View Full Version : Avoid Fullerton with modified cars

07-25-2009, 09:53 PM
So I was trying to find a parking spot in downtown Fullerton last night, whilst driving my 240Z. Just so everyone knows, it looks like a race car. No bumpers, full exhaust, sits low, glass hood, gutted interior, etc. Well, one of Fullerton's finest pulls me and tell me he pulled me over because I have a modified exhaust and I'm not supposed to drive a race car on the street. Dumb, I know. Ultimately, he comes to the conclusion that my license is expired (to be honest though, I didn't really have the correct paperwork proving otherwise), and calls a tow truck. I had a licensed driver with me, but the po-lice man won't let him drive it out of there because the department wants their $120. Another police car shows up. Officer Borden (I believe) pops my hood, without permission, and starts pulling on wires to see where they go I guess. I ask what he's doing, he cusses me out, the conversation turns into an argument, and I get threatened to be peppersprayed. Car goes on tow truck (flat bed thank god). Today, get the release from the station, go to tow yard. "we can't release your vehicle today Mr. Britain." So I says "Why the hell not?" They reply "We can't release non-running vehicles when there isn't a lot foreman here." Fucking what?!?!?!?!? THe son of a bitch ran when it went on the tow truck! "Ah well the driver said about halfway here he heard what sounded like an explosion and observed smoke billowing from under the hood. He disconnected your battery and it stopped. He believes the solenoid exploded which caused an electrical fire." I have been driving it for 2 years and it has never exploded or caught on fire before. Bottom line, they're keeping it until the foreman gets back on Monday. Suprise, suprise, they're chargin me for those two extra days. Not only that, they say it's my fault that they're tow truck guy / the cops blew up my car because I "made it so difficult to operate." NO SHIT! That's how anti-theft works you damn homo!

07-25-2009, 10:07 PM
Thats fuckin shitty

07-25-2009, 10:27 PM
The economy is so shitty right now. People are just doing whatever they can to make sure they survive. Goes to show how we are no different from any other animal on Earth.

To the police-man that threaten to mace you, he can go fuck himself and die!!!

07-25-2009, 10:35 PM
cops are anal almost all around cali but you just happened to be at the very wrong place at the very wrong time with a very wrong car to be on the street with. good luck monday

07-25-2009, 10:57 PM
You should try pressing charges and or file a formal complaint.

07-25-2009, 11:52 PM
yep.. filed complaints are a headache for departments.. DO IT

S-Nation S13
07-26-2009, 12:16 AM
lol modded cars avoid CALI if possible po-pos out here more concerned with giving fix-it tickets thats all there good for anyways!! dont call them police just call them the citation squad hahaha econ so bad ref is more like your local safety check-point!!!

07-26-2009, 12:24 AM
I'd talk to a lawyer to see if you can get some form of compensation and file a complaint. I found first hand that some policemen will push step out of bounds sometimes. In my situation instead of losing my cool after I was harassed I went to the station with evidence and a month later the former officer was looking for another job. Far from the norm but it helps for them to get a reality check.

07-26-2009, 12:42 AM
Someone is deffinately paying for my car, whether it be the tow truck operator for failing to operate the car properly, or the police officer / department for not allowing me to properly show the tow truck driver how to operate my car. Every time I stepped off the curb to show the guy which switches he needed to flip and reset after he was done, I was cussed at by Officer Borden.

07-26-2009, 12:58 AM
Uf he asked you to stay on the curb that understandable but if you had it on you cell camera he probably would have changed his tone.

07-26-2009, 06:38 PM
meh......... driving a around without bumpers was stupid, much less around downtown Fullerton in a modded out 240 where the police is always on lookout for drunks and retards to grab. I don't know but the police in Fullerton are ok with me. When i get pulled over for car stuff, and trust me if they wanted to they could screw me over, I'm polite and only answer when asked something.

This sounds to me to be a thread looking for sympathy for being one of those retards grabbed lol. Gotta pay to play and grow a brain to figure out driving a attention getter in a high cop populated area is stupid!

