View Full Version : Gamestop's opened new games policy

07-29-2009, 01:43 PM
How do you guys feel about that? you buy a new game there, and your basically taking the case off the shelf, to the register where the guy opens up a drawer and pulls the sleeved game out and puts it in the case. Your not getting a factory sealed game. This opens up to potential items missing in the case, damaged case from being on display or scratched disc.

This sucks because your not really buying new anymore. and whos to say the line isnt blurred to where the new and used games are teh same? *since their used games are so costly they could just be opening up new games to fill in for lack of used games, and vice versa*.

Honestly you could be buying a new game as a gift for someone, and you give them a unsealed game, they will think you got them a used game or played it. lol

Gamestop/EB/ and game crazy are the only places that practice this, toys r us, best buy do not.

I picked up SF4 ps3 new yesterday durin the $20 sale, obiously gutted case situation. I had a fun time removing the new sticker that was placed on the case since sticker residue stuck to it. *some people like collecting video games , some people dont care*.

07-29-2009, 01:49 PM
I actually bought a video game a little while ago and it was like this.

I did NOT like it.

If I buy a new game, I don't want it to be already opened

nismo 240sx
07-29-2009, 01:50 PM
that sucks i like the feeling you get when u buy a new game its like christmas all over again!!

07-29-2009, 01:51 PM
I actually bought a video game a little while ago and it was like this.

I did NOT like it.

If I buy a new game, I don't want it to be already opened


I whole heartedly agree with BH.

07-29-2009, 01:52 PM
people have been complaining about this for a while now, it's weird that they haven't stopped the practice. whenever i buy a new game from them i just go up to the counter and ask for it. then you get a sealed one. they don't open every copy they have.
or just go to best buy or pirate bay or something.

adam s
07-29-2009, 01:53 PM
I'm just paranoid at getting a used game instead of the new one. You buy a new game, you should get a goddamn un-opened game.

07-29-2009, 01:56 PM
yea but its soo much easier to scam them if u dont like the game then u can place the lil circle sticker over the original one and take it back for full refund haha

07-29-2009, 01:56 PM
i think it just depends what is left in the store....

i still get games that are sealed.

i'll ask my buddy b/c he works at gamestop

but i def hate getting an open case

07-29-2009, 01:58 PM
uhhh...just dont buy from there?

07-29-2009, 01:58 PM
Having previously worked at GameStop I know a lot of people dont like the idea of it. BUT at the same time, you're very unlikely going to get it because if its a popular game they'll have sealed copies in the back. During the two years i worked there I probably only sold about ten floor copied games. and if you're going during a big sale? Come on. IF you dont want a gutted copy then just ask where the closest store is that has a factory sealed on. They can look it up and they CAN call for you. If they say differently they're full of shit. Either way. I geuss it doesnt bother me because the store I go to is the store i used to work at and I know the level of ... care(?) that is given to those by the employee's. either way, if you Have to buy a gutted copy. ask to see the disc before you buy it. They'll show you.

07-29-2009, 02:03 PM
or you can go to best buy, or walmart, or target, or kmart, or any other of a billion stores that sell video games and will have a copy of what you're after.

unless it's like 3d pokemon or something. that'll sell out, better reserve it

07-29-2009, 02:08 PM
all i have to say is when I order my collector's editions, I'm glad they arent gutted copies.

But haven't people at gamestop confessed to taking games home, playing them, and then selling them as new? That I think is the real issue that needs to be addressed, because you're playing for a NEW game that has already been USED.

07-29-2009, 02:27 PM
i really hate it, i've gotten quite a few scratched discs because of this. they will replace them and what not, but its just not the same as getting the satisfaction of trying to open the game yourself, since they have all of that stupid plastic packaging these days haha

07-29-2009, 02:32 PM
i know if you just leave items on the shelf that they'll probably have issues with theft, but i am surprised how they never thought of a better way to display their game after all these complaints over the years.

you would think it would be easy to implement some type of software to scan the front and back of the case and print out to put on display boxes instead of opening a brand new game on display. then just have a case of the brand new game in the back/at the register.

i'm not sure if instruction booklets and all the little extra in the box are displayed since i've never bought anything from these game stores, but customers shouldn't even request to see instructions booklets and such. when you buy a new phone or tv, you don't ask to see the instruction booklet.

07-29-2009, 02:37 PM
Haha... I once saw the guy re-seal one there in the store and sell it to someone...

If I go ask at the counter and they dont have sealed ones, I go somewhere else...I'm not afraid to tell them "nevermind, put it back" and walk away...

07-29-2009, 03:48 PM
I think it's a pretty inefficient way of running a business.
when you have to take the case, and then put the game inside.
makes sense if you're at blockbuster, but kinda pointless when you're selling something new.

Just takes more time for the sales clerks to make a transaction,
AND as Hypertek says, it's somehow not as satisfying.

Personally I don't even see the need to buy from Gamestop.
It's the type of place where I just feel awkward, being around all the nerds, noisy kids, etc.
If you're older, it might be more embarrassing.
kinda like browsing the porno mags at a news-stand, but somehow worse.
Not to mention having to pay sales tax, and the hassle of driving there.

I like downloading Games and (other media that requires discretion) online.
With PC games, I've been happy with Steam so far.

07-29-2009, 03:51 PM
I agree with what has already been said, I want to break that seal myself. Good thing I stopped shopping at gamestop a long time ago.

07-29-2009, 03:54 PM
im not a avid gamestop customer, but i visit this site cheapassgamer.com and sometimes people post up where places have sales on games for like $10-20 bucks, which i cant pass up.

