View Full Version : NC Moving sale -- Taillights, shifter/knobs

07-23-2009, 06:47 AM
I'm moving and don't really feel like carrying this shit to the new place, and I would hate for it to go into storage and someone wind up NEEDING it, so here it is...
All prices are SHIPPED

Stock S13 Coupe Tails, one is chipped - $40.00
(*edit* damned picture came out blurry, must've moved the phone)

The chip:
http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/5237/lightchip.jpgStock shifter - $25.00 Snooker Ball Knobs - $35.00
I actually have THREE of those knobs, one just fell out of the box when I picked it up.

Contact info/paypal - [email protected]