07-26-2009, 06:46 PM
Get a badge number, and file a complaint. Best of luck in your ordeal. Granted, you were asking to get busted, but you and your car should not have been treated that way.

07-26-2009, 07:14 PM
1st. its a 240z so im pretty sure that means its smog exempt, so the hood popping was not only illegal because it was not consented to, even if he had midgets in there pedaling it wouldnt matter. This is bullshit, cops need to realize their job is to PROTECT AND SERVE not TICKET AND HARASS. good luck man. and remember CHP = Can't Handle Policework.

07-26-2009, 07:15 PM
well being that its a 240z im guessing its pre 76 right? so whatever u have done to your car shouldnt matter anywyas cuz its pre smog requirement? anyways.. another thing, dont cops have to be ase certified before they can open your hood? and as far as modified exhaust goes, i would take that shit to court too... up here in bakersfield there are bikes and trucks and v8 cars everywhere with rediculously loud exhausts but they only pull over imports... its stereo typing and its bullshit.. take him and the tow place to court... honestly it seems like the cop followed the tow truck made him pull over and fucked ur motor up... thats shitty

07-26-2009, 07:53 PM
Just because it's smog exempt, doesn't mean it's BAR exempt.

07-26-2009, 08:11 PM
take it to court sue the county, im going through the same thing right now. cop is out of line, im sure they got something under the table going on with the tow yard.

07-26-2009, 08:11 PM
get a lawyer, sue the FUCK out of them. thats bullshit.

07-26-2009, 09:20 PM
simple solution, hire a lawyer, tow companies have insurance and can be considered responsible for anything that happens to your vehicle regardless of what the situation is when they have possession of your vehicle. further more i would suggest filing a cival suit agains the city of fullerton for the police officer's behavior.

hood popping is legal, because upon getting your drivers license you waived that right when you signed to comply with the rules of the DMV. It is listed in the handbook that an officer can check any vehicle for smog modifications. save your self the time. Hire an attourney.

07-26-2009, 09:28 PM
holy shit thats fuckin sucky!


07-26-2009, 09:55 PM
post up, and let us know what you did / if you got anywhere!

07-26-2009, 10:04 PM
Just because it's smog exempt, doesn't mean it's BAR exempt.

you are correct. just because smog modifications are not regulated on older cars doesn't mean they are not inforceable.

i had a 69 bug with dual carbs, and got ticketed and sent to the ref for it. i tried to fight it and ended up learning a little lesson, so i know what i'm talking about.

as far as going after the cop or the department for money, good luck. you'll need it. it might cost more to fight for it than it would to just fix the car.

07-26-2009, 10:40 PM
Man thats some horseshit power hungry ass cops. I got the same type of thing on a SCOOTER. A god damn scooter and they hassled me for it. Its not even worth suing or anything because you wont win. Did you actually have a license though? Was it expired? If you dont have it on you they can look it up on the computer even though the cop refused to do that for me. Lesson learned.

07-26-2009, 11:22 PM
Downtown Fullerton, eh? Was one of the cops a young white guy with dark blonde hair and glasses? If so, that guy is a giant weiner, and I'm not shocked at all that he gave you such shit.

Just because it's smog exempt, doesn't mean it's BAR exempt.
Hot rods and muscle cars almost never get hassled since they're cool.
Pre-'76 imports raaaaarely get hassled, but it does happen.

Regardless of what year the car was made, you're still supposed to have all the OE smog stuff in place and whatnot. If you drive a '73 (insert car here) and it came with a cat, EGR, and a smog pump, you're supposed to keep all that shit in place.
If you drive a '63 (insert car here) and it came with none of that, you're good to go, as long as you keep the noise levels reasonable.

07-27-2009, 03:50 AM
Pre-1975 cars, while smog check exempt, are supposed to still have all their factory smog equipment kept in place i.e. air pumps, PCV valves, EGR's and whatnot. Luckily, I was not ticketed for that. My complaint is that the police popped the hood after the ticket had been writen and the tow truck had already arrived. Then they started fucking with wires to see where they went. All that was totall unneccassary.

meh......... driving a around without bumpers was stupid, much less around downtown Fullerton in a modded out 240 where the police is always on lookout for drunks and retards to grab. I don't know but the police in Fullerton are ok with me. When i get pulled over for car stuff, and trust me if they wanted to they could screw me over, I'm polite and only answer when asked something.

