View Full Version : Fash00 - Screwed Me Out of Money and a Part

08-09-2009, 08:15 PM
I purchased a master window switch from him for my '96 240 on June 22, now being August 9, I haven't heard from him or seen my money or part. I sent him a message through here about a month after the transaction and he said he "sent emails to me to know which address to send the stuff to". I told him the address that paypal shows is correct (account verified). I didn't hear anything from him since then. I got no emails, PMs, nothing. I tried contacting him, asking to just send the part or money, then sending another saying I don't want the part from him and just send the money but have not heard a thing from him. Don't buy anything from him as he will screw you out of your money. I know $40 isn't much for a lot of people, but I'm out the money for the part, the window doesn't want to soll up when hot and I need the money to get the part.