View Full Version : Power steering - manuel steering

Annoying Eric
04-23-2003, 10:34 AM
Ok well, when i got my SR installed i had the power steering put in, well now that i pulled the motor myself and installing it into another car, im debating taking the power steering out. My question is, does anyone make a manuel steering rack and pinion . Manuel steering rack and pinions would be much better then just taking of the pulley and that stuff...


Kid Zelda
04-23-2003, 09:13 PM
Nope, not that I know.

I've been toying with the idea of making an attempt get a manual rac & Pin ...

we'll see

04-23-2003, 09:39 PM
i've never tried out MANUAL steering, is it really hard, i heard you gain power. im a skinny guy, so i dont wanna take my chances. its MANUAL not MANUEL, sorry.

Annoying Eric
04-23-2003, 10:08 PM
Woops... I still can't spell... Tomorrow im take out my spare rack and pinion and measure it up and see if i can find any r & p's that might fit. Maybe from a mustang or something like that..

Driving a car with a manual rack and pinion is TOTALLY different then driving a car with a power steering r&p without the belt on..

04-23-2003, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by Annoying Eric
Driving a car with a manual rack and pinion is TOTALLY different then driving a car with a power steering r&p without the belt on..

Do you know why? It's because they speed the ratio way up to make it even remotely driveable. Stock steering ratio is what, 15.9:1? I can't remember. But a manual rack will be numerically much higher than that...like 20-23:1. This makes it steerable, but less "quick".

I say leave your power steering. It's one of those things that make driving a car pleasant. If you're in to making everything difficult for yourself, why not get rid of the hydraulic brake booster and retrofit a cable-actuated clutch :rolleyes:

j/k...but seriously, just leave the PS in there. Oh, and there are no Nissan racks that will fit that are manual. You could get one custom made ($$$$)