This sounds to me to be a thread looking for sympathy for being one of those retards grabbed lol. Gotta pay to play and grow a brain to figure out driving a attention getter in a high cop populated area is stupid!

Eat it, ass. I didn't give the cops shit, and they didn't start fucking with me until Officer Birden showed up. But because I modified my car mainly within the law (hence no fix-it tickets written), but because it is modified, I shouldn't drive it? The vehicle I put so much time and effort in? I should just be afraid of the cops? No thanks. This is only the second time in my 9 years of driving I've been hassled badly by the police. Usually it's just down to business and they do what they gotta do. If you don't like the thread, don't post on it. Think I'm a retard that's looking for sympathy, come to a meet sometime and tell me all about it. I promise I'll be all ears.

To the rest of ya, thanks for the well wishes. I pick the car up this morning and will take some pics of the damage the tow truck driver did to my car.

07-27-2009, 04:47 AM
I just got pulled over for a modified exhaust about 10 minutes ago...i kept it coo and told him it was under db sound levels(hell no it aint, loud as shit)..checked my record or watever they do..thanked for cooperating and left..

07-27-2009, 04:56 AM
I just got pulled over for a modified exhaust about 10 minutes ago...i kept it coo and told him it was under db sound levels(hell no it aint, loud as shit)..checked my record or watever they do..thanked for cooperating and left..
jorge why are you out this late with that cop bait? lol

07-27-2009, 04:59 AM
jorge why are you out this late with that cop bait? Lol

haha i was schooling joel and long in a few card games

07-27-2009, 05:11 AM
tHAT sucks. good luck monday and put your bumpers on so dont get fuckd by the long dick of the law agian.

07-27-2009, 12:30 PM
I just got pulled over for a modified exhaust about 10 minutes ago...i kept it coo and told him it was under db sound levels(hell no it aint, loud as shit)..checked my record or watever they do..thanked for cooperating and left..

wtf... again?! lol

07-27-2009, 01:01 PM
I'd put a formal complaint in and talk to a lawyer. Officers are not trained technitians, which is why most officers will have you open your hood, to refrain from being liable.

Also, it is legal to drive a race car on the street. Spec miatas and a lot of vehicles who run stock spec classes cannot modify anything other than suspension and in some cases very minimal suspension adjustments. Thus, it is a false statement and can be credible to the officers statement.

Kinda like the time my friend got his case thrown out because the cop kept saying wastegate instead of blow off valve.

07-27-2009, 01:02 PM
wtf... again?! lol


07-27-2009, 01:21 PM
SLVRBLLT40 good luck...
let us know what happens

07-27-2009, 01:23 PM
I live in Fullerton.. and maybe within 2miles from Downtown..

all CA is gay about mods cars I think...
I even got BIG $$ ticket for mods with AZ plate on.
I tried to fight back because car is not registered in CA so I thought my car does not
need to meet CA's smog standards.
it turns out my or your car needs to meet CA's smog standards where ever car is from, if you want to drive in CA.

I still have AZ plate and.. i rarely get pulled over... actually it was first time ever getting pulled over for that reason, since I got my license 6 years ago...

It was CHP btw....

07-27-2009, 01:23 PM
post pics of your car after you get it back...

show us what kind of bullshit they did to your car...

07-27-2009, 03:46 PM
Just got back home. I got the tow company to waive the storage fee for the two extra days they made the car stay and they cut $35 off the release fee. Thank god it's not as bad as they made it sound. The explosion the driver heard was my MSD Blaster 2 coil literally exploding. They driver left the main switch on, which caused to coil to overheat (since it wasn't able to discharge because the engine wasn't running). The oil inside the coil expanded and split the coil in half, sending the windings and oil all over the engine compartment. The wiring and everything is fine. I just need a new coil. Thank god. I will post pics of the coil. The $35 they took off the price mostly pays for a new one, so there is no point in fighting the tow company, they actually tried to help me out once I talked to the owner. I'm still going to file a complaint against Officer Birden though, just to hassle him and try to maybe get him to not be such an asshole to people he pulls over. Oh, and it turns out my license was not suspended, revoked, or expired. Fullerton's computer appearantly doesn't communicate well with DMV. Got a printout from DMV today, my license is in good standing.

