View Full Version : need help with helmet

07-25-2009, 08:07 AM
hey guys, has anyone here bought a emay motorcycle helmet like this for the local (low end) drift events.

FULL FACE MOTORCYCLE STREET HELMET MATTE FLAT BLACK ~XL:eBay Motors (item 310156863321 end time Jul-28-09 15:38:49 PDT) (http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/FULL-FACE-MOTORCYCLE-STREET-HELMET-MATTE-FLAT-BLACK-XL_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQ_trkparmsZ65Q3a15Q7c66Q3a2Q7c 39Q3a1Q7c293Q3a1Q7c294Q3a50QQ_trksidZp3286Q2ec0Q2e m14QQhashZitem4836ca2759QQitemZ310156863321QQptZAp parelQ5fMerchandise)

are they worth the 20 bucks just for shits and giggles at the local events, not for serious events.


07-25-2009, 09:20 AM
i think theres a reason why they have you wear a helmet, with that being said, is your head worth $1.... I would put a good investment into a good helmet, seems cheaper over the money lost while you spend the rest of your live in a hostpital bed as a vegetable. Hell if you spend a few hundred on a helmet, you can use it forever, that is of course until you break it , which if that happens im sure is worth every penny when you can look up and see your ebay track buddies head smashed open from the steering wheel.

S-Nation S13
07-25-2009, 09:33 AM
O NO..egay again .. i wouldnt trust anything on that dame site..seriously are you willing to get a helmet on a budget,cause your hospital bill wont be lol wanna go big..than go big get a legit one please ..this is for your safety man

07-26-2009, 02:21 PM
I don't know what local drift events you go to? But that helmet most likely won't pass tech... I tech cars at some of our VegasDrift events and unless the helmet is a Snell 95 or better rating you're not driving with it. I didn't see anything on the ebay page that indicates SNELL rating?

If you're looking for a cheap, safe helmet I would suggest finding a "MA" class (motorcycle) Snell 2005 rated helmet down at your local motorcycle shop. I've also heard of guys getting good deals on used MA/SA helmets through Craigslist.


In case you're thinking "well it has a DOT stamp on it", that's not enough. Here's the difference:

DOT Rating

The DOT performs a straight forward impact test. Using a simulated head placed inside a helmet, testers drop the helmet from a height of ten feet. The head cannot receive more than 400 G-force units on impact. A G-force unit measures the force of gravity exerted against an object in motion.

Now here's the kicker with DOT rated helmets--manufacturers don't need to test their helmets in order to claim a DOT rating! A helmet manufacturer simply needs to feel that a helmet is meeting the DOT specifications to brand it as "DOT rated." The DOT might occasionally pull helmets to perform testing, but the majority of helmets sold as DOT certified do not undergo any level of testing.

Snell Rating

The Snell certification stands in rigorous contrast to DOT specifications. Helmet manufacturers voluntarily submit their products to the Snell evaluation service and pay for the testing procedures. These procedures are extensive and include seven test types, from impact to shell penetration tests to flame resistance testing. The type and degree of testing is dependent on the type of helmet and its application.

Snell cites the following areas as critical in helmet safety:

* Impact management: how well the helmet protects against collisions with large objects;
* Helmet positional stability: whether the helmet will be in place, on the head, when it's needed;
* Retention system strength: whether the chin straps are sufficiently strong enough to hold the helmet throughout a head impact; and
* Extent of protection: the area of the head protected by the helmet.

Snell Memorial Foundation, Inc. ( 2005). 2005 Standard for Protective Headgear, 4.

In short, Snell offers the highest certification standards regarding helmet safety. But a buyer will pay a higher price for Snell certified helmets, as the added costs of production and testing add to the overall value of the helmet.

Have fun at your local events! If you buy a nice helmet it will last you a very long time and be comfortable and keep you safe.