View Full Version : Anybody ever made homemade wine?

08-06-2009, 09:26 AM
At my house, i have like 3 grape vines, and a huge blueberry bush. So i decided to make some wine. I did alot of research on "homemade" wine, but alot of the recipes call for shit that i dont have at home. I.E.- pectic enzymes, campden tablets? People have been making wine for millenia without that crap, so i decided to do the same.

Essentially, all you need to make alcohol is yeast and some form of sugar. For wine making its called fermenting. You just mash a bunch of grapes (i used blueberrys too) and let it stew @ room temp for a like a month. Mine is starting to settle down a bit and now its time to bottle.

The problem is that i cant think of an efficient way of squeezing all the juice from the pulp i'll be removing. Supposedly, getting all the juice from the pulp is a REALLY important step. I could buy a $300 wine press, but that would defeat the purpose of the free booze- cause thats all it is to me lol. Iwas was thinking of using a c-clamp with some boards in between to squeeze it out, or a vise. But all i have is a table vise w/ only like a 1 inch clearence under it, and its stationary.

I was wondering if anyone on here has ever made this, or something like it before. If so i'd like some pointers or advice, because at this point im kind of wingin' it. The stuff smells pretty gnarly, but i'm not really a wine drinker, so i dont know what im lookin for as far as taste, smell, color.

let me know what you guys think.

the first pic is the "wort" i think its called. Co2 is a byproduct of the production of alcohol. That is why all the smashed fruit is at the top . the Co2 is pushing up on it.

Second pic is the wort mixed up. You can see all the bubbles that were under the grapes pushing them up


last pic is a small glass i put some of the wine in to show color. Since i havent filtered it at all, its still got a lot of pulp in it, and resembles blood in a lot of ways. You can shine a flashlight into it and the light doesnt make it though to the other side.

please feel free to give advice, talk about your own attempts or whatever. i was inspired to do this because
A. it was free
B. a friend and i made some beer tht was bangin as hell
C. i like booze

thank you and have a bitchin day

The Chad
08-06-2009, 09:32 AM
my fiance's dad makes his own wine. i'll talk with him tomorrow. i know he has never made the same batch twice. some comes out and tastes like vineger with a high alc percent. some is awesome. but i'll touch base with him.

08-06-2009, 09:33 AM
Very interesting.

How about a Fine Mesh Sieve to strain it?
Fine Mesh Sieve - Large Collection of Sieves in Sydney - Food Utensils (http://www.foodutensils.com.au/fine-mesh-sieve-p-1249.html)

Dirty Habit
08-06-2009, 09:35 AM
Theres plenty of info out there on how to do it cost effectively. You coud easily make back your investment if your serious.

My neighbor got really into wine making, his basement looked like some kind of crazy ass labratory. lol. I just gave him the fruit he needed, and he would give me acouple of the bottles he made from it.

Tasted great too. ESP pear.

08-06-2009, 09:35 AM
put in a flat piece of Tupperware and punch small holes in the bottom...take a dish that fits on top perfectly and then stand on top of that shit haha

i think that should work?

08-06-2009, 09:40 AM
put in a flat piece of Tupperware and punch small holes in the bottom...take a dish that fits on top perfectly and then stand on top of that shit haha

i think that should work?

thats sort of what i was thinking. like a positive displacement setup. i just dont think tupperware is strong enough to handle the pressure needed to extract those presious juices. plus we're talking about juices here. There needs to be some sort of control as to where the juice goes once its extracted.

08-06-2009, 11:58 AM
1. fill tub with grapes
2. add redhead
3. add her friend
4. smash grapes


08-06-2009, 12:58 PM
My grandparents do this. They have special jugs for it.

08-06-2009, 01:01 PM
Very interesting.

How about a Fine Mesh Sieve to strain it?
Fine Mesh Sieve - Large Collection of Sieves in Sydney - Food Utensils (http://www.foodutensils.com.au/fine-mesh-sieve-p-1249.html)


strain it, and mash down on the clumps left behind and then finer strainer to pick up anything else that migh have slipped thru... :boink:

08-06-2009, 01:12 PM

08-06-2009, 02:01 PM
me and my friends made some in Iraq! its very easy, get your favoriate fruit and chopp it up in cubes and let it formint for a week or so and swallow! or google jail house wine and u will find a few ideas! Jail house wine and a side of sotomy! Awesome!

08-06-2009, 02:16 PM
me and a friend made sum out of apples

08-06-2009, 02:37 PM
strain with a strainer.

After, you'll be left with pulp. A Local winer said using cleaned plywood sandwiching the pulp helps to press the juice out.

His set up was legit.

a row of 2x4's on the bottom, the pulp is held in a straining sack, and the plywood rests on top. You can find a press, or just throw weights on it. its pretty cool.


Try making Jailhouse wine. Its REALLY fun. haha.

Get fruits (oranges, grapes, apples, strawberries)
Get black plastic bag.
Combine with yeast.
Let it sit for a week.


08-06-2009, 02:44 PM
well i took an adventure to wally-world and bought a stiff metal collander, some cheese cloth, and some balloons. I spooned out the grapes and blueberrys into a cheese cloth lined collander that was over a big ass tupperware bowl. with rubber glovers on, (to keep it semi-sanitary) i pushed as much liquid out as possible. Then i gathered up the corners of the cheese cloth and wrang (sp?) it out like hell. The fruit was almost dry when i was done. this is what i had when it was over. Mind you that with the fruit and all, it was a gallon. But i only ended up with about 3/4 of a gallon after all the solids were out. Note that the balloon has Co2 in it. Which means its still producing alcohol. YEAH!!!


hopefully it will be done by my birthday. Sept 6. gonna get crunk!!!

08-06-2009, 02:45 PM
Bubbe's Ol' Fashioned Peach Hooch


2 pounds peaches
4 1/2 cups granulated sugar
4 lemons, juiced
1 pkg. dry yeast
12 cups water, boiling
1 piece of white bread, toasted

Peel, stone and chop fruit. Place in large, covered pot. Add water, sugar, & lemon juice. Stir to dissolve sugar. Let sit overnight.

The next day, stir well and float the toast on top of the liquid. Pour the package of dry yeast on the bread and cover for 12 to 14 days. Spoon out bread and strain out fruit. Bottle and cork. Sit bottles upright and let the hooch ferment in the bottles for at least 6 months.

Happy Winemaking!

Try it! NOW!!!!

PS. Make sure you clean the shit outta the balloons. The chemical coating on it is fairly shitty tasting. Maybe toxic. SANITIZE IT.