07-27-2009, 03:57 PM
glad this turned out better than expected. officer birden should find a short pier and take a long walk.

07-27-2009, 05:08 PM
Picture time:





07-27-2009, 05:42 PM
show us pics of your whole car !!

Drift N Dragg
07-27-2009, 05:54 PM
Yeah More pics of your 240z .. Also glad you got you car back and it wasn't that bad... Thank God I live in the High Desert, @ 115+ the COP's do NOT wanna get out of the A/C .. LMAO

07-27-2009, 06:07 PM
Okey dokey, more pics:




07-27-2009, 07:09 PM
Curious, why are you running a fuel cell and battery in the back for? Weight issue?

Nice BRE lip.

07-27-2009, 09:20 PM
Curious, why are you running a fuel cell and battery in the back for? Weight issue?

Nice BRE lip.

I moved the battery to the back for better weight distribution and easier wiring. The fuel cell came out of an old drag car I have in my backyard. It's safer than the stock tank, weighs less, and has foam in it to prevent fuel slosh. I also didn't like how the stock gas tank hung beneath the car. And thanks for the compliment on the BRE spook lip. Much to my surprise, it made a rather noticeable difference on corners at 30+ mph, and between that, the re-installation of the factory belly pan, lowering the front end another 2", and the grill piece I picked up about 20 MPH on my top speed :D

07-27-2009, 11:44 PM
I've been trying to pick up a factory belly pan for a while now, I see them on ebay all the time but people want ridiculous amount of money for them. I think patience is a virtue, I'll keep scrounging around at the local pick-a-parts. I've always believed that they help with aerodynamics, I don't get why people get rid of them on their cars besides the point of easier & faster access to do an oil change.

Looks good though! Keep up the good work.

07-28-2009, 12:23 AM
I live in Fullerton and never had a problem with cops. I drove a bright red turbo s2000 with loud ass exhaust, passed by cops and all they did was look. I guess I was lucky though, your experience is pretty crazy. I didnt know they were capable of this!! I always thought Fullerton cops were so chill.... :( Glad it didnt turn out as bad as it could have.. Good luck with your car and your complaint!

07-28-2009, 12:48 AM
I live in Fullerton and never had a problem with cops. I drove a bright red turbo s2000 with loud ass exhaust, passed by cops and all they did was look. I guess I was lucky though, your experience is pretty crazy. I didnt know they were capable of this!! I always thought Fullerton cops were so chill.... :( Glad it didnt turn out as bad as it could have.. Good luck with your car and your complaint!

yup.. all my 240sx have been flashy and loud.. and i never got pulled over for anything.. the only time i got pulled over was for racing.. my fault!!

what i have learned is... if your car looks like a pos!!! and is loud.. it will get pulled over 100x more then a flashy loud well built car.. :D

07-28-2009, 08:46 AM
I always thought Fullerton cops were so chill....

oh that is NO NO...

NO COPS are chill...

also fullerton is so gay about no parking on street 2:00~5:00 am...

Fullerton is not so awesome place...

07-28-2009, 05:33 PM
I live in Fullerton.. and maybe within 2miles from Downtown..

all CA is gay about mods cars I think...
I even got BIG $$ ticket for mods with AZ plate on.
I tried to fight back because car is not registered in CA so I thought my car does not
need to meet CA's smog standards.
it turns out my or your car needs to meet CA's smog standards where ever car is from, if you want to drive in CA.

I still have AZ plate and.. i rarely get pulled over... actually it was first time ever getting pulled over for that reason, since I got my license 6 years ago...

It was CHP btw....

:werd:...It all depends if the cop gives a d*mn or not...good mood or jack a$$ mood...

