View Full Version : need some help plz.

08-03-2009, 06:39 PM
hi all . i finaly found the why my engine wouldnt start. but now my timing is not good .i tried to align the mark and everythinh like the FSM tell to do. but it doesnt worked. i align all the marks and nothing.. it is worst than before :S what should i do now?:confused:

08-03-2009, 06:47 PM
What steps did you take to time the motor? did you check the cams at tdc and see if they are in the correct location and the mark matched the mark on the chain? if your off by like half a tooth it will make a pretty substantial difference are you sure your timing is off? check your injectors, plugs, wires ect... take a look at the dist cap and rotor aswell...