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View Full Version : Smooshed internal wastegate...will it work?

08-11-2009, 05:58 PM
Hey guys...just had a bit of an incident with my turbo...Basically, I was getting ready to put the motor on the hoist when it got tipped over and landed on the turbo side...there was some stuff in the way to break the fall (it was sitting on a pallet, so it wasnt very high at all...)...Well it ended up landing on the wastegate on the turbo and ended up smooshing the side of it in...I removed it from the turbo, and checked it out. It still moves fine, but I'm curious if this will affect it at all...I dont have any pictuers of it right now, but the side it is pushed in a bit, and the bracket is bent, so the rod is slightly angled when you put the wastegate back on the turbo.

Do you guys think it will still work? I'll try to get some pictures of it up when I get off work later tonight...

08-12-2009, 01:01 AM
I'm sure it would still allow you to boost but for how much LMK....:eek:

Get another one... Last thing you want is an inconsistent WG actuator you either have no boost or too much.... GL!

08-12-2009, 07:25 PM
I'm sure it would still allow you to boost but for how much LMK....:eek:

Get another one... Last thing you want is an inconsistent WG actuator you either have no boost or too much.... GL!

Heres a picture of it...just to give you an idea of what it looks like...