07-28-2009, 05:41 PM
Nice 240z btw Slvrbullet...
im still in planning stages for my ZX :D

07-30-2009, 03:09 AM
I've been trying to pick up a factory belly pan for a while now, I see them on ebay all the time but people want ridiculous amount of money for them. I think patience is a virtue, I'll keep scrounging around at the local pick-a-parts. I've always believed that they help with aerodynamics, I don't get why people get rid of them on their cars besides the point of easier & faster access to do an oil change.

Looks good though! Keep up the good work.

All I got laying around unfortunately is a pan off a 280ZX. It's ugly and really wouldn't do any good on the S30 chassis. If you want a gas tank or valve cover though, I have those :naughtyd:

07-30-2009, 03:16 AM
I love Fullerton.

That is all.

07-30-2009, 09:53 AM
oh that is NO NO...

NO COPS are chill...

also fullerton is so gay about no parking on street 2:00~5:00 am...

Fullerton is not so awesome place...

Of course there are chill cops lol. You cant generalize a whole occupation group... I have friends who are Cops, Sheriffs and CHP... Theyre all chill as f***... But there are always the bad apples, some worse than others - like the OP, his cop was beyond a douchebag.... However, like I sad - most cops in that area are chill, my s2000 and now my S14 are both pretty eye catching and loud and they always just kind of look and never hassle me.

cxlo - I love Fullerton too!

dtc 360RT
07-30-2009, 10:01 AM
Just because it's smog exempt, doesn't mean it's BAR exempt.

whats the burueu of automotive repair have to do with it?

i know they regulate my industry and provide help to consumers. and lately have gone "green" helping with smog stations n shit. but does an older vehicle have regulations the bar has in place for them? i dont see any on their website.

07-31-2009, 01:51 PM
Of course there are chill cops lol. You cant generalize a whole occupation group... I have friends who are Cops, Sheriffs and CHP... Theyre all chill as f***... But there are always the bad apples, some worse than others - like the OP, his cop was beyond a douchebag.... However, like I sad - most cops in that area are chill, my s2000 and now my S14 are both pretty eye catching and loud and they always just kind of look and never hassle me.

cxlo - I love Fullerton too!

do you have white s14 ? or... green kouki ??

might have seen you somewhere...

07-31-2009, 01:58 PM
I saw my neighbor getting pulled over on Chapman + Placentia on Wednesday.

He has RHD eg6 and some mods I was walking to In n Out and saw him getting pulled over.

it was less than 2 blocks away from Condo and he was just driving slow...

dont know why he got pulled over but it was Caucasian, 6' tall, come beer belly Cop.

wondering if that is same cop...

07-31-2009, 05:31 PM
I saw my neighbor getting pulled over on Chapman + Placentia on Wednesday.

He has RHD eg6 and some mods I was walking to In n Out and saw him getting pulled over.

it was less than 2 blocks away from Condo and he was just driving slow...

dont know why he got pulled over but it was Caucasian, 6' tall, come beer belly Cop.

wondering if that is same cop...

Doesn't sound like the same cop. Officer Birden (the one that gave me all the hassle) is about 6' but he is the typical super cop. Caucasian, crew cut, maybe early 30's, looks like he should have joined the SS in World War 2, no beer belly.

07-31-2009, 06:27 PM
do you have white s14 ? or... green kouki ??

might have seen you somewhere...

Probably not. I JUST picked up my green Kouki S14 on Monday.

Slvrbllt -- Did you end up filing a complaint? If you did, good luck! I hope they reprimand officers like him... Its so sad that a position that holds such power is sometimes taken by assholes. :(

07-31-2009, 10:24 PM
I love Fullerton.

That is all.
Me too. I miss my hometown.

Fullerton = <3

Doesn't sound like the same cop. Officer Birden (the one that gave me all the hassle) is about 6' but he is the typical super cop. Caucasian, crew cut, maybe early 30's, looks like he should have joined the SS in World War 2, no beer belly.
Does that cop match the description of the cop I referenced on the first page? White guy, young-ish, glasses, dark blonde/light brown hair, douchebag...

