View Full Version : Gang Raped at 8....

07-23-2009, 09:32 AM
Why do they deport everyone that has to do with it.

Video - Breaking News Videos from CNN.com (http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/crime/2009/07/23/dnt.az.girl.gang.raped.ktvk)


8 Year old girl lured into shed for chewing gum.
She's tied to a chair
4 9-14 year olds Rape Her.
Parents of victem won't claim her now as she has "shamed" family. :tweak:

07-23-2009, 09:41 AM
They should castrate those little fuckers and send their parents to jail.

07-23-2009, 09:47 AM
im at work, the link doesnt fully load here.. thats horrible though =(
i blame the media though.. making kids believe they "gotta" be gettin they thing on.

07-23-2009, 09:47 AM
What the fuck man, i cant belive this shit ........ i feel bad for that lil girl.

07-23-2009, 09:48 AM

They should fucking bring out the guillotine for the kids responsible AND the parents, and let the girl pull the string that drops the fucking blade.

I can't even put into words how sick that story makes me

07-23-2009, 09:52 AM
since i cant view the link, OP are you sayin they just deported the boys? so these kids are free to go do this again in their home country?

07-23-2009, 10:05 AM
I read this earlier..how messed up is this world now, that an 8 year old girl can't go out without getting raped. Kids can't grow up like they used to.

07-23-2009, 10:11 AM
i jus saw that lil kids freak dancin vid in the other thread.. parents probably think that behavoir is "cute". -or it could always be older cousins/family etc..

07-23-2009, 10:50 AM
i jus saw that lil kids freak dancin vid in the other thread.. parents probably think that behavoir is "cute". -or it could always be older cousins/family etc..


How do you figure that?

I nor anyone I know would not find a girl of any age getting raped cute.

Sad fact is that this happens extremely often, it's just that media doesn't cover it.

Children are raped by fathers, siblings, family, strangers on a daily basis.

There are stories of women who came out talking about how the step father raped them at a young age while the mother knew about it and did nothing.

There is a difference between sexuality that the children are doing in that video and rape.

While it is sad that children are conducting themselves at that age, that is what they are doing.

Rape is wrong at any age.

07-23-2009, 10:53 AM
FUCK does little fucker! hope they go to jail!

07-23-2009, 11:00 AM

The vid shows the cnn report. An 8 year old girls was raped by four boys who lured her into a shed. Afterwords CPS was called on the family of the victim(by the police) because "she wasn't getting the support that she needs." They said the little girl was an embarrassment and brought shame to the family. All involved were refuges from Liberia.

07-23-2009, 11:00 AM
I hope the little bitches die!!!!

Cheesy Doriftos
07-23-2009, 02:28 PM

07-23-2009, 02:31 PM
what the fuck is this world coming to

07-23-2009, 02:39 PM

How do you figure that?

I nor anyone I know would not find a girl of any age getting raped cute.

Sad fact is that this happens extremely often, it's just that media doesn't cover it.

Children are raped by fathers, siblings, family, strangers on a daily basis.

There are stories of women who came out talking about how the step father raped them at a young age while the mother knew about it and did nothing.

There is a difference between sexuality that the children are doing in that video and rape.

While it is sad that children are conducting themselves at that age, that is what they are doing.

Rape is wrong at any age.

he didnt mean the rape was cute..the way the kids were dancin in that other thread was probly considered "cute" by their parents...

on the news last week sum chik was molested by her bro, dad, and grandfather...

a friend of mine was molested by her uncle wen she was 10..:(

07-23-2009, 02:49 PM
i think the most fucked up part is the parents being shamed of they daughter for being RAPED. As if she choose for it to happen.

07-23-2009, 02:55 PM
hmm i'm liberian i'm gonna go home and ask my parents if they know any of these people

07-23-2009, 03:03 PM
just the other night i was talking with my best friend. she was telling me about how her uncle (dads brother) touched/rubbed her in private places when she was hella young. while she was half asleep and her brothers were asleep in the room as well. she saw him putting on a condom, ran for the door and he tried to block it. so she started screaming. she kept it a secret for the longest time until now. when her dad talked to the uncle, he totally tried to deny it. " he said he was trying to discipline her??? ummm thats a load of shit right there.

As someone said earlier, this stuff happens alot. but most of the time it never reaches the media. most of the time the victim keeps it to themself, or tells a close friend or 2.

its just one of the worst things that you can ever do to someone. i know several girls who trusted me and told me horrible stories about things that happened to them growing up. sexually assaulted. harrassed, raped, etc. wish i could kill every guy that ever touched any of my friends.

i just dont understand how they would dis-own their daughter for a situation that was out of her control.

07-23-2009, 03:08 PM

If that were my family member I would fuck every single one of those little fucks up.

(some) kids these days are fucking stupid.

serious lack of respect for themselves and each other.


Somebody would pay dearly.

07-23-2009, 03:35 PM
its fucked up of the parents to shame her, its not like she was asking to be rapped

07-23-2009, 03:55 PM
plus to be put down like that by her family,
self esteem shot down.

