View Full Version : Snitch Tickets

07-24-2009, 12:29 AM
Anyone gotten one of these "Snitch tickets?"
The tickets are issued from those red light camera's.

Here's a link on a website that discusses if u have a snitch ticket and what to do with it.

http://highwayrobbery.net (http://highwayrobbery.net/)

07-24-2009, 12:42 AM

If its sent to you in black and white = Discard.

If its sent to you in color = PAY THE FUCK UP.

Grey is used when they don't have enough evidence to SAY its you. You write em a check, and they used that to say you're guilty.

Some bullshit.

07-24-2009, 01:13 AM
ooohhh i see....

yea those camera's are bullshit.

07-24-2009, 10:27 AM
Why are the camera's bullshit?

You're supposed to SLOW down when the light turns yellow.

Not speed up like most do.

The duration of the yellow depends on the speed limit.

If it's an expressway the duration of the yellow will be longer than say one on a local street.

They base it on how long it would take to slow down safely.

But all these idiots think that means they can beat the light to read and try to race to the limit line.

When you all start doing that, you start placing other peoples lives in danger.

Especially by myself being a motorcycleist, I'm always seeing people get hit by fools running lights.

Shit is no joke.

And if you think the tickets are bullshit, fuck you.

07-24-2009, 11:31 AM
Many citizens voice that if redlight cameras were installed in jax, they would take them down. There's zero tolerance for those stupid things here in jacksonville.

07-24-2009, 11:35 AM
Why are the camera's bullshit?

You're supposed to SLOW down when the light turns yellow.

Not speed up like most do.

The duration of the yellow depends on the speed limit.

If it's an expressway the duration of the yellow will be longer than say one on a local street.

They base it on how long it would take to slow down safely.

But all these idiots think that means they can beat the light to read and try to race to the limit line.

When you all start doing that, you start placing other peoples lives in danger.

Especially by myself being a motorcycleist, I'm always seeing people get hit by fools running lights.

Shit is no joke.

And if you think the tickets are bullshit, fuck you.

That is actually why they REMOVED the cameras here, Mel.
People storming through the lights even worse trying to beat the light AND the camera caused more shit.

07-24-2009, 11:47 AM
they're going up all over the place here... i don't like this robocop shit.

07-24-2009, 11:50 AM
we have that here in the south too.

at this one busy intersection, they actually REMOVED the cameras.

people were slamming on their brakes when they could have made the yellow light. day after day, i would drive past it, and hear many tire screeches from the heavy braking.

it caused too many accidents, so they removed it lol

07-24-2009, 12:36 PM
^^^ exactly! i've slammed on my brakes so many times on intersection with camera's avoiding running the yellow light. Well now since they have the count down on the pedestrian's sign, if its already on 5 and im atleast 20 feet away from the intersection i just stop until the light turns yellow. Atleast the count down helps people know when to stop, some dont look at it and gun it.

07-24-2009, 03:20 PM
The problems that you all have are coming from bad drivers.

Using the excuse that you or others suck at driving is pretty sad.

In my eyes, that's the equivalent of raising the speed limit because everyone goes X amount over the speed limit.

Solid Yellow- A yellow signal light means "CAUTION." The red signal is about to appear. When you see the yellow light, stop if you can do so safely. If you can’t stop safely, enter the intersection cautiously.
California Driver Handbook - Traffic Signal Lights (http://www.dmv.ca.gov/pubs/hdbk/traff_lgts_sgns.htm)

Running red lights is something I don't play around with.

I know and see too many bad thing happening as a result.

All because some piece of shit couldn't wait an extra thirty seconds.

If you run a red light and almost hit me or endanger me in any way as I'm on my motorcycle, I WILL let you know about it.

07-24-2009, 04:24 PM
Good likely though and sad to say, if you are hit on your bike by a person running a yellow/red, they're speeding, you; more than likely, you're dead or very injured.

But if you survive or they come close to you, by all means, fuck 'em up.

There are a few red light cameras up and down one of my main streets. For as long as they've been up there, no problems at all. Only once or twice I've had to make harsh stops, but it's usually at the dead of night and the light is a bit tricky, but rare (and tires are shit so braking is affected.)

Weird experience once. Chillin at a light. The green light for people making LEFT turns goes on, this guy going STRAIGHT punches through it and it doesn't flash or take the photo. 2 seconds later, it turns green. Impatient mofo.

I don't see what the big deal is all about though. As long as you have a sign saying "this intersection is camera enforced" then I'm fine with it. Though I've seen some intersections with that sign and no cameras..anywhere. lol

07-25-2009, 03:06 AM
Nice job posting the CAUTION from the DMV handbook. I wanted to post that earlier when you mentioned people are "SUPPOSED to slow down for yellows", but couldn't remember if that was 100% accurate. Yellow doesn't mean slow or speed up, but the majority of people either never learned, forget, or just don't have the cajones (read:stupidity) to speed up, so they choose the former.

Slow does not always = safer, hence why you can get pulled over and ticketed if you're impeding traffic.

Makes me frown when people say "running a yellow" :(

If you're hit and someone is crossing a yellow, your ass shouldn't have been in the intersection!

they're going up all over the place here... i don't like this robocop shit.

Robocop would be 100000000x cooler. I wouldn't mind getting a ticket from Robocop. Unless he was shooting at me :P

Anybody from AZ? They've got it pretty bad with highway cameras--at least they give you fair warning though. It sucked driving around that place before. Would've never guessed it would suck MORE.