08-01-2009, 01:55 AM
I think any part of OC you need to avoid w/ modded imports :)

08-01-2009, 02:17 AM
^Not true at all, but thanks for playing.

08-01-2009, 10:56 AM
yup.. all my 240sx have been flashy and loud.. and i never got pulled over for anything.. the only time i got pulled over was for racing.. my fault!!

what i have learned is... if your car looks like a pos!!! and is loud.. it will get pulled over 100x more then a flashy loud well built car.. :D

I wish that worked for me

08-01-2009, 11:23 AM
^Not true at all, but thanks for playing.

ok ok...maybe not all...
but from personal experience Irvine, Brea, Santa Ana, and Fullerton...
but, thats maybe because I've run into dick cops :doh:

08-01-2009, 06:06 PM
^Irvine and Brea are the worst. Santa Ana is usually cool. I never had much of a problem in Fullerton either. Well, not in the past 3 or 4 years, anyway. Once people stopped meeting up at Sonic and In-N-Out for race nights, the cops chilled out quite a lot.

08-01-2009, 07:49 PM
sucks balls!!!!
shit like that happned to me to! with a Z

cheack out Silver Mine Motors : Home (http://www.silverminemotors.com)


beeracing s14
08-02-2009, 06:08 PM
you definitely have a case here. take it to the lawyers!

08-02-2009, 07:31 PM
I'm gonna try to get Fullerton PD to pay for my impound (good luck to me on that) because I found out when I handled all my license stuff, DMV's computer showed my license was valid, whilst Fullerton's did not. Pretty odd. Also made my first attempt to file a complaint, but the Luitenant at the desk told me there was no such paperwork and blah blah blah. Lies. Gonna go back Monday and try again, even if I have to talk directly to whoever is the big cheese.

08-02-2009, 07:36 PM
Exactly, if they give you more BS go see the local court house. Is this thier web page, if so remember the persons named who told you they don't have complaints.


Usually they end in gov right?

08-03-2009, 07:44 AM
I think any part of OC you need to avoid w/ modded imports :)

not that bad... i have a really good friend that lives in OC... one night me and the roomie were driving downtown Long Beach passed a cop... nothing... then decided to go to mission viejo to see her, passed a couple cops... one lined up next to me at the stop light.. bov and everything, he just looked and went on his way

its all about frying the bigger fish.. and unless they are reaaaally bored or in a bad mood, they usually wont pull u over unless u drive like a D bag:Ownedd:

08-03-2009, 02:12 PM
cops are asshats in Fullerton because there are a bunch of asshats drivers racing on the 91 and 57.
Almost everytime we come home from a friends shop, we would always find a couple of cars speeding and changing lanes like retards, one time we almost got hit by one of them.

08-03-2009, 04:31 PM
not that bad... i have a really good friend that lives in OC... one night me and the roomie were driving downtown Long Beach passed a cop... nothing... then decided to go to mission viejo to see her, passed a couple cops... one lined up next to me at the stop light.. bov and everything, he just looked and went on his way

its all about frying the bigger fish.. and unless they are reaaaally bored or in a bad mood, they usually wont pull u over unless u drive like a D bag:Ownedd:

doesnt mean shit.. you can drive by all the time.. wait to you get one that happens to be right behind you in a sea of newer clean vehicles at a stop light etc.. your car will stand out to the cop and they will take notice. Its all good til it happens to you, then your opinion on "just be a good driver" will change.

09-14-2009, 09:54 PM
BOO for bad police. There are some good ones tho. One time in beverly hills I was playing ball and after some officer pulled me over (this was in my modded a4 back in the days) he asked me what is in the backseat (i was carrying a pocket bike) and i told him he said it was cool and have a good one.

You think fullerton sucks? Come talk to me in koreatown LA. They just built a police station smack dab in the middle of vermont and olympic. 500 more police bam. Then they built another one on spring and something i forget the street bam 4million dollar facility. So now I am afraid to even drive around the corner. There's so many cops here it's no joke. You will see one pass by every 5 minutes literally.

10-10-2009, 05:06 AM
COPs, just got nothing better to do. wish you luck on trying to fight that shit.