07-23-2009, 03:58 PM
thats why rappist,pedofiles, molestors,etc get fucked up in jail....they're dirt bags

07-23-2009, 04:03 PM
How do kids that young even understand and go through with the rape.

Fuck those parents.

07-23-2009, 04:04 PM
if anything it was tha 14 n 13 yr olds idea^^

07-23-2009, 04:11 PM
No doubt, but I can't even remember masturbating at 13.

07-23-2009, 04:16 PM
haha i got my first bj at 13

07-23-2009, 04:26 PM
If I was one of the family members, the next report would be that the boys that committed the crime have gone missing. Its Arizona, plenty of desert.

07-23-2009, 04:33 PM
Shit I was playing doctor at around 8, but this is nuts. Shit ain't right dude.

07-23-2009, 05:01 PM
Fuck the parents! They should be that poor girls support and instead, they are treating hear as bad as those kids have.

And those little punks should have the book thrown at them. Send them to a real jail and let the other inmates know WHY they were sent there.

07-23-2009, 06:06 PM
god damn. again what is our world coming to?

07-23-2009, 06:53 PM
what they should do is, cut off those boys testicles, deep fry em, than feed em to a pack of wolves that havent ate in a week.

07-23-2009, 07:43 PM
Google 'Africa rape' and you will know how kids this young know what rape is.
In countries such as Liberia this is an everyday occurrence.

Excerpt from some article:
"Rape, including child rape, is increasing at shocking rates in South Africa. Sexual violence against children, including the raping of infants, has increased 400% over the past decade. According to a report by BBC news, a female born in South Africa has a greater chance of being raped in her lifetime than learning how to read."

Also look up 'Rwanda genocide' for some messed up reading.

Africans live on the richest continent on Earth. They should be ruling the world by now. Instead, they have been killing and raping themselves for the past couple thousand years, and letting tiny nations boss them around.

07-23-2009, 08:02 PM
the rwanda inciddent is insane..they made a movie about it

07-23-2009, 08:04 PM
the rwanda inciddent is insane..they made a movie about it

Motel Whorewanda?

07-23-2009, 10:46 PM
Africans. They don't do well in any part of the world. Do the same shit here as they do everywhere else. ya know?

Sucks about the girl. And even worse, because of her parents, she's gonna grow up to be a horrible person most likely. Having something like that happen to you and then your own family shun you? There's no bouncing back from that. Terrible world we live in.

07-23-2009, 10:52 PM
a female born in South Africa has a greater chance of being raped in her lifetime than learning how to read.

wow that's one hell of a shocker.

07-23-2009, 11:05 PM
Africans live on the richest continent on Earth. They should be ruling the world by now. Instead, they have been killing and raping themselves for the past couple thousand years, and letting tiny nations boss them around.

i know this is steering away from the topic of the thread, but it does boggle my mind why africa is as poor as it is now. africa, like russia, have probably the most plentiful supplies of natural resources. i'm sure there are lots of diamond mines and other resources in africa, but they don't utilize them.

i think it has to do with their government. i have a friend from south africa, and he said his brother and him had to get out of there because of the increasing crime and corrupt cops.

07-24-2009, 01:37 AM
Jeez that's just horrifying. I had a friend awhile back who got arrested for gang rape, along with his friends. They freakin raped a 13 year old girl and that was just terrible because you know those girls will be so mentally traumatized by the incident till they pass away.

07-24-2009, 08:07 AM
[i] wish i could kill every guy that ever touched any of my friends.

Word. Have you ever dated a girl and come to find out later that she has a history of sexual assualt? I have. On a several different occasions, in fact. Man, I wanted to destroy the mutherfuckers that did that to them. And to be the one that has to help them deal with that and finally heal from it?! Man...

It's so sad how commonplace sexual misconduct is. I've gotten to the point where I'm not even surprised at all if a girl tells me she was molested at some younger age... So sad... So fucking unacceptable.

07-24-2009, 08:17 AM
No doubt, but I can't even remember masturbating at 13.

LOL Wut?

I would say I can't remember everytime maybe.

07-24-2009, 09:06 AM
Africans. They don't do well in any part of the world. Do the same shit here as they do everywhere else. ya know?

Sucks about the girl. And even worse, because of her parents, she's gonna grow up to be a horrible person most likely. Having something like that happen to you and then your own family shun you? There's no bouncing back from that. Terrible world we live in.

Seriously, that wasn't an ignorant racist comment at all, moron.

07-24-2009, 09:16 AM
i think it has to do with their government. i have a friend from south africa, and he said his brother and him had to get out of there because of the increasing crime and corrupt cops.
My Nigerian buddy said the same exact thing.
Africans. They don't do well in any part of the world. Do the same shit here as they do everywhere else. ya know?

You are an ignorant retard!

07-24-2009, 09:57 AM
If I was one of the family members, the next report would be that the boys that committed the crime have gone missing. Its Arizona, plenty of desert.