07-29-2009, 04:06 PM
well if you're a bargain hunter, then it just makes no sense to use Gamespot period.

07-29-2009, 04:16 PM
They put the games out like that to prevent theft. You can ask for an unopened game from the back. If the guy working the counter isn't a lazy ass they'll get it for you.

I was at a software etc(now Gamestop) years ago and a kid stole four games. The manager just stood there. When I asked him what was up he said security will get him he'll pay a fine for the value of the games plus theft and all he got was one dollars worth of DVD cases.

07-29-2009, 04:33 PM
Don't buy from them. Simple as that.

07-29-2009, 06:30 PM
Amazon and eBay baby.

07-29-2009, 06:42 PM
Gamestop is one of the shittiest game retail stores in the world.

I hate them.

I don't even walk into them anymore because I hate the way they buy and sell and have no cares for selling the customer a shitty scratched up disc, or fucked up system.

07-29-2009, 06:44 PM
I hate it, esp how when you get the last copy so they give you the opened copy and at full price too. Gamestop sucks like Scott said.

07-29-2009, 06:45 PM
Seriously fuck gamestop, I remember way back when ps1's were in, I bought this game that was suppose to be brand new. This fool digs up some envelopes and pops out the cd and manual. I never went back since, I bought it because it was this game I have been searching all over for(Suikoden 2).

07-29-2009, 07:32 PM
Amazon and eBay baby.

+1 for that. I rarely buy a game for more than 35. I am wiilling to wait a bit to save the money.

Unless of course its a zomg game like COD6

07-29-2009, 07:35 PM
the thing that bothers me about sale games, is people will buy a ton of them when they are on sale, then take em to places like gamestop /amazon or so and flip em around for profit... It sucks because places go out of stock when there are sweet deals jus cuz some fat tard nerd wants to make a few bucks..

07-29-2009, 07:40 PM
the thing that bothers me about sale games, is people will buy a ton of them when they are on sale, then take em to places like gamestop /amazon or so and flip em around for profit... It sucks because places go out of stock when there are sweet deals jus cuz some fat tard nerd wants to make a few bucks..

See part of me can feel you on that, but at the same time, it is smart on their part. I mean honestly if you caught a sale would you not pick up a few and flip them?

07-29-2009, 07:47 PM
Amazon and eBay baby.

+1 other than fuel for my body or car, everything I buy is online.

1) 99.9% of the time it's much much cheaper.
2) Don't have to deal with idiots (in the store, around the store, on the way to the store)
3) No wear and tear on my car.
4) No wasted time.
5) No wasted gas.
6) NO TAX, if it's coming from a store that is based in MA I have it shipped to my old mans house who lives in NH. Then he brings the stuff down when he is in the area. So NO TAX ever when bought online.

LimeLite Racing
07-29-2009, 07:52 PM
the thing that bothers me about sale games, is people will buy a ton of them when they are on sale, then take em to places like gamestop /amazon or so and flip em around for profit... It sucks because places go out of stock when there are sweet deals jus cuz some fat tard nerd wants to make a few bucks..

I work at a pawnshop. I pay those nerds. Haha I know exactly what you're saying, but I know when the sales are going on, so I shoot em 25% of the sale price. Just tell me this, why the fuck won't anyone sell me world at war for ps3 for like 20 bucks?! I'm not droppin 50 dollars on a fuckin game! If I wasn't a cheap bastard I probably wouldn't mind...

07-29-2009, 08:01 PM
then dont buy from them. problem solved.

07-29-2009, 09:09 PM
seriously? you just go to the counter and ask for a game and they have it back there in a case all nice and sealed up, ive been doing this for like the past 8 years. i dont pull anything but used games off the shelves.

07-30-2009, 07:16 AM
Just mod the 360 and burn your own games done and done lol

07-30-2009, 08:34 AM
+1 other than fuel for my body or car, everything I buy is online.

1) 99.9% of the time it's much much cheaper.
2) Don't have to deal with idiots (in the store, around the store, on the way to the store)
3) No wear and tear on my car.
4) No wasted time.
5) No wasted gas.
6) NO TAX, if it's coming from a store that is based in MA I have it shipped to my old mans house who lives in NH. Then he brings the stuff down when he is in the area. So NO TAX ever when bought online.

wait, I just noticed you're in New England. where the fuck are you?

07-30-2009, 08:54 AM
Fuck that im gonna protest in front of gamestop with only socks on lol

07-30-2009, 10:41 AM
Fuck GameStop. Buy games at Walmart/Best Buy/etc.

07-30-2009, 10:48 AM
Wal mart is a good place to buy them or even Frye's Electronics.

07-30-2009, 11:16 AM
i still say targets the best to buy games sometimes they have sales on new releases for like 30 bucks or 40 bucks every week there's at less 3-4 games that are that low

07-30-2009, 01:33 PM
went to sears picked up the same game yesterday
sears price matched EB +10%

$20 out the door ftw

(and i have a sears gift card :D)

07-30-2009, 01:38 PM
yeah i forgot i still have a old bb gift card with i think 7 bucks on it.. ill have to pricematch next time for a dirt cheap game.

BB got some $9 games right now but they are older pc games
Best Buy $9.99 PC game clearance through Aug 1 only! - Cheap Ass Gamer (http://www.cheapassgamer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=232141)

07-30-2009, 03:36 PM
i still say targets the best to buy games sometimes they have sales on new releases for like 30 bucks or 40 bucks every week there's at less 3-4 games that are that low

Is that in store only or online as well?