07-25-2009, 03:17 AM
There just was a story on the local news about how the cameras here in KC are 'too effective.'
Apparently they have been issuing so many tickets that now the police department 'needs' more money just to handle all of them. Each case has to be reviewed by a person, so now they need to pay officers overtime and hire new ones to do so.

07-25-2009, 03:35 AM
Also, there has been controversy regarding documenting locations of the cameras.

DC Police Chief Says It's 'Cowardly' To Monitor Speed Traps With Your iPhone

Jeff Nolan points us to the news that Washington DC's police chief is denouncing users of an iPhone app to monitor speed traps/speed cameras/red light cameras as being "cowardly." Apparently, real men prefer ignorance about where the police are hiding to give them tickets for driving a couple miles per hour over the speed limit. The app actually sounds pretty useful, alerting users if they're near one of the cameras or a known speed trap. The creator of the software makes the most salient point:

"If police come against us, it's going to make them look like they are only [after] revenue."

Indeed. Shouldn't the police be happy that a software product is helping people slow down or avoid running red lights? How could that possibly be seen as a bad thing... or "cowardly"?Lately the police seems to be more of a revenue generator.

07-25-2009, 03:52 AM
wait they have that app on the iphone(looking for it now) ahaha

07-25-2009, 03:57 AM
wait they have that app on the iphone(looking for it now) ahaha

they have an iphone app for anything. i even have an app that gives eats for me.

07-25-2009, 09:48 AM
That is actually why they REMOVED the cameras here, Mel.
People storming through the lights even worse trying to beat the light AND the camera caused more shit.

Damn. All the lights here have a pause after the lights turn red, ranges from 5-10 seconds.

07-25-2009, 10:18 AM
The duration of the yellow depends on the speed limit.

If it's an expressway the duration of the yellow will be longer than say one on a local street.

They base it on how long it would take to slow down safely.


And if you think the tickets are bullshit, fuck you.

These tickets ARE bullshit.

Do a little research, and you'll see why.

The yellow light time is *normally* mandated by the DOT, as you said. BUT, the manufacturer of red light cameras actually put restrictions in place, often SHORTENING the yellow light duration as part of their contract.

Shorter yellow = more tickets = more revenue for the camera manufacturer.

They don't sell these cameras to municipalities...they LEASE them. And the manufacturer does all the collecting. But keeps ~75% in return. The cities just get a check every month, and that's why they subscribe to the service, and put them in place.

It's an easy sell as "public safety"...look, you bought into it, hook, line, and sinker...without looking at it any further.

The statistics show that intersections with red light cameras have MORE accidents than they did before the cameras were installed...but they aren;t T-bones...they are rear-enders. People don't want a ticket, so they overreact and stop short (panic braking)...and the guy behind them can;t stop in time.

Anyway, don;t believe me...do a little research.

Start here (Car and Driver should be reputable enough for you):

In November 2000, the city's traffic-engineering department decided a three-second yellow was too brief for the lefts and increased the time to four seconds. Bam! Violations dropped 73 percent at left-turn intersections.

From here: Red-Light Cameras and the Secret Gotcha! Line - Column - Auto Reviews - Car and Driver (http://www.caranddriver.com/features/02q1/red-light_cameras_and_the_secret_gotcha!_line-column/(language)/eng-US)

And read this:


There's TONS more...

The bottom line - Red light running is NOT COOL...I agree with you there. But DO NOT blindly think that red light cameras are OK. THEY ARE BULLSHIT.

- Brian

07-25-2009, 12:02 PM
You were able to provide a real response in counterclaim.

Which has allowed me to view the matter at hand in a different way.

I thought the lights were owned and operated by the government.

And now I know.

drift freaq
07-25-2009, 12:16 PM
You were able to provide a real response in counterclaim.

Which has allowed me to view the matter at hand in a different way.

I thought the lights were owned and operated by the government.

And now I know.

Ya they aren't Mel and there was case here in socal, were the company that made the camera's got sued. Basically the Camera's were set to take pics to quickly i.e. before the light had completely changed. A lot of people at one point were getting their cases thrown out because of it.

Anyways I do feel the Camera's are bullshit. There is to much incentive to make money and not just revenue for the city from Traffic tickets. If the City just purchased the Camera's it might be different. Though the fact that they are leased, gives the parent company the incentive to set them wrong so they will collect more tickets thereby making the city want to lease more . I.E. they appear totally effective to the city. Unless proven otherwise.

Plus most people that get these tickets will just capitulate and pay rather than even bothering taking it to court or questioning it.

Its funny I remember being in court once and a women was there because the ticket was sent to her, though in the pic clearly it was not her in the drivers seat. LOL the Judge tossed it.

07-25-2009, 04:23 PM
Many citizens voice that if redlight cameras were installed in jax, they would take them down. There's zero tolerance for those stupid things here in jacksonville.

Hahaha, yeah right. They have them here in Miami. Those motherfuckers are high as fuck! They're mounted on top of a cement pole that is higher than a street light. I was looking at it, there is no way to get up there without a lift.

And BTW, they work. Don't ask how I know.

07-25-2009, 10:18 PM
That is actually why they REMOVED the cameras here, Mel.
People storming through the lights even worse trying to beat the light AND the camera caused more shit.

Yeah, isn't NC a case study for this shit? I'll find the article but I remember the t-bone collisions went down but rear enders went up 3~4x because of people stopping short when they see the yellow. Then when they found out about the yellow light re-timing they took them down.