loco
08-14-2009, 11:08 PM
you can kill someone while driving drunk and get a slap on the wrist. Yet you fight a couple of dogs and get castrated over it. Something isnt right.

You train police search dogs by getting them addicted to drugs. That shit is as cruel as it gets.
theres a difference between intent just to do and just to do leading to an accident. What Stallworth did was wrong and should not be forgiven but, although he made a fatal mistake which resulted in a death of an innocent man. Vick did something that someon would do if they had no heart and no brain. Vick didnt only electricute, drown, hang, bash, pick up and smash on the floor, and beat with a metal pole to his dogs, he also went to peoples backyards and stole other peoples dogs, knocked their teeth out and broke their hip and let his dogs maul the handicapped dog. Some dogs were as small as miniture pintures he did this to. Now that is just not human.

On the other hand, Ive heard that these guys flipped on Vick unfairly. In the south dog fighting is a common occurance. I dont agree with it since a DOMESTICATED animal was not bred to fight, but it is what it is. If all what happened is that Vick owned the house and only KNEW about the dog fighting and didnt participate in the monsterous things that occured in the house then Im willing to let it go. Afterall you have to live to forgive, like what my father says. If he actually did what he was accused and convicted of then I just cant forgive that.

Either way, hes going to suck. He was never a good QB. He oversimplified what is complex offenses in the NFL by scrambling. His arm sucked in his prime and hes not in his prime anymore. In the NFL the difference between a good player and camp fodder is a tenth of a second. Vick has been out of the NFL for 2 years and never played outside of the west coast offense. It took McNabb 3 years to learn Reids offense, what makes anyone think that Vick will play well when its so clear he doesnt have what it takes for the Eagles offense and hes already 30. Hes not a young buck anymore.

Mi Beardo es Loco
08-14-2009, 11:19 PM
this is the only place where ppl get punished more severely for killing animals than humans
I'm not saying either action was right but what Vick did was MUCH worst than what Stallworth did. Dantes result was worst but the scene of digging hundreds of dogs out of the back yard is just unfathomable. I was in Atlanta earlier this year for work and my instructor was telling me some of the things they did. Its just awful. There comes a point where one loses value for life in general. To torture for pleasure is insane! They tortured dogs that lost fights in front of the other dogs, like they knew what was going on. Remember, dogs are domesticated animals. This is why fighting dogs is MUCH worst than chickens. And Im not an animal nut. Sure, I love dogs but if you cant see what Vick did was just absolutely inhuman then you need to do some soul searching.

With that said, Im actually glad to see him back in the NFL. It shows that he is a changed man, hopefully and has shown remorse to at least the Eagles front office. He just needs to acknowlege what he did was wrong. If he EVER comes out in a press conference and mentions Dantes suspension in the same sentence to his own then he looses all my respect I have regained for his return. He needs to show respect for life in general.

but he's still gunna suck

08-15-2009, 04:34 AM
theres a difference between intent just to do and just to do leading to an accident. What Stallworth did was wrong and should not be forgiven but, although he made a fatal mistake which resulted in a death of an innocent man. Vick did something that someon would do if they had no heart and no brain. Vick didnt only electricute, drown, hang, bash, pick up and smash on the floor, and beat with a metal pole to his dogs, he also went to peoples backyards and stole other peoples dogs, knocked their teeth out and broke their hip and let his dogs maul the handicapped dog. Some dogs were as small as miniture pintures he did this to. Now that is just not human.

...If all what happened is that Vick owned the house and only KNEW about the dog fighting and didnt participate in the monsterous things that occured in the house then Im willing to let it go...

Its my understanding that Vick was not an actual part in the training and/or actual fighting of the dogs. He just provided the location and the capitol. Which doesn't make it right, but it certainly doesn't make him an individual not deserving a second chance. Poor judgement effects many people, he was trying to profit illegally.

I'm not saying either action was right but what Vick did was MUCH worst than what Stallworth did.

Again here I have to disagree. If somebody stole my dog and used him in an illegal fighting organization of course I'd be extremely upset, and want justice. If somebody killed my child or sibling? They better watch the hell out, I'm not going to searching for just justice unless that involves some sort of life sentence and possibly death.

Remember, dogs are domesticated animals. This is why fighting dogs is MUCH worst than chickens. And Im not an animal nut. Sure, I love dogs but if you cant see what Vick did was just absolutely inhuman then you need to do some soul searching.

Animal cruelty is animal cruelty, doesn't matter whether its a chicken, dog, pig, or cat. There is no WORSE case in animal cruelty, they are all EQUAL. What Vick did is no more inhuman than blindly killing another human being. Whats even more appalling, even though you don't seem to want to talk about it, is for slaying a human (while drinking none the less) Stallworth spends 23 days in prison. That is just ABSURD!

08-15-2009, 04:44 AM
look vick might be alot of bad stuff, he might have herpes too

but the guy is an athlete. admit it or not. but the man was built for sports

08-17-2009, 06:52 PM
I'm not saying either action was right but what Vick did was MUCH worst than what Stallworth did.

Tell you what, if one of your immediate family members get's killed by a drunk driver I'll go kill some dogs and we'll see who you are more mad at.

Dairy farmers must be the next Hitler.

08-17-2009, 07:05 PM
So tired of seeing this bro on the news. He is some football guy I can care less about. Hate when I sign into my email and all the top 'news' are about which baseball player came out of the closet, or what some college draft pick's favorite Pokemon is.

08-17-2009, 07:41 PM
I'm not saying either action was right but what Vick did was MUCH worst than what Stallworth did.

surely you can't be serious. i mean really?