07-25-2009, 04:03 PM
hello all, so my sr wont rev past 3 to 3.5k so i checked my ecu for codes an i got code 12 an 34. code 12 means maf an 34 knock sensor. my question is this does the knock sensor prevent my engine from performance, also how would i know if my maf is messed up becuase a few days ago i repaired my car an i floored the car an it pulled for a second then the car started sputtering, i found out that a coupler on my fmic came loose i fixed it an now the car wont rev past 3k if i disconnect the maf it dosnt make a difference to the engine, it sounds like a maf prob but how would i mess it up with a min of driving, any insight on this is appreciated. thanks
i found the problem
i found the problem