View Full Version : ****ed The F*** Off!!!

Baka Sama
04-17-2003, 09:47 AM
Its been awhile since I posted on this board but if anyone remembers I was scheduled for my first trip to Japan on may 19 this year. Well... Thanks to this ****ing saras (sp?) bull**** I cant go to asia! :mad: Its not that they wont sell me a ticket its that the people I was going with chickened out cause the news said "its hazardous to travel to asia at this time".... Thank you sooo much hong kong bastards! (j/k) Someone could have told me this BEFORE I bought a 95.00 passport!

The only good news about this is the fact that I have 1500 I saved for japan in my bank account. Looks like the 240 is finally within reach.

Oh yeh, before I forget... Congrats west and whats her face...s13girl. Ive been around for awhile just havent posted alot. I remember s13girl had a few guys after her... Good luck and all.

04-17-2003, 09:52 AM
yeah SARS is messing up a lot

and i know a lot of HK people and very concerned for them (as well are many of my statesides friends who have family/friends in HK). its not a fun time right now when school is cancelled, and people are very very fearful of going out as well as their own family at times (for family members who have jobs and go out daily-very easy to infect fellow family members at home).

wait a few months and try again. i was planning on Hong Kong trip again this year (second time in 2003) but right now its on hold. unfortunately not for sure how long too.

and passport wise, its good for 10 years, so dont **** your pants.

that's wierd. my friend just picked up his ticket to Japan yesterday and paid for it. so i dont know maybe your travel agent suuuucks.

i blame your travel agent. it is not RECOMMENDED to go
and Japan has NO outbreak of SARS rightnow. so your agent blows.

Baka Sama
04-17-2003, 09:58 AM
Thats the thing that makes me mad.. I had this sweet deal. Since my friend works at delta we (me and my 3 friends) were gonna go to japan with the buddy pass discount. It took the price down to 450.00 round trip! Its not my travel agent! Its my scared ass friends!!! Now they "have" to go somewhere for vacation so they're thinking about south america.. I told them I hope they get bit by a fly and die in the jungle!

04-17-2003, 10:04 AM
Ooooh that sucks
nah go to Europe, you can go to so many countries and being an american citizen you just need your passport most of the time :)
take teh train all over Europe!

everyone i know who goes to Spain LOVES IT. my parents were planning on moving their (They are US citizen) because my dad can teach english if he wanted (few offers) but other stuff came up so....

also italyis great.i hope to go to Europe next year or following

04-17-2003, 10:06 AM
sucks your friends are such wussies

japan has had no outbreak of SARS.

04-17-2003, 10:52 AM
Has anybody here ever read the Nostradamus quatrains? Supposedly he predicted that a disease would spread through the world blah blah...I can't remember the exact facts about it. But anyway the book that I read said that the virus nostradomus predicted was the Aids virus...I don't think so. It could be this "sars" virus they are talking about. Aids doesn't spread easily enough. This sars virus spreads through the air and can be cought just by being around someone with it. Anyway, I'm just in a philosopher mood today.

Anyway, sucks about your trip. I want to go to japan someday too.


04-17-2003, 11:09 AM
Yah, Thai canceled all flights into Osaka, dont know about Tokyo yet.

I had to buy Jal for $80 more.

Stupid sars crap

04-17-2003, 11:12 AM
Oh, also, if anybody is flying into tokyo, koreanair.com is doing it for $499 round trip. its on their promotions page on their website. that is pretty much teh cheapest i have seen on any other airline other than thai.

04-17-2003, 11:16 AM
but koreanair SUCKS
i would never take it
horrible food
small seating
usually stopsover in south korea as well

take (i think i got the names right)

Singapore Airways
Cathay Pacific
Japan Airlines
United Airlines
Thai Airways

those are the best
United you can take HUGE packages back home with you
cathay rocks for customer service and overall comfort (i always take cathay)

and Singapore i hear have HOT stewardesses, i'm taking this one next time hehe...i think its singapore, i'll check later.

04-17-2003, 06:37 PM
yah i took singapore on the way back last year. stewardesses were alright. hottest stewardess ever was this japanese lady on an ANA domestic flight. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm:) :) :)

Yah i heard about the layover in korea, that blows. Thai I like because its like unbeatable when it comes to price.

04-17-2003, 06:53 PM
Japan is still SARS free.

04-18-2003, 05:46 AM
i think someone died from it in hawaii recently.

04-18-2003, 10:49 AM
im heading off to the Philippines and Japan in June. Hopefully alll this SARS is somewhat figured out by then. But i really wanted to come home with lotsa car parts....

Its Northwest for me! The business class was only 1grand round trip. Its awesome. But i have to say that the food sucks and the customer service is laking, but i have never flown business class b4 so i may change my mind. But Cathay Pacific has the best overall service, its just kinda pricey. I flew Korean a few years back. It wasnt too bad. The food was pretty good, service was ok (the stewardess's were fobbish..hard to understand), but the layovers were rediculously long and there were so many of them. Not only that, they don't fly out of Washington, DC (Dulles or National) so i had to fly to New York first and that blew. Oh well....hope u all have happy travels and don't catch ne SARS!