This is the f*cking wild wild west out here, open gun carrying state. That area is HOOD straight hood. Its unfortunate that this happened and truly saddens me. I guarantee if those little sh*ts went missing today or tomorrow no one would even miss their asses.

Like you said plenty of desert!
Plenty of reservoirs, rivers and lakes out here too. Bet they'd make great catfish bait out at Bartlett.

07-24-2009, 02:47 PM
Africans. They don't do well in any part of the world. Do the same shit here as they do everywhere else. ya know?

Sucks about the girl. And even worse, because of her parents, she's gonna grow up to be a horrible person most likely. Having something like that happen to you and then your own family shun you? There's no bouncing back from that. Terrible world we live in.
You're a damned idiot, that is my opinion.

Africans live on the richest continent on Earth. They should be ruling the world by now. Instead, they have been killing and raping themselves for the past couple thousand years, and letting tiny nations boss them around.

Actually, it is not much a situation where the people have started in this situation with the upper hand, or even CLOSE to even standings...

With the exception of South Africa, which is STILL decades behind most other modernized nations, the issue is that AFRICA has still not recovered from the issues that caused slavery around the world in the first place. Pillaging of the diamond and gold mines, oil and the theft of the biggest and best workers until slavery was abolished, being left out of the conversations when it came time to actually HELP people throughout the world, HIV/AIDS running rampant as a result of the previously mentioned, and all that comes with those HARD to break free from when the world continues to want to rape you for your resources at the cheapest possible price. Why would anyone WANT to help anyone when their best bet is to keep them weak to fuck them over?

That is where warlords come from, who are willing to exact whatever upper hand on the people to gain for themselves and their families. The way to keep the people from uprising is to keep them hungry and afraid. The luckiest of them escape to other countries (or continents), as this girl, these boys and their families did. They were all from Liberia, which is where Sierra Leone is, and we all can thank Kanye West for reminding us about the civil wars and such taking place there and what for.

It is not abnormal for the families to stick to feelings that they might have had in the old countries, where families were physically closer (3.5 million people in a 43mi² country? Fuck, I live in a CITY that is 131.2 and only has 318k!) together and feelings of shame can be EASILY born from that when you know no better. The problem is that, knowing that, rape is used to gain that upper hand - a means of exacting power over someone.

No, these boys are not justified in their actions, rape NEVER is. their dicks should be cut off and placed in their mouths, sewn to their tongues for their hangings. There is no power to be gained from exploiting an 8 year-old on this side of the Atlantic...

Yes, this story is sad on all sides, and it is all-at-once disgusting, disturbing and angering how people are sitting back and passing judgment on a whole damned continent as if the problems that cause the shit can just magically go away somehow.
Can't undo history, we can work to fix the future, but it seems a large amount of people can't be bothered to give a fuck about that either.

07-24-2009, 02:51 PM
You're a damned idiot, that is my opinion.

Actually, it is not much a situation where the people have started in this situation with the upper hand, or even CLOSE to even standings...

With the exception of South Africa, which is STILL decades behind most other modernized nations, the issue is that AFRICA has still not recovered from the issues that caused slavery around the world in the first place. Pillaging of the diamond and gold mines, oil and the theft of the biggest and best workers until slavery was abolished, being left out of the conversations when it came time to actually HELP people throughout the world, HIV/AIDS running rampant as a result of the previously mentioned, and all that comes with those HARD to break free from when the world continues to want to rape you for your resources at the cheapest possible price. Why would anyone WANT to help anyone when their best bet is to keep them weak to fuck them over?

That is where warlords come from, who are willing to exact whatever upper hand on the people to gain for themselves and their families. The way to keep the people from uprising is to keep them hungry and afraid. The luckiest of them escape to other countries (or continents), as this girl, these boys and their families did. They were all from Liberia, which is where Sierra Leone is, and we all can thank Kanye West for reminding us about the civil wars and such taking place there and what for.

It is not abnormal for the families to stick to feelings that they might have had in the old countries, where families were physically closer (3.5 million people in a 43mi² country? Fuck, I live in a CITY that is 131.2 and only has 318k!) together and feelings of shame can be EASILY born from that when you know no better. The problem is that, knowing that, rape is used to gain that upper hand - a means of exacting power over someone.

No, these boys are not justified in their actions, rape NEVER is. their dicks should be cut off and placed in their mouths, sewn to their tongues for their hangings. There is no power to be gained from exploiting an 8 year-old on this side of the Atlantic...

Yes, this story is sad on all sides, and it is all-at-once disgusting, disturbing and angering how people are sitting back and passing judgment on a whole damned continent as if the problems that cause the shit can just magically go away somehow.
Can't undo history, we can work to fix the future, but it seems a large amount of people can't be bothered to give a fuck about that either.

Well thought out and well said sir.:s101:

07-24-2009, 02:54 PM
Well thought out and well said sir.:s101:

Thanks, sometimes I will take a break from being a dick to people, causing them to take it personal, to actually talk to people.